Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

I agree. The DNC should have talked Biden into running. He was far more capable than Hillary will ever be.

They decided to go with Hillary and got their asses handed to em. She was her own worst enemy and cooked her own goose.

Glad she will never see the oval office as we would get more of the same shit we've had with douchebag for the last eight years.

Trump put out the message and that message was received loud and clear and that's why he's our next POTUS. Thank God.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


The Dems are making a huge mistake by making this a campaign issue instead of the inclusive issue it is and should be.
The conservatives and Trump supporters are too suspicious of getting rid of fake news because it might be a liberal attempt at censorship.
It's stupid, but it's true.

There's nothing stupid about it. Liberals engage in censorship whenever they get the opportunity.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


The Dems are making a huge mistake by making this a campaign issue instead of the inclusive issue it is and should be.
The conservatives and Trump supporters are too suspicious of getting rid of fake news because it might be a liberal attempt at censorship.
It's stupid, but it's true.
Plus, fake news is the way they dupe the chumps lol...
ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are the fake news. That's what this election proved.
Good Conspiracy Theory or Rubber Room Thread :thup: OH WAIT!!! This is in Politics :eusa_eh:
No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.
LMAO! He absolutely won it fairly. Hell, 98% of the GOP was against him, 100% of the Dumbocrats were against him, and he still won. The people have spoken Lakhota - accept it. Hop aboard the Trump train and go for a ride. All you have to do is sit back and let conservatives rebuild the nation you progressives have destroyed.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


The people who voted for Trump saw and heard the same stuff we heard. If they are dumb enough to vote for Trump after seeing and hearing all that, what can we do? Fuck it.

And I'm sick of blacks crying that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise them. Cry me a fucking river. I have a bigger problem with them not showing up to vote because they don't think it matters.

The media didn't make the American people stupid. They just are.
No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.
Someone call this girl a wambulance...she's having a major mental breakdown over a non-socialist being elected president.

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.
LMAO! He absolutely won it fairly. Hell, 98% of the GOP was against him, 100% of the Dumbocrats were against him, and he still won. The people have spoken Lakhota - accept it. Hop aboard the Trump train and go for a ride. All you have to do is sit back and let conservatives rebuild the nation you progressives have destroyed.

I think having the GOP against him helped him. No one wanted Rubio or Ryan's endorsement.
We must not forget December 19.


Wouldn't that be ironic. I say that for two reasons. First, if the Hillary had received fewer popular votes and won the electoral college, conservatives would be squawking like a baby who had his bottle taken away after 5 seconds. Secondly, since Hillary won more popular votes (to the tune of about 1.5 million more votes, and counting)than Trump received, the electors would simply be fulfilling the will of the people. It would be worth it just for the entertainment value.
Your fantasies won't substitute for reality. The right takes it's loses and moves on. That's why Republicans have been taking over more and more state and now federal control.

The left makes so many assumptions that are not true. The right realizes the value of the EC, the left does not because they want/need the heavily populated cities to call all the shots for the rest of the country. But if we all wanted to live in urban shit holes we would move there. Duh.
The people who voted for Trump saw and heard the same stuff we heard. If they are dumb enough to vote for Trump after seeing and hearing all that, what can we do? Fuck it.

And I'm sick of blacks crying that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise them. Cry me a fucking river. I have a bigger problem with them not showing up to vote because they don't think it matters.

The media didn't make the American people stupid. They just are.
No, we didn't see the same thing at all. You saw hate, sexism, bigotry, racism, etc., we saw the opportunity to turn the country around and everyone prospering regardless of who they were. The politics of division, strife and 'you need us' didn't work for you smear mongers this time.

You dumbfucks have been losing power all over the country but so enamoured with your selves you couldn't see it. And still can't! LOL. So you need a little simple answer because seeing the world through adult eyes is beyond your scope.
Oh, let the poor dears complain. The longer they refuse to look in the mirror and blame everything else, the longer it will be before they win again.
The media didn't make the American people stupid. They just are.
Exactly! The media didn't make the American people stupid - the progressive public school system did.

Stupid enough to vote for Trump and Republicans. When I think of all the bad Bush did and then how the Mitch McConnell's of the government obstructed Obama and how the stupid American people rewarded the GOP by not showing up to the 2010 midterms.

The GOP knew then and there all they have to do is keep obstructing and bitching and eventually the American sheep will grow tired....although the American people were smart enough not to reward the GOP by nominating a real Republican like Rubio or Cruz or Kasich. But what the stupid American people don't get is that Trumps going to reward these Republicans and go along with them and even though blue collar lives are not going to get better and Trump will start a war with Iran and make us less safe.

I would be a lot better with Trump if the Democrats took control of the Senate. Because they didn't, the American people are truly screwed. They/you don't know it yet.

And a lot of you Republicans won't admit it even when it happens. You didn't admit Bush lied us into a war and ruined our economy so no reason to think you will admit it when Trump falls on his face.

Fact is Bill Clinton did a great job and so did Obama. I know you will laugh but that's either because you are a right wing fucktard or because the corporate media is not liberal.

The American economy in September again continued its strong recovery from the greatest economic crisis of our lifetimes, adding 156,000 jobs. All told, the private sector has added 15.3 million jobs since February 2010; this month’s report continued the longest streak of overall job growth on record.

The October jobs report shows that the American economy continued its solid recovery from the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes in October, with the addition of 161,000 jobs. All told, American businesses have added 15.5 million jobs since February 2010, and we are in the longest streak of overall job growth on record.
The people who voted for Trump saw and heard the same stuff we heard. If they are dumb enough to vote for Trump after seeing and hearing all that, what can we do? Fuck it.

