Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

George Washington was rich stupid!
So let me get this straight....in the 1700's and the 1800's everybody was "rich"? Seriously? That's what you're progressive rewritten history has taught you?

Sweetie...we didn't have Social Security until the 1930's. Mankind survived for thousands of years without social security. I know that the Dumbocrats have convinced you that your very survival depends on their governance, but I assure you, it does not. Mankind has proven that if you'd just take a look at history.

Must be a reason they invented it. That's what happens when a society has a problem that private industry can't or won't solve. Our government has to step in and solve it.

You want Americans to just survive sweety?

See, Republicans said they want to make America great but for who? The robber barons?

Republicans never liked the big fat huge middle class we had in the 90's. They HATED IT because that labor force was eating into corporate profits. So they sent all our jobs overseas. Republicans invented and got Bill Clinton to sign NAFTA to send all our jobs away.

Republicans think America is great when we have a small middle class and small rich class and huge masses of serfs or pheasants or rabble or poor in which to hire from. This is what Republicans and their economics produce.
Yes that's what happens after a great recession. Now lets see Republicans raise wages. No fucking way that'll ever happen. I hope I'm wrong but I never am. Other than saying no way Trump will ever win.
See what I mean? Essentially you're ticked off that we will have constitutional government again (in theory anyway - I don't believe we actually will considering Donald Trump is a life-long liberal). It's not the governments job to "raise wages". That's the individuals job. If you're good at what you do, you will get a raise. If you don't, you take your talents somewhere else and make more money. That is a fact.

You want the government to do everything for you and for society and you're pissed off at the idea that that might not happen any longer.
No, the people who voted for Trump want the government to do something for them. Are they going to be disappointed? Of course. Will they realize who's disappointing them? Probably not.
Are you ok? Did you miss some meds lately or something? The people who voted for Trump wanted to stop the federal government from it's unconstitutional overreach. That is the polar opposite of asking government to do something for them.
Oh give me a break. Most Americans don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Most just want you to fix NAFTA. NAFTA is free trade. Are you saying you want to eliminate NAFTA and any rules and just let the free markets decide?
Yes that's what happens after a great recession. Now lets see Republicans raise wages. No fucking way that'll ever happen. I hope I'm wrong but I never am. Other than saying no way Trump will ever win.
See what I mean? Essentially you're ticked off that we will have constitutional government again (in theory anyway - I don't believe we actually will considering Donald Trump is a life-long liberal). It's not the governments job to "raise wages". That's the individuals job. If you're good at what you do, you will get a raise. If you don't, you take your talents somewhere else and make more money. That is a fact.

You want the government to do everything for you and for society and you're pissed off at the idea that that might not happen any longer.
No, the people who voted for Trump want the government to do something for them. Are they going to be disappointed? Of course. Will they realize who's disappointing them? Probably not.
Are you ok? Did you miss some meds lately or something? The people who voted for Trump wanted to stop the federal government from it's unconstitutional overreach. That is the polar opposite of asking government to do something for them.

Trumps going to fix trade, not make it more free.

Trumps going to invest federal dollars in infrastructure

Trump broke with Republican orthodoxy by adamantly insisting he would never cut Social Security and Medicare—another position that put him more in line with working-class white voters.

Among blue-collar white men, it was a 49 percent margin. Trump also won college-educated whites, but by 4 percent, far lower than the usual double-digit Republican victory in this demographic. Trump won seven out of 10 non-college white men and six out of 10 non-college women.

Trump won the dummy vote.
Republicans never liked the big fat huge middle class we had in the 90's. They HATED IT because that labor force was eating into corporate profits. So they sent all our jobs overseas. Republicans invented and got Bill Clinton to sign NAFTA to send all our jobs away.
As a typical progressive, you have all of your facts wrong. The "big fat middle class" that you talked about was the result of 12 years of Reaganomics. 8 under Ronald Reagan and 4 under George H.W. Bush.

Republicans didn't send jobs overseas. The Dumbocrats did that by making business too costly in the U.S. We had the highest corporate tax rate in the world (fact) and we're currently around 7 or 8. We have among the most costly regulations in the world (fact). We have costly minimum wage that keeps getting jacked up (fact). And we have labor unions (fact). All of which makes it impossible to manufacture anything here in the U.S.

