Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

Or maybe you won't notice the difference. You seem to have a very short memory. Did you forget how bad things were in 2005? So bad Pelosi & Reed took over the Senate and House in 2006. Democrats never win midterms. Yea, that's how bad things got.
Clearly you have a worse short-term memory than anyone, because things were so bad in 2009 and 2010 that the American people kicked Pelosi to the curb and later did the same thing to Reid. Yeah, that's how bad things got.
if by "swift boated" you mean the truth was exposed then yes Lakhota you crony Dem establ puppet you
Truth being her private server was never hacked, staffers at the DNC and her campaign BSed like anyone else, and her e-mails didn't say classified or deserve to be so, dupes. GOPers are the silliest voters ever, and our media eats shytte....RW media is a disgrace. Ditto their Pols and Putin.
Stop being a dupe. Her server was never approved by the state dept dupe boi AND she and her staff didn't attend the MANDATORY security training francoHFW
Yet her server didn't get hacked like State's. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
If you rob a bank and they don't have any money you still robbed the bank idiot useful dupe francoHFW :slap:
if by "swift boated" you mean the truth was exposed then yes Lakhota you crony Dem establ puppet you
Truth being her private server was never hacked, staffers at the DNC and her campaign BSed like anyone else, and her e-mails didn't say classified or deserve to be so, dupes. GOPers are the silliest voters ever, and our media eats shytte....RW media is a disgrace. Ditto their Pols and Putin.
Stop being a dupe. Her server was never approved by the state dept dupe boi AND she and her staff didn't attend the MANDATORY security training francoHFW
So we get a mobbed up NYC con man? Link to training? lol
for a low- info dupe like you? IDTS
Or maybe you won't notice the difference. You seem to have a very short memory. Did you forget how bad things were in 2005? So bad Pelosi & Reed took over the Senate and House in 2006. Democrats never win midterms. Yea, that's how bad things got.
Clearly you have a worse short-term memory than anyone, because things were so bad in 2009 and 2010 that the American people kicked Pelosi to the curb and later did the same thing to Reid. Yeah, that's how bad things got.

Yes I remember. They didn't kick her to the curb. They didn't show up like they did in 2008 and 2012. The young people that voted for Obama didn't show up to the midterms. So they got fucked and got the GOP back into power. How did that work out for us?


Americans keep working harder and producing more economic growth but are not getting paid for it. After the end of World War II, the country experienced decades of steady economic growth that also translated into steady increases in pay for the workers who were fueling it. But that stopped in the 70’s. Between then and now, productivity grew 72.2 percent. On the other hand, pay for the typical worker rose just 9.2 percent. Compensation for the median worker, adjusted for inflation, grew just 8.7 percent between 1973 and 2014, or a 0.2 percent annual rate. Yet net productivity grew at a 1.33 percent annual pace in the same time. Things have gotten even worse since 2000: net productivity has grown 21.6 percent since then, yet inflation-adjusted compensation for the median worker grew just 1.8 percent.

What this means is that just 15 percent of the extra growth workers generated between the early 1970s and the present has translated into higher wages and benefits for them. Since 2000, just 8 percent of productivity growth has gone back to workers.

And it means that stagnating wages aren’t workers’ fault. People have been told that the economy isn’t doing well and therefore that’s why they aren’t doing well but economic growth has kept increasing at a healthy rate. Everybody’s wages could have grown substantially. But they didn’t.

This isn’t accidental, either. There are three dynamics that can explain this. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?


Americans keep working harder and producing more economic growth but are not getting paid for it. After the end of World War II, the country experienced decades of steady economic growth that also translated into steady increases in pay for the workers who were fueling it. But that stopped in the 70’s. Between then and now, productivity grew 72.2 percent. On the other hand, pay for the typical worker rose just 9.2 percent. Compensation for the median worker, adjusted for inflation, grew just 8.7 percent between 1973 and 2014, or a 0.2 percent annual rate. Yet net productivity grew at a 1.33 percent annual pace in the same time. Things have gotten even worse since 2000: net productivity has grown 21.6 percent since then, yet inflation-adjusted compensation for the median worker grew just 1.8 percent.

What this means is that just 15 percent of the extra growth workers generated between the early 1970s and the present has translated into higher wages and benefits for them. Since 2000, just 8 percent of productivity growth has gone back to workers.

And it means that stagnating wages aren’t workers’ fault. People have been told that the economy isn’t doing well and therefore that’s why they aren’t doing well but economic growth has kept increasing at a healthy rate. Everybody’s wages could have grown substantially. But they didn’t.

