Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

if by "swift boated" you mean the truth was exposed then yes Lakhota you crony Dem establ puppet you
Truth being her private server was never hacked, staffers at the DNC and her campaign BSed like anyone else, and her e-mails didn't say classified or deserve to be so, dupes. GOPers are the silliest voters ever, and our media eats shytte....RW media is a disgrace. Ditto their Pols and Putin.
Stop being a dupe. Her server was never approved by the state dept dupe boi AND she and her staff didn't attend the MANDATORY security training francoHFW
if by "swift boated" you mean the truth was exposed then yes Lakhota you crony Dem establ puppet you
Truth being her private server was never hacked, staffers at the DNC and her campaign BSed like anyone else, and her e-mails didn't say classified or deserve to be so, dupes. GOPers are the silliest voters ever, and our media eats shytte....RW media is a disgrace. Ditto their Pols and Putin.
Stop being a dupe. Her server was never approved by the state dept dupe boi AND she and her staff didn't attend the MANDATORY security training francoHFW
Hildabeast was a fuck up, and now she's sitting at home… Because she lost the fucking election.
pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.

He won it and you lost, no matter how much butt hurt you feel, you lost.

Hillary was a deplorable candidate and though I think her supporters had valid reasons for supporting her, she could not get the extra 6,000,000 votes that Obama energized to vote for him.

Next time pick a better candidate and quit crying like a little girl who's mommy told her no when she asked for a lollipop.
So wth would you dupes lock Hillary up for anyway? Your RW media etc is nuts...alright, cowardly librul did it too...arrrrgggghhhhh....
if by "swift boated" you mean the truth was exposed then yes Lakhota you crony Dem establ puppet you
Truth being her private server was never hacked, staffers at the DNC and her campaign BSed like anyone else, and her e-mails didn't say classified or deserve to be so, dupes. GOPers are the silliest voters ever, and our media eats shytte....RW media is a disgrace. Ditto their Pols and Putin.
Stop being a dupe. Her server was never approved by the state dept dupe boi AND she and her staff didn't attend the MANDATORY security training francoHFW
Yet her server didn't get hacked like State's. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
if by "swift boated" you mean the truth was exposed then yes Lakhota you crony Dem establ puppet you
Truth being her private server was never hacked, staffers at the DNC and her campaign BSed like anyone else, and her e-mails didn't say classified or deserve to be so, dupes. GOPers are the silliest voters ever, and our media eats shytte....RW media is a disgrace. Ditto their Pols and Putin.
Stop being a dupe. Her server was never approved by the state dept dupe boi AND she and her staff didn't attend the MANDATORY security training francoHFW
So we get a mobbed up NYC con man? Link to training? lol
if by "swift boated" you mean the truth was exposed then yes Lakhota you crony Dem establ puppet you
Truth being her private server was never hacked, staffers at the DNC and her campaign BSed like anyone else, and her e-mails didn't say classified or deserve to be so, dupes. GOPers are the silliest voters ever, and our media eats shytte....RW media is a disgrace. Ditto their Pols and Putin.
Stop being a dupe. Her server was never approved by the state dept dupe boi AND she and her staff didn't attend the MANDATORY security training francoHFW
Yet her server didn't get hacked like State's. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
It wasn't approved you clueless dupe

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Have you seen the map of who voted for who? Do you really want a war you can't fucking win?

Yeah. You know what else I've seen? The stats.

Trump: 61,201,031
Clinton: 62,523,126

Difference: 1,322,095 and growing every hour.

So, basically, in case you're too stupid to read -- more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump. Another way of saying that is, fewer Americans actually voted for Trump than Hillary. Another way of saying that is more Americans rejected the right wing fascist and endorsed the sane, qualified candidate who actually believes in American values.

Another way of saying it is he won an electoral landslide

Right, thanks to voter suppression in key swing states.

Look forward to the outcome of those investigations.

Guess what?

She lost. Lost big.

Only the electoral vote. Why? Read the thread title.

We all read the thread title and saw that you were the OP. We came to laugh.

Oh! By the way. Elections have consequences. Trump won. Get used to it.

Yeah, and Lance Armstrong won all those Tour de France races...
Suck it up, dickhead. The only one sadder than you that hillary will be living in Chappaqua is bill clinton

Settle down, Pee wee, it ain't over yet.

Correct. He has yet to be sworn in.

BTW: Please make sure you tell your cowardly friends (the ones who are threatening electors) to have their will up to date. They come after the people I know.....it will be no contest.
waste of time.

But, it's their time

Could be a waste of time, but still a worthwhile effort. 3 or 4 electors have already said their vote won't go for Trump.

Cant' find any links that the ones not voting for Trump will vote for hillary

Hillary is the preferred choice, but almost anybody but Trump is acceptable.

YOu forgot to cut and paste your link

I didn't forget anything. I have no desire to convince you of anything. You've made it clear that facts mean nothing to you.

Facts you don't have.
Have you seen the map of who voted for who? Do you really want a war you can't fucking win?

Yeah. You know what else I've seen? The stats.

Trump: 61,201,031
Clinton: 62,523,126

Difference: 1,322,095 and growing every hour.

So, basically, in case you're too stupid to read -- more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump. Another way of saying that is, fewer Americans actually voted for Trump than Hillary. Another way of saying that is more Americans rejected the right wing fascist and endorsed the sane, qualified candidate who actually believes in American values.

Another way of saying it is he won an electoral landslide

Right, thanks to voter suppression in key swing states.

Look forward to the outcome of those investigations.

It's already started.

Investigative Reporter Greg Palast: GOP Stole 2016 Election Using Voter Suppression, Purging Ploys: Kasia Anderson
pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.

He won it and you lost, no matter how much butt hurt you feel, you lost.

