Hillay's... “F*** you, God”..moment

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well obviously.. Hillary is your classic all inclusive, we care, free speech is American as apple pie Liberal...:lol:..yup.


What other entertainments have senior U.S. officials reviewed lately? Last year Hillary Clinton went to see the Broadway musical Book of Mormon. “We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others”? The Book of Mormon’s big showstopper is “Hasa Diga Eebowai” which apparently translates as “F*** you, God.” The U.S. secretary of state stood and cheered.

Why does Secretary Clinton regard “F*** you, God” as a fun toe-tapper for all the family but “F*** you, Allah” as “disgusting and reprehensible”? The obvious answer is that, if you sing the latter, you’ll find a far more motivated crowd waiting for you at the stage door. So the “leader of the free world” and “the most powerful man in the world” (to revive two cobwebbed phrases nobody seems to apply to the president of the United States anymore) is telling the planet that the way to ensure your beliefs command his “respect” is to be willing to burn and bomb and kill. You Mormons need to get with the program.

Bowing to the mob: Obama, Hillary, and the Mohammed movie « Hot Air Headlines
More liberal F*** YOU GOD....in mass


Apparently, Secretary Clinton has flexible standards. The Associated Press reported soon after The Book of Mormon's opening that "[t]he show has been greeted not by protests but rhapsodic reviews and standing ovations from crowds that have included celebrities as diverse as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, actor Jack Nicholson and composer Stephen Sondheim." Indeed, the show has been the biggest hit on Broadway these past two seasons, winning nine Tony Awards along the way.

True, when the show premiered in 2011, the media were shocked. NPR accurately called it "blasphemous." The Washington Post called it "acidic." The New York Times called it "more foul-mouthed than David Mamet on a blue streak."

But the media did not stop there -- not at all. In context, NPR called The Book of Mormon "blasphemous, hilarious and oddly endearing." The Post called the show "one of the most joyously acidic bundles Broadway has unwrapped in years." And the Times called it, foul-mouthed or not, "a newborn, old-fashioned, pleasure-giving musical."

Read more: Articles: Hillary Cheered Broadway's Book of Mormon, Condemns Innocence of Muslims

Articles: Hillary Cheered Broadway's Book of Mormon, Condemns Innocence of Muslims
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My roommate, who is very religious, attended the Book of Mormon musical in New York City last weekend. She said it was hilarious.
My roommate, who is very religious, attended the Book of Mormon musical in New York City last weekend. She said it was hilarious.

So the creators should not be "jailed for life in GTMO" ( as you stated yesterday because of the youtube trailer) for creating religious satire? If this were the "Book of the Koran" making fun of Islam would you be offended?

Why is one regarded as 'art' and the other 'hate'?
CaféAuLait;6045318 said:
My roommate, who is very religious, attended the Book of Mormon musical in New York City last weekend. She said it was hilarious.

So the creators should not be "jailed for life in GTMO" ( as you stated yesterday because of the youtube trailer) for creating religious satire? If this were the "Book of the Koran" making fun of Islam would you be offended?

Why is one regarded as 'art' and the other 'hate'?

Because Mormonism, like Scientology, is an American cult religion. Islam isn't.
CaféAuLait;6045318 said:
My roommate, who is very religious, attended the Book of Mormon musical in New York City last weekend. She said it was hilarious.

So the creators should not be "jailed for life in GTMO" ( as you stated yesterday because of the youtube trailer) for creating religious satire? If this were the "Book of the Koran" making fun of Islam would you be offended?

Why is one regarded as 'art' and the other 'hate'?

Because Mormonism, like Scientology, is an American cult religion. Islam isn't.

Because you said so, eh? You have decided what religion is acceptable to make fun of. Are those religions who are deemed cults which are not American fair to make fun of? Many see Islam as a cult, some don't.

How can you decide which religions to make fun of? Why the double standard?
CaféAuLait;6045349 said:
CaféAuLait;6045318 said:
So the creators should not be "jailed for life in GTMO" ( as you stated yesterday because of the youtube trailer) for creating religious satire? If this were the "Book of the Koran" making fun of Islam would you be offended?

Why is one regarded as 'art' and the other 'hate'?

Because Mormonism, like Scientology, is an American cult religion. Islam isn't.

Because you said so, eh? You have decided what religion is acceptable to make fun of. Are those religions who are deemed cults which are not American fair to make fun of? Many see Islam as a cult, some don't.

How can you decide which religions to make fun of? Why the double standard?

Where did Islam originate?
CaféAuLait;6045349 said:
Because Mormonism, like Scientology, is an American cult religion. Islam isn't.

Because you said so, eh? You have decided what religion is acceptable to make fun of. Are those religions who are deemed cults which are not American fair to make fun of? Many see Islam as a cult, some don't.

How can you decide which religions to make fun of? Why the double standard?

Where did Islam originate?

