Hillary's election night meltdown revealed

Man I'm glad that worthless skank was finally flushed.
i heard that she lost her temper to the extent where the force of her anger made her left eye pop out and land on the floor.
Lol! The thing is, she has been treating people like shit for years. Its who she is.
I think that a scorned Hillary is the only thing that would of beaten Mike Tyson in his prime. and probably would of eaten his ears too.
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.

"Hillary Clinton’s post election celebration plans included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks, live performances by various celebrities, such as Cher, who came believing that Hillary was going to win the election, a five-hundred-thousand-dollar special effect glass ceiling that she would break through in a dramatic display once she walked out on stage at her H.Q., among millions of dollars worth of other celebratory preparations, all paid for by the Clinton Foundation in full."

That's a crime, right there.
I thought her and her husband were 'broke?' They sure did flush a whole lotta cash on that Champagne and the Fireworks Show that never happened. She blew like $1.2 Billion on her failed campaign. Crazy.
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.

"Hillary Clinton’s post election celebration plans included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks, live performances by various celebrities, such as Cher, who came believing that Hillary was going to win the election, a five-hundred-thousand-dollar special effect glass ceiling that she would break through in a dramatic display once she walked out on stage at her H.Q., among millions of dollars worth of other celebratory preparations, all paid for by the Clinton Foundation in full."

That's a crime, right there.
does anyone wonder where all of this money came from to pay for this party? maybe the IRS should investigate?
Holy shit. America dodged a bullet with this woman. She cancelled the fireworks the week before. Planning a fireworks show was awfully presumptive.
Someone must have tipped her off that the polls were not telling the truth. That's why she cancelled the fireworks.

From other comments, it looks like hilly never made that concession call either. It was Bill who called Trump.
Holy shit. America dodged a bullet with this woman. She cancelled the fireworks the week before. Planning a fireworks show was awfully presumptive.
Someone must have tipped her off that the polls were not telling the truth. That's why she cancelled the fireworks.

From other comments, it looks like hilly never made that concession call either. It was Bill who called Trump.
but all of the polls said that Hillary was 14 points ahead!!~!
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.

"Hillary Clinton’s post election celebration plans included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks, live performances by various celebrities, such as Cher, who came believing that Hillary was going to win the election, a five-hundred-thousand-dollar special effect glass ceiling that she would break through in a dramatic display once she walked out on stage at her H.Q., among millions of dollars worth of other celebratory preparations, all paid for by the Clinton Foundation in full."

That's a crime, right there.
does anyone wonder where all of this money came from to pay for this party? maybe the IRS should investigate?
From the Clinton Foundation Slush Fund. In other words, from Saudi Arabia and Qatar - two major Al Qaeda/Isis supporters.
this is so saaaaaddd! I cant imagine a world when all white females are going to lose their sex drive once Trump becomes President! does this include pets too?
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.
If there were pics or video available, I would give this story more credibility> Of course the main stream media would absolutely bury a story such as this.
So we will never know what happened at Clinton HQ that night.
I would hope that some of the workers who no longer gave a shit the reaction if they told the truth.
Oh we will find out in a few months when people inside the campaign start writing their tell all books :D
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.

"Hillary Clinton’s post election celebration plans included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks, live performances by various celebrities, such as Cher, who came believing that Hillary was going to win the election, a five-hundred-thousand-dollar special effect glass ceiling that she would break through in a dramatic display once she walked out on stage at her H.Q., among millions of dollars worth of other celebratory preparations, all paid for by the Clinton Foundation in full."

That's a crime, right there.

Your post is great! Mine says "same" thing but I will delete it. I am not on PC, but also I am not in your league.
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.
If there were pics or video available, I would give this story more credibility> Of course the main stream media would absolutely bury a story such as this.
So we will never know what happened at Clinton HQ that night.
I would hope that some of the workers who no longer gave a shit the reaction if they told the truth.
Oh we will find out in a few months when people inside the campaign start writing their tell all books :D
i wonder if Anthony was hit in the head by an airborne lamp
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.

You have to be a gullible idiot to believe this. One falsehood after another.

In other news: when are all the not-butthurt Trumpsters going to get over Hillary?

Dude. She went into the night convinced she was about to have one of the biggest wins possible.

INstead her whole existence was invalidated.

This story is completely keeping in with what we know of her and her character.

It's completely in keeping with what right wingers would like to be true about Hillary.

And who cares what Hillary was, or was not convinced of? Election is over, Hillary is irrelevant,
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.

"Hillary Clinton’s post election celebration plans included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks, live performances by various celebrities, such as Cher, who came believing that Hillary was going to win the election, a five-hundred-thousand-dollar special effect glass ceiling that she would break through in a dramatic display once she walked out on stage at her H.Q., among millions of dollars worth of other celebratory preparations, all paid for by the Clinton Foundation in full."

That's a crime, right there.

clinton always needed celebrities around her or nobody would show up at her events.
Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

Wow.....950 thousand dollar bottle of champagne through a custom tv! Talk about an elitist bitch.But hey its funny as hell.

The extra large screen TV was a gift from Saudi Arabian government. The expensive celebration plans, that never came to be, were paid for in total by the Clinton Foundation. So, it's true that their favorite charity is themselves. All that money, much of it from foreign governments, wasted. She traded all those favors, at the expense of our national security, for nothing.

Yet again we hear how horribly she treats the 'lowly' people who work for her. So glad this imposter for a human being isn't headed to the White House.
I thought it had to be bad on election night when she didn't come out to face the music. It makes sense she was in no condition to face her supporters and left high and dry all the folks that spent hours on end watching the bleak returns. .

The woman is a drunk. I think that she knew the media hyped her success long before the election, and getting bombed during the night helped relieve some of her anxiety. She never planned to appear win or lose.

She couldn't even attend the 911 ceremony because she was so bombed she collapsed and blamed it on pneumonia. What doctor in this country would allow an elderly patent with such a medical problem to be rushed to her daughters apartment instead of an emergency room? And then (after a lot of coffee) came out to hug children for the cameras?
Obama probably had a meltdown also. The embarrassment of buying that house in Washington DC and not being appointed by Crooked Hillary to a position in the government as he most likely was promised. The net result appears that Slick Willie is blacker than Obama by setting up an office in Harlem. But again as everyone has noted, keeping Crooked Hillary out of the Presidency was almost as great as The Donald winning the Presidency.
The most notable damage was located deep in the VIP room of the Clinton camp. A custom 150 inch ultra HD TV, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government, was found with a broken screen. The damage was caused by a $950,000 bottle of champagne that was believed to have been thrown at the screen by the former presidential candidate some time during the election.

Early in the morning, the custodial staff were greeted by flipped-over tables as the floors were covered with expensive food, drinks, and appetizers. Broken champagne flutes and gilded silverware were also seen scattered around the would-be party room.

The most telling sign of a massive meltdown was the cake. The pastry that had once proudly displayed the presidential seal, was violently flung against the walls in chunks. A broken topper from the cake in the shape of the white house was discovered lodged firmly into the drywall near the dessert table.

Can you imagine this drunken, psychotic b***h as your president?

Story @ Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot

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