Hispanic immigrants - enrichment or burden?

Do Hispanic immigrants pose an enrichment or a burden for American society?

  • enrichment

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • burden

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • you should distinguish

    Votes: 8 30.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dec 23, 2011
Hey! I`m a German student and supposed to write a term paper about the topic above. I`d like to make a survey:

1. Are there more advantages or disadvantages of them being here?
2. Are they culturally enriching or do they rather contribute to the loss of American culture/ identity?
3. Would you like immigration of Latinos to this extent to continue?

It would be really nice if you helped me!
Some of both- many pull their own weight and are an asset, others become a liability. It's not an auspicious sign when a new immigrants first act is violating the law, but in most cases their children (the younger ones at least) Americanize and become for all intents and purposes just another citizen within a decade. Those who apply and go through the approved process tend to be better educated, speak the language and have more skills and the assimilation is pretty rapid.

Here in the southwest outside of California I'm for the most part happy for the hispanic influence but as with any seasoning where some may be good, it's a matter of how much and how well it's blended into the mix.
Hey! I`m a German student and supposed to write a term paper about the topic above. I`d like to make a survey:

1. Are there more advantages or disadvantages of them being here?
2. Are they culturally enriching or do they rather contribute to the loss of American culture/ identity?
3. Would you like immigration of Latinos to this extent to continue?

It would be really nice if you helped me!

First you must define what you mean. ILLEGAL ALIENS are not part of a LEGAL community and are a decided drag on the culture, they do not integrate and they do not pay taxes. They receive services from communities that are not receiving the tax dollars needed to support those services. Their children are granted citizenship simply for being born here even though the parents are ILLEGAL.

Immigrants are LEGAL not illegal. One can assume that a good number of them do integrate and assimilate into the communities they live in. They pay all taxes and are not a drag on the local or State Community.
Hey! I`m a German student and supposed to write a term paper about the topic above. I`d like to make a survey:

1. Are there more advantages or disadvantages of them being here?
2. Are they culturally enriching or do they rather contribute to the loss of American culture/ identity?
3. Would you like immigration of Latinos to this extent to continue?

It would be really nice if you helped me!

didn't germany practice "ethnic cleansing"? that's what you should be studying.
Hey! I`m a German student and supposed to write a term paper about the topic above. I`d like to make a survey:

1. Are there more advantages or disadvantages of them being here?
2. Are they culturally enriching or do they rather contribute to the loss of American culture/ identity?
3. Would you like immigration of Latinos to this extent to continue?

It would be really nice if you helped me!

Personally I dont really think you care, but here goes.

They are a burden to our educational system, our legal system (almost 1/3 of our prison inmates) and our healthcare system. They use fake identities and disrupt our elections with voter fraud.

Need I say more?
1. They are here for cheap labor, to distract the working class and dilute its solidarity. Our ideologies, including Leftist, are completely controlled by Right Wing economics.
2. Their culture is barbaric and, at least in the race that emigrates, consists of laziness, drunkenness, uncontrolled breeding, and mindless violence.
3. I'd only like it to continue if I were an enemy of the United States. Immigration is treason. The slogan "A Nation of Immigrants" only applied when there was a shortage of labor to develop a land that had lain idle when it was occupied by backward savages of the same race as the Mexicans.
Hey! I`m a German student and supposed to write a term paper about the topic above. I`d like to make a survey:

1. Are there more advantages or disadvantages of them being here?
2. Are they culturally enriching or do they rather contribute to the loss of American culture/ identity?
3. Would you like immigration of Latinos to this extent to continue?

It would be really nice if you helped me!

Personally I dont really think you care, but here goes.

They are a burden to our educational system, our legal system (almost 1/3 of our prison inmates) and our healthcare system. They use fake identities and disrupt our elections with voter fraud.

Need I say more?

You forgot to mention that their feet stink...
Hispanic IMMIGRANTS who come here the right way are fine, however illegal immigrants are a burden because they use our education and health services for free and most of them send alot of their earnings back to Mexico, and alot of them are just seasonal workers, they don't have any desire to integrate into America they just want the money and the benefits.
Thanks for alle the answers, it really hepls!
Originally, I meant ALL Hispanics, the ones who come to realize their American dreams, regardless of legal/illegal. But now I get that you have to distinguish, there`s obviosly a huge difference between illegal aliens and legal immigrants. I will definitely thematize that in my term paper.
Thank you again!
Hey! I`m a German student and supposed to write a term paper about the topic above. I`d like to make a survey:

1. Are there more advantages or disadvantages of them being here?
2. Are they culturally enriching or do they rather contribute to the loss of American culture/ identity?
3. Would you like immigration of Latinos to this extent to continue?

It would be really nice if you helped me!

didn't germany practice "ethnic cleansing"? that's what you should be studying.

Perhaps next time. :)
Hey! I`m a German student and supposed to write a term paper about the topic above. I`d like to make a survey:

1. Are there more advantages or disadvantages of them being here?
2. Are they culturally enriching or do they rather contribute to the loss of American culture/ identity?
3. Would you like immigration of Latinos to this extent to continue?

It would be really nice if you helped me!

