Hillys Lawyer Face Investigation

She is being protected from everything.... except her Parkinson's....
Already PROVEN to be Russian PROPAGANDA, lies that the Russians spread with their fake news and BOTS on social media....then picked up by right wing media.

so you are the perfect example of how Russian propaganda spread during the elections, was believed and affected citizens....
don't you have some CNN propaganda to shove up your ass?
boy, you are vulgar and nasty! :eek:

nope, I simply followed the investigation and kept myself informed.
when you hear people cite the same bullshit over and over again, you do in fact get tired of it.

So you get tired of the truth? You should watch fox. You'll never have that problem again.
Clinton lawyers to be investigated over possible destruction of evidence - Hot Air

"...a judge in Maryland has ordered that an investigation be opened into the actions of three Clinton attorneys over possible charges of destruction of evidence when the server was purged."

The FBI has already reported and documented numerous times that Hillary, her lawyers, and those around her refused to comply with FBI orders to turn over ALL FILES, DOCUMENTS, E-MAILS, SERVERS, COMPUTERS, AND DEVICES.
- Over 17,000 official e-mails and documents have been reported to have been found on Hillary's server and on Huma's personal laptop (that her pervert husband used to sext a 15yo) that were illegally never turned over to the government.
- Hillary Clinton and her team (sides, techs, advisors, layers, etc) failed to (did not) turn over all devices - many cell phones and other devices were never turned in, and those devices that were turned in were missing their sim cards.
- Hillary and her team illegally physically destroyed devices instead of turning them in AND they erased files before using BleachBit to erase part of her server - DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE.


That all being said, the article goes on to say:

'It should be noted that this isn’t even a criminal case, though it could impact other court actions down the road."

UNBELIEVABLY, right in front of the American people's faces, Hillary Clinton is STILL being protected from indictment and imprisonment. Who the hell knows exactly WHY, but it is still happening.

No one should ever be allowed to claim 'There are not 2 'Americas' in the United states, because the fact that there are has been on display for decades, but never so prominently on display than the ongoing protection of Hillary Clinton since before the 2016 election.

Clinton lawyers to be investigated over possible destruction of evidence - Hot Air
Where's that Special Counsel we've been promised since July?
The emails on Huma's laptop found were all duplicates, and the FBI had them already, for the National Archives records.
I did not say the documents found on Huma's laptop were not duplicates, but they contained classified e-mails, she never had any authorization to store them on her personal laptop, and the e-mails found on Hillary's server and on Huma's laptop still totaled more than 17,000 ILLEGAL official documents that were in violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, as they had never been turned in as required by the law.

For those keeping score, that's over 34,000 individual criminal charges just waiting to be filed against Hillary...

Also, early in the investigation, they tried to nail Hillary for deleting her personal emails and not sending them to the National Archives, but the Justice Dept defended this move and said it was not illegal, and it was part of the rules and regs for turning over your govt records to the National Archives....the Gvt Rules in writing specifically STATE, NOT to send any personal emails, not involved with government, to the National Archives, to ONLY SEND govt related emails and documents....

The Justice Department was in no position to claim Hillary did not violate FOIA and the Federal Records Act because Hillary destroyed documents and wiped her server down...ILLEGALLY. Again, the FBI demanded she turn over EVERYTHING - she refused to do so. The DOJ / FBI was therefore left to have to take her word for the documents she deleted and the portions of her server she wiped. WHAT HILLARY AND HER TEAM DID IS CALLED OBSTRUCTION / DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE - IT'S A CRIME. As we all have seen and as Comey testified to, the DOJ / Lynch obstructed and covered for Hillary. A 1st year law student could have made this call - Hillary broke the law.
*** Notice how when the FBI 'went after Manafort recently: Did they ASK Manafort to turn over all his documents, files, server, computer, and devices? Did they GIVE HIM A DEADLINE with which to do this? HELL NO! They raided is house, they TOOK all of his documents, files, server, computers, and devices. Hillary, however, was ASKED for all her documents, files, servers, PCs, and devices. She was given more than a month to turn them over - plenty of time to delete, destroy, and BleachBit. A comparison between the 2 is all you need to fully comprehend Hillary was / is being protected.

And, sorry, but the State Department itself threw Hillary under the bus by declaring recently revealed / released Hillary documents were NEVER turned over / in as required by the law:

State Department reveals FBI uncovered 2,800 emails Clinton never turned over


Snowflakes can continue to run...but they can't hide from the facts.

