Hillary's so-called lack of 'accomplishments' is a valid issue?

Dem's finally regained power, then ran smack into failure after failure. Dem's were better off standing on the sidelines booing the GOP vs being in charge.
What about Scott Walker's claim that none of the GOP senators in the race have accomplished anything?

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — Even while calling for a "civilized" Republican debate in 2016, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker charged on Friday that GOP senators seeking the White House haven't accomplished anything in Washington.

Walker Republican senators have yet to accomplish anything - Yahoo News

I remember asking the same sort of question, what have Hillary Clinton's opponents 'accomplished'?

I guess Scott Walker has at least partially given me an answer.

You crack me up. That wide-assed bitch has been in the public eye for nearly 50 years. She has accomplished what, exactly? Married to the biggest dickhead in the known universe?
It certainly is once you consider what happened 7 years ago when we elected someone with even fewer accomplishments.

So you are admitting that she does have accomplishments?

The bad far out weighs the good. It's pretty pathetic that the absolute best Democrats can do is Hillary, granted, they really don't have much of a choice at this point, she has the money, the liberal media backing and the political machine.

The voters will get to decide who they prefer. Initially it will be the Dem primary voters and Hillary has lost one primary already. Assuming she does better this time she will have to face off against the battle hardened best of the best winner of the GOP primary.

At that point she should be easy pickings for any of the current GOP options. They all come with masses of accomplishments of their own to woo the voters with their glittering resumes and credentials. Their track records alone take days to peruse and you can just see the divine light of leadership and righteousness shining forth from their noble faces.

I really don't know why she has your panties all in a bunch. She should be really easy to defeat given all the baggage she is drowning under if FauxNoise is to be believed. You should have an easy enough time convincing voters that needless wars and doubling the national debt again by giving the 1% yet more and more tax cuts are the answers to jobs that never materialize. Who isn't going to vote for a GOP candidate that repeal the hated ObamaCare?
It certainly is once you consider what happened 7 years ago when we elected someone with even fewer accomplishments.

So you are admitting that she does have accomplishments?

The bad far out weighs the good. It's pretty pathetic that the absolute best Democrats can do is Hillary, granted, they really don't have much of a choice at this point, she has the money, the liberal media backing and the political machine.

The voters will get to decide who they prefer. Initially it will be the Dem primary voters and Hillary has lost one primary already. Assuming she does better this time she will have to face off against the battle hardened best of the best winner of the GOP primary.

At that point she should be easy pickings for any of the current GOP options. They all come with masses of accomplishments of their own to woo the voters with their glittering resumes and credentials. Their track records alone take days to peruse and you can just see the divine light of leadership and righteousness shining forth from their noble faces.

I really don't know why she has your panties all in a bunch. She should be really easy to defeat given all the baggage she is drowning under if FauxNoise is to be believed. You should have an easy enough time convincing voters that needless wars and doubling the national debt again by giving the 1% yet more and more tax cuts are the answers to jobs that never materialize. Who isn't going to vote for a GOP candidate that repeal the hated ObamaCare?

Whether their "accomplishments" measure up to you lefties will mean nothing when, during the debates" one of them asks "Did you sleep well the night the Ambassador and his Security detail were murdered, after failing to provide the added security they asked for?"

Game, set, match.

Every time she is "credited" with an accomplishment - it usually involves the death of an American. Great job.
It certainly is once you consider what happened 7 years ago when we elected someone with even fewer accomplishments.

So you are admitting that she does have accomplishments?

The bad far out weighs the good. It's pretty pathetic that the absolute best Democrats can do is Hillary, granted, they really don't have much of a choice at this point, she has the money, the liberal media backing and the political machine.

The voters will get to decide who they prefer. Initially it will be the Dem primary voters and Hillary has lost one primary already. Assuming she does better this time she will have to face off against the battle hardened best of the best winner of the GOP primary.

At that point she should be easy pickings for any of the current GOP options. They all come with masses of accomplishments of their own to woo the voters with their glittering resumes and credentials. Their track records alone take days to peruse and you can just see the divine light of leadership and righteousness shining forth from their noble faces.

