Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

Have you seen the map of who voted for who? Do you really want a war you can't fucking win?

Yeah. You know what else I've seen? The stats.

Trump: 61,201,031
Clinton: 62,523,126

Difference: 1,322,095 and growing every hour.

So, basically, in case you're too stupid to read -- more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump. Another way of saying that is, fewer Americans actually voted for Trump than Hillary. Another way of saying that is more Americans rejected the right wing fascist and endorsed the sane, qualified candidate who actually believes in American values.

A wopping 2.12 percent you are bragging about? Shit, that's all of the dead people in Cook County that voted. Grow a margin at or near 5% and get back to US. Enemies were punished and friends were rewarded. MoveOn and Get over It.
Please don't rewrite history: The economy tanked and then Obama was elected.
The economy tanked when Obama was elected and that is a fact. Look it up. Just like the market "suddenly" skyrocketed when Trump was elected.

Obama went around preaching marxism and how he would "punish" businesss. The markets naturally reacted to news of his election.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
I don't need to blame Bush for Obama's lackluster attempt to turn the economy around. I can point out that the crash happened under Bush because I'm not a partisan hack.
Then why did Bush never see more than just over 7% unemployment? That's not much of a "crash" my friend. I also notice you conveniently leave out that Bush didn't collapse the housing market - that was Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-Investment Act".
9 years later, with a time machine.
What's wrong with $15 per hour, you elitist snob?
*Can't save for retirement on $15 hr.
Sure you can! Who in the hell told you that lie?!? Heck, you can save for retirement on $6 per hour. Also, there is no law against working a second job. If $15 per hour isn't enough for you, work a second job!
Why do these people need a pension? I've never worked anywhere that had a pension. Ever.
Why do you need to make what you make? Pensions were promised in exchange for raises. If you *don't want to give pensions don't. Just give them a raise
I don't! You notice I don't demand that the government assure me a certain rate with anyone?!? I make what I make because that's what we mutually agreed on.

Furthermore, you're lying again about pensions. The UAW assured that all of those people receive raises every single year. And they still had a cadillac pension on top of that. Plus a cadillac healthcare plan. Plus lots of vacation.
Why should Trump and the GOP do anything for these people? That is not their job.
I knew Trump and the GOP wouldn't do anything. Just empty campaign promises. KNEW IT!
Like you "knew" Hitlery Clinton would win? :lmao:

You don't even understand why government exists and that is just sad.
If these people don't like their salaries, why did they agree to them?
Only job in town
So move!!! :uhh:

What kind of stupid ass excuse is that?!? The government should overstep their constitutional authority and engage in illegal activity because you don't like the wages being offered but are too stupid to move?!?
Why do you insist that "Trump and the GOP" do something for these people? Why don't you insist that these people do something for themselves?
Because they promised
They made no such promise. Besides lying, you still haven't answered why you demand that government everything for people and you don't demand that they do anything for themselves.
Most importantly of all - rather than whining, why don't you do something for these people? Why don't you provide a pension for them? Why don't you pay for their education? Why don't you provide jobs for them that pay more than $15 per hour? Why don't you?
If you're not going to provide jobs for people, you have no business sitting on your lazy and judgmental ass and complaining about what job creators do pay others.
I feel like I jumped into a time machine and went back to a 2007 argument
That's ok - with you avoiding simple questions, lying, and advocating for failed progressive policy, I feel like I'm in Groundhogs Day. It's the same thing every day with you progressives.

You're too greedy and too lazy to help those people but you're too ashamed to admit it since you demand others help them, uh? Yeah, I thought so.
We're going to party like it's 2007!
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

Have you seen the map of who voted for who? Do you really want a war you can't fucking win?

Yeah. You know what else I've seen? The stats.

Trump: 61,201,031
Clinton: 62,523,126

Difference: 1,322,095 and growing every hour.

So, basically, in case you're too stupid to read -- more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump. Another way of saying that is, fewer Americans actually voted for Trump than Hillary. Another way of saying that is more Americans rejected the right wing fascist and endorsed the sane, qualified candidate who actually believes in American values.

A wopping 2.12 percent you are bragging about? Shit, that's all of the dead people in Cook County that voted. Grow a margin at or near 5% and get back to US. Enemies were punished and friends were rewarded. MoveOn and Get over It.
That you dupes don't know about...like most facts. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...pLO8O3CZqOJZ0ig0Q&sig2=cuvpt_E8WGaOhnnMkFvjlQ
Please don't rewrite history: The economy tanked and then Obama was elected.
The economy tanked when Obama was elected and that is a fact. Look it up. Just like the market "suddenly" skyrocketed when Trump was elected.