Idiot Dumbocrat socialism sent the jobs overseas where it is cheaper to do business. That is a fact. After Apple became the highest valued company in U.S. history, do you know what they did? They took a loan. That's right sweetie, a loan. Do you know why? Because it was cheaper for them to take a loan and pay it back with interest than it was to bring their nearly $200 billion back from overseas and pay taxes on it.

Do you understand how insane that is? Dumbocrats are so greedy and so stupid, that they'd rather get 90% of $0.00 than 10% of $200 billion. Just as you shop for the best deal when you buy a new car, so to do businesses shop for the best deal. And right now, thanks to idiot Dumbocrats, places like China and Indonesia are giving a MUCH better deal. It is astounding how ignorant you progressives are of basic economics.
Trumps going to fix trade, not make it more free.
It's not binary sweetie. You can have trade deals and still make them better deals for America. They are not exclusive. It's not like it's either take an awful trade deal for America or have no trade deal at all. God Almighty.
Trumps going to invest federal dollars in infrastructure
Because he's a life-long Dumbocrat. Which begs the question why you and your fellow progressives aren't cheering that he's been elected? I'm sick-to-death over his election because I know what he is. He's your side of the aisle. The dude doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.

However, I'm hoping that this is where our conservative House and conservative Senate will step in. I'm hoping they will stop or at least limit the unconstitutional spending of federal dollars on "infrastructure".
Trump won the dummy vote.
Trump won because of ignorant arrogance just like that ^

It is your position that someone can't be smart because they didn't graduate from college? Really snowflake? First of all, I thought you were for the "working man"? And yet, when you don't get your way, all you do is insult them. And they are sick of being demeaned and patronized by arrogant progressive assholes like you.

Second, Bill Gates didn't graduate from college. I guarantee he's a billion times smarter than you (he was after all, accepted into the Ivy League). I have a former manager that also didn't graduate from college - yet was the director of operations for a major corporation. I guarantee he too is a billion times smarter than you (he too was after all, accepted into the Ivy League). Steve Jobs didn't graduate from college. Neither did Michael Dell. Neither did Mark Zuckerberg.

You're proving what we all already know - that progressives are uneducated nitwits who view themselves as superior to everyone (which is exactly what uneducated nitwits do).
Are you saying you want to eliminate NAFTA and any rules and just let the free markets decide?
The free market is literally flawless sweetie. Please allow me to give you a quick example. Had Obama not been an unconstitutional marxist idiot, and allowed the free market to function, here's what would have occurred:

Scenario #1
GM files bankruptcy and goes through restructuring. They get the same exact results they currently have today, but without having spent $50 billion of tax payer dollars illegally. Same result - less debt. That's a huge win.

(and spare me the progressive lie that "the government got their money back" - no they didn't sweetheart. Not even close: U.S. government says it lost $11.2 billion on GM bailout).

Scenario #2
GM goes out of business and closes its doors. Because progressives are completely clueless of basic economics, they believe everything happens in a vacuum. Ergo, everyone is out of job, mass panic ensues, the world implodes, and everyone dies.

However, in reality, GM customers do not start walking to work or riding a horse. They are forced to get their automobiles elsewhere. So they become Ford customers, Toyota customers, etc. Now, those companies (which are much better run since they didn't need bailouts) have higher demand. To meet that higher demand, they must hire additional staff (assembly line workers to build the vehicles, HR staff to handle the increased labor force, Accounts Payable staff, etc.). And who are they going to hire? The person like Sealybobo with no marketable skills and no experience, or the former GM employees with 25 years of experience in the automotive industry?

The net result of allowing that true free market to operate: $0 cost to the American tax payer, better products for the consumer, and better run companies for the employees. It's a win-win-win. But what did progressives do? In typical progressive fashion, they propped up failure. Idiots. How dumb does one have to be to make sure that failure survives and continues?
Republicans never liked the big fat huge middle class we had in the 90's. They HATED IT because that labor force was eating into corporate profits. So they sent all our jobs overseas. Republicans invented and got Bill Clinton to sign NAFTA to send all our jobs away.
As a typical progressive, you have all of your facts wrong. The "big fat middle class" that you talked about was the result of 12 years of Reaganomics. 8 under Ronald Reagan and 4 under George H.W. Bush.

