Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

Even though Hillary was swiftboated out of electoral votes - MSNBC reported tonight that she is 1.72 million popular votes ahead of Trump.
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
That's down to 4 million now. I'd look into suppression in NC and MI ...Probably blacks and Sanders voters who believe in e-mails, not evidence. Great job, Putin...arghhhh.

Trump won...

Get over it....
Putin and Comey and bs propaganda and racists won...as if the GOP didn't bitch for EIGHT YEARS. AND total, mindless obstruction. ASS HOLE. lol

Keep crying little loser. We love to laugh at your stupidity.
What are the chances hacked e-mails will haunt our candidate FOR A YEAR? What bs...
The plain truth is she lied, was caught, and lied again. She knowingly violated State Department protocol, why, we can only guess. Unlike Nixon, she erased the majority of emails, why, we can only guess. Face it, she beat herself, even with the AG, and FBI capitulation, she escaped prosecution, even after paid for political rally disturbances and protests she lost. The media adored and ordained her, yet to my surprise the American people rejected her. I for one have to give credit to the silent majority, they raised up and picked the better of the two. What is of concern are those blind sheep that drank too much koolaid, were unable to see the con, and played like fools.
The e-mails she deleted were personal, just like every other gov't official, dupe.
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
That's down to 4 million now. I'd look into suppression in NC and MI ...Probably blacks and Sanders voters who believe in e-mails, not evidence. Great job, Putin...arghhhh.

Trump won...

Get over it....
Putin and Comey and bs propaganda and racists won...as if the GOP didn't bitch for EIGHT YEARS. AND total, mindless obstruction. ASS HOLE. lol

Keep crying little loser. We love to laugh at your stupidity.
The real stupidity starts Jan. 20...
Everything has been substantiated about Clinton.

What has not be ascertained is if the OP has retained what little sanity it possessed.
BS stolen e-mail crap and irrelevant "lies", taking money for speeches? Ay caramba...And all forgotten now, except by brainwashed chumps like you...
I'm all sad and shit that her emails were stolen. THAT is why the law says that you shouldn't send classified material over an unsecured server. Had she followed the rules, she might be President Elect.
They weren't off her server.
Where the hell have you been for the last 2 years, fool?
In the bush era we gave tax breaks to companies moving overseas. That sure didn't work
Well for the record - I don't understand that at all nor do I support that. But I do understand that if we could make deals and sign contracts with every company willing to move their operations here for a 10% tax rate that we could literally get trillions of dollars back into our economy and over a trillion in tax revenue to the government.

Just Apple alone would result in close to $20 billion.

Apple just took out a $6.5 billion loan even though it's sitting on $178 billion in cash
What about all the corporations already here paying more than 10%. Won't we have to lower their taxes too then? So how much will we lose?

I think we decided long ago that 10% wasn't enough so why is 10% enough now?
Not all, according to the fbi. They recovered some which were not personal. I can't figure out if you are just a paid lackey or just gullible.
The plain truth is she lied, was caught, and lied again. She knowingly violated State Department protocol, why, we can only guess. Unlike Nixon, she erased the majority of emails, why, we can only guess. Face it, she beat herself, even with the AG, and FBI capitulation, she escaped prosecution, even after paid for political rally disturbances and protests she lost. The media adored and ordained her, yet to my surprise the American people rejected her. I for one have to give credit to the silent majority, they raised up and picked the better of the two. What is of concern are those blind sheep that drank too much koolaid, were unable to see the con, and played like fools.
The e-mails she deleted were personal, just like every other gov't official, dupe.
In the bush era we gave tax breaks to companies moving overseas. That sure didn't work
Well for the record - I don't understand that at all nor do I support that. But I do understand that if we could make deals and sign contracts with every company willing to move their operations here for a 10% tax rate that we could literally get trillions of dollars back into our economy and over a trillion in tax revenue to the government.

Just Apple alone would result in close to $20 billion.

Apple just took out a $6.5 billion loan even though it's sitting on $178 billion in cash
What about all the corporations already here paying more than 10%. Won't we have to lower their taxes too then? So how much will we lose?

I think we decided long ago that 10% wasn't enough so why is 10% enough now?
Yes. And we should. Why is that enough now? Because we live in a new era where technology makes it easier than ever to move operations overseas. In the 1700's it took 65 days to travel from Europe across the Atlantic to the U.S. Now it can be done in 3 hours on the first generation Concorde and 1 hour on the second generation Concorde. And you don't even need to travel to have meetings and check on operations with video conferencing.

We're in the 21st Century. It's time to adapt or die. I thought you progressives were all about change?
In the bush era we gave tax breaks to companies moving overseas. That sure didn't work
Well for the record - I don't understand that at all nor do I support that. But I do understand that if we could make deals and sign contracts with every company willing to move their operations here for a 10% tax rate that we could literally get trillions of dollars back into our economy and over a trillion in tax revenue to the government.

