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History Channel and Popular Mechanics Hijacked...No Pun Intended

Nov 15, 2009
The History Channel and Popular Mechanics Magazine were hijacked...no pun intended.

I want to devote this thread into researching the evolution of propaganda and how propaganda has always been the key to keep a certain perspective in the hearts and minds of the masses.

Let's look at how propaganda has evolved from the old speakers in the prison camps to todays Media and possibly even posters on the internet.

While we're at it we can research the role of the CIA and its possible role in the propaganda perception control of the masses.





Popular Mechanics on 9/11

Popular Mechanics has been hijacked to be used as a vehicle for propaganda.

Popular Mechanics is owned by Hearst Corporation and is a beacon for the sophistication of advanced weaponry and new technology used by police in areas such as crowd control and anti-terror operation.

A large portion of popular mechanics revenue relies on military and defense contractor advertising.

Popular Mechanics March 2005 front cover story entitled "Debunking 9/11 Lies" has become the leading reference point for people who want to believe the "official story".....or as many have come to call "official fairytail".

The senior researcher for the Popular Mechanics propaganda, "Debunking 9/11 Lies" was Benjamin Chertoff who is cousin of Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
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A section within these two documentaries has a very good example of Media censorship being used as a vehicle to sway opinions.....or better stated.....to keep information from getting out and growing among the American citizens.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq8xTGT4UUM"]YouTube- World Trade Center Building 7 The Evidence[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-jeQmW5wiA"]YouTube- THERMITE USED ON 9/11! Absolute Proof Explosives Controlled Demolition of Towers & Building 7![/ame]
It is along the lines of what these people say.

I am putting together specific examples of how it works.

Explains the debunking strategy going on

Joel M. Skousen – Former U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot. Commercial pilot. Aircraft flown: McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Grumman F-9 Cougar, North American T-2C Buckeye, various civilian planes. Member, Experimental Aircraft Association. Member, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Former Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC and Executive Editor of Conservative Digest.

Essay Debunking the Debunkers 2/14/05: "For over a decade now, the PTB [Powers That Be] have used an odd vehicle to do their debunking on a variety of issues - Popular Mechanics Magazine (a Hearst publication). I suppose they are targeting the back-yard mechanic and auto-enthusiast crowd, who are often prone to accepting conspiracy facts and theories.

In the March 2005 issue, PM magazine singled out 16 issues or claims of the 9/11 skeptics that point to government collusion and systematically attempted to debunk each one. Of the 16, most missed the mark and almost half were straw men arguments - either ridiculous arguments that few conspiracists believed or restatements of the arguments that were highly distorted so as to make them look weaker than they really were. ...

I am one of those who claim there are factual arguments pointing to conspiracy, and that truth is not served by taking cheap shots at those who see gaping flaws in the government story ...

There is significant evidence that the aircraft impacts did not cause the collapse [of the Twin Towers] ...

The issues of the penetration hole [at the Pentagon] and the lack of large pieces of debris simply do not jive with the official story, but they are explainable if you include the parking lot video evidence that shows a huge white explosion at impact. This cannot happen with an aircraft laden only with fuel. It can only happen in the presence of high explosives."

Statement about controlled press too

Commander Dennis Henry, U.S. Navy Reserve (ret), BS CE, PE – Retired from U.S. Navy Reserve, Civil Engineering Corps after 20 years of service. Retired Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Missouri. 34 years of service as a City Engineer, designing bridges, roadways, storm, sanitary sewers, and traffic signals.

"Being a civil engineer and understanding the laws of physics, I know that a building cannot fall at free fall speed without the floors already falling also giving no resistance. I wish our Congressmen were as smart, and also showed some backbone and got a truly independent investigation going. Also, this 911 truth movement has shown to me that our press is as every bit controlled and spits out as much propaganda as I thought Pravda did for the old Soviet Union. My eyes have been awakened to many things, and I have come to learn that we do not live in as free a country as I thought we did, and with the passage of the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, it has become even less so."
A section within these two documentaries has a very good example of Media censorship being used as a vehicle to sway opinions.....or better stated.....to keep information from getting out and growing among the American citizens.