This isn’t accidental, either. There are three dynamics that can explain this. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

They own both parties that is true but you will notice the difference in the next couple years. Stay tuned.

Or maybe you won't notice the difference. You seem to have a very short memory. Did you forget how bad things were in 2005? So bad Pelosi & Reed took over the Senate and House in 2006. Democrats never win midterms. Yea, that's how bad things got.

And if you can show me one thing Trump does that's different than what Delay Hastert and Bush did, I'll be glad to see he's not a total right wing nut job because from who I see him working with this is going to be the most right wing government ever. We are about to see if the Republican way works. Do you think it does?

And when the GOP start spending money on infrastructure, just remember we were begging the GOP to spend on infrastructure for years now. But that would have made Obama look good so they couldn't do that.

Here is us saying it in 2007 Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You remember two weeks ago the Republicans won the Presidency, retained the Senate, gained on the House, gained on the Governorships. That is how bad it got.
Do Liberals, especially the OP, even realize what 'swift-boating' even is?

It was the term used to describe how military members who served with Kerry / Knew the truth came out in public and corrected all of Kerry's lies and false claims during his Presidential election run.

It is what Liberals called THE TRUTH COMING OUT.

So, when the OP says Hillary was 'swift-boated' what he really is saying is that Hillary's LIES, false stories, etc were exposed, and the truth came out.

He makes it sound like it's a bad thing when it is actually a really GOOD thing. :p
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

There are three dynamics that can explain the growing income gap between the rich and poor. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far. The first two basically indicate growing income inequality, and together they account for more than two-thirds of the divergence between productivity and pay between 1973 and 2014. And it’s getting worse with time: Between 2000 and 2014, these factors made up 87.2 percent of the gap.

And income inequality has resulted from deliberate government policy choices, “policy decisions made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power that suppressed wage growth.” Research has consistently shown that the government is more responsive to the desires of the rich than everyone else. Things like: allowing unemployment to remain too high, failing to raise the minimum wage, letting overtime protections erode, and the corrosion of collective bargaining rights.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

They own both parties that is true but you will notice the difference in the next couple years. Stay tuned.

Or maybe you won't notice the difference. You seem to have a very short memory. Did you forget how bad things were in 2005? So bad Pelosi & Reed took over the Senate and House in 2006. Democrats never win midterms. Yea, that's how bad things got.

And if you can show me one thing Trump does that's different than what Delay Hastert and Bush did, I'll be glad to see he's not a total right wing nut job because from who I see him working with this is going to be the most right wing government ever. We are about to see if the Republican way works. Do you think it does?

And when the GOP start spending money on infrastructure, just remember we were begging the GOP to spend on infrastructure for years now. But that would have made Obama look good so they couldn't do that.

Here is us saying it in 2007 Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You remember two weeks ago the Republicans won the Presidency, retained the Senate, gained on the House, gained on the Governorships. That is how bad it got.

Did it really get that bad? I don't think so.

Weekly Unemployment Claims: Down 19K, Lowest Since 1973 - dshort - Advisor Perspectives

What is wrong with our economy is that in 30 years the rich people's pay has skyrocketed and the middle class has not gotten a raise. Why? I showed you in my previous post.

So when a CEO's pay goes from $3 million to $30 million and his 1000 employees don't get a raise in 30 years don't wonder why the middle class is struggling. And "you people" defend the CEO paying himself however much he wants to pay himself. And however little he wants to pay his employees regardless of how productive they are. Wake up Papa
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

They own both parties that is true but you will notice the difference in the next couple years. Stay tuned.

Or maybe you won't notice the difference. You seem to have a very short memory. Did you forget how bad things were in 2005? So bad Pelosi & Reed took over the Senate and House in 2006. Democrats never win midterms. Yea, that's how bad things got.

And if you can show me one thing Trump does that's different than what Delay Hastert and Bush did, I'll be glad to see he's not a total right wing nut job because from who I see him working with this is going to be the most right wing government ever. We are about to see if the Republican way works. Do you think it does?

And when the GOP start spending money on infrastructure, just remember we were begging the GOP to spend on infrastructure for years now. But that would have made Obama look good so they couldn't do that.

Here is us saying it in 2007 Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You remember two weeks ago the Republicans won the Presidency, retained the Senate, gained on the House, gained on the Governorships. That is how bad it got.