Republicans didn't send jobs overseas. The Dumbocrats did that by making business too costly in the U.S. We had the highest corporate tax rate in the world (fact) and we're currently around 7 or 8. We have among the most costly regulations in the world (fact). We have costly minimum wage that keeps getting jacked up (fact). And we have labor unions (fact). All of which makes it impossible to manufacture anything here in the U.S.

Idiot Dumbocrat socialism sent the jobs overseas where it is cheaper to do business. That is a fact. After Apple became the highest valued company in U.S. history, do you know what they did? They took a loan. That's right sweetie, a loan. Do you know why? Because it was cheaper for them to take a loan and pay it back with interest than it was to bring their nearly $200 billion back from overseas and pay taxes on it.

Do you understand how insane that is? Dumbocrats are so greedy and so stupid, that they'd rather get 90% of $0.00 than 10% of $200 billion. Just as you shop for the best deal when you buy a new car, so to do businesses shop for the best deal. And right now, thanks to idiot Dumbocrats, places like China and Indonesia are giving a MUCH better deal. It is astounding how ignorant you progressives are of basic economics.

What? The middle class I'm referring to existed long before Reagan you dolt!

Yes, we understand what you mean by "too costly". Now people who work for manufacturing plants make $15 hr. INCLUDING Ford employees. I just heard new Ford employees make $15 to start and they receive no pensions. That's not middle class. So tell me again what the GOP and Trump are going to do for these $15 hr. people? NOTHING and you know it.

The greatest country in the world is going to pay the highest corporate taxes idiot. What, is this a race to the bottom? If you want to sell to Americans you have to pay American taxes.

I'm not going to argue, I lost the argument/election. Doesn't mean I'm wrong. Means the American people are really stupid.

Want to pollute? Go to china. Want to ship that shit back pay a tariff.

We also make our companies pay for healthcare. No wonder companies move overseas where they have socialized medicine. One less thing for the corporation to worry about.

I'm having 2000-2008 flashbacks. I will not have the same arguments I had with you assholes for another 8 years. Lets see your results. Lets see you help these uneducted blue collar workers. You've already admitted paying them more is not an option. So you lied to them. But if the Bush years are any indication you can fuck these uneducated whites all you want and they'll keep voting for you. Proof of that is Mitch McConnell still has a job.
Are you saying you want to eliminate NAFTA and any rules and just let the free markets decide?
The free market is literally flawless sweetie. Please allow me to give you a quick example. Had Obama not been an unconstitutional marxist idiot, and allowed the free market to function, here's what would have occurred:

Scenario #1
GM files bankruptcy and goes through restructuring. They get the same exact results they currently have today, but without having spent $50 billion of tax payer dollars illegally. Same result - less debt. That's a huge win.

(and spare me the progressive lie that "the government got their money back" - no they didn't sweetheart. Not even close: U.S. government says it lost $11.2 billion on GM bailout).

Scenario #2
GM goes out of business and closes its doors. Because progressives are completely clueless of basic economics, they believe everything happens in a vacuum. Ergo, everyone is out of job, mass panic ensues, the world implodes, and everyone dies.

However, in reality, GM customers do not start walking to work or riding a horse. They are forced to get their automobiles elsewhere. So they become Ford customers, Toyota customers, etc. Now, those companies (which are much better run since they didn't need bailouts) have higher demand. To meet that higher demand, they must hire additional staff (assembly line workers to build the vehicles, HR staff to handle the increased labor force, Accounts Payable staff, etc.). And who are they going to hire? The person like Sealybobo with no marketable skills and no experience, or the former GM employees with 25 years of experience in the automotive industry?

The net result of allowing that true free market to operate: $0 cost to the American tax payer, better products for the consumer, and better run companies for the employees. It's a win-win-win. But what did progressives do? In typical progressive fashion, they propped up failure. Idiots. How dumb does one have to be to make sure that failure survives and continues?