YouTube- World Trade Center Building 7 The Evidence

YouTube- THERMITE USED ON 9/11! Absolute Proof Explosives Controlled Demolition of Towers & Building 7!

How many times must we explain that Thermite only burns for a moment, seconds even. And that molten metal could be anything from lead to aluminum. But of course the truthers don't want to accept the truth. What a joke.

Atomized? did she say atomized?
A section within these two documentaries has a very good example of Media censorship being used as a vehicle to sway opinions.....or better stated.....to keep information from getting out and growing among the American citizens.

YouTube- World Trade Center Building 7 The Evidence

YouTube- THERMITE USED ON 9/11! Absolute Proof Explosives Controlled Demolition of Towers & Building 7!

How many times must we explain that Thermite only burns for a moment, seconds even. And that molten metal could be anything from lead to aluminum. But of course the truthers don't want to accept the truth. What a joke.

Nano-thermites can be used as explosives and a cutting reaction. Nano-thermites are aluminum nanopowders and can be used as both by changing the properties composition.....here is the scoop on the uses of nanothermites as nanoenergetics.



Thermite with tunable reactivity


Combustion of a WO3 /Al nanothermite


Nanoenergetics is mostly about explosives, but it also includes the following:

"scientists can engineer nanoaluminum powders with different particle
sizes to vary the energy release rates. This enables the material to
be used in many applications, including underwater explosive devices,
primers for igniting firearms, and as fuel propellants for rockets. "



The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System
"Characterization of components of nano-energetics by small-angle scattering techniques"

Small-angle scattering (SAS) and ultra small-angle scattering techniques, employing x-rays and neutrons, were used to characterize six different aluminum nanopowders and nanopowders composed of molybdenum trioxide and tungsten trioxide nanoparticles. Each material has different primary particle morphology and aggregate and agglomerate geometry, and each is important to the development of nano-energetic materials.

Enhanced reactivity of nanoenergetic materials: A first-principles molecular dynamics study based on divide-and-conquer density functional theory

Integration of nanowires and nanoparticles of energetic materials into semiconducting structures is giving birth to ``nanoenergetics-on-a-chip'' technology. Understanding and controlling the reactions of nanoenergetic materials pose a theoretical challenge for combining quantum-mechanical accuracy with large scales to capture nanostructural effects. Recent developments in linear-scaling density functional theory have set a stage for first-principles molecular dynamics simulation of thermite reaction at an Al/Fe2O3 interface. Here, we report the finding of a concerted metal-oxygen flip mechanism that enhances mass diffusion and reaction rate at the interface. This mechanism leads to two-stage reactions, which may explain recent experimental observation in thermite nanowire arrays.
Let's see what some Architects and Engineers have to say:

David A. Johnson, B.Arch, MCP (City Planning), PhD (Regional Planning), F.AICP – Internationally recognized architect and city and regional planner. Professor Emeritus, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Tennessee. Former Professor and Chair of the Planning Departments at Syracuse University and Ball State University. Elected Fellow, American Institute of Certified Planners (2004). Past President of the Fulbright Association of the United States. Recipient of five Fulbright Scholarships for continued education in Cyprus, India, Thailand, and the Soviet Union. Directed educational projects in Brazil and Portugal. Active in reconstruction efforts in Bosnia and bicommunal peace-making in Cyprus. Former professional planner on the staffs of the Washington National Capital Planning Commission and the Regional Plan Association of New York. Former editorial board member of the Journal of the American Planning Association. Author of numerous journal articles on urban and regional planning theory and history. Author of Planning the Great Metropolis (1996). Co-author of The TVA Regional Planning and Development Program (2005). Contributing author to Two Centuries of American Planning (1988).

"I was dubious of the official explanations from the outset. You see, as a professional city planner in New York, I knew those buildings and their design. I attended and participated in the hearings at the New York City Hall when the buildings were first proposed. I argued for the buildings on the basis that the interior core represented a way of internalizing the cost of mass transit, which in our system is almost impossible to finance through public bond issues.

So I was well aware of the strength of the core with its steel columns, surrounding the elevators, and stairwells. I should also mention that with a degree in architecture and instruction in steel design (my Yale professor had worked on the Empire State Building) I was and am no novice in structural design.

