Hillary warns about Trump in 2024

They want to take over the so called "administrative state" to run this Country to benefit Trump, his crime family, their fascist goons & the mega donors who contribute to their campaigns.

They've shown who are they are but their cult is to blind to see it.
/——/ The latest rant from LiberalPropagandaville
/---- Hey Lakhota--
The Republican War On Democracy Must Be Defeated - Democracy is mob rule. It should be defeated. We live in a Republic.

Why Does Trump Bring Out The Worst In The Worst People? - Yeah, why does he bring out the worst in democRATs?

We Must Not Be Governed By The Dumbest & Most Corrupt Among Us -- Well you just put the dumbest and most corrupt in the White House

Great points all. These people can never understand that pure democracies invite the most corruption, are reactionary and unstable even breaking down into factions, which is what the Democrats seem to crave. We are a Democratic Republic for good reason.
Hillary is by far one of the smartest people in the world about politics and governing. She would have been a great president. Instead, we ended up with the NaziCon Antichrist.

She wasn’t even smart enough to test the reset button she brought for her campaign donor Vladimir.
As compared to "Father Of The Year" Trump?

Btw, good old Dad Donny is never seen with his own sons on a golf course. How come? One would think......Never mind.

I mention Trump because you brought up Bill Clinton. Didga forget how Donny was raw dogging a porn star while his wife was home with their newborn son?

The porn star was eager to bang Trump. Billy Boy raped 7 women and you and your party covered for him.
Too bad I just destroyed what little point you had.
President Trump mopped the floor with Hillary, it wasn't even close. That shut up the big mouth left and their lying fake news pals. Good job Trump! :clap:

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