Hillary warns about Trump in 2024

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

I think I already bet $1,000 that Trump wins 2024 and he hasn’t even officially announced yet

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

Bitch be looking old, am I right?

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

Hillary actually said, “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Hillary has no shame. That is obvious.


One of the great ironies produced by Durham’s indictment is how a Hillary adviser was meeting with a number of top Russian officials in Moscow while her minions were dishonestly accusing a Trump adviser, Carter Page, of doing the same thing but with treasonous intent. It is sometimes true that the accuser is guilty, not the accused.

And so it is with Hillary Clinton. Declassified CIA documents show that on July 26, 2016 she approved an audacious plot to vilify her political opponent, Donald Trump, with false accusations that he was colluding with Russia to steal the presidential election. The genesis of the smear came from Hillary herself as a strategy to distract from her own email scandal. It was magnificently devious and classic Clinton.

Her campaign financed the dossier and her allies sedulously disseminated the lies to both the FBI and the gullible media, both of whom went after Trump with a vengeance. It produced the greatest mass delusion in American political history.

Now, thanks to Durham’s most recent indictment, another vital piece of the puzzle has been filled in. It wasn’t a Russian insider, but a Hillary crony who furnished material for some of the dossier’s deceitful claims.

It’s hard to conceive of anyone more duplicitous and despicable than Hillary Clinton.

I imagine Hillary is trying to figure out some way to take over the Oval Office from Joe today. I wouldn’t be all that amazed if she pulls it off. She will have to find some way to remove Joe and Giggles from office and Pelosi who is third in line will be President. Pelosi than could appoint Hillary to be VP and resign.
I repeat from the OP:

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

hillary is an expert on lying the horrible old wretch who can blame bill for making all those trips to epsteins island
“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”
The lies are coming from the liberal media outlets. Thankfully there are media outlets telling the truth like OAN and Newsmax.

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

Lakhota, you do realize that most people don't put any value in Hilaries comments right? I mean no one outside her little cult think anything of them...other than being pathetic.
No one cares what that dried up old hag has to say. She's as crooked as they come. Trump beat her handily in 2016 and she threw a fit when she finally realized she'd lost. What a POS that woman is.
You forgot to congragulate Putin too.

But then Trump & Putin got their asses handed back to them by Joe Biden.

One term Orange Man.

Putin OWNS Quid Pro Joe.

Trum was DESTROYING the Russian economy with American energy independence. But Xi's man rushed in and saved Russia by getting oil priced back into the stratosphere.

Quid Pro was worth every Rubel Vlad paid him over the decades.
I repeat from the OP:

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Lies and disinformation such as the Kremlin Dossier that you Nazis used to engage in treason with?
No one cares what that dried up old hag has to say. She's as crooked as they come. Trump beat her handily in 2016 and she threw a fit when she finally realized she'd lost. What a POS that woman is.

I'm sorry to say that the fix is in. Hillary WILL be president.

Kamaltoe is being pushed out as we speak. Once Kamaltoe resigns as VP, Xi's man will appoint Hillary as his vice president. Then the party will admit that Xi's puppet is wracked with dementia and can't function. Viola - president Hillary.

It's disgusting, but I see no way to stop it.
I'm sorry to say that the fix is in. Hillary WILL be president.

Kamaltoe is being pushed out as we speak. Once Kamaltoe resigns as VP, Xi's man will appoint Hillary as his vice president. Then the party will admit that Xi's puppet is wracked with dementia and can't function. Viola - president Hillary.

It's disgusting, but I see no way to stop it.
You want to stop it? Stop listening to those voices in your head.

There. Fixed it.
You want to stop it? Stop listening to those voices in your head.

There. Fixed it.
We know you Nazis never think.



Sometimes, the angst, from both sides, is comical.

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