And I'm sick of blacks crying that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise them. Cry me a fucking river. I have a bigger problem with them not showing up to vote because they don't think it matters.

The media didn't make the American people stupid. They just are.
No, we didn't see the same thing at all. You saw hate, sexism, bigotry, racism, etc., we saw the opportunity to turn the country around and everyone prospering regardless of who they were. The politics of division, strife and 'you need us' didn't work for you smear mongers this time.

You dumbfucks have been losing power all over the country but so enamoured with your selves you couldn't see it. And still can't! LOL. So you need a little simple answer because seeing the world through adult eyes is beyond your scope.

Now let us see how the GOP does. But I already know how they do. They don't do well at all. But they'll never admit it. Look at the 2007 recession. It wasn't until Trump 2016 you guys started admitting Bush sucked.

The American people are stupid and you are a great example. Fucking sheep.
The people who voted for Trump saw and heard the same stuff we heard. If they are dumb enough to vote for Trump after seeing and hearing all that, what can we do? Fuck it.

And I'm sick of blacks crying that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise them. Cry me a fucking river. I have a bigger problem with them not showing up to vote because they don't think it matters.

The media didn't make the American people stupid. They just are.
No, we didn't see the same thing at all. You saw hate, sexism, bigotry, racism, etc., we saw the opportunity to turn the country around and everyone prospering regardless of who they were. The politics of division, strife and 'you need us' didn't work for you smear mongers this time.

You dumbfucks have been losing power all over the country but so enamoured with your selves you couldn't see it. And still can't! LOL. So you need a little simple answer because seeing the world through adult eyes is beyond your scope.
“I love the poorly educated.” — Donald Trump

Before any votes were cast, when Donald Trump was the theoretical front-runner, the optimists preached patience. Just wait, they said. This will blow over. He’s a clown, a huckster, a TV personality. There’s no way he can win. It’s just not possible.

Trump may well sweep the Super Tuesday states. If that happens, and it’s the most probable outcome at this point, the race is effectively over. Trump will have won the nomination of one of our two major parties, and he’ll have done it with extraordinary ease. I hate to have to say it, but the conclusion stares us in the face: We’re a stupid country, full of loud, illiterate and credulous people. Trump has marched straight to the nomination without offering anything like a platform or a plan. With a vocabulary of roughly a dozen words – wall, Mexicans, low-energy, loser, Muslims, stupid, China, negotiate, deals, America, great, again – he’s bamboozled millions of Americans. And it’s not just splenetic conservatives supporting Trump or your garden-variety bigots (although that’s the center of his coalition), it’s also independents, pro-choice Republicans, and a subset of Reagan Democrats.
The people who voted for Trump saw and heard the same stuff we heard. If they are dumb enough to vote for Trump after seeing and hearing all that, what can we do? Fuck it.

And I'm sick of blacks crying that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise them. Cry me a fucking river. I have a bigger problem with them not showing up to vote because they don't think it matters.

The media didn't make the American people stupid. They just are.
No, we didn't see the same thing at all. You saw hate, sexism, bigotry, racism, etc., we saw the opportunity to turn the country around and everyone prospering regardless of who they were. The politics of division, strife and 'you need us' didn't work for you smear mongers this time.

You dumbfucks have been losing power all over the country but so enamoured with your selves you couldn't see it. And still can't! LOL. So you need a little simple answer because seeing the world through adult eyes is beyond your scope.

Now let us see how the GOP does. But I already know how they do. They don't do well at all. But they'll never admit it. Look at the 2007 recession. It wasn't until Trump 2016 you guys started admitting Bush sucked.

The American people are stupid and you are a great example. Fucking sheep.
You continue to blame others for your idiocy and think you can get away with it. Bush never was a fiscal conservative and gave the left about all they wanted. Many on the right were discussing it at the time. But to blame him solely for the downturn is pure ideological fantasy. And we didn't see him sniveling about the unfair treatment during or afterwards.

The right typically does not fight back and stays on defense. You have to prove you aren't a racist, sexist, homophobe, greedy, etc. Trump won because he fought back.
Oh, let the poor dears complain. The longer they refuse to look in the mirror and blame everything else, the longer it will be before they win again.

Trump’s wager was simple: Pretend to be stupid and angry because that’s what stupid and angry people like. He’s held up a mirror to the country, shown us how blind and apish we are. He knew how undiscerning the populace would be, how little they cared about details and facts.

In no other domain of life would this make any sense at all. If your attorney drops the ball, you don’t hire a plumber to replace him. And yet millions of Trumpites say they don’t care if Trump has ever worked at any level of government or if he knows anything about foreign policy or the law or the Constitution. It’s enough that he greets them at their level, panders to their lowest instincts.

Trump, a billionaire trust fund baby who inherited $40 million from his father, has convinced hordes of working-class white people that he’s just like them, that he feels their pain and knows their struggle. He’s made marks of them all.
“I love the poorly educated.” — Donald Trump

Before any votes were cast, when Donald Trump was the theoretical front-runner, the optimists preached patience. Just wait, they said. This will blow over. He’s a clown, a huckster, a TV personality. There’s no way he can win. It’s just not possible.
He said he loves the educated too but your pea brain can only hold a few thoughts so you prioritize. But we found out who the hucksters really were. Most of us anyway, libs are still lost, stuck in their juvenile bubble universe.

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