And were things really bad in 1999 that we should have went another route instead of electing Gore? Fuck no. The American people are really stupid.
Yes I remember. They didn't kick her to the curb. They didn't show up like they did in 2008 and 2012. The young people that voted for Obama didn't show up to the midterms. So they got fucked and got the GOP back into power. How did that work out for us?
Nooooooo...clearly you don't remember because the Dumbocrats took one of the worst beatings in U.S. history. Pelosi's ass was kicked to the curb and so we're Dumbocrat governors, state legislators, mayors, city councoil members, etc.

Notice some of the key words in this article sweetie. Like "bloodbath" and worst ass-kicking in 62 years.

Republican tsunami: Democrats lose control of the House as voters slam Obama with worst losses for 62 years
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

There are three dynamics that can explain the growing income gap between the rich and poor. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far. The first two basically indicate growing income inequality, and together they account for more than two-thirds of the divergence between productivity and pay between 1973 and 2014. And it’s getting worse with time: Between 2000 and 2014, these factors made up 87.2 percent of the gap.

And income inequality has resulted from deliberate government policy choices, “policy decisions made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power that suppressed wage growth.” Research has consistently shown that the government is more responsive to the desires of the rich than everyone else. Things like: allowing unemployment to remain too high, failing to raise the minimum wage, letting overtime protections erode, and the corrosion of collective bargaining rights.

Yep, Wall St. owns Washington and party doesn't matter. You might be finally figuring it out.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?


Americans keep working harder and producing more economic growth but are not getting paid for it. After the end of World War II, the country experienced decades of steady economic growth that also translated into steady increases in pay for the workers who were fueling it. But that stopped in the 70’s. Between then and now, productivity grew 72.2 percent. On the other hand, pay for the typical worker rose just 9.2 percent. Compensation for the median worker, adjusted for inflation, grew just 8.7 percent between 1973 and 2014, or a 0.2 percent annual rate. Yet net productivity grew at a 1.33 percent annual pace in the same time. Things have gotten even worse since 2000: net productivity has grown 21.6 percent since then, yet inflation-adjusted compensation for the median worker grew just 1.8 percent.

What this means is that just 15 percent of the extra growth workers generated between the early 1970s and the present has translated into higher wages and benefits for them. Since 2000, just 8 percent of productivity growth has gone back to workers.

And it means that stagnating wages aren’t workers’ fault. People have been told that the economy isn’t doing well and therefore that’s why they aren’t doing well but economic growth has kept increasing at a healthy rate. Everybody’s wages could have grown substantially. But they didn’t.

This isn’t accidental, either. There are three dynamics that can explain this. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far.

I won't read extreme left wing BS, that is what thinkprogress is.
This isn’t accidental, either. There are three dynamics that can explain this. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far.

I think this should be THE topic of discussion.

I am not interested in solutions yet...until we really define the problem.

And have a good in depth conversation about the implications....because I believe they are real.

Conservatives still don't get that -----> Big Business = Government.

You can't tell them apart.

I wanted Bernie for this reason. He, at least talked about it. Corporate democrats like Debbie Wasserbutt Shultz could not stand that their desires to rule the world would be interrupted if he was nominated.

He would have won.

HIllary lost.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

There are three dynamics that can explain the growing income gap between the rich and poor. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far. The first two basically indicate growing income inequality, and together they account for more than two-thirds of the divergence between productivity and pay between 1973 and 2014. And it’s getting worse with time: Between 2000 and 2014, these factors made up 87.2 percent of the gap.

And income inequality has resulted from deliberate government policy choices, “policy decisions made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power that suppressed wage growth.” Research has consistently shown that the government is more responsive to the desires of the rich than everyone else. Things like: allowing unemployment to remain too high, failing to raise the minimum wage, letting overtime protections erode, and the corrosion of collective bargaining rights.

Yep, Wall St. owns Washington and party doesn't matter. You might be finally figuring it out.

Following the better-than-expected September jobs report, several economic analyses have pointed out the continuing lack of meaningful wage growth, even as tens of thousands of people head back to work. Economic theory says that as labor markets tighten, employers will offer higher wages to entice workers their way. But a look at five decades’ worth of wage data suggests that’s not happening. For most U.S. workers, real wages have been flat or even falling for decades, regardless of whether the economy has been adding or subtracting jobs.

