Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

There's only one thing to do. Michelle will run for a Senate seat in Chicago 2020. 2028 she runs for potus
She would probably win too. She's an exceptional speaker. She's given two of the better speeches I've ever seen. She also doesn't have the horrific baggage of Hitlery Clinton.

Unfortunately for her though, she would have to overcome her husband's legacy of failure.
80 weeks of job growth. Companies can't find qualified candidates. Sounds pretty good to me
80 weeks of job growth. Companies can't find qualified candidates. Sounds pretty good to me
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Additional 3.7 million women pushed into poverty during his term
  • Record level of debt
Only a progressive could declare that sounds "good"... :eusa_doh:
President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama began his term as president on January 20, 2009, and is still in office. His economic legacy to date is largely tied up in the response to and recovery from the economic crisis that was still ravaging the economy when he took office. (That, plus healthcare reform, which is as much an economic issue as anything.)
When President Obama took office, unemployment was 7.8 percent. The headline rate peaked at 10.0 percent in October of 2009, and has come down more or less steadily to 7.4 percent as of July 2013. During this time, inflation has averaged about 1.8 percent and real GDP growth has averaged about 1.5 percent.

We are 13 days removed from the Fundamental Transformation of the fundamental transformation of America.
Wrong AGAIN. WTH ARE you taking about?
The greatest country in the world is going to pay the highest corporate taxes idiot. What, is this a race to the bottom?

So sealybobo, all of us are still waiting for you to explain why you advocate for tax policies which result in 40% of $0.00 (or $0.00) from companies like Apple when we could be implementing policies like 10% of $200 billion (or $20 billion)?

Why do you cut off your nose to spite your face? Why deny our federal government trillions of dollars in potential tax revenue just to embrace an ideology? All you're doing is keeping mountains of wealth overseas (which could be doing wonders for our economy) and denying tax revenues to the government.
In fact it's funny you think we mean just bush and not delay and hastert too.
Well, unlike progressives - conservatives say what they mean and mean what they say...
And absolutely ignore it when they're TOTALLY WRONG (ALWAYS). Like you saying the economy tanked when Obama was elected and Booosh never saw 7% UE. Now you come back like you're a genius. LOL
The greatest country in the world is going to pay the highest corporate taxes idiot. What, is this a race to the bottom?

So sealybobo, all of us are still waiting for you to explain why you advocate for tax policies which result in 40% of $0.00 (or $0.00) from companies like Apple when we could be implementing policies like 10% of $200 billion (or $20 billion)?

Why do you cut off your nose to spite your face? Why deny our federal government trillions of dollars in potential tax revenue just to embrace an ideology? All you're doing is keeping mountains of wealth overseas (which could be doing wonders for our economy) and denying tax revenues to the government.
Ok do it. OR tariff them if they don't come back. Who's the boss here?

But we are clearly going to be trying it your way so let's see how it works out.

In the bush era we gave tax breaks to companies moving overseas. That sure didn't work
The greatest country in the world is going to pay the highest corporate taxes idiot. What, is this a race to the bottom?

So sealybobo, all of us are still waiting for you to explain why you advocate for tax policies which result in 40% of $0.00 (or $0.00) from companies like Apple when we could be implementing policies like 10% of $200 billion (or $20 billion)?

Why do you cut off your nose to spite your face? Why deny our federal government trillions of dollars in potential tax revenue just to embrace an ideology? All you're doing is keeping mountains of wealth overseas (which could be doing wonders for our economy) and denying tax revenues to the government.
Corps ACTUALLY pay 12%. Ignore that, total dupe.
The greatest country in the world is going to pay the highest corporate taxes idiot. What, is this a race to the bottom?

So sealybobo, all of us are still waiting for you to explain why you advocate for tax policies which result in 40% of $0.00 (or $0.00) from companies like Apple when we could be implementing policies like 10% of $200 billion (or $20 billion)?

