History Will Show Barry 'Backed The Wrong Horse' ... Again

The irony of the Brexit vote is that the Brits get rit of the idiots in Brussels in exchange for their own idiots at home. No country is immune from that type of irony.
UK will pay the price for their unbridled nationalism and isolationism

Obama can only say....I told you so

Poor Britain standing up for its autonomy and what not. How dare they not embrace their chains.

And what does Obama have to say? He's fucked up our economy by nearly every measure (to paraphrase that bitch).

The UK gave in to rightwing hysteria and fear mongering

They will pay a political and economic price. But the world will go on, the EU will survive without them and the UK will live on
UK will pay the price for their unbridled nationalism and isolationism

Obama can only say....I told you so

Poor Britain standing up for its autonomy and what not. How dare they not embrace their chains.

And what does Obama have to say? He's fucked up our economy by nearly every measure (to paraphrase that bitch).

The UK gave in to rightwing hysteria and fear mongering

They will pay a political and economic price. But the world will go on, the EU will survive without them and the UK will live on

"Hysteria" and "fear mongering". Libtards use these extreme terms on every issue. Give it a rest for once.
I hate to tell you this, but you guys need to know

Globalism is the byproduct of Corporatism.
Corporatism arises from Capitalism.

Globalism is the future.
The best you can do is delay it.

Vote trump...fuck globalism.
Trump's 'Policy of Americanism' vs Clinton's 'Policy of Globalism'
so F--- Capitalism? interesting....
Only if you buy armchairs logic.
hope you don't have any 401k's you are relying on for retirement....
I hate to tell you this, but you guys need to know

Globalism is the byproduct of Corporatism.
Corporatism arises from Capitalism.

Globalism is the future.
The best you can do is delay it.

Vote trump...fuck globalism.
Trump's 'Policy of Americanism' vs Clinton's 'Policy of Globalism'
so F--- Capitalism? interesting....
Only if you buy armchairs logic.
hope you don't have any 401k's you are relying on for retirement....
Investing is not guaranteed - it's gambling to a certain extent.
UK will pay the price for their unbridled nationalism and isolationism

Obama can only say....I told you so

They already were paying a significant price for belonging to that stupid big government politically correct liberty robbing debt ridden EU.


The UK gave in to rightwing hysteria and fear mongering

They will pay a political and economic price. But the world will go on, the EU will survive without them and the UK will live on

President Shit for Brains was doing the fear mongering big time when he got on his bicycle and went over there and threaten to cut off trade with the UK if they didn't toe the politically correct globalist line.

President Shit for Brains gets everything wrong, doesn't he?
We will just have to see how the UK does on their own vs the EU as a whole

I think the British voters will reap what they sowed

rightwinger the Brits were on the losing end with the EU. They paid in billions more than they got back. Did you know that? 8.5 billion pounds per year. 23 million pounds per day to the EU.

And Brussels interfered all the way down to what price of beer Brits could charge to the ability of Britain to deport terrorists or criminals.

Would you like to belong to a Union that was set up say in Regina Saskatchewan and having Regina dictate to you, America what you could or could not do in your country?

I don't think so. I certainly hope not.

The UK gave in to rightwing hysteria and fear mongering

They will pay a political and economic price. But the world will go on, the EU will survive without them and the UK will live on

President Shit for Brains was doing the fear mongering big time when he got on his bicycle and went over there and threaten to cut off trade with the UK if they didn't toe the politically correct globalist line.

President Shit for Brains gets everything wrong, doesn't he?

Pray tell...

When did our President ever offer to "cut off trade" with the UK?
We will just have to see how the UK does on their own vs the EU as a whole

I think the British voters will reap what they sowed

rightwinger the Brits were on the losing end with the EU. They paid in billions more than they got back. Did you know that? 8.5 billion pounds per year. 23 million pounds per day to the EU.

And Brussels interfered all the way down to what price of beer Brits could charge to the ability of Britain to deport terrorists or criminals.

Would you like to belong to a Union that was set up say in Regina Saskatchewan and having Regina dictate to you, America what you could or could not do in your country?

I don't think so. I certainly hope not.

I live in NJ. We get around 64 cents for every dollar we contribute to the Federal Government

Yet, I realize we are stronger as part of the United States than we would be as an independent state

When did our President ever offer to "cut off trade" with the UK?

What the hell do you think the threat of "back of trade queue" means you stupid Moon Bat? Are you that dense?

President Shit for Brains should have just kept his stupid mouth shut. Nobody with any intelligence listens to that jackass. Besides, he needs to stay out of the business of telling other countries what to do with their economy. It ain't cool.

When did our President ever offer to "cut off trade" with the UK?

What the hell do you think the threat of "back of trade queue" means you stupid Moon Bat? Are you that dense?

President Shit for Brains should have just kept his stupid mouth shut. Nobody with any intelligence listens to that jackass. Besides, he needs to stay out of the business of telling other countries what to do with their economy. It ain't cool.
You have difficulty reading?

Where does that equate to cutting off trade? It merely acknowledges that the UK would lose some of its bargaining power relative to the EU
Obama has no problem wagging his finger at certain people like the Brits and the EU. Anyone ever as the question as to why he does not wag his finger at Muslim intolerance of homosexuals?
Obama has no problem wagging his finger at certain people like the Brits and the EU. Anyone ever as the question as to why he does not wag his finger at Muslim intolerance of homosexuals?

I find conservative concern for homosexuals to be so touching
This is hilarious.

Libtard Moon Bat Brit chick crying about fascism in Europe and hate and racism because of the vote last night. I loved her comments about America filled with hate. Typical Libtard stupidity.

Just shows you how bat shit crazy these Moon Bats are.


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