Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............
Agreed. Historians will note the 2016 election for two deplorable candidates.

I have no sympathy for Hillary's loss.

Oh, let the poor dears complain. The longer they refuse to look in the mirror and blame everything else, the longer it will be before they win again.

Trump’s wager was simple: Pretend to be stupid and angry because that’s what stupid and angry people like. He’s held up a mirror to the country, shown us how blind and apish we are. He knew how undiscerning the populace would be, how little they cared about details and facts.

In no other domain of life would this make any sense at all. If your attorney drops the ball, you don’t hire a plumber to replace him. And yet millions of Trumpites say they don’t care if Trump has ever worked at any level of government or if he knows anything about foreign policy or the law or the Constitution. It’s enough that he greets them at their level, panders to their lowest instincts.

Trump, a billionaire trust fund baby who inherited $40 million from his father, has convinced hordes of working-class white people that he’s just like them, that he feels their pain and knows their struggle. He’s made marks of them all.
Like I said, the longer democrats refuse to look in the mirror, the longer it's going to be before they return to a winning strategy. They still have to go through the upheaval the Republicans have just gone through.

I don't think Democrats have to change one bit. Did the GOP change one bit? No. They stuck with the same message and rode the Trump wave into power. Remember American are really stupid. Example was 2000 when they went another way with Bush instead of Gore. We were doing great but the American people weren't happy so they took a chance on Bush. How did that work out?

It's the American people who have to wake up. If they want Trump they can have him. They have him now like it or not. Now lets see him improve their lives.

And all it will take is one $300 stimulus check and you dumb Americans will say he did more than Obama did for you. And you won't mind that $300 was just added to the debt. You'll tell me if I don't like it to send mine back. You stupid Americans.

And Trump is going to rebuild our infrastructure. How long have we been saying we need to do that? At least since 2007 and here is proof:

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
Oh, let the poor dears complain. The longer they refuse to look in the mirror and blame everything else, the longer it will be before they win again.

Trump’s wager was simple: Pretend to be stupid and angry because that’s what stupid and angry people like. He’s held up a mirror to the country, shown us how blind and apish we are. He knew how undiscerning the populace would be, how little they cared about details and facts.

In no other domain of life would this make any sense at all. If your attorney drops the ball, you don’t hire a plumber to replace him. And yet millions of Trumpites say they don’t care if Trump has ever worked at any level of government or if he knows anything about foreign policy or the law or the Constitution. It’s enough that he greets them at their level, panders to their lowest instincts.

Trump, a billionaire trust fund baby who inherited $40 million from his father, has convinced hordes of working-class white people that he’s just like them, that he feels their pain and knows their struggle. He’s made marks of them all.
Like I said, the longer democrats refuse to look in the mirror, the longer it's going to be before they return to a winning strategy. They still have to go through the upheaval the Republicans have just gone through.

I don't think Democrats have to change one bit. Did the GOP change one bit? No. They stuck with the same message and rode the Trump wave into power. Remember American are really stupid. Example was 2000 when they went another way with Bush instead of Gore. We were doing great but the American people weren't happy so they took a chance on Bush. How did that work out?

It's the American people who have to wake up. If they want Trump they can have him. They have him now like it or not. Now lets see him improve their lives.

And all it will take is one $300 stimulus check and you dumb Americans will say he did more than Obama did for you. And you won't mind that $300 was just added to the debt. You'll tell me if I don't like it to send mine back. You stupid Americans.

And Trump is going to rebuild our infrastructure. How long have we been saying we need to do that? At least since 2007 and here is proof:

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
The GOP did go in a different direction. Before Trump, the GOP candidate was always afraid to get in the mud with the democrat. Trump, OTOH, is not. Big difference.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


The Dems are making a huge mistake by making this a campaign issue instead of the inclusive issue it is and should be.
The conservatives and Trump supporters are too suspicious of getting rid of fake news because it might be a liberal attempt at censorship.
It's stupid, but it's true.
Plus, fake news is the way they dupe the chumps lol...
ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are the fake news. That's what this election proved.
That's moronic. Wake up or shut up.
Fake News Watch – Last updated: 01/18/2016
No, it's the simple truth.

Fake debates
Fake interviews
Fake news.

What does your website prove?
Oh, let the poor dears complain. The longer they refuse to look in the mirror and blame everything else, the longer it will be before they win again.

Trump’s wager was simple: Pretend to be stupid and angry because that’s what stupid and angry people like. He’s held up a mirror to the country, shown us how blind and apish we are. He knew how undiscerning the populace would be, how little they cared about details and facts.

In no other domain of life would this make any sense at all. If your attorney drops the ball, you don’t hire a plumber to replace him. And yet millions of Trumpites say they don’t care if Trump has ever worked at any level of government or if he knows anything about foreign policy or the law or the Constitution. It’s enough that he greets them at their level, panders to their lowest instincts.