Why do you cut off your nose to spite your face? Why deny our federal government trillions of dollars in potential tax revenue just to embrace an ideology? All you're doing is keeping mountains of wealth overseas (which could be doing wonders for our economy) and denying tax revenues to the government.
Ok do it. OR tariff them if they don't come back. Who's the boss here?

But we are clearly going to be trying it your way so let's see how it works out.

In the bush era we gave tax breaks to companies moving overseas. That sure didn't work
Still do. GOP and the dupes defend that to the death too...
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.
Hey Lakhota...
The economy tanked when Obama was elected and that is a fact. Look it up. Just like the market "suddenly" skyrocketed when Trump was elected.

Obama went around preaching marxism and how he would "punish" businesss. The markets naturally reacted to news of his election.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
W allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, started the stupidest wars ever and wrecked the ME, AND started a WORLD DEPRESSSION. You're a gd brainwashed functional moron. Not to worry, you've got plenty of company. Hopefully, Trump doesn't believe the crap he parroted to get elected...
Republicans want to pretend Obama created Isis. Ask Isis why they attack America or ask Isis what examples do they give to recruits to illustrate how the USA is bad and invading Iraq for no good reason is in the top 3 at least.
His policies, along with Hillary Clinton's, certainly helped give rise to ISIS, especially since they armed them in Libya and Syria.
Link to that crap, dupe?
In the bush era we gave tax breaks to companies moving overseas. That sure didn't work
Well for the record - I don't understand that at all nor do I support that. But I do understand that if we could make deals and sign contracts with every company willing to move their operations here for a 10% tax rate that we could literally get trillions of dollars back into our economy and over a trillion in tax revenue to the government.

Just Apple alone would result in close to $20 billion.

Apple just took out a $6.5 billion loan even though it's sitting on $178 billion in cash
The economy tanked when Obama was elected and that is a fact. Look it up. Just like the market "suddenly" skyrocketed when Trump was elected.

Obama went around preaching marxism and how he would "punish" businesss. The markets naturally reacted to news of his election.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
I don't need to blame Bush for Obama's lackluster attempt to turn the economy around. I can point out that the crash happened under Bush because I'm not a partisan hack.
Then why did Bush never see more than just over 7% unemployment? That's not much of a "crash" my friend. I also notice you conveniently leave out that Bush didn't collapse the housing market - that was Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-Investment Act".
Wait, wait, wait.. So what was bad under Bush was Clinton's fault, but what was bad under Obama was Obama's fault? You realize you're just further making the case that you're a partisan hack, right? The fact is that Clinton did many things that set the crash in motion, and Bush did nothing to change those policies. Hence the crash. Though far more to blame than Clinton or Bush is the Federal Reserve and specifically Alan Greenspan.
Oh hell, W's crony regulators let their pals at Countryside and AIG etc etc rate toxic crap A+ and sell them around the world. Fanny and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2002-3. Read that again. The New BS GOP is a disgrace.
OR tariff them if they don't come back. Who's the boss here?
There is the problem with the progressive mindset. Who is the boss here? The American people - that's who. Government is nothing but lowly servants.

You see government as China or Russia. Built to control us and let us know who is "in charge".

By the way...Venezuela tried it your way recently. The government took over every aspect of the economy, told businesses exactly how they would run and how much they would produce - how did that work out for them?
OR tariff them if they don't come back. Who's the boss here?
There is the problem with the progressive mindset. Who is the boss here? The American people - that's who. Government is nothing but lowly servants.

You see government as China or Russia. Built to control us and let us know who is "in charge".

By the way...Venezuela tried it your way recently. The government took over every aspect of the economy, told businesses exactly how they would run and how much they would produce - how did that work out for them?
Your facts are ALL WRONG all the time, superdupe.
pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one. Trump did not win this election fairly.

He won it and you lost, no matter how much butt hurt you feel, you lost.

Hillary was a deplorable candidate and though I think her supporters had valid reasons for supporting her, she could not get the extra 6,000,000 votes that Obama energized to vote for him.

Next time pick a better candidate and quit crying like a little girl who's mommy told her no when she asked for a lollipop.

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