Hispanics RISING for Trump !!


Hispanics approve of trump

With 42 % for trump

Looks like Hispanics are about to switch parties??

Because of abortion
You bloody imbecile! The approval/disapproval poll is Question 172, and ethnicity is NOT included in the categories being polled! Now the first tallied response in the poll with ethnicity included has Hispanics at 42% saying the Country is going in the right direction and a majority of 58% of Hispanics saying the Country is going in the WRONG DIRECTION!

The only thing on this thread pertaining to your conclusion is the totality of your supercilious OP. Now that's an abortion!
Try reading that again.

41% approve of Trump and 50% disapprove Poll percentages never equal 100% because there is always an I don't know or other answer like it. Considering that the dems almost always have a commanding lead in Hispanic voters, this is a rather large percentage. Dems have been beating the drum about how Trump hates immigrants and Hispanics in general and yet support in that demographic seems to be growing.

Do you not find that interesting or impactful? If you don't then you are putting your head in the sand. For over a decade dems have been claiming the Republican party is done for because of the growth of the Hispanic voting block. It appears (as I always know it would) that such a statement is nothing more than fantasy. As Hispanic voters increase their voting patterns are going to flatten out.

On page 288 it shows Hispanics approve of trumps job as president at 42%.

And whites 50%.

Hispanics has nearly caught up to whites in approval of trump

That is huge. Abortion may be spreading like wildfire
Abortion has almost nothing to do with it if you are reading the poll.

It is the economy that has attracted them - again - according to the polling data in the link. Women's issues account for a small sliver of important issues for Hispanics and that includes more than abortion. Further, Hispanics trust the DEMS in congress for women's issues MORE THAN the republicans. Essentially, the are breaking away from Trump on abortion but for him on the most important factor of all - the economy.
yeah, I'm not sure his abortion point. I looked and it was low. so, I asked what page he was looking at, and I haven't got an answer
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?
You think POTUS 'apologists' cant 'stand brown people.'

That is a personal problem you have with attributing malice to those that disagree with you. In reality, most people that support Trump have zero problems with 'brown' people.
or bigot baiting.
A year ago I may have believed that. I am no longer sure anymore. The ones that are constantly crying racist almost always turn out to be self loathing racists themselves. This game of using racists as an I win button has become old and is truly evil. Not wrong, bad or misguided. There is malice and hate behind it. Evil.

Hispanics approve of trump

With 42 % for trump

Looks like Hispanics are about to switch parties??

Because of abortion
You bloody imbecile! The approval/disapproval poll is Question 172, and ethnicity is NOT included in the categories being polled! Now the first tallied response in the poll with ethnicity included has Hispanics at 42% saying the Country is going in the right direction and a majority of 58% of Hispanics saying the Country is going in the WRONG DIRECTION!

The only thing on this thread pertaining to your conclusion is the totality of your supercilious OP. Now that's an abortion!
Try reading that again.

41% approve of Trump and 50% disapprove Poll percentages never equal 100% because there is always an I don't know or other answer like it. Considering that the dems almost always have a commanding lead in Hispanic voters, this is a rather large percentage. Dems have been beating the drum about how Trump hates immigrants and Hispanics in general and yet support in that demographic seems to be growing.

Do you not find that interesting or impactful? If you don't then you are putting your head in the sand. For over a decade dems have been claiming the Republican party is done for because of the growth of the Hispanic voting block. It appears (as I always know it would) that such a statement is nothing more than fantasy. As Hispanic voters increase their voting patterns are going to flatten out.

On page 288 it shows Hispanics approve of trumps job as president at 42%.

And whites 50%.

Hispanics has nearly caught up to whites in approval of trump

That is huge. Abortion may be spreading like wildfire
Abortion has almost nothing to do with it if you are reading the poll.

It is the economy that has attracted them - again - according to the polling data in the link. Women's issues account for a small sliver of important issues for Hispanics and that includes more than abortion. Further, Hispanics trust the DEMS in congress for women's issues MORE THAN the republicans. Essentially, the are breaking away from Trump on abortion but for him on the most important factor of all - the economy.
Wrong. Dead wrong

The strong gain with Hispanics gives this understanding

Hispanics are against abortion

Hispanics approve of trump

With 42 % for trump

Looks like Hispanics are about to switch parties??