When I saw the rapid collapse of the towers, I knew that they could not come down the way they did without explosives and the severing of core columns at the base. The spewing of debris from the towers where the planes entered also could not have occurred simply with just a structural collapse. Something else was happening to make this occur.

Moreover, the symmetrical collapse is strong evidence of a controlled demolition. A building falling from asymmetrical structural failure would not collapse so neatly, nor so rapidly, as you have pointed out.

What we are faced with is a lie of such proportions that even to suggest it makes one subject to ridicule and scorn. Who could have done such a terrible thing? Certainly not our government or military. Rogue elements in the intelligence agencies? I have no idea.

But I do know that the official explanation doesn't hold water. An open, honest re-opening of the case is in order. A near majority of Americans agrees with this view. Let us keep pressing for an honest investigation."

H. Theodore Elden, Jr., B.Arch, AIA – Practicing licensed architect in West Virginia for over 25 years. Now retired. Graduate of Carnegie Mellon University. Member, American Institute of Architects, West Virginia Chapter. Appointed Member of West Virginia State Board of Architects. Former Member, National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), and Member, National Committee, Intern Development Program for Architects (IDP). Professional photographer.

"The primary duty of registered professionals is to protect the public safety. Professionals' intelligence, knowledge and experience provide a delicate connection between science and fact. ...

9-11 was a tragic event for our country, quickly “solved” by our government and propagated by our media, leading our country into fear, anguish, anger, war and unrestrained spending.

Have we, as building professionals, been hoodwinked? Who should better understand the collapse of the World Trade Towers than those in our profession, possibly with the consultation of demolition experts?

As I and millions have reviewed the events of that day, it seems much of the cover story is not true and impossible. As the nation is confused on the reality of that day, have we been making bad decisions ever since?

My web site collects salient information that isolates the demise of the World Trade Towers – linking many experienced, dedicated and articulate technical analysis that show clearly that the World Trade Towers were destroyed by internal explosives and not "fires from the airlines". ...

After hundreds of hours of research, and thousands of dollars purchasing materials and information, this letter outlines my most salient, articulate examples of things that architects should investigate. If I err slightly in any single item, that does not discount this letter. On the contrary, even if only part of these accusations are true, they should be investigated."

Jack Keller, BS CE, MS Irrigation Eng, PhD Agricultural and Irrigation Eng, PE, F.ASCE – Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering, Utah State University. Member, National Academy of Engineering. Elected Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Selected by Scientific American magazine as one of the world's 50 leading contributors to science and technology benefiting society (2004).

Through his public and private activities, Dr. Keller has provided advisory services in irrigated agricultural development and water management in more than 60 countries. Serves as an advisor to the CALFED Water Use Efficiency Program and former member CALFED Independent Science Board. Serves on the US and International Boards of International Development Enterprises, an NGO that focuses on rural poverty alleviation. Licensed and practicing Professional Engineer, State of Utah. Awarded State of Utah Governor's Medal for Science and Technology (1988). 2006 Recipient of the American Society of Civil Engineers - Environmental & Water Resources Institute Royce J. Tipton National Career Achievement Award.

"There are major inconsistencies in the government's official story about the events on September 11, 2001. I can point out many attempts in the 9/11 Commission's report to cover up evidence. ... As an engineer, I am especially troubled by the cover-up of evidence relevant to the collapse of the three major World Trade Center buildings."

"At first without any serious study I had simply accepted that the events of 9/11 were as commonly perceived, although I was not happy with the way the disaster was being used to promote what I felt were illegal and self defeating imperialistic policies in the guise of the War on Terrorism.

It was not until early 2006 that I stumbled upon sufficient information to become suspicious of the "official" and generally accepted 9/11 storyline. This led me to do my own investigation during which I discovered the demise of WTC 7, which I was heretofore unaware of. Obviously it was the result of controlled demolition and scheduled to take place during the confusion surrounding the day’s events.

I now feel morally obligated to deal with and expose the "politically unthinkable" issues surrounding the 9/11 phenomena."

