Hillary's message to the American people

"Butt Hurt Cream. Get yer Butt-Hurt Cream, right here!

Works for Benghazi as well as the FBI, or any other Phony Scandal you've fallen for, or pinned your hopes on.....

Get yer Butt-Hurt Cream Right here!"

If you think either were phony then you aren't worth the effort. Idiot.

Shall l put you down for a case then?

Nope. Unlike you I know incompetence when I see it and apparently Director Comey does as well.
Rep. Gowdy

"Madame Secretary, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

Sec. Clinton

"Uhhh.... could you repeat the question please?"

Rep. Gowdy

"Madame Secretary, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

Sec. Clinton

"Hell no."
good news is the "libs" now have more empty rhetoric to use on her next scandal
"wheres the charges?" :lol:

... and they are ready to elect a President who's "extremely reckless" and keeps constantly "screwing up".
but she is "qualified" :rofl:

But the question is, for what???
nothing in our interests. Her public duty has been full of failure.
In fact, someone on here posted her accomplishments because I asked. Know what some of them were? Bill losing a re-election in AR and her giving birth. no joke. Even her supporters are full of FAIL :lmao:
"Butt Hurt Cream. Get yer Butt-Hurt Cream, right here!

Works for Benghazi as well as the FBI, or any other Phony Scandal you've fallen for, or pinned your hopes on.....

Get yer Butt-Hurt Cream Right here!"

"I have never received or sent anything that was marked 'classified.' (Giggle, snort, faaarrttt)
"Butt Hurt Cream. Get yer Butt-Hurt Cream, right here!

Works for Benghazi as well as the FBI, or any other Phony Scandal you've fallen for, or pinned your hopes on.....

Get yer Butt-Hurt Cream Right here!"
According to the FBI your leader Alison a fucking retards.

And I though you were a gay lover, why use the term butt hurt, isn't that a slur to fags?

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