Hillary’s Teapot Dome


Sep 23, 2010

Republican crooks stole oil leases:

Events that led to the scandal began decades before when government and U.S. Navy officials, contemplating a new, global presence, realized they needed a fuel supply that was more reliable and more portable than coal.

Hillary stole uranium:

The latest revelation is a potential bombshell: That while Clinton was secretary of state, a federal committee approved the $610 million sale of Wyoming-based uranium mines to Russia's state atomic energy agency, Rosatom, as it tried to corner the market for the radioactive mineral.

For Hillary Clinton, Scandals Have Achieved Critical Mass
04/23/2015 07:09 PM ET

For Hillary Clinton Growing Scandals Have Achieved Critical Mass - Investors.com

Has anybody noticed that Democrats are hellbent on eliminating the coal industry and the petroleum industry. Clinton selling America’s uranium to Russia makes it theft and treason. At least President Harding’s cronies were good old-fashioned crooks.

Incidentally, both robberies took place in Wyoming.
Clinton selling America’s uranium to Russia makes it theft and treason.

The one that was sold to the Canadians?
The one that was sold to the Canadians?

To Moonglow: Russia ended up with the uranium:

Incidentally, Clinton’s coverup is already underway. Now compare it to the noise anti-war America-haters made over yellowcake.


“Plamegate” was a 2002-2003 scandal that centered around Valerie Plame, a CIA employee and the wife of former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson. The other key figure in the scandal was I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, who, since January 2001, had been employed as Assistant to the President of the United States, Chief of Staff to the Vice President, and Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs. In the course of his work, Libby often had access to classified information which he was legally obligated not to disclose to persons unauthorized to receive it. At issue in this case was Libby’s alleged breach of Valerie Plame's anonymity as a CIA employee.

On January 28, 2003, President George W. Bush delivered a State of the Union address which included sixteen words stating that: “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” Critics of the President subsequently cited the fact that this statement had been made despite Wilson’s claims as evidence that Mr. Bush, in order to justify a preemptive invasion of Iraq, had knowingly misled the American public about Iraq’s efforts to acquire the raw materials for weapons of mass destruction (WMD).


In September 2003, the Department of Justice authorized the FBI to commence a criminal investigation of Libby's actions. Beginning in January 2004, a grand jury was empaneled to determine which government officials had disclosed (to the media) information concerning the affiliation of Valerie Plame with the CIA -- and to ascertain what may have been the nature, timing, extent, and purpose of such disclosures.

On October 28, 2005, Libby was officially charged with one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of making false statements to FBI investigators, and two counts of lying to the grand jury. He was not charged with actually leaking a CIA officer's name. Special Investigator Patrick Fitzgerald knew from an early stage that the person who in fact had disclosed Ms. Plame’s name to the media was not Libby, but rather Richard Armitage, a former State Department official who opposed the Bush administration’s policy in Iraq.

Remember Colin Powell’s pal? He actually outed Valerie Plame even though Scooter Libby took the rap:


Richard Armitage

I’ll close with an observation.

Has anybody noticed that Democrats are hellbent on eliminating the coal industry and the petroleum industry.

There must be a direct link to environmental claptrap. Clintons & Company obviously believe that nuclear weapons in the hands of America’s enemies is better than manmade global warming.

You gotta love the definitions I highlighted in bold text:

A $140 million mountain that landed at the Clinton Foundation, courtesy of Vladimir Putin, who may have also sent along a bouquet of roses with the money transfers.

Questions keep arising about the largest deposit-only ATM machine in the world: The Clinton Foundation.


Just as the Clinton Foundation is refiling its taxes for the last five years, possibly ten, after having been exposed, we hear that Hillary Clinton expects to raise an unheard record $2.5 billion for her presidential run.

Vladimir Putin: Thanks to Hillary, I now own America’s Uranium Future!
By Andrew G. Benjamin -- Bio and Archives April 24, 2015

Vladimir Putin Thanks to Hillary I now own America s Uranium Future


How should one think about the unfolding allegations rocking the Clinton-Industrial Complex (which includes both her campaign and her foundation)?