Because of abortion
You bloody imbecile! The approval/disapproval poll is Question 172, and ethnicity is NOT included in the categories being polled! Now the first tallied response in the poll with ethnicity included has Hispanics at 42% saying the Country is going in the right direction and a majority of 58% of Hispanics saying the Country is going in the WRONG DIRECTION!

The only thing on this thread pertaining to your conclusion is the totality of your supercilious OP. Now that's an abortion!
Try reading that again.

41% approve of Trump and 50% disapprove Poll percentages never equal 100% because there is always an I don't know or other answer like it. Considering that the dems almost always have a commanding lead in Hispanic voters, this is a rather large percentage. Dems have been beating the drum about how Trump hates immigrants and Hispanics in general and yet support in that demographic seems to be growing.

Do you not find that interesting or impactful? If you don't then you are putting your head in the sand. For over a decade dems have been claiming the Republican party is done for because of the growth of the Hispanic voting block. It appears (as I always know it would) that such a statement is nothing more than fantasy. As Hispanic voters increase their voting patterns are going to flatten out.

On page 288 it shows Hispanics approve of trumps job as president at 42%.

And whites 50%.

Hispanics has nearly caught up to whites in approval of trump

That is huge. Abortion may be spreading like wildfire
Abortion has almost nothing to do with it if you are reading the poll.

It is the economy that has attracted them - again - according to the polling data in the link. Women's issues account for a small sliver of important issues for Hispanics and that includes more than abortion. Further, Hispanics trust the DEMS in congress for women's issues MORE THAN the republicans. Essentially, the are breaking away from Trump on abortion but for him on the most important factor of all - the economy.
yeah, I'm not sure his abortion point. I looked and it was low. so, I asked what page he was looking at, and I haven't got an answer

Page 288 has the Hispanic approval of trump as president

And Gallup has suddenly gained 14 points for trump

All this shows Hispanics being against abortion as abortion itself is stopping the democrats

Hispanics approve of trump

With 42 % for trump

Looks like Hispanics are about to switch parties??

Because of abortion
You bloody imbecile! The approval/disapproval poll is Question 172, and ethnicity is NOT included in the categories being polled! Now the first tallied response in the poll with ethnicity included has Hispanics at 42% saying the Country is going in the right direction and a majority of 58% of Hispanics saying the Country is going in the WRONG DIRECTION!

The only thing on this thread pertaining to your conclusion is the totality of your supercilious OP. Now that's an abortion!
Try reading that again.

41% approve of Trump and 50% disapprove Poll percentages never equal 100% because there is always an I don't know or other answer like it. Considering that the dems almost always have a commanding lead in Hispanic voters, this is a rather large percentage. Dems have been beating the drum about how Trump hates immigrants and Hispanics in general and yet support in that demographic seems to be growing.

Do you not find that interesting or impactful? If you don't then you are putting your head in the sand. For over a decade dems have been claiming the Republican party is done for because of the growth of the Hispanic voting block. It appears (as I always know it would) that such a statement is nothing more than fantasy. As Hispanic voters increase their voting patterns are going to flatten out.

On page 288 it shows Hispanics approve of trumps job as president at 42%.

And whites 50%.

Hispanics has nearly caught up to whites in approval of trump

That is huge. Abortion may be spreading like wildfire
Abortion has almost nothing to do with it if you are reading the poll.

It is the economy that has attracted them - again - according to the polling data in the link. Women's issues account for a small sliver of important issues for Hispanics and that includes more than abortion. Further, Hispanics trust the DEMS in congress for women's issues MORE THAN the republicans. Essentially, the are breaking away from Trump on abortion but for him on the most important factor of all - the economy.
Wrong. Dead wrong

The strong gain with Hispanics gives this understanding

Hispanics are against abortion
Except your link shows that not to be the case as I already stated. Page 12 shows that women's issues like abortion, birth control AND equal pay are a top priority for a whopping 8% of Hispanics.

This refutes your assertion. 20% think the economy is the largest issue - considering the strides made in the economy and the lack of anything real on abortion - this points to the economy having the most impact on Trumps support among Hispanics.
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?
You think POTUS 'apologists' cant 'stand brown people.'

