Biden’s Betrayal of 9/11

As President, Trump never went to New York City for the 9/11 memorial.

Trump is not President today.

Today is September 11, 2023, the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack that killed 2,977 Americans.

Where the fuck is Joe Biden?
As President, Trump never went to New York City for the 9/11 memorial.
um...he was in might of forgotten but there was an attack there too....

Xiden's in Alaska. He doesn't care about the victims, hence why he surrendered to the terrorist
Trump is not President today.

Today is September 11, 2023, the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack that killed 2,977 Americans.

Where the fuck is Joe Biden?
This how the laughing hyena ended up going to New York.

Joe Biden is set to miss the 9/11 memorial service in New York this weekend, as the White House is said to be "limiting his public appearances" in order to avoid gaffes.

Peggy Grande, former long term adviser to Ronald Reagan, told GB News that the White House is taking a "basement strategy" approach - keeping him out of the public eye.

She noted that "the more he's been in the public eye the lower he drops in the polls".

Grande said that an appearance from Biden would also remind the public that "9/11 families have certainly been ignored".

She added: "After 9/11, Americans always said 'never forget' - but Biden always forgets".

While Biden has said he will be observing the anniversary at a military base in Alaska, Grande said the White House may be preparing to announce that he isn't going at all.

She explained: "In the past they’ve said it would be easier for him to do stuff on Zoom - so I honestly think they’re laying the foundation for him to not even show up.

When asked if this is going to increase as time goes on, she said: "Yes. We’ve seen it increasingly I’ve the last six months to a year.

"We've seen major cognitive decline with the President. His physical capacities are much more limited."

Grande explained that the White House is trying to avoid a repeat of the Medal of Honour ceremony when the President walked out early instead of standing on stage.

He left the ceremony early, leaving a war hero stranded on the stage.

She said: "We saw him walking out of the medal of honour ceremony - and they said it was because he didn't want to spread Covid after his wife tested positive, after he'd already breathed all over our great heroes.

"But we all know he was supposed to stand on stage - he just forgot.

"They're trying to cover for him and they're going to keep limiting his public appearances".

The US President will not participate in any of the ceremonies taking place at 9/11 memorial sites in New York City, Virginia or Pennsylvania.

Instead, he will head to Alaska on Monday to observe the anniversary at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson following a trip to Asia.

Vice President Kamala Harris will attend the annual observance at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum in lower Manhattan on Biden's behalf.

Biden to miss 9/11 memorial this weekend as White House uses 'basement strategy' to limit gaffes
Kinda sounds like the old 35 mm porn flicks from the 60's
into the 70's.A Director barking out.No popcorn needed.
You really think that was a necessary comment when a mod is trying to keep the thread on topic?
You just won yourself a thread ban for it.
I will...this is an embarrassment and insult to the country
Biden is exactly where he should be, as far from the 9/11 memorials as possible. It’s a tough enough day for those who lost loved ones, they don’t need to hear a story from Biden about how much he feared loosing his Corvette in an attack that day.
What does Alaska have to do with the September 11, 2001 terrosist attack in New York City, the Pentagon, and the crash in Pennsylvania?
Seriously, He's coming back from his Asia gig and needs a layover before returning to the WH, 'er I mean Rehoboth Beach.
It's September 11th. Never forget will be repeated over and over and over and over today. You are not going to be allowed to forget even if you wanted to.
If you want to remember something consider this - Andrew Cuomo killed more New Yorkers than Bin Ladin.
Apparently the thread is about Andrew Cuomo as well.

The faux outrage is hilarious. Had he gone to one of the impact sites of the hijacked aircraft, the same posters would be stating that he’s doing it for political reasons or finding something else to be outraged about.

Last year for example:

The OP from last year.

And the year before:

Apparently the thread is about Andrew Cuomo as well.

The faux outrage is hilarious. Had he gone to one of the impact sites of the hijacked aircraft, the same posters would be stating that he’s doing it for political reasons or finding something else to be outraged about.

Last year for example:

The OP from last year.

And the year before:
Given his surrender to the Taliban it's best he stayed away. The people have suffered enough from the attack on 9/11 we don't need the reminder of how our President betrayed us decades later
Alaska has oil. Tater is going there to kill oil. No oil, no jet fuel. No jet fuel, no planes. No planes, no way to fly them into buildings. Tater is saving America from the next 9/11. He is a genius.

Or, he is lost. It’s a coin flip.

So in other words, destroying an American state's biggest and most profitable source of revenue in the name of "climate change" is more important that giving honor and respect to 2,977 Americans who died as the result of a terrorist attack?

That truly is a betrayal of the American people on this day of September 11, 2023.

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