Historical- America is Arming Up!- FBI 1.7 million Background Checks in August

You truly are helpless. Police kill significantly more white boys than they do black boys.

Reader, isn't it amazing how "Deceit, FRAID and Ignorance" is all one ever finds at the hollow core of the Ideological Left?

Do you have a link for that?

Number of people killed by police hits 664 in U.S. this year

However, blacks were twice more likely than whites to be unarmed when killed by the police, The Guardian said.

Of the 102 unarmed Americans killed between January and May, 15% were white, compared with 31.9% for blacks and 25.4% for Hispanics and Latinos.
Yes... Here it is.

Here's another...

"Based on that data, Mr. Moskos reported that roughly 49 percent of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30 percent were black. He also found that 19 percent were Hispanic and 2 percent were Asian and other races."

So... the notion that cops kill more blacks than white is as accurate as "Hands up Don't Shoot", "The 24 week old Fetus is merely a clump of inviable cells" and "Homosexuals are just like everyone else" and my personal fave... Al Gore from 1994: "If we do not stop the current trend, most of Florida will be under water by 2010."
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Yes... Here it is.

Here's another...

"Based on that data, Mr. Moskos reported that roughly 49 percent of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30 percent were black. He also found that 19 percent were Hispanic and 2 percent were Asian and other races."

So... the notion that cops kill more blacks than white is as accurate as "Hands up Don't Shoot", "The 24 week old Fetus is merely a clump of inviable cells" and "Homosexuals are just like everyone else" and my personal fave... Al Gore from 1994: "If we do not stop the current trend, most of Florida will be under water by 2010."

Go back and read the other linked, where 30% of UNARMED people shot by police are black, but only 15% are White.

UNARMED people.

I don't really have a problem with the cops shooting a guy who is armed.

I have a HUGE problem with them killing someone who is unarmed, with their hands up, or in the back.

I'm not sure why you don't.
Yes... Here it is.

Here's another...

"Based on that data, Mr. Moskos reported that roughly 49 percent of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30 percent were black. He also found that 19 percent were Hispanic and 2 percent were Asian and other races."

So... the notion that cops kill more blacks than white is as accurate as "Hands up Don't Shoot", "The 24 week old Fetus is merely a clump of inviable cells" and "Homosexuals are just like everyone else" and my personal fave... Al Gore from 1994: "If we do not stop the current trend, most of Florida will be under water by 2010."

Go back and read the other linked, where 30% of UNARMED people shot by police are black, but only 15% are White.

UNARMED people.

I don't really have a problem with the cops shooting a guy who is armed.

I have a HUGE problem with them killing someone who is unarmed, with their hands up, or in the back.

I'm not sure why you don't.

Just think about the discretion cops use. I mean, when looking at Blacks in prison and how their small demographic makes the majority, well, the police should be given credit.

They're not smoking all of them

Just think about the discretion cops use. I mean, when looking at Blacks in prison and how their small demographic makes the majority, well, the police should be given credit.

They're not smoking all of them

Yeah, guy, you are totally not racist.
Yes... Here it is.

Here's another...

"Based on that data, Mr. Moskos reported that roughly 49 percent of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30 percent were black. He also found that 19 percent were Hispanic and 2 percent were Asian and other races."

So... the notion that cops kill more blacks than white is as accurate as "Hands up Don't Shoot", "The 24 week old Fetus is merely a clump of inviable cells" and "Homosexuals are just like everyone else" and my personal fave... Al Gore from 1994: "If we do not stop the current trend, most of Florida will be under water by 2010."

Go back and read the other linked, where 30% of UNARMED people shot by police are black, but only 15% are White.

UNARMED people.

I don't really have a problem with the cops shooting a guy who is armed.

I have a HUGE problem with them killing someone who is unarmed, with their hands up, or in the back.

I'm not sure why you don't.

The cop often doesn't know for sure if the criminal is armed or not. In a country of 300 million guns I don't blame them if they assume armed.
Left wing nutter's doing more for the gun and ammo industry than the NRA could dream of.

Dumb shits! Lol.

The more guns out there, the more guns the criminals have access to. That cop in Houston had his gun with him. Why didn't it save his life? Having a gun doesn't always protect you. A person here in my town was shot and killed while he was out for a jog. He probably should have been carrying a gun on him while he was out for his daily run to make sure he could shoot the bastard that shot him. Of course, it is unlikely he even saw the person that shot him, but he still should have been carrying his gun for protection.

Theorectically yes, but actuality, no. You would have to believe that more guns equals more criminals.

