Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

The people who voted for Trump saw and heard the same stuff we heard. If they are dumb enough to vote for Trump after seeing and hearing all that, what can we do? Fuck it.

And I'm sick of blacks crying that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise them. Cry me a fucking river. I have a bigger problem with them not showing up to vote because they don't think it matters.

The media didn't make the American people stupid. They just are.
No, we didn't see the same thing at all. You saw hate, sexism, bigotry, racism, etc., we saw the opportunity to turn the country around and everyone prospering regardless of who they were. The politics of division, strife and 'you need us' didn't work for you smear mongers this time.

You dumbfucks have been losing power all over the country but so enamoured with your selves you couldn't see it. And still can't! LOL. So you need a little simple answer because seeing the world through adult eyes is beyond your scope.

Now let us see how the GOP does. But I already know how they do. They don't do well at all. But they'll never admit it. Look at the 2007 recession. It wasn't until Trump 2016 you guys started admitting Bush sucked.

The American people are stupid and you are a great example. Fucking sheep.
You continue to blame others for your idiocy and think you can get away with it. Bush never was a fiscal conservative and gave the left about all they wanted. Many on the right were discussing it at the time. But to blame him solely for the downturn is pure ideological fantasy. And we didn't see him sniveling about the unfair treatment during or afterwards.

The right typically does not fight back and stays on defense. You have to prove you aren't a racist, sexist, homophobe, greedy, etc. Trump won because he fought back.

Trump, a billionaire trust fund baby who inherited $40 million from his father, has convinced you, working-class white people that he’s just like them, that he feels their pain and knows their struggle. He’s made marks of them you.
“I love the poorly educated.” — Donald Trump

Before any votes were cast, when Donald Trump was the theoretical front-runner, the optimists preached patience. Just wait, they said. This will blow over. He’s a clown, a huckster, a TV personality. There’s no way he can win. It’s just not possible.
He said he loves the educated too but your pea brain can only hold a few thoughts so you prioritize. But we found out who the hucksters really were. Most of us anyway, libs are still lost, stuck in their juvenile bubble universe.

You're being duped again.
“I love the poorly educated.” — Donald Trump

Before any votes were cast, when Donald Trump was the theoretical front-runner, the optimists preached patience. Just wait, they said. This will blow over. He’s a clown, a huckster, a TV personality. There’s no way he can win. It’s just not possible.
He said he loves the educated too but your pea brain can only hold a few thoughts so you prioritize. But we found out who the hucksters really were. Most of us anyway, libs are still lost, stuck in their juvenile bubble universe.

You're being duped again.
Game, set, match.
I would be a lot better with Trump if the Democrats took control of the Senate. Because they didn't, the American people are truly screwed. They/you don't know it yet.
Why? Because we'll have constitutional government again? You make outrageous claims like all of America is too stupid to know that they are "screwed" and you are the lone enlightened person to realize it but you completely fail to articulate it.
I would be a lot better with Trump if the Democrats took control of the Senate. Because they didn't, the American people are truly screwed. They/you don't know it yet.
Why? Because we'll have constitutional government again? You make outrageous claims like all of America is too stupid to know that they are "screwed" and you are the lone enlightened person to realize it but you completely fail to articulate it.
Constitutional government? Just wait dummy. Not that you'll admit it when you are wrong. All I know is Thank you Obama for getting us out of Bush's great recession. The American people deserve whatever the Republicans have in store for them. Bye bye social security and medicare. You are all FUCKED!

My bro and I were taking this weekend. I'm 45 and have no car or house payment and I save. I'll be alright. My bro had to work in Switzerland for 4 years and he makes half a mill a year. The entire 4 years there the company paid for EVERYTHING. So he literally saved 2 million (before taxes) in 4 years. My family will have no problem when we take the hit to our ss and medicare. I don't like it but I'll be fine. You my friend will be fucked.

1 in 3 Americans Has Saved $0 for Retirement

And if not YOU, then your friends family and neighbors. You're all fucked. You know not what you did.
I would be a lot better with Trump if the Democrats took control of the Senate. Because they didn't, the American people are truly screwed. They/you don't know it yet.
Why? Because we'll have constitutional government again? You make outrageous claims like all of America is too stupid to know that they are "screwed" and you are the lone enlightened person to realize it but you completely fail to articulate it.

