Hillary's Deplorables unemployed and rioting in the streets


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
These people are so sad. They belong in Europe, not the United states. Hillary's deplorables do exist... They voted for her


Thousands of protesters angry over Donald Trump’s election win took to the streets for a second straight night, with at least one demonstration degenerating into a riot against the tycoon turned president-elect.

Accusing Trump of racism, sexism and xenophobia, protesters from New York to Los Angeles blocked traffic and chanted slogans like “Not my president” and “We reject the president-elect.”

The worst violence was in the northwestern city of Portland, where protesters hurled projectiles at officers, vandalized businesses, smashed car windows and attacked drivers.

Police said they were treating the protests as a “riot” due to what they said was “extensive criminal and dangerous behavior.

Anti-Trump protesters take to streets for second night - Breitbart
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As we type, Trump is preparing death chambers for all of them, and I, me, is going to throw the switch! HA HA......Redrum redrum.....
There needs to be a call for posses across the country to help clear the streets from these rioters.
These people are so sad. They belong in Europe, not the United states. Hillary's deplorables do exist... They voted for her


Thousands of protesters angry over Donald Trump’s election win took to the streets for a second straight night, with at least one demonstration degenerating into a riot against the tycoon turned president-elect.

Accusing Trump of racism, sexism and xenophobia, protesters from New York to Los Angeles blocked traffic and chanted slogans like “Not my president” and “We reject the president-elect.”

The worst violence was in the northwestern city of Portland, where protesters hurled projectiles at officers, vandalized businesses, smashed car windows and attacked drivers.

Police said they were treating the protests as a “riot” due to what they said was “extensive criminal and dangerous behavior.

Anti-Trump protesters take to streets for second night - Breitbart

The funny part is that, given the lefty areas they are in, the drivers they are attacking probably voted for Hillary.

Their real problem is not with Trump, it's with the American voters who didn't do what they wanted. It's very much like watching a five year old child whose friends decided to play a game she didn't want to play and now she's throwing a tantrum.
Their real problem is not with Trump, it's with the American voters who didn't do what they wanted. It's very much like watching a five year old child whose friends decided to play a game she didn't want to play and now she's throwing a tantrum.

They've been brainwashed..... it's not that they hate Trump they hate America
These people are so sad. They belong in Europe, not the United states. Hillary's deplorables do exist... They voted for her


Thousands of protesters angry over Donald Trump’s election win took to the streets for a second straight night, with at least one demonstration degenerating into a riot against the tycoon turned president-elect.

Accusing Trump of racism, sexism and xenophobia, protesters from New York to Los Angeles blocked traffic and chanted slogans like “Not my president” and “We reject the president-elect.”

The worst violence was in the northwestern city of Portland, where protesters hurled projectiles at officers, vandalized businesses, smashed car windows and attacked drivers.

Police said they were treating the protests as a “riot” due to what they said was “extensive criminal and dangerous behavior.

Anti-Trump protesters take to streets for second night - Breitbart
Time for Vigilantes.

Their real problem is not with Trump, it's with the American voters who didn't do what they wanted. It's very much like watching a five year old child whose friends decided to play a game she didn't want to play and now she's throwing a tantrum.

They've been brainwashed..... it's not that they hate Trump they hate America
I really believe they have never been taught things like fair play, good sportsmanship, and playing the hand they've been dealt. If something goes against what they like, they throw a tantrum and demand that someone fix it for them. It's probably not entirely their fault, because it probably worked with their parents.
I wonder how long before we start hearing complaints that their sponsors are not paying them.
lol, Trump praises the protestors:

"Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!" Trump tweeted early on Friday.

Trump praises protesters' 'passion' after calling them 'unfair'
He's the new president and setting the tone already. One has to note the glaringly obvious complaint had he instead continually mocked and ridiculed them as other citizens rightly do.

Somebody is giving him good advice and he's paying attention. It's a good omen.
These people are so sad. They belong in Europe, not the United states. Hillary's deplorables do exist... They voted for her


Thousands of protesters angry over Donald Trump’s election win took to the streets for a second straight night, with at least one demonstration degenerating into a riot against the tycoon turned president-elect.

Accusing Trump of racism, sexism and xenophobia, protesters from New York to Los Angeles blocked traffic and chanted slogans like “Not my president” and “We reject the president-elect.”

The worst violence was in the northwestern city of Portland, where protesters hurled projectiles at officers, vandalized businesses, smashed car windows and attacked drivers.

Police said they were treating the protests as a “riot” due to what they said was “extensive criminal and dangerous behavior.

Anti-Trump protesters take to streets for second night - Breitbart
No shit, these are super violent people. They are coddled and don't know about competition and losing. Fucking pathetic losers.
We didn't riot when Obama won or any Democrat.
And these are masters of projection, these are the true deplorable, beating up people because of who they voted for, trying to intimidate and silence people. I hope Trump gets the Guard called out and they go Kent State on their asses.

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