She is being protected from everything.... except her Parkinson's....
Already PROVEN to be Russian PROPAGANDA, lies that the Russians spread with their fake news and BOTS on social media....then picked up by right wing media.

so you are the perfect example of how Russian propaganda spread during the elections, was believed and affected citizens....
don't you have some CNN propaganda to shove up your ass?
boy, you are vulgar and nasty! :eek:

nope, I simply followed the investigation and kept myself informed.
when you hear people cite the same bullshit over and over again, you do in fact get tired of it.
Tell me about it!
No Kidding!

That's all that Easy or Mindwars or Basquebromance or Bassman etc do, 24/7!

It definitely gets tiring!

The emails on Huma's laptop found were all duplicates, and the FBI had them already, for the National Archives records.
I did not say the documents found on Huma's laptop were not duplicates, but they contained classified e-mails, she never had any authorization to store them on her personal laptop, and the e-mails found on Hillary's server and on Huma's laptop still totaled more than 17,000 ILLEGAL official documents that were in violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, as they had never been turned in as required by the law.

For those keeping score, that's over 34,000 individual criminal charges just waiting to be filed against Hillary...

Also, early in the investigation, they tried to nail Hillary for deleting her personal emails and not sending them to the National Archives, but the Justice Dept defended this move and said it was not illegal, and it was part of the rules and regs for turning over your govt records to the National Archives....the Gvt Rules in writing specifically STATE, NOT to send any personal emails, not involved with government, to the National Archives, to ONLY SEND govt related emails and documents....

The Justice Department was in no position to claim Hillary did not violate FOIA and the Federal Records Act because Hillary destroyed documents and wiped her server down...ILLEGALLY. Again, the FBI demanded she turn over EVERYTHING - she refused to do so. The DOJ / FBI was therefore left to have to take her word for the documents she deleted and the portions of her server she wiped. WHAT HILLARY AND HER TEAM DID IS CALLED OBSTRUCTION / DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE - IT'S A CRIME. As we all have seen and as Comey testified to, the DOJ / Lynch obstructed and covered for Hillary. A 1st year law student could have made this call - Hillary broke the law.
*** Notice how when the FBI 'went after Manafort recently: Did they ASK Manafort to turn over all his documents, files, server, computer, and devices? Did they GIVE HIM A DEADLINE with which to do this? HELL NO! They raided is house, they TOOK all of his documents, files, server, computers, and devices. Hillary, however, was ASKED for all her documents, files, servers, PCs, and devices. She was given more than a month to turn them over - plenty of time to delete, destroy, and BleachBit. A comparison between the 2 is all you need to fully comprehend Hillary was / is being protected.

And, sorry, but the State Department itself threw Hillary under the bus by declaring recently revealed / released Hillary documents were NEVER turned over / in as required by the law:

State Department reveals FBI uncovered 2,800 emails Clinton never turned over


Snowflakes can continue to run...but they can't hide from the facts.


So what's the holdup? The right has been trying to make something stick to Hillary for almost three decades, but there is no reason to think you can't do it this time. After all, the 10,000th time could be the charm. Somebody call Gowdy, quick!!!!
Clinton lawyers to be investigated over possible destruction of evidence - Hot Air

"...a judge in Maryland has ordered that an investigation be opened into the actions of three Clinton attorneys over possible charges of destruction of evidence when the server was purged."

The FBI has already reported and documented numerous times that Hillary, her lawyers, and those around her refused to comply with FBI orders to turn over ALL FILES, DOCUMENTS, E-MAILS, SERVERS, COMPUTERS, AND DEVICES.
- Over 17,000 official e-mails and documents have been reported to have been found on Hillary's server and on Huma's personal laptop (that her pervert husband used to sext a 15yo) that were illegally never turned over to the government.
- Hillary Clinton and her team (sides, techs, advisors, layers, etc) failed to (did not) turn over all devices - many cell phones and other devices were never turned in, and those devices that were turned in were missing their sim cards.
- Hillary and her team illegally physically destroyed devices instead of turning them in AND they erased files before using BleachBit to erase part of her server - DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE.


That all being said, the article goes on to say:

'It should be noted that this isn’t even a criminal case, though it could impact other court actions down the road."

UNBELIEVABLY, right in front of the American people's faces, Hillary Clinton is STILL being protected from indictment and imprisonment. Who the hell knows exactly WHY, but it is still happening.

No one should ever be allowed to claim 'There are not 2 'Americas' in the United states, because the fact that there are has been on display for decades, but never so prominently on display than the ongoing protection of Hillary Clinton since before the 2016 election.

Clinton lawyers to be investigated over possible destruction of evidence - Hot Air
and if the investigation concludes that the lawyers are not guilty, you will cry "rigged!".
She is being protected from everything.... except her Parkinson's....
Already PROVEN to be Russian PROPAGANDA, lies that the Russians spread with their fake news and BOTS on social media....then picked up by right wing media.

so you are the perfect example of how Russian propaganda spread during the elections, was believed and affected citizens....
don't you have some CNN propaganda to shove up your ass?
boy, you are vulgar and nasty! :eek:

nope, I simply followed the investigation and kept myself informed.
when you hear people cite the same bullshit over and over again, you do in fact get tired of it.
Tell me about it!
No Kidding!