Are you considering the justice department that won't go after a corrupt administration? You guys liked to cry that Loretta Lynch was an Obama lapdog. Imagine a Trump justice department. They'll make all the Trump EDU and rape cases go away.
The October jobs report shows that the American economy continued its solid recovery from the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes in October, with the addition of 161,000 jobs. All told, American businesses have added 15.5 million jobs since February 2010, and we are in the longest streak of overall job growth on record.
That is all progressive propaganda and you buy into it. For starters, there were well over 10 million jobs lost during the Obama reign of terror. So at best he has a net gain of 5 million jobs.

But considering that under his watch we had a record number of people on food stamps, a record number of people out of the labor force, and record level of debt, it's safe to say his administration was a spectacular failure.
Bye bye social security and medicare. You are all FUCKED!
Oh my God you drama queen...Medicare and Social Security aren't going anywhere (even though they should go away). At best, Obamacare will go away (and I'm not even sure that will happen).

Furthermore, why are you crying about that stuff going away if you and your brother are in such great financial situation? Guess what, buttercup? George Washington didn't have Social Security or Medicare and he did just fine. Same with Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin. James Madison. Should I continue?

Man existed for thousands of years without Medicare and Social Security snowflake. We'll all be just fine.
The October jobs report shows that the American economy continued its solid recovery from the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes in October, with the addition of 161,000 jobs. All told, American businesses have added 15.5 million jobs since February 2010, and we are in the longest streak of overall job growth on record.
That is all progressive propaganda and you buy into it. For starters, there were well over 10 million jobs lost during the Obama reign of terror. So at best he has a net gain of 5 million jobs.

But considering that under his watch we had a record number of people on food stamps, a record number of people out of the labor force, and record level of debt, it's safe to say his administration was a spectacular failure.

Yes that's what happens after a great recession. Now lets see Republicans raise wages. No fucking way that'll ever happen. I hope I'm wrong but I never am. Other than saying no way Trump will ever win.
FBI Director Comey testified under oath that Hillary LIED, she endangered national security through carelessness, and she violated both the FOIA & the Federal Records Act.
-- That's what Libs call being 'Swift-boated'.

Hillary is STILL under investigation by the FBI for corruption, bribery, influence peddling, etc...
-- That's what Libs call 'being Swift-boated'.
Bye bye social security and medicare. You are all FUCKED!
Oh my God you drama queen...Medicare and Social Security aren't going anywhere (even though they should go away). At best, Obamacare will go away (and I'm not even sure that will happen).

Furthermore, why are you crying about that stuff going away if you and your brother are in such great financial situation? Guess what, buttercup? George Washington didn't have Social Security or Medicare and he did just fine. Same with Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin. James Madison. Should I continue?

Man existed for thousands of years without Medicare and Social Security snowflake. We'll all be just fine.
George Washington was rich stupid! We didn't invent ss for rich people. We invented it for people who make $15hr. and will die broke without it. There is a reason we invented SS. We didn't do it just to make people vote Democratic but I'm sure that's what you believe.

And because I too worry about Republicanomics eating up all my disposable income too. Everything I saved. I too worry that they'll privatize my ss and then when the market takes a Trump Dump I'll be screwed. I want to retire at 65 not 67 or 70. But you'll add another 2 or 5 years on to that and not realize you just cost yourself!

And it's hard to believe someone when they say SS isn't going to go away when they end the sentence with "even though it should"

This is the perfect example. The vast majority of Trump supporters are going to need ss and medicare and because of their votes they won't have it. Or those programs will take massive hits. So instead of $1500 a month you'll only get $1000. Never realizing you fucked yourself when you voted back in 2016.
FBI Director Comey testified under oath that Hillary LIED, she endangered national security through carelessness, and she violated both the FOIA & the Federal Records Act.
-- That's what Libs call being 'Swift-boated'.

