Hispanics to Become Majority in California Next Year

An era dominated by now old , tired white men with their bigotry is nearing its end .
There is hope for the future .

Yea, the era of young black and latino thugs will bring so much hope.

Thankfully the old bitter rightwing crackers are dying off. In 20 years they will be the minority in the United States.:clap2::clap2:

yea to be replaced by the old bitter Brown guys who are about as open minded as their white old bitter counterparts....
As goes California so will go Texas, so I hope the Texas GOP does the smart as well as the right thing and reach out sincerely to Hispanic needs.

Jake a lot of the Companies moving out of here are going to Texas.....and they are taking some of the employees with them....
Did the Irish get this much publicity in MA?

Latinos are about as politically united as regular people.

Reports like this have all the political significance of a spilled whorehouse slop pot.
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Middle and upper class whites are leaving the state as fast as U-Haul can carry them. The fun will start when hispanics and blacks start looking for support from one another. In five years the whole state will look like Compton. It could not happen to a more deserving bunch either.
Thankfully the old bitter rightwing crackers are dying off. In 20 years they will be the minority in the United States.:clap2::clap2:

Oh look, another bigoted post from a leftist/progressive.
Are you going to school us on tolerance next?
Hispanics will try to squeeze welfare out of the Chinese and arabs.
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Hispanics can afford to live in California because many are on public assistance. The working class is being forced out because it's become too expensive to succeed there making an honest living. One has to wonder how long California can sustain its entitlement programs, if the very people who are expected to pay for those programs are leaving. How long do liberals actually believe their entitlements for votes programs can actually sustain themselves? One day soon there wont be any money to pay for all of those promises, then what happens to the handout Party when they can no longer keep minorities in their place with their finite handout programs? I suspect Democrats will be in real trouble when their base realizes that those very entitlement programs are the reason they can never succeed in America.
Hispanics can afford to live in California because many are on public assistance.
thats not as true as you may think it is......as far as who is paying their rent....
The working class is being forced out because it's become too expensive

this is true.....and no one is doing anything about it.....the Legislature still thinks its the 60',70's and 80's.....when everyone was working and was able to pay the taxes and expenses....and it was great living here...not anymore...things have changed.....
An era dominated by now old , tired white men with their bigotry is nearing its end .

There is hope for the future .
As an old White man, I must admit you are at least partially right.

I'm tired, that's for sure. Tired of working my ass off for over half a century beginning when I was 12 years old, delivering newspapers and setting up pins in a bowling alley. I'm tired from working full time while I attended school to earn both an MBA and JD. But most of all, I am tired of the whining about “white privilege” I hear from those who resent my success even though they could have done what I did but simple refused. (What, are you so prejudiced that you think that only White people can do what I did?)

As for being bigoted; you are spot on. The depth of my bigotry cannot be measured. However, the bigotry is not against any class of people, but rather the individual behavior of those who who harm others and those who think the world owes them a living. As an old man, I grew up in a time and place where there were no excuses for crime, and damn few excuses for failure.

Thanks to the attitude of the new generations, colleges now offer remedial reading classes for incoming freshmen, and welfare offers a desirable alternative to working for far too many people. When I was a young man, kids didn't kill other kids over a pair of fucking sneakers. Metal detectors in schools: you gotta be kidding me, right?

To all the younger folks: You've come a long way, baby, and you've done some really great things; but you made at least as many mistakes during the journey as the “old White men” you so eagerly criticize. Better to acknowledge the good that they did and learn from both their successes and their failures (yes, we old farts had some major screw ups).
In the final analysis, I am convinced that morality, far more than technology, will determine the greatness of a country. When the old men (both Black and White) and their mores vanish, so does any hope of a promising future.

I'm 73 and rather proud of my life and in the end that is the only thing that really matters. I have done things I am proud of and some things I am ashamed of (no, I am NOT going to tell you). I have tried to be a good friend to all deserving people and I believe I have judged others fairly. In short, I am an old White man, neither proud nor ashamed of his race, but overall proud of his life.

At 63 and having lived a life without giving or accepting excuses, the feelings you express are understood.
I have no problem with "Hispanics" being a majority in any U.S. city or State. However, I do have a problem with allowing millions of illegal immigrants into this country and then leaving them in a shadowy limbo status while both political parties try to gain political advantage from this situation. We should agree to:

1. Close and fence off our border. I don't care if you don't think it will work, do it anyway.

2. Issue conditional visas to those without criminal records who register and provide for their own self support.

3. After 10 years, issue permanent visas to those who want to stay.

4. Require English proficiency in order to apply for citizenship.

5. Make illegal return to the U.S. after deportation a felony.
I have no problem with "Hispanics" being a majority in any U.S. city or State. However, I do have a problem with allowing millions of illegal immigrants into this country and then leaving them in a shadowy limbo status while both political parties try to gain political advantage from this situation. We should agree to:

1. Close and fence off our border. I don't care if you don't think it will work, do it anyway.

2. Issue conditional visas to those without criminal records who register and provide for their own self support.

3. After 10 years, issue permanent visas to those who want to stay.

4. Require English proficiency in order to apply for citizenship.

5. Make illegal return to the U.S. after deportation a felony.

Nothing is going to keep the scum of the earth from undermining US wages until the US government begins kneecapping corporations hiring illegals.

Nothing. All a fence is and can ever be, is a big payday for hooked up construction companies, defense contractors and government worker unions. Having worked in Latin America for years it's hard to blame people living in shacks by polluted rivers for wanting to come to the debt fueled paradise Reagan created with his amnesty and the wanton destruction of America's blue collar middle class continued by his spiritual heirs including Clinton, Junebug and Obama.
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wehrwolfen said:
U-S Census data shows more than 41-thousand immigrants moved to Los Angeles county just in the past year.
By "immigrants' do you mean people fresh out of mexico or US Hispanic citizens from other states?

Americans don’t ‘immigrate’ from other states.

Not all emigrants from Latin America are Mexican.

And why should ethnicity or country of origin be an issue with regard to the makeup of a given state’s population.
I have no problem with "Hispanics" being a majority in any U.S. city or State. However, I do have a problem with allowing millions of illegal immigrants into this country and then leaving them in a shadowy limbo status while both political parties try to gain political advantage from this situation. We should agree to:

1. Close and fence off our border. I don't care if you don't think it will work, do it anyway.

2. Issue conditional visas to those without criminal records who register and provide for their own self support.

3. After 10 years, issue permanent visas to those who want to stay.

4. Require English proficiency in order to apply for citizenship.

5. Make illegal return to the U.S. after deportation a felony.

I agree with tightening the borders but a fence is unrealistic.

Points 2, 3, and 5 sound fine too even though I think it already is a felony to return to the US after deportation.

But number 4 will never fly. The US has never declared English as the official language. I'm proud of the fact that the US always was and always will be a melting pot of nationalities and cultures.
As goes California so will go Texas, so I hope the Texas GOP does the smart as well as the right thing and reach out sincerely to Hispanic needs.

Jake a lot of the Companies moving out of here are going to Texas.....and they are taking some of the employees with them....

Texas already is minority majority. where are all the cracker christers going to run?:eusa_whistle:

if you have lived out here for years and you are leaving it isn't because of "Latinos"......and going someplace that is better economically for you will not matter if there are "Latinos" there.....people out here see Brown people everyday no matter where you go.....its a part of life.....if you go someplace else and they are there.... big deal.....

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