What gains have been made, have gone to the upper income brackets. Since 2000, weekly wages have fallen 3.7% (in real terms) among workers in the lowest tenth of the earnings distribution, and 3% among the lowest quarter. But among people near the top of the distribution, real wages have risen 9.7%.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades

Let me know when you figure out the GOP and Trump aren't going to fix this. Or do you believe they will?
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

They own both parties that is true but you will notice the difference in the next couple years. Stay tuned.

Or maybe you won't notice the difference. You seem to have a very short memory. Did you forget how bad things were in 2005? So bad Pelosi & Reed took over the Senate and House in 2006. Democrats never win midterms. Yea, that's how bad things got.

And if you can show me one thing Trump does that's different than what Delay Hastert and Bush did, I'll be glad to see he's not a total right wing nut job because from who I see him working with this is going to be the most right wing government ever. We are about to see if the Republican way works. Do you think it does?

And when the GOP start spending money on infrastructure, just remember we were begging the GOP to spend on infrastructure for years now. But that would have made Obama look good so they couldn't do that.

Here is us saying it in 2007 Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You remember two weeks ago the Republicans won the Presidency, retained the Senate, gained on the House, gained on the Governorships. That is how bad it got.

Did it really get that bad? I don't think so.

Weekly Unemployment Claims: Down 19K, Lowest Since 1973 - dshort - Advisor Perspectives

What is wrong with our economy is that in 30 years the rich people's pay has skyrocketed and the middle class has not gotten a raise. Why? I showed you in my previous post.

So when a CEO's pay goes from $3 million to $30 million and his 1000 employees don't get a raise in 30 years don't wonder why the middle class is struggling. And "you people" defend the CEO paying himself however much he wants to pay himself. And however little he wants to pay his employees regardless of how productive they are. Wake up Papa

Been awake, I see your party and the Republican in bed with the rich.

Democrats lost the working class vote this time. At least the Democrats pretended to care about the poor when Obama was elected, this time the working middle class saw through the Democrats. This lost them more in the House, they lost the Senate, the Presidency, the Governorships and the Supreme Court.

The facade that the Dems care about the working class is gone.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

There are three dynamics that can explain the growing income gap between the rich and poor. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far. The first two basically indicate growing income inequality, and together they account for more than two-thirds of the divergence between productivity and pay between 1973 and 2014. And it’s getting worse with time: Between 2000 and 2014, these factors made up 87.2 percent of the gap.

And income inequality has resulted from deliberate government policy choices, “policy decisions made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power that suppressed wage growth.” Research has consistently shown that the government is more responsive to the desires of the rich than everyone else. Things like: allowing unemployment to remain too high, failing to raise the minimum wage, letting overtime protections erode, and the corrosion of collective bargaining rights.

Yep, Wall St. owns Washington and party doesn't matter. You might be finally figuring it out.

Following the better-than-expected September jobs report, several economic analyses have pointed out the continuing lack of meaningful wage growth, even as tens of thousands of people head back to work. Economic theory says that as labor markets tighten, employers will offer higher wages to entice workers their way. But a look at five decades’ worth of wage data suggests that’s not happening. For most U.S. workers, real wages have been flat or even falling for decades, regardless of whether the economy has been adding or subtracting jobs.

What gains have been made, have gone to the upper income brackets. Since 2000, weekly wages have fallen 3.7% (in real terms) among workers in the lowest tenth of the earnings distribution, and 3% among the lowest quarter. But among people near the top of the distribution, real wages have risen 9.7%.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades

Let me know when you figure out the GOP and Trump aren't going to fix this. Or do you believe they will?

See post #354.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?


Americans keep working harder and producing more economic growth but are not getting paid for it. After the end of World War II, the country experienced decades of steady economic growth that also translated into steady increases in pay for the workers who were fueling it. But that stopped in the 70’s. Between then and now, productivity grew 72.2 percent. On the other hand, pay for the typical worker rose just 9.2 percent. Compensation for the median worker, adjusted for inflation, grew just 8.7 percent between 1973 and 2014, or a 0.2 percent annual rate. Yet net productivity grew at a 1.33 percent annual pace in the same time. Things have gotten even worse since 2000: net productivity has grown 21.6 percent since then, yet inflation-adjusted compensation for the median worker grew just 1.8 percent.

What this means is that just 15 percent of the extra growth workers generated between the early 1970s and the present has translated into higher wages and benefits for them. Since 2000, just 8 percent of productivity growth has gone back to workers.