Hugo Bachmann, PhD – Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of the Department of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Author and co-author of Erdbebenbemessung von Stahlbetonhochbauten (Seismic Analysis of Concrete Reinforced Structures) (1990), Vibration Problems in Structures: Practical Guidelines (1995), Biege- und Schubversuche an teilweise vorgespannten Leichtbetonbalken (Structural Analysis of Linked Concrete Beams) (1998), Hochbau für Ingenieure. Eine Einführung (Structural Construction for Engineers. An introduction) (2001), Erdbebensicherung von Bauwerken (Earthquake-proofing Buildings) (2002).

"In my opinion the building WTC 7 was, with great probability, professionally demolished," says Hugo Bachmann, Emeritus ETH [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology] - Professor of Structural Analysis and Construction. And also Jörg Schneider, likewise emeritus ETH - Professor of Structural Analysis and Construction, interprets the few available video recordings as evidence that "the building WTC 7 was with great probability demolished."

Eric Douglas – Registered Architect in New York and California.

"The NIST investigation of the WTC building failures was extensive, but NIST did not substantiate its conclusions experimentally. On the contrary, many of NIST’s tests contradicted its conclusions. Furthermore, there are several examples in which NIST chose to manipulate input data, and then certify its findings based upon the inevitable conclusions that derive from the manipulated input. One finds little acknowledgement on the part of NIST that uncertainties in its simulations translate into uncertainties in its findings.

NIST’s physical tests were inadequate. Their ASTM E119 tests and their workstation burn tests were improperly modeled. Further, the former produced results that contradicted NIST’s conclusions and the latter fell far short of testing the performance of realistic steel members in the actual fire conditions. The workstation burn tests showed that the temperatures were generally too low, especially in the ventilation-controlled WTC environments. The ASTM E119 tests showed that the WTC floor trusses should have easily withstood the fires they experienced on 9/11.

There were also flaws in NIST’s computer simulations, including its impact simulation, its fire loading simulation, its temperature mapping simulation, its thermal/structural component simulations, and its global simulation. The LS-DYNA simulation showed that the aircraft would have done much less damage than NIST assumes, and NIST’s subsequent "scenario pruning" was confused and unsubstantiated. The decision to exclude the hat truss from the structural/thermal response simulations was a significant omission. The sequence of failed truss seats leading to pull-in forces on the exterior columns is central to NIST’s theory but not explained or supported by simulation.

This paper will conclude that the findings of the NIST investigation, although not necessarily incorrect, are not inherently linked to the reality of the failure mechanisms that took place in WTC buildings 1 and 2. The author calls on NIST to explain the discrepancies in its reports, admit the level of uncertainty in its findings, broaden the scope of its investigation, and make its raw data available to other researchers."

David M. Pacheco, BS CE – Civil Engineer.

"My beliefs are based on scientific principles and not propaganda. Science is the only absolute truth known to man from the beginning of time to the present. It is blatantly obvious that the official story is not based on science and this in itself is enough to discredit the fairy tale the government has sold to the American public."

Francisco A. Planes, B. Arch – Architectural Consultant, Associate AIA

"I don't believe that the fact that the airplanes that struck the North and South Towers by themselves made the Twin Towers fall. I do not doubt that the possibility of a controlled demolition was used to purposely bring the buildings down. Somewhere in a remote desert, maybe in Arizona, a scaled down version of the World Trade Center - ALL 7 buildings as they once stood, should be built and then have similarly scaled down - remote controlled U.A.V.'s flown into them with a fuel similar to what the planes were carrying and let it burn for the exact amount of time before the collapse, to see if the reenacted fires would by themselves result in a collapse of the towers. This would be a test similar to the tests that are conducted inside wind tunnels for the design of aircraft."

Herwig Delvaux – Licensed Architect in Belgium. Member of the Belgian NCDAB, the Flemish language section of the college of experts architects of Belgium.

"The need to find out the full truth about the collapses, whatever it is.

Concerned about the fact of absolutely all-sided perfect symmetric drop down, while both burns and TOP collapses were absolutely asymmetrical.

Concerned about the totally simultaneous drop of floors, ceiling cage AND core. Every structural logic tells us that the core must stand or fall over later. These are two strongly visible feats.

Besides hundreds of little details."

Paul W. Mason, B Eng – 33 years experience designing, constructing and maintaining major structures for state government agency in Australia.

