Hillary warns about Trump in 2024



Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

It's like Hitler warning Germany about the Jews.

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

I think she looks ancient as heck in that still and why do we only elect very very very VERY OLD people in this nation? Yes, including Trump? Geez. Pushing 80 or 80 is too darn old.
Do you even realize that most drugs coming from Mexico are laced with fentynal now? Biden's failure to see the threat to the American people of an open border is reason enough to get rid of the guy yesterday. That drug thats now coming through in meth, heroine, cocaine etc is killing people at a high rate. Cartels dont care because it is extremely addictive and they are making money off dead Americans. Biden was privy to this same Intel that Trump had and what was the difference?

Trump listened to our border patrol and tried to get them what they needed... including a wall which would inhibit peopel from walking across in areas easily accessible.

What did Biden and his admin do? Gave the signal for anyone and everyone to come across our border. His admin had labeled BP agents in many cases as thugs or racists.. demoralized them by over burdening them... he stopped construction of the wall, and illegals are flowing across the border turning BP agents into baby sitters instead of being able to focus on drug traffickers and human smugglers... Biden was even unable to admit there is a crisis AT ALL. Until he was finally dragged to do it.

The increase on overdose deaths is all on Biden and Harris... they created this mess after Trump had it in hand.
and before that it was on tramp and pence. What's the difference between then and now?

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

/---- Hey Lakhota--
The Republican War On Democracy Must Be Defeated - Democracy is mob rule. It should be defeated. We live in a Republic.

Why Does Trump Bring Out The Worst In The Worst People? - Yeah, why does he bring out the worst in democRATs?

We Must Not Be Governed By The Dumbest & Most Corrupt Among Us --
Well you just put the dumbest and most corrupt in the White House
With Biden's approval numbers in freefall, coupled with Manchin, Sinema, and the "moderate" Democrats working hard to turn the 2022 Mid-terms into a banner year for the GOP, add to this the centrist voters' longstanding tradition for using the Mid-term Elections to make matters much, much worse, trump's return to the White House is inevitable.

Regardless of the warnings of the ongoing decay of our democracy by U.S. experts and by foreign observers, the trump Nazis and most centrist voters agree with Steve Bannon's October statement: “If you’re going to take over the administrative state and deconstruct it, then you have to have shock troops prepared to take it over immediately.”

That doesn't sound like a plan to abide by our long-established Constitutional norms.

They want to take over the so called "administrative state" to run this Country to benefit Trump, his crime family, their fascist goons & the mega donors who contribute to their campaigns.

They've shown who are they are but their cult is to blind to see it.

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

Hillary got beat pretty bad.
and before that it was on tramp and pence. What's the difference between then and now?

Trump started to build the wall. Now people are walking through the unfinished portions. Trump also had made a deal with Mexico, which Biden through away upon taking office. He gave the signal for everyone to come north. It was getting under control with Trump and now our border agents are overwhelmed and getting demoralized. It would have been much easier for them had the wall been completed.... which it could have by now.

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