Hirono is the biggest piece of garbage we have ever had in Congress

Another non white/ male/ heterosexual that conservatives hate.
What a shock.

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."
Check out our Democrat Congress. You progs proud?

Maxine Waters

Mazie Hirono

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Abdullahi Omar

Nancy Pelosi

Cory Booker

She fails to conduct herself in a professional manner and this isn't the first time. The target of her poor conduct is irrelevant. The fact you don't see an issue with it says just as much about you as it does her.

She took a stand, called out Trump's fixer for being a liar and a con man soiling his office, and she did it without resorting to the soothing, diplomatic euphemisms for which Trump - the ultimate professional - is renowned.

But her manners!
What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.

Holding someone accountable is not grandstanding. She was right on. Interesting that it is okay for Trump to do it but anyone who does the same thing is wrong.
She is a useless piece of garbage.

Seriously, what has she done? She just wants all of us to pay for abortions. That’s all she gives a shit about.


So you say. The most useless piece of garbage in Washington and most Republicans.

You want to use laws to tell a woman what she can do with her body.

You are the racist.
She fails to conduct herself in a professional manner and this isn't the first time. The target of her poor conduct is irrelevant. The fact you don't see an issue with it says just as much about you as it does her.

She took a stand, called out Trump's fixer for being a liar and a con man soiling his office, and she did it without resorting to the soothing, diplomatic euphemisms for which Trump - the ultimate professional - is renowned.

But her manners!

No, she didn't take a stand. She's a United States Senator and she acted like a 12 year old grandstanding before the cameras and it's not the first time she's behaved this way. These people are supposed to be the leaders of our nation and they have less maturity than my 16 year old son. I expect better. If you don't then maybe it's because you're just a big child too.

And then people wonder why the level of discourse in this country has gotten to where it is.
What new data was uncovered during the hearing yesterday, specifically?

We learned that Barr is not the AG of the United States. He is part of Trump's security force. He used the word spying and admitted he did not read the referral by the Australian government. He says Trump did not obstruct justice but said he did not read any of the underlying information in the Mueller report.
She should resign for lying about Cavanaugh.

Kavanaugh was the one who lied. He should be jailed.

Really? Let's say you put prog-speak into perspective:

A. Cite instances where he lied.
B. Make a case for why he should be jailed.

Until then we'll assume you're an emotional-feminist, which is code for an irrational person who says meaningless things for personal fulfillment.
What new data was uncovered during the hearing yesterday, specifically?

We learned that Barr is not the AG of the United States. He is part of Trump's security force. He used the word spying and admitted he did not read the referral by the Australian government. He says Trump did not obstruct justice but said he did not read any of the underlying information in the Mueller report.

Just because the MSM says you can’t use the word spy, doesn’t mean Barr can’t say spy.

Webster’s says spy means: “to watch secretly”.

Fuck the Dimms and the MSM.

Comey was spying on Trump.

You can refer to a rotten egg as a rose. It doesn’t change the smell, does it?

Why do you just parrot what the MSM says?
She should resign for lying about Cavanaugh.

Kavanaugh was the one who lied. He should be jailed.

Really? Let's say you put prog-speak into perspective:

A. Cite instances where he lied.
B. Make a case for why he should be jailed.

Until then we'll assume you're an emotional-feminist, which is code for an irrational person who says meaningless things for personal fulfillment.

And this asshole is crying that Trump is a Nazi!

You know, the guy with the train station named after him in Jerusalem....he is a NAZI!

What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.
Democrats in the House are like children hall monitors. Drunk on perceived power.
And then people wonder why the level of discourse in this country has gotten to where it is.


Yeah, that's what I thought.

Yeah, you didn't think at all. Your concern for the "level of discourse" is very touching, or it would be, were it not so completely covered in crap. That starts with your own "contributions" on here, most of which amount to no more than trolling, and it doesn't end with your singling out a pretty insignificant senator while I have yet to see you take on the fat guy with the biggest megaphone and the foulest mouth anyone has ever seen besmirching the office of the presidency.

So, could you ramp down the crocodile tears, please? They are unbecoming.
What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.

Now, what did she do this time?

Ah, I see, she hurt Barr's tiny fee-fee. Shame on her!

It's about time someone rose, in manly honor and self-righteousness, to Barr's defense, stridently whining about the terrible harm inflicted upon him.
ROFL! Watch the sanctimonious hypocrites who cried buckets for that douchebag Balsey Ford if anyone dared to criticize her. Dims will always rise to defend slander, and then they cry like babies if anyone tells the truth about them.

They both share the same thing. Republicans were not interested in finding the truth so they smeared Dr Ford. They even referenced a anonymous letter saying Dr Ford had lied. Yet they ignored potential perjury by Kavanaugh. They were the ones dealing in slander.
What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.

Graham did the most grandstanding. The Republicans are sick people.

What new information did you learn?

Be specific.
Barr never referred to notes, and the POS fuckhead Dimms just read speeches from papers handed to them by their aides.

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