That's all that Easy or Mindwars or Basquebromance or Bassman etc do, 24/7!

It definitely gets tiring!

Yes, the left does get tired of being corrected by the FACTS over and over and just wish it would all go away....while they have gone over a year now pushing the same oil' debunked Conspiracy theories.
For months Hillary's lawyers, by their own admission, carried Hillary documents around on a USB. Considering many of these documents were classified:
- They violated the law by having them in their possession as they had no security clearances.
- They violated the law, specifically laws that govern transportation and storage of classified information.

If the laws that exist were STRICTLY enforced, to the letter of the law, there would be a host of Clinton aides, lawyers, associates, etc charged with crimes.

New Clinton Violations In Use Of Thumb Drives For Emails
- "The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the handling of her emails, more than 400 of which have now been shown to include classified material."
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FAKE NEWS ALERT! From "hot air" . (Apply named )

The real story is some GOP trouble makers are harassing the Maryland Bar to investigate Clinton lawyers for misdeeds . The Bar told them to go screw. Now they went crying to a judge who said the bar has to look into their (frivolous ) complaints .
New Clinton Violations In Use Of Thumb Drives For Emails

"The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the handling of her emails, more than 400 of which have now been shown to include classified material.

In transferring her emails to private thumb drives, Clinton violated a slew of federal regulations, including those of her own State Department.

The State Department’s Foreign Affairs manual prohibits the storage of classified material on any external drive, stating, “the flash drive may only be used for the transfer of unclassified files.” Flash and thumb drives are treated inter-changeably by the rules.

Further, unclassified material must be on a “department owned” drive, not a personal or private sector drive."

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FAKE NEWS ALERT! From "hot air" . (Apply named )

The real story is some GOP trouble makers are harassing the Maryland Bar to investigate Clinton lawyers for misdeeds . The Bar told them to go screw. Now they went crying to a judge who said the bar has to look into their (frivolous ) complaints .
The BAR attempted to protect Hillary, and so A judge has forced them to do their job...and snowflakes are whining.

So all you guys keep saying. But you're missing the point entirely.
The "criminality" of the act is irrelevant to the "investigation" they're under.
'Her actual crimes don't matter' - sounds exactly like what snowflakes have been saying.
By the way . Deleting an email does not erase it from all of existence! Any email that was sent from the state depart to Hillary, still lives on the State department server . She never "destroyed " and gov emails .
File this one under 'No Shit', Timmy. E-mails sent from the State Department to Hillary does exist on the State Department Servers...but we aren't talking about e-mails sent from the State Department to Hillary, as you are so desperately limit this discussion to. We are talking about all the emails Hillary sent, to others...and some to the State Department.

A Judge recently ordered the State Department to begin searching State Department servers of individuals Hillary may have sent e-mails to, until now previously not asked for / sought.

The FBI, again, stated they now have over 17,000 official e-mails Hillary never turned in - violations of the law. And, again, this does not include all the information / documents Hillary destroyed / deleted / Bleach-bit - which is Obstruction, Destruction of Evidence, Refusing to Comply, etc....

The FBI should have raided Hillary's office and home without any warning, as they did with Manafort, and seized all of her documents, files, server, PC's, and devices. Instead, they gave her a 30-Day heads-up / Warning and time for her to get rid of a lot of evidence...and she still F*ed that up.
So all you guys keep saying. But you're missing the point entirely.
The "criminality" of the act is irrelevant to the "investigation" they're under.
'Her actual crimes don't matter' - sounds exactly like what snowflakes have been saying.

No, your imagination of what "crimes" she committed don't matter.

Has it sunk into your thick skull that this is a bar association investigation, not a criminal one?

Has it sunk into your head that your fantasies of political retribution against Hillary are dead?
No, your imagination of what "crimes" she committed don't matter.

I don't need imagination - I stick with the FACTS and EVIDENCE:

New Clinton Violations In Use Of Thumb Drives For Emails

"The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the handling of her emails, more than 400 of which have now been shown to include classified material.

In transferring her emails to private thumb drives, Clinton violated a slew of federal regulations, including those of her own State Department.

The State Department’s Foreign Affairs manual prohibits the storage of classified material on any external drive, stating, “the flash drive may only be used for the transfer of unclassified files.” Flash and thumb drives are treated inter-changeably by the rules.

Further, unclassified material must be on a “department owned” drive, not a personal or private sector drive."


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