Obama went around preaching marxism and how he would "punish" businesss. The markets naturally reacted to news of his election.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
W allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, started the stupidest wars ever and wrecked the ME, AND started a WORLD DEPRESSSION. You're a gd brainwashed functional moron. Not to worry, you've got plenty of company. Hopefully, Trump doesn't believe the crap he parroted to get elected...
Republicans want to pretend Obama created Isis. Ask Isis why they attack America or ask Isis what examples do they give to recruits to illustrate how the USA is bad and invading Iraq for no good reason is in the top 3 at least.
President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama began his term as president on January 20, 2009, and is still in office. His economic legacy to date is largely tied up in the response to and recovery from the economic crisis that was still ravaging the economy when he took office. (That, plus healthcare reform, which is as much an economic issue as anything.)
When President Obama took office, unemployment was 7.8 percent. The headline rate peaked at 10.0 percent in October of 2009, and has come down more or less steadily to 7.4 percent as of July 2013. During this time, inflation has averaged about 1.8 percent and real GDP growth has averaged about 1.5 percent.

We are 13 days removed from the Fundamental Transformation of the fundamental transformation of America.
Please don't rewrite history: The economy tanked and then Obama was elected.
The economy tanked when Obama was elected and that is a fact. Look it up. Just like the market "suddenly" skyrocketed when Trump was elected.

Obama went around preaching marxism and how he would "punish" businesss. The markets naturally reacted to news of his election.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
I don't need to blame Bush for Obama's lackluster attempt to turn the economy around. I can point out that the crash happened under Bush because I'm not a partisan hack.
Then why did Bush never see more than just over 7% unemployment? That's not much of a "crash" my friend. I also notice you conveniently leave out that Bush didn't collapse the housing market - that was Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-Investment Act".
Wait, wait, wait.. So what was bad under Bush was Clinton's fault, but what was bad under Obama was Obama's fault? You realize you're just further making the case that you're a partisan hack, right? The fact is that Clinton did many things that set the crash in motion, and Bush did nothing to change those policies. Hence the crash. Though far more to blame than Clinton or Bush is the Federal Reserve and specifically Alan Greenspan.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

Have you seen the map of who voted for who? Do you really want a war you can't fucking win?

Yeah. You know what else I've seen? The stats.

Trump: 61,201,031
Clinton: 62,523,126

Difference: 1,322,095 and growing every hour.

So, basically, in case you're too stupid to read -- more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump. Another way of saying that is, fewer Americans actually voted for Trump than Hillary. Another way of saying that is more Americans rejected the right wing fascist and endorsed the sane, qualified candidate who actually believes in American values.

A wopping 2.12 percent you are bragging about? Shit, that's all of the dead people in Cook County that voted. Grow a margin at or near 5% and get back to US. Enemies were punished and friends were rewarded. MoveOn and Get over It.
That you dupes don't know about...like most facts. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwio1cPzm7vQAhVL04MKHXygDRkQFggxMAM&url=http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2013/08/31/presidential-stock-market-scoreboard-reagan-obama/2750227/&usg=AFQjCNGRtG7pGmsIYpLO8O3CZqOJZ0ig0Q&sig2=cuvpt_E8WGaOhnnMkFvjlQ

Your facts are what lie between your ears.
Please don't rewrite history: The economy tanked and then Obama was elected.
The economy tanked when Obama was elected and that is a fact. Look it up. Just like the market "suddenly" skyrocketed when Trump was elected.

Obama went around preaching marxism and how he would "punish" businesss. The markets naturally reacted to news of his election.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
W allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, started the stupidest wars ever and wrecked the ME, AND started a WORLD DEPRESSSION. You're a gd brainwashed functional moron. Not to worry, you've got plenty of company. Hopefully, Trump doesn't believe the crap he parroted to get elected...
Republicans want to pretend Obama created Isis. Ask Isis why they attack America or ask Isis what examples do they give to recruits to illustrate how the USA is bad and invading Iraq for no good reason is in the top 3 at least.
His policies, along with Hillary Clinton's, certainly helped give rise to ISIS, especially since they armed them in Libya and Syria.
Listen schmuck. I've heard all these tired old arguments before. I just can't believe the American people forgot are so ignorant to go back to your party. It's like 2007 never happened.
So to be clear - your position is that it's better to get 90% of $0.00 than 10% of $200 billion?

Obama took over the White House and the world economy tanked (for a reason). 2009 under Obama was a 1,000x's worse than 2007 under Bush, schmuck. Only an idiot cuts off their nose to spite their face. You sure are showing Apple by having some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Yeah - you've got them right where you want them, uh stupid?
You are a total gd idiot. Thanks Fox etc...
Let's remember how bad Republicans were the last time they were in charge.

