Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.
Swiftboating: The act of pointing out what a political candidate has actually done, backed up by bringing in dozens or even hundreds of witnesses who were actually there and watching him do it.
To point out the need to refute his exaggerations and outright lies on the subject and let the electorate decide for themselves whether his reputation deserves to be "damaged" by the truth being revealed.
Lets see your results. Lets see you help these uneducted blue collar workers.
It is really ironic when a self-righteous progressive mocks blue-collar workers by calling them "uneducated" while misspelling "uneducated". :lol:
Lets see your results. Lets see you help these uneducted blue collar workers.
I rest my case. I said when this all started that you were pissed off simply because we would have constitutional government again. You denied it. But here you are only talking about "what is government going to do for people". You literally have no idea why government exists and that is sad. Really sad. You're not nearly as educated as you think you are.
Yes, we understand what you mean by "too costly". Now people who work for manufacturing plants make $15 hr. INCLUDING Ford employees. I just heard new Ford employees make $15 to start and they receive no pensions. That's not middle class. So tell me again what the GOP and Trump are going to do for these $15 hr. people? NOTHING and you know it.
Just a few quick questions for you:
  • What's wrong with $15 per hour, you elitist snob?
  • Why do these people need a pension? I've never worked anywhere that had a pension. Ever.
  • Why should Trump and the GOP do anything for these people? That is not their job.
  • If these people don't like their salaries, why did they agree to them?
  • Why do you insist that "Trump and the GOP" do something for these people? Why don't you insist that these people do something for themselves?
  • Most importantly of all - rather than whining, why don't you do something for these people? Why don't you provide a pension for them? Why don't you pay for their education? Why don't you provide jobs for them that pay more than $15 per hour? Why don't you?
If you're not going to provide jobs for people, you have no business sitting on your lazy and judgmental ass and complaining about what job creators do pay others.
Yes, we understand what you mean by "too costly". Now people who work for manufacturing plants make $15 hr. INCLUDING Ford employees. I just heard new Ford employees make $15 to start and they receive no pensions. That's not middle class. So tell me again what the GOP and Trump are going to do for these $15 hr. people? NOTHING and you know it.
Just a few quick questions for you:
  • What's wrong with $15 per hour, you elitist snob?
  • Why do these people need a pension? I've never worked anywhere that had a pension. Ever.
  • Why should Trump and the GOP do anything for these people? That is not their job.
  • If these people don't like their salaries, why did they agree to them?
  • Why do you insist that "Trump and the GOP" do something for these people? Why don't you insist that these people do something for themselves?
  • Most importantly of all - rather than whining, why don't you do something for these people? Why don't you provide a pension for them? Why don't you pay for their education? Why don't you provide jobs for them that pay more than $15 per hour? Why don't you?
If you're not going to provide jobs for people, you have no business sitting on your lazy and judgmental ass and complaining about what job creators do pay others.

*Can't save for retirement on $15 hr.
*Why do you need to make what you make? Pensions were promised in exchange for raises. If you *don't want to give pensions don't. Just give them a raise
*I knew Trump and the GOP wouldn't do anything. Just empty campaign promises. KNEW IT!
*Only job in town.
*Because they promised
*I feel like I jumped into a time machine and went back to a 2007 argument
Lets see your results. Lets see you help these uneducted blue collar workers.
I rest my case. I said when this all started that you were pissed off simply because we would have constitutional government again. You denied it. But here you are only talking about "what is government going to do for people". You literally have no idea why government exists and that is sad. Really sad. You're not nearly as educated as you think you are.

I'm not having this right wing argument about government that does the least bullshit. You won, now show us that your way of government works best. But according to you it doesn't matter if it works best. No matter how bad the economy gets the government should just get out the way and do nothing. So dumb.
What, is this a race to the bottom?
Uh...yeah....genius. That's how competition works. Every time you've purchased an automobile, you know damn well you shopped around to get the best price. Can you imagine if some idiot progressive dealership owner looked at his people and said "what is this, a race to the bottom"?

That's exactly what makes the free market so flawless. It creates competition. Competition drives down prices. At a certain point, you can't drive them down any further because you won't make any money. So what do you do? You innovate. You figure out ways to be more efficient. Those efficiencies drive down costs further and makes life better for society.

And again...in your infinite progressive ignorance...you fail to realize that 90% of $0.00 is $0.00 while 10% of $200 billion is $20 billion. So let me ask you something - would you rather bring in $20 billion in taxes from one company or $0.00 in taxes from one company? You're losing the money anyway, stupid. Wake the fuck up!!! Drop taxes below any other country and ALL of the corporations will bring their businesses here. Not just American corporations, but other nations do. We'll be flush with jobs and tax dollars. God damn, I'm so sick of you progressive nitwits destroying the economy. You people don't even understand basic economics.
The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.
Swiftboating: The act of pointing out what a political candidate has actually done, backed up by bringing in dozens or even hundreds of witnesses who were actually there and watching him do it.

For example? Only "credible" sources that can be verified as factual. No conspiracy theories or fake news.
What, is this a race to the bottom?
Uh...yeah....genius. That's how competition works. Every time you've purchased an automobile, you know damn well you shopped around to get the best price. Can you imagine if some idiot progressive dealership owner looked at his people and said "what is this, a race to the bottom"?

That's exactly what makes the free market so flawless. It creates competition. Competition drives down prices. At a certain point, you can't drive them down any further because you won't make any money. So what do you do? You innovate. You figure out ways to be more efficient. Those efficiencies drive down costs further and makes life better for society.

