History Channel Movie debunks "1913 seeds" leftist propaganda clip

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Well the one in the middle does, the other two look like Arabs.

They are indigenous Jews. The same ones that Arab Muslim invaders kept killing, persecuting, and expelling from their own holy land.

How do you know? I see three guys all holding books, one could be a Muslim, one is probably Jewish and one could be a Christian. What's the provenance of the photograph?

They aren't wearing Christian or Muslim attire, you ignoramus. They are rabbis.


This is what jewish people, including rabbis tended to look like at the time:


Palestinian Muslims:


The two people to the left and right of your picture look more like Palestinians than Jewish "Rabbis", just saying.

Actually you can see the white yamaka or scull cap of the guy on the left and the guy in the middle looks like a rabbi you fool. Even down to the orthodox hairlocks coming down his sideburns.


Thanks for providing a blow up of the original photo. Nope, can't see a yamulka on the guy on the left, but I concede having looked more closely at the guy on the right, he could have a hairlock/ringlet on his left side, or it could be part of his beard, it's difficult to tell, but I'll give you the benefit.
Interesting pics,I notice that the Jewish gentleman in the centre is suffering with Glaucoma,a condition rampant at the time,hense his walking cane and odd stance,just sayin steve

Interesting. How does the use of a cane aid one suffering from glaucoma and how can you tell by his "odd stance" that he had it when the pic was taken?
(This should be really, really good).
Glaucoma sends you blind eventually,no doubt he was in the later stages of this malady hence the cane,and his general appearance....I know I'm Good but then when dealing with the dregs of the barrel of human degradation like you...I should be.

What a load of crap you come out with, yes glaucoma makes you blind in one eye at a time and it takes years to affect you in that way. The cane is a walking aid by its length, and not one for "seeing " with, I would say he was suffering from an injury sustained from a beating given by muslims

Here's the funny part: TheMoron probably meant "gout" which is a painful foot inflammation but he's just too stupid to know the diff and too arrogant (and too desperate to sound intelligent) to admit he doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. As you noticed, the guy is holding a walking (not "seeing") cane.
Interesting pics,I notice that the Jewish gentleman in the centre is suffering with Glaucoma,a condition rampant at the time,hense his walking cane and odd stance,just sayin steve

Interesting. How does the use of a cane aid one suffering from glaucoma and how can you tell by his "odd stance" that he had it when the pic was taken?
(This should be really, really good).
Glaucoma sends you blind eventually,no doubt he was in the later stages of this malady hence the cane,and his general appearance....I know I'm Good but then when dealing with the dregs of the barrel of human degradation like you...I should be.

Uh-huh. So Glaucoma caused what you decided to be his "odd stance?"
Glaucoma doesn't send you anywhere, Princess, "hense" you remain the dimmest creature ever to slither across the USMBs and the best part is you haven't a clue.
In the time of the Photo,Glaucoma did send people blind,(today we have drugs to prevent this but still today some still go blind) Obviously as the pic shows the Gentleman's stance is affected because the first thing you lose is your side vision,hence nodding of the head to one side or the other to compensate for that lack of vision....therefore the sufferer often has to adjust his stance..YOU DUMB ASS.....I know you lack the basics in education but really you are a fool.

As a person who is susceptible to glaucoma I can say you are talking a load of crap. The first you know is when the upper outer quadrant of your eye becomes blank. From this it is a slow degeneration taking many years to cause total blindness in ONE EYE at a time. You have no funny stance at all you just have a slow deterioration of your eyesight that many people put down to MAD ( old age ). I get tested every year for the condition and have not shown any signs yet. You do know that there are more than just one type of glaucoma don't you, and it can be caused by injury or trauma.
I know you like to be right all the time and have to get the last word in but you are constantly wrong and act like a spoilt brat when shown to be bullshitting.

It's easy to spot when TheMoron knows he's screwed the pooch again ... he goes into his "I am the Magnificent" routine in a lame attempt to cover his obvious stupidity.
How do you know? I see three guys all holding books, one could be a Muslim, one is probably Jewish and one could be a Christian. What's the provenance of the photograph?

They aren't wearing Christian or Muslim attire, you ignoramus. They are rabbis.


This is what jewish people, including rabbis tended to look like at the time:


Palestinian Muslims:


The two people to the left and right of your picture look more like Palestinians than Jewish "Rabbis", just saying.
Interesting pics,I notice that the Jewish gentleman in the centre is suffering with Glaucoma,a condition rampant at the time,hense his walking cane and odd stance,just sayin steve

Achmed the mentally challenged thinks the guy in the middle isn't even Jewish. Ha ha ha. What a maroon.