Hillary is STILL under investigation by the FBI for corruption, bribery, influence peddling, etc...
-- That's what Libs call 'being Swift-boated'.
No she's not but that won't stop you from saying it.
Bye bye social security and medicare. You are all FUCKED!
Oh my God you drama queen...Medicare and Social Security aren't going anywhere (even though they should go away). At best, Obamacare will go away (and I'm not even sure that will happen).

Furthermore, why are you crying about that stuff going away if you and your brother are in such great financial situation? Guess what, buttercup? George Washington didn't have Social Security or Medicare and he did just fine. Same with Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin. James Madison. Should I continue?

Man existed for thousands of years without Medicare and Social Security snowflake. We'll all be just fine.
George Washington was rich stupid! We didn't invent ss for rich people. We invented it for people who make $15hr. and will die broke without it. There is a reason we invented SS. We didn't do it just to make people vote Democratic but I'm sure that's what you believe.

And because I too worry about Republicanomics eating up all my disposable income too. Everything I saved. I too worry that they'll privatize my ss and then when the market takes a Trump Dump I'll be screwed. I want to retire at 65 not 67 or 70. But you'll add another 2 or 5 years on to that and not realize you just cost yourself!

And it's hard to believe someone when they say SS isn't going to go away when they end the sentence with "even though it should"

This is the perfect example. The vast majority of Trump supporters are going to need ss and medicare and because of their votes they won't have it. Or those programs will take massive hits. So instead of $1500 a month you'll only get $1000. Never realizing you fucked yourself when you voted back in 2016.

It's still 2016 Snowflake.
FBI Director Comey testified under oath that Hillary LIED, she endangered national security through carelessness, and she violated both the FOIA & the Federal Records Act.
-- That's what Libs call being 'Swift-boated'.

Hillary is STILL under investigation by the FBI for corruption, bribery, influence peddling, etc...
-- That's what Libs call 'being Swift-boated'.
No she's not but that won't stop you from saying it.
Actually the FBI has said the Clinton Foudation IS stll under investigation for corruption, bribery, influence peddling, etc....

...but you maintain a firm grasp on your delusion, denial, and fantasy, Snowflake.
FBI Director Comey testified under oath that Hillary LIED, she endangered national security through carelessness, and she violated both the FOIA & the Federal Records Act.
-- That's what Libs call being 'Swift-boated'.

Hillary is STILL under investigation by the FBI for corruption, bribery, influence peddling, etc...
-- That's what Libs call 'being Swift-boated'.
No she's not but that won't stop you from saying it.
Actually the FBI has said the Clinton Foudation IS stll under investigation for corruption, bribery, influence peddling, etc....

...but you maintain a firm grasp on your delusion, denial, and fantasy, Snowflake.

So funny. I hope you worry about Trumps business conflicts of interest like you worried about the Clinton Foundation. But you won't. Snowflake. LOL.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


The Dems are making a huge mistake by making this a campaign issue instead of the inclusive issue it is and should be.
The conservatives and Trump supporters are too suspicious of getting rid of fake news because it might be a liberal attempt at censorship.
It's stupid, but it's true.
Plus, fake news is the way they dupe the chumps lol...
ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are the fake news. That's what this election proved.
That's moronic. Wake up or shut up.
Fake News Watch – Last updated: 01/18/2016
Last edited:
Oh, let the poor dears complain. The longer they refuse to look in the mirror and blame everything else, the longer it will be before they win again.

Trump’s wager was simple: Pretend to be stupid and angry because that’s what stupid and angry people like. He’s held up a mirror to the country, shown us how blind and apish we are. He knew how undiscerning the populace would be, how little they cared about details and facts.

In no other domain of life would this make any sense at all. If your attorney drops the ball, you don’t hire a plumber to replace him. And yet millions of Trumpites say they don’t care if Trump has ever worked at any level of government or if he knows anything about foreign policy or the law or the Constitution. It’s enough that he greets them at their level, panders to their lowest instincts.

Trump, a billionaire trust fund baby who inherited $40 million from his father, has convinced hordes of working-class white people that he’s just like them, that he feels their pain and knows their struggle. He’s made marks of them all.
Like I said, the longer democrats refuse to look in the mirror, the longer it's going to be before they return to a winning strategy. They still have to go through the upheaval the Republicans have just gone through.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


It is like Kerry, I agree. She's as guilty as he was

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