Will the Clinton-Cash Scandal Doom Hillary’s White House Bid?
By Jonah Goldberg — April 24, 2015

Will the Clinton-Cash Scandal Doom Hillary s White House Bid National Review Online

Question: The Clintons sold half of America’s uranium to foreign enemies for $140 million; so how much will contributors to Hillary’s campaign get for $2.5 billion?
Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.​

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal


I do not know who signed for the other agencies, but you can bet the family fortune that none of the others dare oppose then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton not to mention the president. And I am certain none of them violated the Emoluments Clause as did Hillary:

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution is known as the Emoluments Clause, and it bans payola to U.S. government officials from foreign governments. It reads:​

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.​

Sean Davis of The Federalist has explored how payments from foreign governments to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation probably violate that clause.​

Hell, everybody knew that Clinton was not innocent before the Blue Dress proved he was guilty.

In fact, the Clintons are never penalized seriously for breaking a law. So it isn’t likely they will be punished when there is no penalty involved:

Clinton Fined $90,686 for Lying in Paula Jones Case
July 30, 1999

Clinton Fined 90 686 for Lying in Paula Jones Case - latimes

An aggressive prosecutor could probably make a case that Hillary benefited from an “emolument” from a foreign government, though it is far from clear what penalty would exist for this constitutional infraction.

April 25, 2015
Hillary and the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution
By Thomas Lifson

Blog Hillary and the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution

Forget the Emoluments Clause. Nail them on treason.

Clinton selling America’s uranium to Russia makes it theft and treason.
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Clinton selling America’s uranium to Russia makes it theft and treason.

If the Clinton connection to Gehad el-Haddad ain’t treason there is no such thing as treason:

An Islamic terrorist leader who jumped straight from his job at the Clinton Foundation to a post with Egypt’s jihadist Muslim Brotherhood has received a life sentence back home for seditious activities.​

And let’s not overlook good old Huma and Hillary’s erased e-mails:

Listing all the pro-terrorist activities of the Clintons would take up volumes, so let’s just recap some of what they’ve done over the years.

Hillary’s top aide who follows her from job to job is Huma Abedin. Abedin, who worked for Mrs. Clinton at the State Department and the Clinton-era White House, has since joined her favorite politician on the presidential campaign trail. Abedin has generational ties to Islamic terrorism and to the Muslim Brotherhood in particular. It is very difficult to believe that she hasn’t done her best to steer U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Muslim, pro-terrorist direction. Because Hillary’s has destroyed tens of thousands of her U.S. government-owned emails, we may never know if Abedin shared state secrets with America’s enemies.

Clinton Aide Gets Life in Prison
By Matthew Vadum April 29, 2015

Clinton Aide Gets Life in Prison

The problem goes far beyond the Clintons. Tens of millions of Democrats will go to their graves swearing that the country was better off because of the Clintons. Not a one them can see this: The Clintons, along with their president, would have been tried, convicted, and executed a long time ago had they done as much for Japan and Nazi Germany during WWII.
Hillary’s top aide who follows her from job to job is Huma Abedin. Abedin, who worked for Mrs. Clinton at the State Department and the Clinton-era White House, has since joined her favorite politician on the presidential campaign trail. Abedin has generational ties to Islamic terrorism and to the Muslim Brotherhood in particular. It is very difficult to believe that she hasn’t done her best to steer U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Muslim, pro-terrorist direction. Because Hillary’s has destroyed tens of thousands of her U.S. government-owned emails, we may never know if Abedin shared state secrets with America’s enemies.

If you consider the presidential race a bad grade B movie as do I, Benghazi is sure to be a Summer blockbuster.

. . . the panel wants to interview at least 60 more current and former officials, including Clinton, Susan Rice, Patrick Kennedy and three of Clinton’s top aides during her tenure as secretary of State: Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan and Huma Abedin.

Gowdy’s Benghazi Panel Wants Clinton’s Top Aides
By David Eldridge Posted at 7:11 p.m. on May 8

Benghazi News Gowdy Seeks Huma Abedin Clinton Aides

I do not know much about the other 58, but Huma and Suzy Five Shows will put on a show worthy of Best Supporting Actress awards. Of course, Hillary is a heavy favorite to win Best Actress award in a competitive year that includes Lois Lerner, and perennial nominee Typhoid Nancy.

Incidentally, media is promoting a bad movie for the money. If networks can get Americans to follow the presidential race this far out they are counting on campaign donations to wannabes increasing tremendously. Most of that newfound money will wind up in network coffers. Not so with a Benghazi blockbuster. Media would rather that one flops.
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