Hillary was AWFUL for females. Her crying and getting drunk on election night and no speech was crap


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
She set the womens movement back decades by illustrating EXACTLY why many do not want a female POTUS.

She did NOTHING to dispel those sentiments.

There are many times a POTUS will have to perform under TREMENDOUS pressure, and they can't have emotional breakdowns and get drunk.

Trump does not even drink.....Hillary is an alcoholic.

Imagine if it was the other way around....do you think the MSM would make a big deal about it?

Hillary is a POS political hack who has never accomplished a fucking thing.
Shhhhh, stop attacking Hillary, maybe the dems will run her again in 2020 and we can hear how Iran helped Trump.

Hillary is the best!!!!!!!!
Shhhhh, stop attacking Hillary, maybe the dems will run her again in 2020 and we can hear how Iran helped Trump.

Hillary is the best!!!!!!!!

She wasn't far Left enough. Hopefully, in 2020 she goes full Socialist and flanks Bernie to the left
I would have paid a lot of money to see that elitist bitch crumble into a pile of tears and vodka.

Her emotional breakdown only PROVES what a selfish cvnt she is. It was all about her all the time.

On January 20th, we will have a US government without:


It makes me want to weep tears of joy that these pieces of shit are off the taxpayer dole and cannot DIRECTLY fuck up the country any worse than they have already.
Three words "Bimbo Eruption Squad" say everything you need to know about Hillary's alleged support of women. You won't hear them these days because the liberal media still circles the wagons around the Clinton corruption. Hillary's friend Huma did the right thing by leaving the pervert she was married to but Hillary gave up her pride (and her sanity?) to cover up her husband's abuse of women for decades in exchange for reflected political power.
Its hilarious, she did it the old fashioned way.

Mary a guy and ride his coattails
Shes more old school than Sara Palin, Jodi Ernst, or Kelly Ayotte.

Is this guy the new "LEADER" of the jackasses as of January 20th?
The loopy kunt had her ass kicked... karma is a bitch
Can you imagine if she ever took responsibility for her own loss? Nevermind. That would be a coold day in hell before that happens.
Its hilarious, she did it the old fashioned way.

Mary a guy and ride his coattails
Shes more old school than Sara Palin, Jodi Ernst, or Kelly Ayotte.
She was given everything she got.
Senator, SoS

But they couldn't give her the presidency, she had to win it.

and she failed.
Millions of American women must be so angry at Hillary for humiliating their gender.

She is corrupt. She is incompetent. She is dishonest. She is emotional. She is an alcoholic. She is narcissistic. She is greedy. She is selfish.
Three words "Bimbo Eruption Squad" say everything you need to know about Hillary's alleged support of women. You won't hear them these days because the liberal media still circles the wagons around the Clinton corruption. Hillary's friend Huma did the right thing by leaving the pervert she was married to but Hillary gave up her pride (and her sanity?) to cover up her husband's abuse of women for decades in exchange for reflected political power.

I have said for YEARS that if Hillary TRULY was a feminist, she would have divorced her serial rapist husband. That would set an example to women not to take shit from any man....EVEN POTUS.

But, she instead sold her soul for political and monetary gain. She is a selfish and opportunistic grifter.
Seriously, why don't American females demand more from their "LEADERS"?

It seemed like many women wanted ALL WOMEN to vote for Hillary simply because she does not have a penis. Whether or not one ha a penis should not be part of the equation for determining POTUS.

By definition, voting for someone because she is a woman is sexist. I thought we were supposed to be avoiding sexism.

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