Bush got hit on 9-11 then lied us into Iraq his first term. Some say on purpose because Chaney's haloburton cleaned up.

Bush barely won in 2004. Some say Ken Blackwell stole Ohio for bush. But a very red state almost voted for John kerry. So he wasn't doing a good job. Tom delay was evil and Dennis hastert was a pedophile.

Midterms almost always benefit Republicans but things were so bad Democrats took the house and senate in 2006.

So Republicans, please tell us things were great 8 years before Obama.

Obama ruled compared to bush and hillary should be our president. Gore should have too.

I'm just glad my family has money
The economy tanked when Obama was elected and that is a fact. Look it up. Just like the market "suddenly" skyrocketed when Trump was elected.

Obama went around preaching marxism and how he would "punish" businesss. The markets naturally reacted to news of his election.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
W allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, started the stupidest wars ever and wrecked the ME, AND started a WORLD DEPRESSSION. You're a gd brainwashed functional moron. Not to worry, you've got plenty of company. Hopefully, Trump doesn't believe the crap he parroted to get elected...
Republicans want to pretend Obama created Isis. Ask Isis why they attack America or ask Isis what examples do they give to recruits to illustrate how the USA is bad and invading Iraq for no good reason is in the top 3 at least.
His policies, along with Hillary Clinton's, certainly helped give rise to ISIS, especially since they armed them in Libya and Syria.
Yea and Clinton signed NAFTA and hillary voted for it. I know, you win
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

Have you seen the map of who voted for who? Do you really want a war you can't fucking win?

Yeah. You know what else I've seen? The stats.

Trump: 61,201,031
Clinton: 62,523,126

Difference: 1,322,095 and growing every hour.

So, basically, in case you're too stupid to read -- more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump. Another way of saying that is, fewer Americans actually voted for Trump than Hillary. Another way of saying that is more Americans rejected the right wing fascist and endorsed the sane, qualified candidate who actually believes in American values.

A wopping 2.12 percent you are bragging about? Shit, that's all of the dead people in Cook County that voted. Grow a margin at or near 5% and get back to US. Enemies were punished and friends were rewarded. MoveOn and Get over It.
That you dupes don't know about...like most facts. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwio1cPzm7vQAhVL04MKHXygDRkQFggxMAM&url=http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2013/08/31/presidential-stock-market-scoreboard-reagan-obama/2750227/&usg=AFQjCNGRtG7pGmsIYpLO8O3CZqOJZ0ig0Q&sig2=cuvpt_E8WGaOhnnMkFvjlQ

Your facts are what lie between your ears.
There's only one thing to do. Michelle will run for a Senate seat in Chicago 2020. 2028 she runs for potus
The economy tanked when Obama was elected and that is a fact. Look it up. Just like the market "suddenly" skyrocketed when Trump was elected.

Obama went around preaching marxism and how he would "punish" businesss. The markets naturally reacted to news of his election.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
W allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, started the stupidest wars ever and wrecked the ME, AND started a WORLD DEPRESSSION. You're a gd brainwashed functional moron. Not to worry, you've got plenty of company. Hopefully, Trump doesn't believe the crap he parroted to get elected...
Republicans want to pretend Obama created Isis. Ask Isis why they attack America or ask Isis what examples do they give to recruits to illustrate how the USA is bad and invading Iraq for no good reason is in the top 3 at least.
His policies, along with Hillary Clinton's, certainly helped give rise to ISIS, especially since they armed them in Libya and Syria.
You know what? The winners get to write the history. You won so if you say so.

Worst presidents go:

Gw bush
Hw bush
The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.
Swiftboating: The act of pointing out what a political candidate has actually done, backed up by bringing in dozens or even hundreds of witnesses who were actually there and watched him do it.
To point out the need to refute his exaggerations and outright lies on the subject and let the electorate decide for themselves whether his reputation deserves to be "damaged" by the truth being revealed.
There's only one thing to do. Michelle will run for a Senate seat in Chicago 2020. 2028 she runs for potus
She would probably win too. She's an exceptional speaker. She's given two of the better speeches I've ever seen. She also doesn't have the horrific baggage of Hitlery Clinton.

Unfortunately for her though, she would have to overcome her husband's legacy of failure.
There's only one thing to do. Michelle will run for a Senate seat in Chicago 2020. 2028 she runs for potus
She would probably win too. She's an exceptional speaker. She's given two of the better speeches I've ever seen. She also doesn't have the horrific baggage of Hitlery Clinton.

Unfortunately for her though, she would have to overcome her husband's legacy of failure.
Bush did it.

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