That is a personal problem you have with attributing malice to those that disagree with you. In reality, most people that support Trump have zero problems with 'brown' people.
That is manifestly not true.
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?
You think POTUS 'apologists' cant 'stand brown people.'

That is a personal problem you have with attributing malice to those that disagree with you. In reality, most people that support Trump have zero problems with 'brown' people.
or bigot baiting.
And what do you catch with "bigot bait"?
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?
You think POTUS 'apologists' cant 'stand brown people.'

That is a personal problem you have with attributing malice to those that disagree with you. In reality, most people that support Trump have zero problems with 'brown' people.
That is manifestly not true.
Because you know oh so much about 30-40 percent of this nation.

The very idea that 30-40% of the nation cant stand brown people is not just asinine - it is outright insane. Clearly a sign of hate and bile is assigning anyone who disagrees with you politically absolutely vile and evil intentions.
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?
You think POTUS 'apologists' cant 'stand brown people.'

That is a personal problem you have with attributing malice to those that disagree with you. In reality, most people that support Trump have zero problems with 'brown' people.
That is manifestly not true.
Because you know oh so much about 30-40 percent of this nation.

The very idea that 30-40% of the nation cant stand brown people is not just asinine - it is outright insane. Clearly a sign of hate and bile is assigning anyone who disagrees with you politically absolutely vile and evil intentions.
Actually it's not a stretch at all. Look around yourself. You and they may not admit it, even to yourselves, but it's a fact.
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?

The last 10 yrs. science has come to say abortion is murder of kids

If Hispanics are for families and with the science they must be upset with murdering of babies

Abortion is easier issue to understand even easier than the economy and what makes jobs

If questions were asked correctly it would be abortion that changes anyone

Like explain how abortion has caused a big imbalance of young to old

That creates a running in the youth of Islam and others. That then harms Hispanic citizens wages and also destroys their culture

So it is abortion as the issue that all people can more easily understand that will bring the worst harm
Again the 42% approval of trump as president is on
Page. 288

Abortion itself does drag down Hispanic wages when they run in the youth of Islam and other nations

If questions are asked correctly. Abortion will be the main issue for all people to dislike
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?
You think POTUS 'apologists' cant 'stand brown people.'

That is a personal problem you have with attributing malice to those that disagree with you. In reality, most people that support Trump have zero problems with 'brown' people.
That is manifestly not true.
Because you know oh so much about 30-40 percent of this nation.

The very idea that 30-40% of the nation cant stand brown people is not just asinine - it is outright insane. Clearly a sign of hate and bile is assigning anyone who disagrees with you politically absolutely vile and evil intentions.
Actually it's not a stretch at all. Look around yourself. You and they may not admit it, even to yourselves, but it's a fact.
As I said - evil.
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?

The last 10 yrs. science has come to say abortion is murder of kids

If Hispanics are for families and with the science they must be upset with murdering of babies

Abortion is easier issue to understand even easier than the economy and what makes jobs

If questions were asked correctly it would be abortion that changes anyone

Like explain how abortion has caused a big imbalance of young to old

That creates a running in the youth of Islam and others. That then harms Hispanic citizens wages and also destroys their culture

So it is abortion as the issue that all people can more easily understand that will bring the worst harm
So...if abortion is murder, what is the punishment for a woman seeking an abortion?
Lol, what he went from 6 Hispanic supporters to 7?
I know, right? Besides, POTUS apologists can't stand brown folks so why would they get all giddy and wet over more Hispanic support for DJT?

The last 10 yrs. science has come to say abortion is murder of kids

If Hispanics are for families and with the science they must be upset with murdering of babies

Abortion is easier issue to understand even easier than the economy and what makes jobs

If questions were asked correctly it would be abortion that changes anyone

Like explain how abortion has caused a big imbalance of young to old

That creates a running in the youth of Islam and others. That then harms Hispanic citizens wages and also destroys their culture

So it is abortion as the issue that all people can more easily understand that will bring the worst harm
So...if abortion is murder, what is the punishment for a woman seeking an abortion?

Being the liberal dyke that you are? A turkey baster is your way to pregnancy but for the betterment of humanity? I would pay to have any and all of your potential "spawn" aborted...........hope this helps!!!

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