"In my view, the chances of the three buildings collapsing symmetrically into their own footprint, at freefall speed, by any other means than by controlled demolition, are so remote that there is no other plausible explanation!"

Hans De Jonge – Mechanical engineer, structural engineer and civil engineer concrete and steel. 20 years experience as a structural engineer. Currently adviser and technical controller on a house-building project.

"I visited the Twin Towers under construction as a student structural engineering and was impressed by the sophisticated design and the new (for me) building philosophy of the huge inner columns and the outside steel frame leaving an enormous office space without any column on every floor. The impact of one airplane cannot damage this large structure very much because the support is instantly re-arranged to the undamaged support system. The total collapse is therefore technically impossible."

Travis McCoy, BS Civil and Environmental Eng – Design Engineer working at a structural engineering firm and pursuing MS Structural Eng degree.

"Based on my structural engineering background, I have several questions pertaining to the validity of the official report on why the buildings collapsed."

Regine C. Naeckel – Graduate Engineer, Planning. Former documentary and editorial journalist for German television, focused on science.

"The collapse of the three WTC Buildings was caused by a controlled demolition. There is no other way to bring down buildings into their own footprints in free-fall time. My witnesses are Galileo Galilei and Isaak Newton.

I joined the "German truther movement" as a writer, blogger and journalist one year ago. In the official story I never believed, just as I never kept faith with speculative explanations."

Mathew T. Stackpole, B.Arch – Architectural Consultant. Over ten years experience with much experience in structural analysis and building integrity studies.

"I have been pondering for several years how the buildings could have fallen in the manner they did, given an explosion so far from the foundations of the building, I find it hard to believe the given explanations. How does jet fuel leak down the cavities of the building all the way to the footings of these building to provide such a clean free fall. If a truck hits a house, it may fall to the ground, however portions of it will remain splintered and fragmented, however not obliterated......."

Cynthia Howard, M.Arch, AIA – Past President of the New England Chapter of the AIA. Past President and Board member of AIA Maine. Former Board Member of the Boston Society of Architects. Licensed Architect, States of Maine and Massachusetts. 30 years in private practice, including Preservation Planning for municipalities, agencies and historic societies and Energy-efficient historic restoration and new construction projects, concentrated in coast and mill communities. Architectural education MIT (Masters), and Harvard Graduate School of Design, (taught course Developing Historic Properties). Studied Structural Engineering under William LeMessurier at MIT.

"I believe that it is physically/scientifically impossible for the heat from the burning planes to have caused the collapse. If the steel had failed by heat, as has been claimed, the building would have deformed.

The speed of the building's collapse, indicating no resistance as it fell, further indicates that only carefully placed and timed detonation devices throughout the skeletal structure could account for the sudden implosion of the towers into their footprints.

The only plausible reason for collapse of WTC 7, which was not hit by any plane, is similarly, timed explosives within the building."

Stephen B. Barasch, B.Arch, M.Arch, AIA, APA, NCARB – Licensed Architect in the States of California, Arizona, and Texas. Practicing Architect, Urban Designer, and Management Consultant. Author of Recreational Planning for New Communities (1974).

"I have been a practicing architect/urban designer and management consultant with over 40 years experience and the founder and president of Barasch Architects & Associates, Inc., a multidisciplined architecture/engineering corporation. I have had broad experience in the planning, design & engineering of multi-story, braced-frame and moment-resisting steel frame structures including office towers and large scale institutional complexes.

After reviewing the data presented by the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Organization and through my independent assessment of the data I have reviewed, and based on my 40+ years of professional experience, I have concluded that it would be nearly impossible for any of the principal World Trade Center Towers to collapse in the manner or in the recorded time frame as a result of any fire or explosion caused solely by the impact of terrorist-guided aircraft alone. Braced steel frame buildings simply don't collapse in a symmetrical manner with a uniform plume of debris in 102 or 56 minutes respectively with modern structural design standards and state-of-the-art life-safety systems which must be continuously inspected by local building inspectors based on ever increasing performance standards centered on human survival."

Kathi C. Gregory, B.Arch, AIA – Licensed Architect, State of Tennessee. Member, American Institute of Architects.