Trump, a billionaire trust fund baby who inherited $40 million from his father, has convinced hordes of working-class white people that he’s just like them, that he feels their pain and knows their struggle. He’s made marks of them all.
Like I said, the longer democrats refuse to look in the mirror, the longer it's going to be before they return to a winning strategy. They still have to go through the upheaval the Republicans have just gone through.

I don't think Democrats have to change one bit. Did the GOP change one bit? No. They stuck with the same message and rode the Trump wave into power. Remember American are really stupid. Example was 2000 when they went another way with Bush instead of Gore. We were doing great but the American people weren't happy so they took a chance on Bush. How did that work out?

It's the American people who have to wake up. If they want Trump they can have him. They have him now like it or not. Now lets see him improve their lives.

And all it will take is one $300 stimulus check and you dumb Americans will say he did more than Obama did for you. And you won't mind that $300 was just added to the debt. You'll tell me if I don't like it to send mine back. You stupid Americans.

And Trump is going to rebuild our infrastructure. How long have we been saying we need to do that? At least since 2007 and here is proof:

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
The GOP did go in a different direction. Before Trump, the GOP candidate was always afraid to get in the mud with the democrat. Trump, OTOH, is not. Big difference.

"Don't force people to buy insurance," Ryan told the crowd. "Make insurance companies compete for our business."

"And, yes," he added, "we're going to help you buy insurance."

Why is government "helping you buy insurance"? You Republicans are socialists.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


The Dems are making a huge mistake by making this a campaign issue instead of the inclusive issue it is and should be.
The conservatives and Trump supporters are too suspicious of getting rid of fake news because it might be a liberal attempt at censorship.
It's stupid, but it's true.
Plus, fake news is the way they dupe the chumps lol...
ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are the fake news. That's what this election proved.
That's moronic. Wake up or shut up.
Fake News Watch – Last updated: 01/18/2016
No, it's the simple truth.

Fake debates
Fake interviews
Fake news.

What does your website prove?

Where does Breitbart fall? Drudge? You do know they are all connected and coordinated, yes? So the cons are very good at controlling the message while claiming the media is liberal.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


The Dems are making a huge mistake by making this a campaign issue instead of the inclusive issue it is and should be.
The conservatives and Trump supporters are too suspicious of getting rid of fake news because it might be a liberal attempt at censorship.
It's stupid, but it's true.
Plus, fake news is the way they dupe the chumps lol...
ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are the fake news. That's what this election proved.
Only proved how misinformed the US RW is, and how cowardly and addicted to ratings corporate and social media are.
Oh, let the poor dears complain. The longer they refuse to look in the mirror and blame everything else, the longer it will be before they win again.

Trump’s wager was simple: Pretend to be stupid and angry because that’s what stupid and angry people like. He’s held up a mirror to the country, shown us how blind and apish we are. He knew how undiscerning the populace would be, how little they cared about details and facts.

In no other domain of life would this make any sense at all. If your attorney drops the ball, you don’t hire a plumber to replace him. And yet millions of Trumpites say they don’t care if Trump has ever worked at any level of government or if he knows anything about foreign policy or the law or the Constitution. It’s enough that he greets them at their level, panders to their lowest instincts.

Trump, a billionaire trust fund baby who inherited $40 million from his father, has convinced hordes of working-class white people that he’s just like them, that he feels their pain and knows their struggle. He’s made marks of them all.
Like I said, the longer democrats refuse to look in the mirror, the longer it's going to be before they return to a winning strategy. They still have to go through the upheaval the Republicans have just gone through.

I don't think Democrats have to change one bit. Did the GOP change one bit? No. They stuck with the same message and rode the Trump wave into power. Remember American are really stupid. Example was 2000 when they went another way with Bush instead of Gore. We were doing great but the American people weren't happy so they took a chance on Bush. How did that work out?

It's the American people who have to wake up. If they want Trump they can have him. They have him now like it or not. Now lets see him improve their lives.

And all it will take is one $300 stimulus check and you dumb Americans will say he did more than Obama did for you. And you won't mind that $300 was just added to the debt. You'll tell me if I don't like it to send mine back. You stupid Americans.

And Trump is going to rebuild our infrastructure. How long have we been saying we need to do that? At least since 2007 and here is proof:

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
The GOP did go in a different direction. Before Trump, the GOP candidate was always afraid to get in the mud with the democrat. Trump, OTOH, is not. Big difference.

"Don't force people to buy insurance," Ryan told the crowd. "Make insurance companies compete for our business."

"And, yes," he added, "we're going to help you buy insurance."

Why is government "helping you buy insurance"? You Republicans are socialists.
Trump wasn't afraid to get in the mud with Hillary, and it paid off.