I could quote you thousands of cases where a gun stopped crime and saved lives. YOU on the left want to take our rights away and take the decision as to whether we protect ourseelves and our family from us.
The cop often doesn't know for sure if the criminal is armed or not. In a country of 300 million guns I don't blame them if they assume armed.

Uh, yeah, frankly, I don't want to live with cops who shoot first and ask questions later and I'm not sure why you do.
The cop often doesn't know for sure if the criminal is armed or not. In a country of 300 million guns I don't blame them if they assume armed.

Uh, yeah, frankly, I don't want to live with cops who shoot first and ask questions later and I'm not sure why you do.

I have heard of very few shootings where the criminal wasn't resisting. Do what they tell you and you won't get shot. It's pretty simple.
1.7 million NICS requests.
How many denials?
How many -upheld- denials?
How many investigations?
How many arrests?
I have heard of very few shootings where the criminal wasn't resisting. Do what they tell you and you won't get shot. It's pretty simple.

I think I want a better standard for cops not shooting people than, "He didn't do what I told him."
Every time the second amendment, gun haters bitch about new laws to disarm America, guns sales soar.

Yes, many tiny penises must be compensated for.

Hey everyone, look who showed up. That's right up there with response times to Sarah Palin threads


Nope ,just tired of watching children being rolled out in body bags.

Oh.... the drama....... the children...... whooooooo.........body bags. whooooooooooo.......................



yes..the children!...like the "children" in "sandy hoax"
I have heard of very few shootings where the criminal wasn't resisting. Do what they tell you and you won't get shot. It's pretty simple.

I think I want a better standard for cops not shooting people than, "He didn't do what I told him."

The other option is more dead cops. I'll take dead criminals over cops any day.
Just think about the discretion cops use. I mean, when looking at Blacks in prison and how their small demographic makes the majority, well, the police should be given credit.

They're not smoking all of them

Yeah, guy, you are totally not racist.

What did he say that is racist?

The simple fact is, blacks get killed because blacks have a problem controlling themselves. And Blacks have a problem controlling themselves because blacks have been taught by people like you that THEY DON'T HAVE TO CONTROL THEMSELVES; that they're victims and as victims they're ENTITLED TO BE IDIOTS.

That's not an issue because they're BLACK... that's an issue because they have succumbed to the intrinsic consequences of INVALID REASONING; OKA: Left-think.

I think I want a better standard for cops not shooting people than, "He didn't do what I told him."

The other option is more dead cops. I'll take dead criminals over cops any day.

You know what- Sandra Bland wasn't a criminal, Eric Garner wasn't a criminal, Walter Scott wasn't a criminal, Tamir rice wasn't a criminal.

Silly darkie, rights are for white people.
What did he say that is racist?

The simple fact is, blacks get killed because blacks have a problem controlling themselves. And Blacks have a problem controlling themselves because blacks have been taught by people like you that THEY DON'T HAVE TO CONTROL THEMSELVES; that they're victims and as victims they're ENTITLED TO BE IDIOTS.

That's not an issue because they're BLACK... that's an issue because they have succumbed to the intrinsic consequences of INVALID REASONING; OKA: Left-think.

Really? I Just thought it was because cops are racist.. .probably has to do with the fact that most of the cops I know are in fact... pretty racist.
What did he say that is racist?

The simple fact is, blacks get killed because blacks have a problem controlling themselves. And Blacks have a problem controlling themselves because blacks have been taught by people like you that THEY DON'T HAVE TO CONTROL THEMSELVES; that they're victims and as victims they're ENTITLED TO BE IDIOTS.

That's not an issue because they're BLACK... that's an issue because they have succumbed to the intrinsic consequences of INVALID REASONING; OKA: Left-think.

Really? I Just thought it was because cops are racist.. .probably has to do with the fact that most of the cops I know are in fact... pretty racist.

Likely... rightfully so.


I think I want a better standard for cops not shooting people than, "He didn't do what I told him."

The other option is more dead cops. I'll take dead criminals over cops any day.

You know what- Sandra Bland wasn't a criminal, Eric Garner wasn't a criminal, Walter Scott wasn't a criminal, Tamir rice wasn't a criminal.

Silly darkie, rights are for white people.

Bland wasn't shot, she committed suicide. Garner wasn't shot, he resisted arrest and had long criminal history. Scott had a criminal record and was resisting arrest. Tamir was a tragedy, but he was a victim of gun culture, not racism. 300 million guns, cops get shot here way more than any other civilized country. We have more accidental shooting deaths than other countries have homicides with guns.
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