"In the beginning I believed the official story. But after the shock wore off, I found I could not forget the way the buildings fell. The debris was not consistent with a normal building collapse. Eye witnesses heard explosions, and the collapse of all three buildings had more resemblance to a controlled demolition than an unplanned structural failure. I have read many points of view on the matter and can no longer agree with the official story."

Mark Lee Fitzgerald, Licensed Architect, State of Texas. 25-year professional career.

"I am architect with twenty five years of experience. I am as passionate about social issues as I am about the art and science of architecture. This petition is a vital opportunity.

There is no doubt, based upon technical analysis, that these buildings were deliberately demolished."

Michael Ryan, B.Arch, AIA – Licensed Architect, State of California. Member, American Institute of Architects.

"You can tell that they were controlled demo. There is not really any question in my mind."

Timothy B. Becher, B.Arch, AIA – Licensed Architect, State of California. Member, American Institute of Architects. 35-year professional career. Instructor of Architecture, Department of Engineering and Technology, Cuesta College.

"Everyone who has completed an accredited Architectural program has studied physics, properties of materials, and statics as minimum conditions of receiving a baccalaureate degree. Engineering students receive an even more rigorous education and training.

As a licensed Architect or engineer we have received practical experience and relatively rigorous testing. If we can suspend our belief systems, and look at this "event" as a set of physical causes and effects, we will find much evidence to hypothesize causes other than those expressed by the "Official" reports of what occurred on September 11, 2001.

For my part, I am expecting information at the level at which I was trained and tested in order to have the right and privilege to practice Architecture California."

David G. Huebner, BS CE, PE – Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Michigan

"I've done extensive research, and have concluded that at the very least, building #7 was 100% a controlled demolition. Although there are literally hundreds of discrepancies, and unexplained things surrounding 9/11, I consider the collapse of building #7, and the fact that "Controlled Demolition" (the Company) was hired for site clean-up to be an unexplainable coincidence. The fact that we spent much less than the investigation of Flight 800 is also questionable. The destruction of the crime scene evidence is inexcusable. I did not witness any raging infernos that the media claims existed on 9/11."

Christopher John Andrassy, BS CE, MS CE, PE – Licensed Professional Engineer, States of Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. 21-year professional career.

"Having civil engineering coursework experience (steel and r/c design, etc...) and some structural framing design experience I have harbored deep doubts about the government's explanation for these collapses since the morning of 9/11.

I recall expressing then how the buildings would remain intact, even given the severe damage they had experienced, never considering that the damage inflicted could cause collapse.

There is power in numbers and there is further power in the prestige and integrity of the numerous engineers, architects, and scientists who have come forward and who may yet come forward to challenge the government's explanations or lack thereof.

I suggest that there are powerful computer modeling and physical testing tools that are likely being employed and may yet be employed in concert with the photographic, video, and forensic evidence to investigate how these towers collapsed, political motivations aside.

I believe it is very important that these questions be addressed and support efforts to do so and thank all those who have come forward and put much time and energy into the numerous and vigorous research efforts that have already been conducted."

David M. Zuniga, B.Arch Eng, PE – Licensed Professional Mechanical and Architectural Engineer, State of Texas. 25-year professional career.

"I concur with the thousands of researchers and professionals who have stated that Occam's Razor here trumps official government propaganda: there is a wealth of physical, videographic, and eyewitness testimonial evidence that renders the government's story ludicrous and that suggests controlled demolition, WTC 7 being the most unadorned case."

Dan Bartlett, B.Arch, AIA – Licensed Architect, State of New Hampshire. Began architectural career working for a New York City firm that designed hi-rise residential building. Currently designing light commercial and residential structures. Adjunct Professor of Architecture, Keene State College.

"My questions focus on #7 WTC. There can be no doubt that it was a controlled demolition. The only question is why was it done on that day. And if there were any doubts, why can't the circumstances be more fully examined?

A B-52 bomber flew directly into the Empire State Building on a Saturday, and the building was open for business the following Monday, with the exception of the most adversely affected areas near the top.

Different type of aircraft - different type of building. But it is difficult to reconcile that instance with what happened to #7 WTC on 9/11."

Paul Asaro, B.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of California. 25 years experience in the field of architecture and construction, including design and construction administration experience with a steel frame high rise.

