History Channel: Road to 9/11


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
If you get a chance you should check out this show. It goes into great detail how things led up to the 9/11 attacks, including how the government had several chances to take out Usama Bin Laden and the mastermind of 9/11 Khalid Sheik Mohammed, but they feared innocent people would get killed, or that if their plans failed it would look bad on the CIA. The show is also great because it connects a lot of the dots that will crush some of those "Bush did 9/11" conspiracy types.

Road to 9/11 Full Episodes, Video & More | HISTORY
Kinda has a familiar ring about taking someone out. Fatboy Kim, for example. He's still breathin'.
Kinda has a familiar ring about taking someone out. Fatboy Kim, for example. He's still breathin'.

Yeah you would hope they would learn from their mistakes and not let Fatboy Kim kill a few thousand innocent Americans before they do something.
Kinda has a familiar ring about taking someone out. Fatboy Kim, for example. He's still breathin'.

Yeah you would hope they would learn from their mistakes and not let Fatboy Kim kill a few thousand innocent Americans before they do something.
And his own people who probably hope we DO drop a bomb on them just to be released from their misery.
Kinda has a familiar ring about taking someone out. Fatboy Kim, for example. He's still breathin'.

Yeah you would hope they would learn from their mistakes and not let Fatboy Kim kill a few thousand innocent Americans before they do something.
And his own people who probably hope we DO drop a bomb on them just to be released from their misery.

Sadly, even Putin said today that sanctions won't work. He said that North Koreans will live off of eating grass before they will give up their nuclear program.
It will take a long time before fatboy starves. His people? Let Them Eat Grass.
I couldn't bear to watch it even sixteen years after it happened. Imagine going to work and finding yourself with the choice of jumping to your death or roasting in conflagration with no hope of rescue. I wonder if the H.C. implicated the Clinton administration for negligence but I doubt it.
Granny says, "Dat's right - the Donald got dem terrorists shakin' in dey's boots...

Ahead of 9/11, top Trump aide says U.S. not vulnerable to terrorists
September 8, 2017 | WASHINGTON — Days before the United States marks 16 years since the 9/11 attacks, one of the White House’s top counterterrorism officials on Friday played down the possibility of an extremist attack on U.S. soil.
“There is no current, credible actionable threat, terrorist threat, against the homeland,” Tom Bossert, President Trump’s homeland security adviser, told reporters. “No terrorist should view us as vulnerable right now — farthest thing from the truth,” Bossert said at the daily press briefing.

His confident assessment came as U.S.-backed forces struck at fighters loyal to the so-called Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria, that terrorist army’s primary base. Some U.S. officials fear that, as the group suffers defeats on the battlefield, it will encourage adherents and sympathizers inside the United States to carry out attacks.

On Monday, top U.S. officials from Pres. Trump on down will mark the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, fanning out to “show some solemnity,” Bossert said. “President Trump will, as presidents before him since 9/11, receive a comprehensive picture of the terrorist threat environment and what we’re doing to counter it, from his senior officials,” Bossert said.

That’s been the practice since al-Qaida terrorists crashed hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A fourth crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pa. October 7 will mark 16 years since then President George W. Bush retaliated by attacking Afghanistan, initiating what has become the longest war in U.S. history.

Ahead of 9/11, top Trump aide says U.S. not vulnerable to terrorists

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