I really don't know why she has your panties all in a bunch. She should be really easy to defeat given all the baggage she is drowning under if FauxNoise is to be believed. You should have an easy enough time convincing voters that needless wars and doubling the national debt again by giving the 1% yet more and more tax cuts are the answers to jobs that never materialize. Who isn't going to vote for a GOP candidate that repeal the hated ObamaCare?

It should all come down to what's best for America but it doesn't. I feel that Democrats will dump Hillary again if an actual contender shows up and isn't slapped down by her money, media and machine . Their desperate yet hopeful choice for Obama has thrown the country into chaos, national embarrassment, divisive politics, inevitable bankruptcy and a far less hopefully future for America etc.

I'm hopeful this tide of failure will turn and Americans will stop this madness. Hillary the politician and selfish 1%er represents the worst of America.
Per the poll data support among Dems for Hillary is fading fast. The fact a virtual unknown like Bernie Sanders came close to beating her in a recent straw vote is telling.

If the Dems were smart they'd find any viable candidate other than the Hildabeast.

But to be fair, nobody is claiming the Dems are smart. :D
Per the poll data support among Dems for Hillary is fading fast. The fact a virtual unknown like Bernie Sanders came close to beating her in a recent straw vote is telling.

If the Dems were smart they'd find any viable candidate other than the Hildabeast.

But to be fair, nobody is claiming the Dems are smart. :D
Never underestimate the deceptive tactics of the Dems...............nor their tactics...............

Hildabeast the old hag is a deception.
Id bet dinner for two the Fiorona we'll be the republican vp candidate

This country is facing economic disaster at a time when the terrorists are infiltrating the homeland.

She seems a far more formidable candidate than described in the media, that's for sure. Someone that has top level business experience and is prone to get America (including the inner-city American ghetto's) back to work, good education and opportunity deserves interest.
What about Scott Walker's claim that none of the GOP senators in the race have accomplished anything?

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — Even while calling for a "civilized" Republican debate in 2016, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker charged on Friday that GOP senators seeking the White House haven't accomplished anything in Washington.

Walker Republican senators have yet to accomplish anything - Yahoo News

I remember asking the same sort of question, what have Hillary Clinton's opponents 'accomplished'?

I guess Scott Walker has at least partially given me an answer.

Answer to the title: Yes

As for the rest: Off topic.
What about Scott Walker's claim that none of the GOP senators in the race have accomplished anything?

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — Even while calling for a "civilized" Republican debate in 2016, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker charged on Friday that GOP senators seeking the White House haven't accomplished anything in Washington.

Walker Republican senators have yet to accomplish anything - Yahoo News

I remember asking the same sort of question, what have Hillary Clinton's opponents 'accomplished'?

I guess Scott Walker has at least partially given me an answer.
Obamas lack of of accomplishments belie his tremendous success across the spectrum of his responsibilities...........don't they?
It certainly is once you consider what happened 7 years ago when we elected someone with even fewer accomplishments.

So you are admitting that she does have accomplishments?

The bad far out weighs the good. It's pretty pathetic that the absolute best Democrats can do is Hillary, granted, they really don't have much of a choice at this point, she has the money, the liberal media backing and the political machine.

The voters will get to decide who they prefer. Initially it will be the Dem primary voters and Hillary has lost one primary already. Assuming she does better this time she will have to face off against the battle hardened best of the best winner of the GOP primary.

At that point she should be easy pickings for any of the current GOP options. They all come with masses of accomplishments of their own to woo the voters with their glittering resumes and credentials. Their track records alone take days to peruse and you can just see the divine light of leadership and righteousness shining forth from their noble faces.

I really don't know why she has your panties all in a bunch. She should be really easy to defeat given all the baggage she is drowning under if FauxNoise is to be believed. You should have an easy enough time convincing voters that needless wars and doubling the national debt again by giving the 1% yet more and more tax cuts are the answers to jobs that never materialize. Who isn't going to vote for a GOP candidate that repeal the hated ObamaCare?
When she is swept into the same dust heap as Fritz Mondale and George McGovern, I bet that cackle will fall silent.
It certainly is once you consider what happened 7 years ago when we elected someone with even fewer accomplishments.