And again...in your infinite progressive ignorance...you fail to realize that 90% of $0.00 is $0.00 while 10% of $200 billion is $20 billion. So let me ask you something - would you rather bring in $20 billion in taxes from one company or $0.00 in taxes from one company? You're losing the money anyway, stupid. Wake the fuck up!!! Drop taxes below any other country and ALL of the corporations will bring their businesses here. Not just American corporations, but other nations do. We'll be flush with jobs and tax dollars. God damn, I'm so sick of you progressive nitwits destroying the economy. You people don't even understand basic economics.

Listen schmuck. I've heard all these tired old arguments before. I just can't believe the American people forgot are so ignorant to go back to your party. It's like 2007 never happened.

It's people like you who made me stop coming to USMB after the 2000 election. Truly pathetic.

I know all your arguments before you even make them. Lets just see the results. But I can promise you this. When you create the 2nd Great Recession you will say

The right has historically always been more willing to get its hands

Hard work usually involves getting your hands dirty. And you are right, we are not afraid to do good honest work to further our nation.
George Washington was rich stupid!
So let me get this straight....in the 1700's and the 1800's everybody was "rich"? Seriously? That's what you're progressive rewritten history has taught you?

Sweetie...we didn't have Social Security until the 1930's. Mankind survived for thousands of years without social security. I know that the Dumbocrats have convinced you that your very survival depends on their governance, but I assure you, it does not. Mankind has proven that if you'd just take a look at history.
Washington was our richest president EVER. Married into it. And no, people DID NOT survive before SS. What a dumbass dupe...
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


I'm sorry.....but you've just become very sad. :(

How many times did Hillary campaign in Wisconsin during the general? If you want to talk about why she lost the election, start there. Or I suppose you could whine and cry like you're a Republican in 2008.
Or I suppose you could whine and cry like you're a Republican in 2008.

True, but that is the past and she lost, the DNC has lost consistently since they elected Oblammer...

The truth is an outsider beat the piss out of her for a fraction of the money, so no more telling the masses a businessman or businesswoman cannot do a better job in DC...

What sweet irony...
Or I suppose you could whine and cry like you're a Republican in 2008.

True, but that is the past and she lost, the DNC has lost consistently since they elected Oblammer...

The truth is an outsider beat the piss out of her for a fraction of the money, so no more telling the masses a businessman or businesswoman cannot do a better job in DC...

What sweet irony...
If I were you I'd be more concerned that Trump's presidency will prove that they can't.
Or I suppose you could whine and cry like you're a Republican in 2008.

True, but that is the past and she lost, the DNC has lost consistently since they elected Oblammer...

The truth is an outsider beat the piss out of her for a fraction of the money, so no more telling the masses a businessman or businesswoman cannot do a better job in DC...

What sweet irony...
If I were you I'd be more concerned that Trump's presidency will prove that they can't.

And if you're wrong, what's your next excuse going to be? We're $20TT in debt, he will have a hard time matching that total...

No If I were you I'd be real worried that if he succeeds as he has in the Real World, we have seen the Last Democrat POTUS for decades to come, in fact maybe the end of the DNC...
Or I suppose you could whine and cry like you're a Republican in 2008.

True, but that is the past and she lost, the DNC has lost consistently since they elected Oblammer...

The truth is an outsider beat the piss out of her for a fraction of the money, so no more telling the masses a businessman or businesswoman cannot do a better job in DC...

What sweet irony...
If I were you I'd be more concerned that Trump's presidency will prove that they can't.

And if you're wrong, what's your next excuse going to be? We're $20TT in debt, he will have a hard time matching that total...

No If I were you I'd be real worried that if he succeeds as he has in the Real World, we have seen the Last Democrat POTUS for decades to come, in fact maybe the end of the DNC...
Won't make an excuse. Would love to be wrong. I was spectacularly wrong about the results of the election and I had a great time that night being wrong. Regardless, there's very little question that the debt is going to rise under Trump, just as it has risen under any previous Republican administrations. He's already talked about "infrastructure spending" and other boondoggles he intends to waste money on and he's hardly likely to cut a dime out of the defense budget, so it's a no-brainer.

As for seeing the last Democratic president, etc... Careful, that's what they thought in 2008 and 2012 about the Republicans.
Listen schmuck. I've heard all these tired old arguments before. I just can't believe the American people forgot are so ignorant to go back to your party. It's like 2007 never happened.
So to be clear - your position is that it's better to get 90% of $0.00 than 10% of $200 billion?

Obama took over the White House and the world economy tanked (for a reason). 2009 under Obama was a 1,000x's worse than 2007 under Bush, schmuck. Only an idiot cuts off their nose to spite their face. You sure are showing Apple by having some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Yeah - you've got them right where you want them, uh stupid?
Listen schmuck. I've heard all these tired old arguments before. I just can't believe the American people forgot are so ignorant to go back to your party. It's like 2007 never happened.
So to be clear - your position is that it's better to get 90% of $0.00 than 10% of $200 billion?

Obama took over the White House and the world economy tanked (for a reason). 2009 under Obama was a 1,000x's worse than 2007 under Bush, schmuck. Only an idiot cuts off their nose to spite their face. You sure are showing Apple by having some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Yeah - you've got them right where you want them, uh stupid?
Please don't rewrite history: The economy tanked and then Obama was elected.

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