And it means that stagnating wages aren’t workers’ fault. People have been told that the economy isn’t doing well and therefore that’s why they aren’t doing well but economic growth has kept increasing at a healthy rate. Everybody’s wages could have grown substantially. But they didn’t.

This isn’t accidental, either. There are three dynamics that can explain this. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far.

I won't read extreme left wing BS, that is what thinkprogress is.

There are three reasons the rich are getting richer and the blue collar uneducated workers are making less. In fact ALL OF US are making less.

1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far.

You can't deny #1. What Republicans will do is defend skyrocketing CEO pay. In other words fuck the workers who aren't making enough. If they don't like it they can go back to school or start their own company. This was the advice Republicans gave people who were struggling in 2007 and now that Trump won, this is the advice they will start giving again. During the election Trump said he was going to help the poor and middle class. Now we see the flip flop. The truth is, there is nothing wrong with the economy. If you are struggling it's because you suck. You aren't a CEO. If you want to do better, be a CEO. Otherwise stop complaining.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

There are three dynamics that can explain the growing income gap between the rich and poor. 1. growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; 2. a greater share of income going toward corporate profits and not wages; 3. and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far. The first two basically indicate growing income inequality, and together they account for more than two-thirds of the divergence between productivity and pay between 1973 and 2014. And it’s getting worse with time: Between 2000 and 2014, these factors made up 87.2 percent of the gap.

And income inequality has resulted from deliberate government policy choices, “policy decisions made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power that suppressed wage growth.” Research has consistently shown that the government is more responsive to the desires of the rich than everyone else. Things like: allowing unemployment to remain too high, failing to raise the minimum wage, letting overtime protections erode, and the corrosion of collective bargaining rights.

Yep, Wall St. owns Washington and party doesn't matter. You might be finally figuring it out.

Following the better-than-expected September jobs report, several economic analyses have pointed out the continuing lack of meaningful wage growth, even as tens of thousands of people head back to work. Economic theory says that as labor markets tighten, employers will offer higher wages to entice workers their way. But a look at five decades’ worth of wage data suggests that’s not happening. For most U.S. workers, real wages have been flat or even falling for decades, regardless of whether the economy has been adding or subtracting jobs.

What gains have been made, have gone to the upper income brackets. Since 2000, weekly wages have fallen 3.7% (in real terms) among workers in the lowest tenth of the earnings distribution, and 3% among the lowest quarter. But among people near the top of the distribution, real wages have risen 9.7%.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades

Let me know when you figure out the GOP and Trump aren't going to fix this. Or do you believe they will?

Did I vote for Trump, nope. Did you vote for Hillary, yep. So you are spouting BS. The two parties are for the rich. You are as guilty as those voting for Trump.
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

They own both parties that is true but you will notice the difference in the next couple years. Stay tuned.

Or maybe you won't notice the difference. You seem to have a very short memory. Did you forget how bad things were in 2005? So bad Pelosi & Reed took over the Senate and House in 2006. Democrats never win midterms. Yea, that's how bad things got.

And if you can show me one thing Trump does that's different than what Delay Hastert and Bush did, I'll be glad to see he's not a total right wing nut job because from who I see him working with this is going to be the most right wing government ever. We are about to see if the Republican way works. Do you think it does?

And when the GOP start spending money on infrastructure, just remember we were begging the GOP to spend on infrastructure for years now. But that would have made Obama look good so they couldn't do that.

Here is us saying it in 2007 Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You remember two weeks ago the Republicans won the Presidency, retained the Senate, gained on the House, gained on the Governorships. That is how bad it got.

Did it really get that bad? I don't think so.

Weekly Unemployment Claims: Down 19K, Lowest Since 1973 - dshort - Advisor Perspectives

What is wrong with our economy is that in 30 years the rich people's pay has skyrocketed and the middle class has not gotten a raise. Why? I showed you in my previous post.

So when a CEO's pay goes from $3 million to $30 million and his 1000 employees don't get a raise in 30 years don't wonder why the middle class is struggling. And "you people" defend the CEO paying himself however much he wants to pay himself. And however little he wants to pay his employees regardless of how productive they are. Wake up Papa

Been awake, I see your party and the Republican in bed with the rich.

Democrats lost the working class vote this time. At least the Democrats pretended to care about the poor when Obama was elected, this time the working middle class saw through the Democrats. This lost them more in the House, they lost the Senate, the Presidency, the Governorships and the Supreme Court.

The facade that the Dems care about the working class is gone.

And the illusion that the GOP cares is out there.

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