And, there is NO such thing as an infrastructure problem. Obama SAID there were thousands of shovel ready infrastructure jobs just waiting to go if we gave him lots and lots of money to spend on them. We gave him the money, so there are no more infrastructure problems. Please get with the program. Otherwise, we'll have to criticize The Fragile One for not fixing the infrastructure, and you know how that will ruin his day when he reads about it in the newspaper, along with all the other stuff he has no clue about until he sees it in there.
The Dems are making a huge mistake by making this a campaign issue instead of the inclusive issue it is and should be.
The conservatives and Trump supporters are too suspicious of getting rid of fake news because it might be a liberal attempt at censorship.
It's stupid, but it's true.
Plus, fake news is the way they dupe the chumps lol...
ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are the fake news. That's what this election proved.
That's moronic. Wake up or shut up.
Fake News Watch – Last updated: 01/18/2016
No, it's the simple truth.

Fake debates
Fake interviews
Fake news.

What does your website prove?

Where does Breitbart fall? Drudge? You do know they are all connected and coordinated, yes? So the cons are very good at controlling the message while claiming the media is liberal.
Drudge links to pundits of all political stripes. Who else does that?
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


The Dems are making a huge mistake by making this a campaign issue instead of the inclusive issue it is and should be.
The conservatives and Trump supporters are too suspicious of getting rid of fake news because it might be a liberal attempt at censorship.
It's stupid, but it's true.
Plus, fake news is the way they dupe the chumps lol...
ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are the fake news. That's what this election proved.
That's moronic. Wake up or shut up.
Fake News Watch – Last updated: 01/18/2016
No, it's the simple truth.

Fake debates
Fake interviews
Fake news.

What does your website prove?
No "fakes." What fake debates? What "fake" interviews? You realize the people being interviewed would have to be fakes, don't you? Do you know what "fake" means? I'm beginning to wonder.
The site I linked just lists fake news sites. To give you an example or two.
Yes that's what happens after a great recession. Now lets see Republicans raise wages. No fucking way that'll ever happen. I hope I'm wrong but I never am. Other than saying no way Trump will ever win.
See what I mean? Essentially you're ticked off that we will have constitutional government again (in theory anyway - I don't believe we actually will considering Donald Trump is a life-long liberal). It's not the governments job to "raise wages". That's the individuals job. If you're good at what you do, you will get a raise. If you don't, you take your talents somewhere else and make more money. That is a fact.

You want the government to do everything for you and for society and you're pissed off at the idea that that might not happen any longer.
And because I too worry about Republicanomics eating up all my disposable income too. Everything I saved. I too worry that they'll privatize my ss and then when the market takes a Trump Dump I'll be screwed. I want to retire at 65 not 67 or 70. But you'll add another 2 or 5 years on to that and not realize you just cost yourself!
And here is the beauty of privatization snowflake....nobody places a gun to your head and forces you to do it. I don't trust the stock market either (any more than I trust the government). So you know what you do? Don't put your money into it. Stop being greedy and trying to get rich by sitting on your couch eating potato chips. Go out and earn the amount of money you'll need for retirement. Stop trying to win the amount of money you'll need.

Problem solved! Now Trump has 0 impact on your life. See how easy that was?
George Washington was rich stupid!
So let me get this straight....in the 1700's and the 1800's everybody was "rich"? Seriously? That's what you're progressive rewritten history has taught you?

Sweetie...we didn't have Social Security until the 1930's. Mankind survived for thousands of years without social security. I know that the Dumbocrats have convinced you that your very survival depends on their governance, but I assure you, it does not. Mankind has proven that if you'd just take a look at history.
Yes that's what happens after a great recession. Now lets see Republicans raise wages. No fucking way that'll ever happen. I hope I'm wrong but I never am. Other than saying no way Trump will ever win.
See what I mean? Essentially you're ticked off that we will have constitutional government again (in theory anyway - I don't believe we actually will considering Donald Trump is a life-long liberal). It's not the governments job to "raise wages". That's the individuals job. If you're good at what you do, you will get a raise. If you don't, you take your talents somewhere else and make more money. That is a fact.

You want the government to do everything for you and for society and you're pissed off at the idea that that might not happen any longer.
No, the people who voted for Trump want the government to do something for them. Are they going to be disappointed? Of course. Will they realize who's disappointing them? Probably not.
Yes that's what happens after a great recession. Now lets see Republicans raise wages. No fucking way that'll ever happen. I hope I'm wrong but I never am. Other than saying no way Trump will ever win.
See what I mean? Essentially you're ticked off that we will have constitutional government again (in theory anyway - I don't believe we actually will considering Donald Trump is a life-long liberal). It's not the governments job to "raise wages". That's the individuals job. If you're good at what you do, you will get a raise. If you don't, you take your talents somewhere else and make more money. That is a fact.

You want the government to do everything for you and for society and you're pissed off at the idea that that might not happen any longer.
No, the people who voted for Trump want the government to do something for them. Are they going to be disappointed? Of course. Will they realize who's disappointing them? Probably not.
Are you ok? Did you miss some meds lately or something? The people who voted for Trump wanted to stop the federal government from it's unconstitutional overreach. That is the polar opposite of asking government to do something for them.

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