Depends on if you are talking about legal or illegal immigrants. Illegally no because they are usually in poverty and a buden and legally yes if they have something to offer like a college education and a doctor or nurse,etc. But those who have careers almost never come here. Except for Philipino professionals. I know a doctor in Mexico that don't even think of immigrating here.
Thanks for alle the answers, it really hepls!
Originally, I meant ALL Hispanics, the ones who come to realize their American dreams, regardless of legal/illegal. But now I get that you have to distinguish, there`s obviosly a huge difference between illegal aliens and legal immigrants. I will definitely thematize that in my term paper.
Thank you again!

Obtaining the american dream for them may not be the same as americans american dream. Americaqs usually reach higher.
Hispanic IMMIGRANTS who come here the right way are fine, however illegal immigrants are a burden because they use our education and health services for free and most of them send alot of their earnings back to Mexico, and alot of them are just seasonal workers, they don't have any desire to integrate into America they just want the money and the benefits.

And they settle for much less then the average american want.
Hispanic immigrants - enrichment or burden?

Enrichment, clearly.

Those perceived to be a ‘burden’ are such having noting to do with being Hispanic.

But now I get that you have to distinguish, there`s obviosly a huge difference between illegal aliens and legal immigrants.

Actually not.

There’s no way to determine by sight alone, millions of illegal immigrants have lived here for years in a peaceful, lawful manner. Illegal immigrants are also entitled to basic due process rights – indeed, one isn’t determined ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been found guilty of entering the country undocumented in a court of law; in the United States, all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Consider also the fact thousands of immigrants came to the United States legally as minor children, only to lose their legal status later through no fault of their own.

So, Uma, if you’re actually interested in researching the subject, do so in an intelligent, objective manner – understanding the facts and law which pertain to the issue of illegal immigration. Not the fear, hate, and ignorance exhibited by too many Americans.
Advantages of legal immigrants are that we have more people here being innovative, starting businesses and paying taxes. Part of the immigration process is ensuring they can take care of themselves financially.

Disadvantages of illegal immigration is that they come here to have their children so they can qualify for welfare. Those that do work tend to be hired by companies paying low wages and it makes it difficult for citizens to get hired for decent wages. Illegals also require a social security number for work and since they don't have a legal one issued to them, they use fake or stolen numbers and sometimes the person's whole identity. This is extemely harmful to people because it hurts them financially by ruining their credit and making it difficult for them to get loans or get a job. Some people have had the IRS come after them for huge tax bills, often from several different jobs from different people and the government is no help to citizens who find themselves harmed by the theft.

The amount of welfare spent on illegal aliens and their families is staggering, in the billions each year.
Hispanic immigrants - enrichment or burden?

Enrichment, clearly.

Those perceived to be a ‘burden’ are such having noting to do with being Hispanic.

But now I get that you have to distinguish, there`s obviosly a huge difference between illegal aliens and legal immigrants.

Actually not.

There’s no way to determine by sight alone, millions of illegal immigrants have lived here for years in a peaceful, lawful manner. Illegal immigrants are also entitled to basic due process rights – indeed, one isn’t determined ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been found guilty of entering the country undocumented in a court of law; in the United States, all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Consider also the fact thousands of immigrants came to the United States legally as minor children, only to lose their legal status later through no fault of their own.

OK. I mostly agree with you. I guess what really counts is their pursuit of a better life and whether they have honest aims, not if they possess the correct/legal documents. You shouldn`t judge a person only after his/her papers.
OK. I mostly agree with you. I guess what really counts is their pursuit of a better life and whether they have honest aims, not if they possess the correct/legal documents. You shouldn`t judge a person only after his/her papers.

Not judged solely on documentation no, but a review is necessary for a host country to ensure that it's not letting itself in for problems. We have had an open door, no questions asked policy towards Cuban refugees for decades which has, for the most part, not been problematic because there are not large numbers involved. There was one noteable exception however in 1980- research the Mariel boat lift where Castro unloaded his prison population on us.

And that brings up another reason why immigration must be conducted in a regulated fashion- sheer numbers. To use a semi-medical analogy, no nation can remain healthy and viable if required to withstand influxes of foreign bodies in excess of its capability to absorb and to an extent neutralize them, they overwhelm systems vital to societal functioning.
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Thanks for alle the answers, it really hepls!
Originally, I meant ALL Hispanics, the ones who come to realize their American dreams, regardless of legal/illegal. But now I get that you have to distinguish, there`s obviosly a huge difference between illegal aliens and legal immigrants. I will definitely thematize that in my term paper.
Thank you again!

Your welcome.

Sorry for my sarcastic 1st post. Looks like you were being honest in your inquiry.

1. They are here for cheap labor, to distract the working class and dilute its solidarity. Our ideologies, including Leftist, are completely controlled by Right Wing economics.
2. Their culture is barbaric and, at least in the race that emigrates, consists of laziness, drunkenness, uncontrolled breeding, and mindless violence.
3. I'd only like it to continue if I were an enemy of the United States. Immigration is treason. The slogan "A Nation of Immigrants" only applied when there was a shortage of labor to develop a land that had lain idle when it was occupied by backward savages of the same race as the Mexicans.

You are an unamerican, stupid piece of shit. Get the fuck out of my country, you worthless fuck.

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