History of Iraq

Now there are many such myths about animal husbandry, and a lot of money is being invested in it. You can grow food in ctntral US and send it to Arabia, and show camels to tourists. There are breeds of the Yakut horse and cow, and no one can answer how they can eat spruce trees in Yakutia, if there is not even hay and ordinary foliage, this is because they are trying to present the Yakuts as horse breeders instead of Turanians. A similar story with the Caucasus. In the high mountains of the Caucasus, horse breeding is impossible, but the peoples who have historically lived there, the Chechens and Ingush, are presented as equestrians. In fact, most of them, back in the 19th century, were exclusively engaged in robbery.
They are from the steppes of Central Asia. Think Mongols.
Evenks are now called Mongols, they did not live in the steppes of Central Asia, they lived in the deserts of Transbaikalia. Aryans, Turanians, Euthalites, Huns, Tochars lived in the steppes of Central Asia and this is close to the region of Bactria, Margiana and Sogdiana
The descendants of the real Mongols of Genghis Khan are modern Hazaras and Uighurs
Now there are many such myths about animal husbandry, and a lot of money is being invested in it. You can grow food in ctntral US and send it to Arabia, and show camels to tourists. There are breeds of the Yakut horse and cow, and no one can answer how they can eat spruce trees in Yakutia, if there is not even hay and ordinary foliage, this is because they are trying to present the Yakuts as horse breeders instead of Turanians. A similar story with the Caucasus. In the high mountains of the Caucasus, horse breeding is impossible, but the peoples who have historically lived there, the Chechens and Ingush, are presented as equestrians. In fact, most of them, back in the 19th century, were exclusively engaged in robbery.

Have you ever been to Arabia? Have you ever been to a Bedouin Camp?
Evenks are now called Mongols, they did not live in the steppes of Central Asia, they lived in the deserts of Transbaikalia. Aryans, Turanians, Euthalites, Huns, Tochars lived in the steppes of Central Asia and this is close to the region of Bactria, Margiana and Sogdiana
The descendants of the real Mongols of Genghis Khan are modern Hazaras and Uighurs

Well, look at a map. We are talking about the Bedouin of the Gulf states, Iran, Iraq and the Levant.
Have you ever been to Arabia? Have you ever been to a Bedouin Camp?
It is enough for me to have data on the ecology of this region. There are objective data on which it is possible to calculate the likelihood and possibility of any occupation of the peoples. I don't even believe that goats could be raised there. All livestock breeders of antiquity, except for pig breeders, were housed in areas rich in vegetation, humid and rich in fresh water bodies. Mainly in temperate steppe zones near rivers. Moreover, these were, as a rule, those niches that were previously occupied by the same animals in the wild.
Therefore, pig breeding arose in the forests of northern Europe and the baltics, and horse breeding in the steppes of Central Asia, Ukraine and central Russia, in the channels of the Don, Middle Volga, Syrdarya, Amurdarya and Urals.
It is enough for me to have data on the ecology of this region. There are objective data on which it is possible to calculate the likelihood and possibility of any occupation of the peoples. I don't even believe that goats could be raised there. All livestock breeders of antiquity, except for pig breeders, were housed in areas rich in vegetation, humid and rich in fresh water bodies. Mainly in temperate steppe zones near rivers. Moreover, these were, as a rule, those niches that were previously occupied by the same animals in the wild.
Therefore, pig breeding arose in the forests of northern Europe and the baltics, and horse breeding in the steppes of Central Asia, Ukraine and central Russia, in the channels of the Don, Middle Volga, Syrdarya, Amurdarya and Urals.

They don't raise pigs in Arabia or the Gulf States.. Look at a map. The Urals are no where near the Gulf States or Iraq.

But the word Bedouin comes from the word desert, and the interfluve is not a desert. This is a favorable area for both livestock and agro-industry.
They don't raise pigs in Arabia or the Gulf States.. Look at a map. The Urals are no where near the Gulf States or Iraq.
This means that the ecology of the region determines the type of economic activity of the people.
This is a find from an area near Altai and Chelyabinsk. Belongs to one of the Hun tribes, probably the Sabirs, who were part of the Ephthalites.


And this is a one-humped camel, therefore not Bactrian

Therefore, they lived in the middle lane and even to the north.
This is a find from an area near Altai and Chelyabinsk. Belongs to one of the Hun tribes, probably the Sabirs, who were part of the Ephthalites.


And this is a one-humped camel, therefore not Bactrian

Therefore, they lived in the middle lane and even to the north.

That's a two humped camel with the saddle in the middle.

You don't know anything about the Middle East.
That's a two humped camel with the saddle in the middle.

You don't know anything about the Middle East.
"Kapova cave (Russian: Капова пещера, also known as Shul'gan-Tash, Bashkir: Шүлгәнташ) is a limestone karst cave in the Burzyansky District of Bashkortostan, Russia, ca. 200 km (120 mi) south-east of Ufa, in the southern Ural mountains. Located on the Belaya River in the natural reserve Shulgan-Tash, the cave is best known for the 16,000 years old Upper Paleolithic rock paintings and drawings."

"Kapova cave (Russian: Капова пещера, also known as Shul'gan-Tash, Bashkir: Шүлгәнташ) is a limestone karst cave in the Burzyansky District of Bashkortostan, Russia, ca. 200 km (120 mi) south-east of Ufa, in the southern Ural mountains. Located on the Belaya River in the natural reserve Shulgan-Tash, the cave is best known for the 16,000 years old Upper Paleolithic rock paintings and drawings."


You have said that you think the goat herds and camel herds of the Bedouin are a tourist trick by the Saudi government. The bedu take to the desert during the winter months and pull back to the edge of the desert in the summer. Usually they are affiliated with or own 2-3 oases along their grazing route. Its been that way for several thousand years.

I think you must be a bright, Russian teen-ager, but your claims are uninformed and idiotic.. like stubborn stupidity.

See ya. I'm done.

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