I hope you enjoyed writing all that and I didn't even read it. I read the word "sweetie or snowflake" and I didn't even continue reading. So I hope you enjoyed wasting your time. LOL
pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.

:crybaby: you people ran your big fat mouths about how politics is a contact sport when the entire MSM was attacking Trump daily, now you lost and your crying about politics being unfair. Run home to your momma.
pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one.

Says the far left drone that voted for Hilary!

That's what the polls have said.

And the polls have been proven to be wrong, very wrong!

So you have nothing other than your bias to make that claim..

You are left drone and you will always vote for worse than Bush!
But your guy said the system is rigged. He said the whole system of elections is rigged and we should keep a very close eye on the process. Had he lost, would you make claims to that effect, or are you just another Trumpian hypocrite?
The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.
Swiftboating: The act of pointing out what a political candidate has actually done, backed up by bringing in dozens or even hundreds of witnesses who were actually there and watching him do it.
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pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.

:crybaby: you people ran your big fat mouths about how politics is a contact sport when the entire MSM was attacking Trump daily, now you lost and your crying about politics being unfair. Run home to your momma.

Yup and Hillary lost this election all on her own. She cooked her own goose with her stupid, careless and incompetent actions.

Trump put out the message and neither Hillary, the DNC or the media got it. The voters did and he was elected.

Shittingbull should just take a hike. She will always have an excuse why Hillary isn't the POTUS and it will be every ones fault but Hillary's
Are you saying you want to eliminate NAFTA and any rules and just let the free markets decide?
The free market is literally flawless sweetie. Please allow me to give you a quick example. Had Obama not been an unconstitutional marxist idiot, and allowed the free market to function, here's what would have occurred:

Scenario #1
GM files bankruptcy and goes through restructuring. They get the same exact results they currently have today, but without having spent $50 billion of tax payer dollars illegally. Same result - less debt. That's a huge win.

(and spare me the progressive lie that "the government got their money back" - no they didn't sweetheart. Not even close: U.S. government says it lost $11.2 billion on GM bailout).

Scenario #2
GM goes out of business and closes its doors. Because progressives are completely clueless of basic economics, they believe everything happens in a vacuum. Ergo, everyone is out of job, mass panic ensues, the world implodes, and everyone dies.

However, in reality, GM customers do not start walking to work or riding a horse. They are forced to get their automobiles elsewhere. So they become Ford customers, Toyota customers, etc. Now, those companies (which are much better run since they didn't need bailouts) have higher demand. To meet that higher demand, they must hire additional staff (assembly line workers to build the vehicles, HR staff to handle the increased labor force, Accounts Payable staff, etc.). And who are they going to hire? The person like Sealybobo with no marketable skills and no experience, or the former GM employees with 25 years of experience in the automotive industry?

The net result of allowing that true free market to operate: $0 cost to the American tax payer, better products for the consumer, and better run companies for the employees. It's a win-win-win. But what did progressives do? In typical progressive fashion, they propped up failure. Idiots. How dumb does one have to be to make sure that failure survives and continues?

I hope you enjoyed writing all that and I didn't even read it. I read the word "sweetie or snowflake" and I didn't even continue reading. So I hope you enjoyed wasting your time. LOL
Well of course! Duh! Progressives can't read anything that isn't a simplified to a first grade reading level like "see spot run". But that's ok...everyone else will read it and realize how stupid progressive ideology is.

Guess what?

She lost. Lost big.

Only the electoral vote. Why? Read the thread title.

We all read the thread title and saw that you were the OP. We came to laugh.

Oh! By the way. Elections have consequences. Trump won. Get used to it.

Yeah, and Lance Armstrong won all those Tour de France races...
Suck it up, dickhead. The only one sadder than you that hillary will be living in Chappaqua is bill clinton

Settle down, Pee wee, it ain't over yet.

Yes it is.
Doesn't mean I'm wrong. Means the American people are really stupid.
There is that ignorant progressive arrogance we've all come to know and love! Keep telling the American people who stupid they are and how you are so mentally superior. That message has worked wonders for you people over the past 6 years... :lol:

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