So you are admitting that she does have accomplishments?

The bad far out weighs the good. It's pretty pathetic that the absolute best Democrats can do is Hillary, granted, they really don't have much of a choice at this point, she has the money, the liberal media backing and the political machine.

The voters will get to decide who they prefer. Initially it will be the Dem primary voters and Hillary has lost one primary already. Assuming she does better this time she will have to face off against the battle hardened best of the best winner of the GOP primary.

At that point she should be easy pickings for any of the current GOP options. They all come with masses of accomplishments of their own to woo the voters with their glittering resumes and credentials. Their track records alone take days to peruse and you can just see the divine light of leadership and righteousness shining forth from their noble faces.

I really don't know why she has your panties all in a bunch. She should be really easy to defeat given all the baggage she is drowning under if FauxNoise is to be believed. You should have an easy enough time convincing voters that needless wars and doubling the national debt again by giving the 1% yet more and more tax cuts are the answers to jobs that never materialize. Who isn't going to vote for a GOP candidate that repeal the hated ObamaCare?

It should all come down to what's best for America but it doesn't. I feel that Democrats will dump Hillary again if an actual contender shows up and isn't slapped down by her money, media and machine . Their desperate yet hopeful choice for Obama has thrown the country into chaos, national embarrassment, divisive politics, inevitable bankruptcy and a far less hopefully future for America etc.

I'm hopeful this tide of failure will turn and Americans will stop this madness. Hillary the politician and selfish 1%er represents the worst of America.

Which of your 2 dozen potential candidates is going to "turn this tide" without being bankrolled by the 1%?
It certainly is once you consider what happened 7 years ago when we elected someone with even fewer accomplishments.

So you are admitting that she does have accomplishments?

The bad far out weighs the good. It's pretty pathetic that the absolute best Democrats can do is Hillary, granted, they really don't have much of a choice at this point, she has the money, the liberal media backing and the political machine.

The voters will get to decide who they prefer. Initially it will be the Dem primary voters and Hillary has lost one primary already. Assuming she does better this time she will have to face off against the battle hardened best of the best winner of the GOP primary.

At that point she should be easy pickings for any of the current GOP options. They all come with masses of accomplishments of their own to woo the voters with their glittering resumes and credentials. Their track records alone take days to peruse and you can just see the divine light of leadership and righteousness shining forth from their noble faces.

I really don't know why she has your panties all in a bunch. She should be really easy to defeat given all the baggage she is drowning under if FauxNoise is to be believed. You should have an easy enough time convincing voters that needless wars and doubling the national debt again by giving the 1% yet more and more tax cuts are the answers to jobs that never materialize. Who isn't going to vote for a GOP candidate that repeal the hated ObamaCare?
When she is swept into the same dust heap as Fritz Mondale and George McGovern, I bet that cackle will fall silent.

Which of the GOP "dust bunnies" is going to accomplish that feat IYO?
What has Rubio accomplished? The swine pushed through amnesty for criminals in the senate.
What about Scott Walker's claim that none of the GOP senators in the race have accomplished anything?

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — Even while calling for a "civilized" Republican debate in 2016, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker charged on Friday that GOP senators seeking the White House haven't accomplished anything in Washington.

Walker Republican senators have yet to accomplish anything - Yahoo News

I remember asking the same sort of question, what have Hillary Clinton's opponents 'accomplished'?

I guess Scott Walker has at least partially given me an answer.

Answer to the title: Yes

As for the rest: Off topic.

So Hillary's 'accomplishments' are fair game, but those of her potential opponents are not.

That is textbook Rightwing Nuttery.
Scott Walker says

Ted Cruz has accomplished nothing.

Rand Paul has accomplished nothing.

Mark Rubio has accomplished nothing.

Lindsey Graham has accomplished nothing.

He's either right or he's wrong. Well?
The Old Hag will talk in circles as she always does.....................

Remembering some of her debates of the past..............she get's done talking and go...........what the hell did she just say...................

Well the answer is nothing................................the art of talking long and saying nothing but saying she did.....


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