Perhaps you would like to reread my question(s) to you. Where Islam originated does not matter. You said it was okay to make fun of other religions because you deemed them American Cults. Islam is viewed as a cult by many, Google it. So according to you if something is viewed as a an American "cult" it is just fine and dandy to make fun of it. Yet a "cult" of any other country is off limits, even one which treats women and homosexuals with contempt.

What happened to TOLERANCE the left demands? You only want tolerence for thing YOU accept, anything else is fair game and that is total BS.

Does it matter where and when ones chosen religion started or where? And if so why?

Your hypocrisy is showing.
CaféAuLait;6045349 said:
Because Mormonism, like Scientology, is an American cult religion. Islam isn't.

Because you said so, eh? You have decided what religion is acceptable to make fun of. Are those religions who are deemed cults which are not American fair to make fun of? Many see Islam as a cult, some don't.

How can you decide which religions to make fun of? Why the double standard?

Where did Islam originate?

In the mind of a pedophile.
CaféAuLait;6045349 said:
Because you said so, eh? You have decided what religion is acceptable to make fun of. Are those religions who are deemed cults which are not American fair to make fun of? Many see Islam as a cult, some don't.

How can you decide which religions to make fun of? Why the double standard?

Where did Islam originate?

In the mind of a pedophile.

Thanks for proving my point.
All religions are made up stories.

But islam treats women worse than dogs so the fact that liberals defend it is hypocritical bullshit.

Which in turns gives liberals no credibility when they talk of helping women gays or anyone else who isn't Muslim.
CaféAuLait;6045318 said:
My roommate, who is very religious, attended the Book of Mormon musical in New York City last weekend. She said it was hilarious.

So the creators should not be "jailed for life in GTMO" ( as you stated yesterday because of the youtube trailer) for creating religious satire? If this were the "Book of the Koran" making fun of Islam would you be offended?

Why is one regarded as 'art' and the other 'hate'?

Because Mormonism, like Scientology, is an American cult religion. Islam isn't.
Islam is a cult.
Abraham had two sons one from a servant and one from his wife. The two sons were treated differently bringing resentment so one son went off and spread the word of Christianity and one son went off and created angry Muslims.
Democrat.."Hate speech" for over 14 million people...

just sayin...

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has over 14 million members, with more than half of those members living outside the United States. Wards (the name for a congregation) and branches (similar to wards but smaller) of the Church can be found in 162 countries. Countries with the highest percentage of LDS members are the United States, the countries of Latin America, the Philippines, Canada, England, American Samoa, Tonga, and Western Samoa. The Church has minimal presence in China (though it does have fairly good population in Hong Kong as well as a temple there), the Middle-East, and Cuba. The Church is growing fastest in Africa, Latin America, and east Asia.

Mormon Population - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki
Where did Islam originate?

In the mind of a pedophile.

Thanks for proving my point.

Do tell Lakhota, what was your point? I would love to know what he just proved. A few posts above you speak of a a play titled "The Book of Mormon" which pokes fun at a religion. You did not have seem to have a problem with such but seem upset about the youtube video about Islam. I asked you before about the "Piss Christ" and Andres Serrano. Should he be jailed in GTMO ( something you called for against the youtub video) for what he did and should the US government have paid him to create this 'art' depicting Jesus Christ in a cup of urine?

If that were the Koran in a cup of urine would you have been upset?
CaféAuLait;6045318 said:
My roommate, who is very religious, attended the Book of Mormon musical in New York City last weekend. She said it was hilarious.

So the creators should not be "jailed for life in GTMO" ( as you stated yesterday because of the youtube trailer) for creating religious satire? If this were the "Book of the Koran" making fun of Islam would you be offended?

Why is one regarded as 'art' and the other 'hate'?

Because Mormonism, like Scientology, is an American cult religion. Islam isn't.

So, you're saying what some believe is more valid than what others believe? That doesn't make any sense.

If people bash Christians, Mormans or any other religion, it is NO different than insulting Islam. Well, except that the radical Islamist will cut your head off for doing so. In fact, the radicals will cut your head off because you are an infidel. That doesn't make their religion better than others.
Abraham had two sons one from a servant and one from his wife. The two sons were treated differently bringing resentment so one son went off and spread the word of Christianity and one son went off and created angry Muslims.
Actually, Ishmael fathered the Arabic tribes which Islam was not thought of as yet. Mohammed is the perpetrator of Islam as it is today.
CaféAuLait;6045349 said:
Because Mormonism, like Scientology, is an American cult religion. Islam isn't.

Because you said so, eh? You have decided what religion is acceptable to make fun of. Are those religions who are deemed cults which are not American fair to make fun of? Many see Islam as a cult, some don't.

How can you decide which religions to make fun of? Why the double standard?

Where did Islam originate?
With the pedophile mohammed.

Total bullshit.

I practice no religion and am in fact described by many as an "agnostic atheist". The blatant hypocrisy surrounding this debate about what is okay and what is not, ( Muslim bashing bad, Christian bashing okay) is more than irritating and I am not religious. It's the blatant hypocrisy which is sickining.
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