Just Apple alone would result in close to $20 billion.

Apple just took out a $6.5 billion loan even though it's sitting on $178 billion in cash
What about all the corporations already here paying more than 10%. Won't we have to lower their taxes too then? So how much will we lose?

I think we decided long ago that 10% wasn't enough so why is 10% enough now?
Yes. And we should. Why is that enough now? Because we live in a new era where technology makes it easier than ever to move operations overseas. In the 1700's it took 65 days to travel from Europe across the Atlantic to the U.S. Now it can be done in 3 hours on the first generation Concorde and 1 hour on the second generation Concorde. And you don't even need to travel to have meetings and check on operations with video conferencing.

We're in the 21st Century. It's time to adapt or die. I thought you progressives were all about change?
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house
Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house
Because it's so much better to have homeless, community organizers running my country. Billionaires are people who are extremely successful. One does not become a billionaire by accident. There is nobody I would rather have running my country.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

They own both parties that is true but you will notice the difference in the next couple years. Stay tuned.

Or maybe you won't notice the difference. You seem to have a very short memory. Did you forget how bad things were in 2005? So bad Pelosi & Reed took over the Senate and House in 2006. Democrats never win midterms. Yea, that's how bad things got.

And if you can show me one thing Trump does that's different than what Delay Hastert and Bush did, I'll be glad to see he's not a total right wing nut job because from who I see him working with this is going to be the most right wing government ever. We are about to see if the Republican way works. Do you think it does?

And when the GOP start spending money on infrastructure, just remember we were begging the GOP to spend on infrastructure for years now. But that would have made Obama look good so they couldn't do that.

Here is us saying it in 2007 Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
Lock her up? WTH are you talking about? I was talking about what a deplorable candidate she was. You high or just stupid?
Ok, what about THOSE dupes? lol

Ask the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama and didn't vote for Clinton.

Again pick a better candidate instead of peeing you diaper because she lost.
That's down to 4 million now. I'd look into suppression in NC and MI ...Probably blacks and Sanders voters who believe in e-mails, not evidence. Great job, Putin...arghhhh.

Trump won...

Get over it....
Putin and Comey and bs propaganda and racists won...as if the GOP didn't bitch for EIGHT YEARS. AND total, mindless obstruction. ASS HOLE. lol

Now, it's your turn.

I would not blame the democrats one little bit.

20 trillion in debt....but nobody seems to care.

Obama is going to fade so fast it will make your head spin.

At least we will have a better SCOTUS.
I know trump was never going to bring jobs back home. Just pointing out how he conned blue collar uneducated votes.
You also "knew" that he was "never" going to be elected so....
You guys are already admitting you ain't bringing jobs back home. We told you that during the elections but the dumb voters bought into it.

And if trump was a moderate be wouldn't be hiring all the right wing nuts to work for him. He'd hire people from both sides.

Billionaires just took over your country. They already had but now they even have one of theirs in the white house

How is it different then Hillary billionaires taking over our country?

“For decades following the end of World War II, inflation-adjusted hourly compensation (including employer-provided benefits as well as wages) for the vast majority of American workers rose in line with increases in economy-wide productivity.”

But that link was severed starting in 1973. Between then and now, productivity, or the amount of economic output generated by an average hour of work, grew 72.2 percent. On the other hand, pay for the typical worker rose just 9.2 percent.

But CEO has skyrocketed.

Compensation for the median worker, or the person making exactly the middle of compensation, adjusted for inflation, grew just 8.7 percent between 1973 and 2014, or a 0.2 percent annual rate. Yet net productivity grew at a 1.33 percent annual pace in the same time. Things have gotten even worse since 2000: net productivity has grown 21.6 percent since then, yet inflation-adjusted compensation for the median worker grew just 1.8 percent.

What this means is that just 15 percent of the extra growth workers generated between the early 1970s and the present has translated into higher wages and benefits for them. Since 2000, just 8 percent of productivity growth has gone back to workers.

This isn’t accidental, either. “We haven’t been in an economic tsunami where people aren’t able to move ahead,” Mishel said. “This is a man-made phenomenon.”

growing inequality in compensation, or skyrocketing pay for those at the top of the economy compared to everyone else; a greater share of income going towardcorporate profits and not wages; and the increase in consumer prices that means wages don’t stretch as far. The first two basically indicate growing income inequality, and together they account for more than two-thirds of the divergence between productivity and pay between 1973 and 2014. And it’s getting worse with time: Between 2000 and 2014, these factors made up 87.2 percent of the gap.

And Mishel argues that income inequality has resulted from deliberate government policy choices, “policy decisions made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power that suppressed wage growth.”

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