"NIST has ignored many critical facts and denied basic laws of physics in order to arrive at their fairy tale conclusions. We need a serious investigation done by licensed professionals who are not directly or indirectly on the government payroll.

Hermine E. Ricketts, B.Arch –Licensed Architect, State of Florida. Owner of the architectural firm HER Architects.

"From the first day of the 'attack' my intuition told me that some things did not fit. I knew that the buildings collapsed too quickly and that the manner of the collapse was too 'controlled'. With each new piece of mainstream media news release from 'official' sources my response was 'Yeah, right.' I knew, without any doubt, before the invasion began and without seeing one bit of 'official evidence' that there was no link between the 9/11 attack and Iraq. I knew then as I know now that it was all about control of oil and empire building.

I, however, did not take the time to do a study of the facts until recently when the new drums calling for war with Iran by the same folks who masterminded the war with Iraq by linking 9/11 with Iraq. My research has indeed pointed to too many discrepancies and outright lies regarding the events of 9/11. Afterwards, the collapse of Building 7 was so 'neat and clean' anyone could see that it was a pre-planned controlled demolition.

A totally independent study and report needs to be presented to the public."

Donal Butterfield, BA, B CE, M Urban Design, PE – Licensed Architect, States of New York and Connecticut. Professional Engineer, State of New York. In private practice, responsible for full architectural and engineering services on houses, apartment buildings, retail, office & industrial buildings. Former U.S. Navy officer.

"My first doubts about the official story began when I read the heavily documented The War on Freedom by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, listing all the public records of warnings to the US government. I was especially alarmed by the fact that standard operating procedure to dispatch fighter planes against a hijacked plane had been violated. The technical evidence presented since then certainly warrants a full and honest investigation."

James Peter Leritz, B.Arch, M.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of California. 30 years experience as an Architect and Urban Designer in San Francisco and Denver. Former Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Illinois, Champaign. Former Assistant Professor, College of Environmental Design, University of Colorado, Boulder.

"At 1.8 million square feet, WTC 7 was possibly larger than any building on the West Coast. Bank of America (1.4 million sf) and the Transamerica Pyramid (.5 million sf), the two highest buildings in San Francisco, are together only slightly greater in area.

Few Americans know that WTC 7 collapsed, even fewer know how big it was. I have read that its collapse was shown only one time on television; in its documentaries about the WTC collapse, PBS not only didn't explain the collapse of WTC7 but never even mentioned the collapse of a third building, because doing so would have undermined their conclusion that planes and jet fuel were responsible for the collapses.

Much evidence exists of explosions throughout the WTC buildings. Persistent pools of 2000 degree metal can only be explained by the presence of thermite/thermate, used in planned demolitions. Squibs, puffs of smoke characteristic of planned demolitions, can be clearly seen in advance of the collapses.

The official story does not explain the collapse of WTC7 or the collapse of the cores of WTC 1 and 2.
There is just one explanation for the evidence associated with these collapses: demolition by expertly planned and placed explosives."

Kerry Lewis McCarthy, B.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of Oregon. Experienced with high-rise steel frame structures, including building-forensic, some steel frame but mostly concrete. Studied WTC's design, structure and construction at university. Over 30 years experience.

"Very hard to understand the 'complete' lack of concrete rubble in the debris field. Even had the basements filled with concrete topping slab debris. There should have been a stack of jumbled building elements about 9 more stories above grade. The core columns were fully welded yet none were longer than 40 ft (max trucking length). This event as portrayed by the NIST Report totally messes with my understanding of how buildings behave. I haven't been able to reconcile the promoted theory of collapse with the way I know buildings to behave."

Brian Brademeyer, MS CE – Former Senior Research Engineer, MIT 1975 - 1987. Currently Software Engineering Consultant

"My first-order analysis of WTC1 collapse suggests insufficient energy for pulverization of concrete slabs in the floor elements. Official story does not explain why weakening by fire resulted in abrupt collapse, rather than a sagging-slumping failure mode."

Frank J. Cullinan, BS CE, PE – Licensed Professional Civil Engineer, State of California. Experienced in structure construction of bridges and to a lesser extent demolition of bridges.