Hillary was a deplorable candidate and though I think her supporters had valid reasons for supporting her, she could not get the extra 6,000,000 votes that Obama energized to vote for him.

Next time pick a better candidate and quit crying like a little girl who's mommy told her no when she asked for a lollipop.
So wth would you dupes lock Hillary up for anyway? Your RW media etc is nuts...alright, cowardly librul did it too...arrrrgggghhhhh....

Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Have you seen the map of who voted for who? Do you really want a war you can't fucking win?

Yeah. You know what else I've seen? The stats.

Trump: 61,201,031
Clinton: 62,523,126

Difference: 1,322,095 and growing every hour.

So, basically, in case you're too stupid to read -- more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump. Another way of saying that is, fewer Americans actually voted for Trump than Hillary. Another way of saying that is more Americans rejected the right wing fascist and endorsed the sane, qualified candidate who actually believes in American values.

Another way of saying it is he won an electoral landslide

Right, thanks to voter suppression in key swing states.

Look forward to the outcome of those investigations.

It's already started.

Investigative Reporter Greg Palast: GOP Stole 2016 Election Using Voter Suppression, Purging Ploys: Kasia Anderson

Good job.

Hope they are able to make it happen.
pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.

He won it and you lost, no matter how much butt hurt you feel, you lost.

Hillary was a deplorable candidate and though I think her supporters had valid reasons for supporting her, she could not get the extra 6,000,000 votes that Obama energized to vote for him.

Next time pick a better candidate and quit crying like a little girl who's mommy told her no when she asked for a lollipop.
So wth would you dupes lock Hillary up for anyway? Your RW media etc is nuts...alright, cowardly librul did it too...arrrrgggghhhhh....

Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol
pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.

He won it and you lost, no matter how much butt hurt you feel, you lost.

Hillary was a deplorable candidate and though I think her supporters had valid reasons for supporting her, she could not get the extra 6,000,000 votes that Obama energized to vote for him.

Next time pick a better candidate and quit crying like a little girl who's mommy told her no when she asked for a lollipop.
So wth would you dupes lock Hillary up for anyway? Your RW media etc is nuts...alright, cowardly librul did it too...arrrrgggghhhhh....

Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
The plain truth is she lied, was caught, and lied again. She knowingly violated State Department protocol, why, we can only guess. Unlike Nixon, she erased the majority of emails, why, we can only guess. Face it, she beat herself, even with the AG, and FBI capitulation, she escaped prosecution, even after paid for political rally disturbances and protests she lost. The media adored and ordained her, yet to my surprise the American people rejected her. I for one have to give credit to the silent majority, they raised up and picked the better of the two. What is of concern are those blind sheep that drank too much koolaid, were unable to see the con, and played like fools.
No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.

He won it and you lost, no matter how much butt hurt you feel, you lost.

Hillary was a deplorable candidate and though I think her supporters had valid reasons for supporting her, she could not get the extra 6,000,000 votes that Obama energized to vote for him.

Next time pick a better candidate and quit crying like a little girl who's mommy told her no when she asked for a lollipop.
So wth would you dupes lock Hillary up for anyway? Your RW media etc is nuts...alright, cowardly librul did it too...arrrrgggghhhhh....

Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
That's down to 4 million now. I'd look into suppression in NC and MI ...Probably blacks and Sanders voters who believe in e-mails, not evidence. Great job, Putin...arghhhh.
He won it and you lost, no matter how much butt hurt you feel, you lost.

Hillary was a deplorable candidate and though I think her supporters had valid reasons for supporting her, she could not get the extra 6,000,000 votes that Obama energized to vote for him.

Next time pick a better candidate and quit crying like a little girl who's mommy told her no when she asked for a lollipop.
So wth would you dupes lock Hillary up for anyway? Your RW media etc is nuts...alright, cowardly librul did it too...arrrrgggghhhhh....

Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
That's down to 4 million now. I'd look into suppression in NC and MI ...Probably blacks and Sanders voters who believe in e-mails, not evidence. Great job, Putin...arghhhh.

Trump won...

Get over it....
So wth would you dupes lock Hillary up for anyway? Your RW media etc is nuts...alright, cowardly librul did it too...arrrrgggghhhhh....

Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
That's down to 4 million now. I'd look into suppression in NC and MI ...Probably blacks and Sanders voters who believe in e-mails, not evidence. Great job, Putin...arghhhh.

Trump won...

Get over it....
Putin and Comey and bs propaganda and racists won...as if the GOP didn't bitch for EIGHT YEARS. AND total, mindless obstruction. ASS HOLE. lol
He won it and you lost, no matter how much butt hurt you feel, you lost.

Hillary was a deplorable candidate and though I think her supporters had valid reasons for supporting her, she could not get the extra 6,000,000 votes that Obama energized to vote for him.

Next time pick a better candidate and quit crying like a little girl who's mommy told her no when she asked for a lollipop.
So wth would you dupes lock Hillary up for anyway? Your RW media etc is nuts...alright, cowardly librul did it too...arrrrgggghhhhh....

Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
That's down to 4 million now. I'd look into suppression in NC and MI ...Probably blacks and Sanders voters who believe in e-mails, not evidence. Great job, Putin...arghhhh.

Kid, believe what you need to to survive and in four years go with your same stupid strategy and you can cry then. Lol! Hater dupe!
Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
That's down to 4 million now. I'd look into suppression in NC and MI ...Probably blacks and Sanders voters who believe in e-mails, not evidence. Great job, Putin...arghhhh.

Trump won...

Get over it....
Putin and Comey and bs propaganda and racists won...as if the GOP didn't bitch for EIGHT YEARS. AND total, mindless obstruction. ASS HOLE. lol

Keep crying little loser. We love to laugh at your stupidity.

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