Point out to me please where I said that. Why are you calling me a descendant of black runaway slaves? it's not only racist, but completely off topic.

Yeah you are an idiot who was trying to say that the picture I posted was of Palestinian Muslims, not Jews.

A maroon is a stupid person or a fool, which is what you are. But if it makes you feel better I can call you a baboon.
They are indigenous Jews. The same ones that Arab Muslim invaders kept killing, persecuting, and expelling from their own holy land.

How do you know? I see three guys all holding books, one could be a Muslim, one is probably Jewish and one could be a Christian. What's the provenance of the photograph?

They aren't wearing Christian or Muslim attire, you ignoramus. They are rabbis.


This is what jewish people, including rabbis tended to look like at the time:


Palestinian Muslims:


The two people to the left and right of your picture look more like Palestinians than Jewish "Rabbis", just saying.

Actually you can see the white yamaka or scull cap of the guy on the left and the guy in the middle looks like a rabbi you fool. Even down to the orthodox hairlocks coming down his sideburns.


Thanks for providing a blow up of the original photo. Nope, can't see a yamulka on the guy on the left, but I concede having looked more closely at the guy on the right, he could have a hairlock/ringlet on his left side, or it could be part of his beard, it's difficult to tell, but I'll give you the benefit.

Those are old pictures of Jews in the holy land, you fucking moron.
They aren't wearing Christian or Muslim attire, you ignoramus. They are rabbis.


This is what jewish people, including rabbis tended to look like at the time:


Palestinian Muslims:


The two people to the left and right of your picture look more like Palestinians than Jewish "Rabbis", just saying.
Interesting pics,I notice that the Jewish gentleman in the centre is suffering with Glaucoma,a condition rampant at the time,hense his walking cane and odd stance,just sayin steve

Achmed the mentally challenged thinks the guy in the middle isn't even Jewish. Ha ha ha. What a maroon.

Point out to me please where I said that. Why are you calling me a descendant of black runaway slaves? it's not only racist, but completely off topic.

Yeah you are an idiot who was trying to say that the picture I posted was of Palestinian Muslims, not Jews.

A maroon is a stupid person or a fool, which is what you are. But if it makes you feel better I can call you a baboon.

A moron is someone whose grasp of English can't differentiate between a color and a characterization of himself.

This is what jewish people, including rabbis tended to look like at the time:


Palestinian Muslims:


The two people to the left and right of your picture look more like Palestinians than Jewish "Rabbis", just saying.
Interesting pics,I notice that the Jewish gentleman in the centre is suffering with Glaucoma,a condition rampant at the time,hense his walking cane and odd stance,just sayin steve

Achmed the mentally challenged thinks the guy in the middle isn't even Jewish. Ha ha ha. What a maroon.

Point out to me please where I said that. Why are you calling me a descendant of black runaway slaves? it's not only racist, but completely off topic.

Yeah you are an idiot who was trying to say that the picture I posted was of Palestinian Muslims, not Jews.

A maroon is a stupid person or a fool, which is what you are. But if it makes you feel better I can call you a baboon.

A moron is someone whose grasp of English can't differentiate between a color and a characterization of himself.

A moron is one of three paid propogandists operating out of this screen name MonkeyNazi that squat on this forum 24/7 posting antisemtic propoganda and lies, just to get humiliated repetitively. Do you deny that those three individuals are Jews, you baboon faced moron?
Interesting pics,I notice that the Jewish gentleman in the centre is suffering with Glaucoma,a condition rampant at the time,hense his walking cane and odd stance,just sayin steve

Achmed the mentally challenged thinks the guy in the middle isn't even Jewish. Ha ha ha. What a maroon.

Point out to me please where I said that. Why are you calling me a descendant of black runaway slaves? it's not only racist, but completely off topic.

Yeah you are an idiot who was trying to say that the picture I posted was of Palestinian Muslims, not Jews.

A maroon is a stupid person or a fool, which is what you are. But if it makes you feel better I can call you a baboon.

A moron is someone whose grasp of English can't differentiate between a color and a characterization of himself.

A moron is one of three paid propogandists operating out of this screen name MonkeyNazi that squat on this forum 24/7 posting antisemtic propoganda and lies, just to get humiliated repetitively. Do you deny that those three individuals are Jews, you baboon faced moron?

Did your mind stop developing at the age of 9?
Like I said I'm not going to report this troll flaming me. Where would we go for laughs?
Thread is beyond cleaning. Closed.

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