"The buildings fell at or very near free fall speed and into their own foot prints! The second airplane went through the corner of the building and did not hit the structural core, yet it fell the same as the first tower?"

Joseph M. Phelps, MS CE, PE (ret) – Structural Dynamicist, Charter Member, Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Founder of Phelps/ABC, an engineering and industrial marketing firm.

"Research proves the current administration has been dishonest about what happened in New York and Washington, D.C. The World Trade Center was almost certainly brought down by controlled demolitions and that the available relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the government's official story about the attack on the Pentagon."

Roland Edward Angle, BS CE, PE – Licensed Professional Civil Engineer, State of California. Forty years experience in Civil & Military design, analysis & construction, including blast analysis of nuclear hardened facilities.

"The official explanation of the building failures defies known scientific methods of analyses and is untenable in the face of logical investigation."

Edward E. Knesl, MS Eng, PE – Licensed Professional Civil and Structural Engineer, State of Arizona. Thirty five years of domestic and international experience in Commercial Structural Design and Analysis, Construction Administration and Management, Plan Review, and Special Inspection.

"We design and analyze buildings for the overturning stability to resist the lateral loads with the combination of the gravity loads. Any tall structure failure mode would be a fall over to its side. It is impossible that heavy steel columns could collapse at the fraction of the second within each story and subsequently at each floor bellow.

We do not know the phenomenon of the high rise building to disintegrate internally faster than the free fall of the debris coming down from the top.

The engineering science and the law of physics simply doesn't know such possibility. Only very sophisticated controlled demolition can achieve such result, eliminating the natural dampening effect of the structural framing huge mass that should normally stop the partial collapse. The pancake theory is a fallacy, telling us that more and more energy would be generated to accelerate the collapse. Where would such energy would be coming from?"

James C. Smith, M.Arch, AIA – Licensed Architect, State of Colorado. Member, American Institute of Architects. 16 years experience.

"I found WTC 7 to be irrefutable evidence of controlled demolition. The implications, while disturbing, reveal more than ever a country without the ideals of Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin."

Joseph Testa, BS CE, PE – Civil Engineer, Department of Transportation, State of New York. Licensed Professional Engineer, State of New York. Metals Engineering and Structural Steel Quality Assurance. Provided quality assurance for structural steel used in New York State.

"I've worked in structural steel for years and I've studied major structural collapses. I don't believe the collapse witnessed was possible due to the planes and ensuing fires alone. I don't believe the core verticals would have buckled as they apparently did, unless first taken out from below. I don't claim to know who might have been responsible, but a preponderance of eyewitness testimony supports secondary [explosive] devices.

We need to see an accurate detailed computer simulation & recreation to show that such a complete instantaneous failure of the central vertical core columns is even possible."

"The speed at which the buildings fell implied that the central cores provided virtually no vertical resistance at any point during the collapses. When the live television commenter stated that there must have been tons of explosives on site to cause such a collapse, I found myself in agreement and assumed it would all come out during the investigation.

Combined with the reports of the finding of tiny fragments of human bone thrown laterally from the structures"

David Heller, BS Physics, M.Arch – Architect and Builder.

"While none of the many 9-11 researchers knows exactly what happened on that fateful day in September almost 3 years ago, any sensible person can easily spot dozens of inconsistencies in the official story that is being forced upon us.

And these inconsistencies are huge. They range from the apparent stand-down of our immense military arsenal (for over an hour and a half) to the small hole and lack of debris at the Pentagon. Then there is the matter of the remains of Flight 93 being scattered over eight miles of Pennsylvania farmland, a fact which suggests the plane may have been shot down. The official story seems wrong on all of these points. ...

And the fact is, most of the available 9-11 evidence points to at least some level of government complicity or foreknowledge.

Please, read more for yourself. Don't take my word for it. Most of all, do not buy the double-speak that visible politicians and the media use to discount any question about 9-11."

"I've been in the building trades for 28 years. I have hands on experience with concrete and steel and know their characteristics well. I have a degree in physics from Bard College and a Masters of Architecture from San Francisco Institute of Architecture.

You cannot have a building simultaneously show no resistance near free fall speed of collapse and then at the same time show massive resistance by pulverizing concrete as WTC falls into itself. A 9th grade physics student could figure that out."


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