Historical- America is Arming Up!- FBI 1.7 million Background Checks in August

Oh.... the drama....... the children...... whooooooo.........body bags. whooooooooooo.......................


Guy, the problem is, there is no Drama. The whole thing becomes kind of predictable.

Some nut comes along and shoots up a school, or a church, or a theater or a workplace.

Within hours of the shooting, we find out who this person is, and that EVERYONE in their lives knew they were nuts.

Yest despite that , this person was able to walk into a gun shop, slap down some money, and walk out with a gun.
Oh.... the drama....... the children...... whooooooo.........body bags. whooooooooooo.......................


Guy, the problem is, there is no Drama. The whole thing becomes kind of predictable.

Some nut comes along and shoots up a school, or a church, or a theater or a workplace.

Within hours of the shooting, we find out who this person is, and that EVERYONE in their lives knew they were nuts.

Yest despite that , this person was able to walk into a gun shop, slap down some money, and walk out with a gun.

Acceptable risk you accept to live here.

I choose not to accept the risk so I arm up

Every time the second amendment, gun haters bitch about new laws to disarm America, guns sales soar.

Yes, many tiny penises must be compensated for.

Hey everyone, look who showed up. That's right up there with response times to Sarah Palin threads


Nope ,just tired of watching children being rolled out in body bags.

Yes, all those penises on women gun owners.

I knew a lady who bought a gun to protect herself from "criminal".

She came home one day to find her teenage son had shot himself with it.
................. :bsflag:

Dumb woman

In other news

84- year old Woman stops intruder with fired shot.

This statistic is not captured when factoring use of firearms for self defense



When a noise woke an 84-year-old grandmother, she noticed her hall light was on and knew something was awry. The sharp-thinking, independent woman opened a nightstand drawer and quickly grabbed her .38-cal. revolver. “My mind told me to get that gun,” she explained. No sooner had she done so than an intruder appeared at the bedroom door. The woman fired a shot, striking the wall. The intruder ran out the back door, which he had kicked in. (KTVU-TV, Oakland, CA, 03/03/11)

Armed Citizen | NRA Publications and Magazines
In more recent times, more grandmothers having to defend themselves from scum


Armed elderly woman fights off attackers, Bay City News Service, San Francisco, Calif. 08/10/15

An elderly woman was at home in Big Sur, Calif. when a pair of men armed with knives broke into her house and attempted to rape her. During the incident the woman was able to get ahold of a firearm, which she used to scare off her attackers. (Bay City News Service, San Francisco, Calif. 08/10/15)

NRA-ILA | Armed elderly woman fights off attackers, Bay City News Service, San Francisco, Calif. 08/10/15
Joe doesnt like when the enemy is well armed.
For good reason.....
Yup, the government can't fully control the people and run rough shod over them if they're armed, and all those nutjob, big government must control everything commies just hate that.
Every time the second amendment, gun haters bitch about new laws to disarm America, guns sales soar.

Yes, many tiny penises must be compensated for.
Yes, all those penises on women gun owners.

Every time the second amendment, gun haters bitch about new laws to disarm America, guns sales soar.

Yes, many tiny penises must be compensated for.

you lefties and you fascination with penises

what a laugh
I'm glad guns are a mainstay and represent what is good about America :banana:

So what? folks are wasting their money on gun's these day's whoop de doo? i have guns that just sit in my safe collecting more dust as time goes by you must be a real insecure pussy if you fell the need to carry a gun where ever you go:trolls:..

I love how all you Repugs, and Tea Baggers are already planning the Rugs inauguration , when he dosen't even know the difference between the Hamas and Hezbollah, or the Iranian Revolutionary Quds Force and the Kurds, and say's Mexico will pay for the great wall he wants to build, and he will deport 11 Million people, this guy's a Clown, and when ever someone asks him a tough question he can't answer he gets angry, how's he gonna hold up another 14 months:rofl:
So what? folks are wasting their money on gun's these day's whoop de doo? i have guns that just sit in my safe collecting more dust as time goes by you must be a real insecure pussy if you fell the need to carry a gun where ever you go:trolls:..

I love how all you Repugs, and Tea Baggers are already planning the Rugs inauguration , when he dosen't even know the difference between the Hamas and Hezbollah, or the Iranian Revolutionary Quds Force and the Kurds, and say's Mexico will pay for the great wall he wants to build, and he will deport 11 Million people, this guy's a Clown, and when ever someone asks him a tough question he can't answer he gets angry, how's he gonna hold up another 14 months:rofl:

Part of the trick around here is to try and stay on topic. For the left we understand that is problematic as they have no facts, but only emotion to use in defense.

I carry a gun so you don't have too.

So what? folks are wasting their money on gun's these day's whoop de doo? i have guns that just sit in my safe collecting more dust as time goes by you must be a real insecure pussy if you fell the need to carry a gun where ever you go:trolls:..

I love how all you Repugs, and Tea Baggers are already planning the Rugs inauguration , when he dosen't even know the difference between the Hamas and Hezbollah, or the Iranian Revolutionary Quds Force and the Kurds, and say's Mexico will pay for the great wall he wants to build, and he will deport 11 Million people, this guy's a Clown, and when ever someone asks him a tough question he can't answer he gets angry, how's he gonna hold up another 14 months:rofl:

Part of the trick around here is to try and stay on topic. For the left we understand that is problematic as they have no facts, but only emotion to use in defense.

I carry a gun so you don't have too.

Fair enough, i just hope you never have to use it, AND if you do, the right perpetrator get's hit, and not an innocent person, or you are going to be in a World of hurt, especially if you don't have the proper licensing necessary for the state you live in..

New York and California have some murky peculiar laws regarding guns..

i don't feel the need to carry because i know my boundaries, and stay away from dangerous places and open carry has the potential to open the door for a slew of other problems..
I'm wondering what kind of lawless shitholes these people frequent that makes them feel the need to schlep around a gun with them everywhere they go.
What Joe always fails to realize is that it doesn't matter whether a person can legally walk into a gun store and purchase a gun or not. There are over 300 million non-military guns in the hands of private owners in the U.S.
If someone is refused the opportunity to purchase a gun from a store, they can still easily obtain one elsewhere.
Having longer waiting periods, more detailed background checks, or making sure a mentally unstable individual is denied the legal opportunity to purchase a gun legally is not going to prevent a nut from obtaining one.

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