history will show


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2012
you will be so sad when you read the real historical record being reflected in the history books.

I guess that is why you like to try and rewrite history so frequently.

facts just have a liberal bias huh
Odd how people who clearly have no grasp of history think they can write it before its time, isn't it?

History, that is to say real history, not some fantasy partisan version of history, will document what this POTUS and his administration did.

History will document events, but refrain from commentary on them.

Real History is NOT a judge of events, so much as it is a record of events put together based on some future historians opinion about what belongs in that specific account of history.

Real history leaves the judgements to the readers of that history.

History strives to ONLY to accurately give its reader an account of pertainent facts.
What in the Hell GOOD can be written about the last 4 disasterous years? Buy gasoline lately? Or food? Doesn't matter to you that you neighbor can't find a decent job????
What in the Hell GOOD can be written about the last 4 disasterous years? Buy gasoline lately? Or food? Doesn't matter to you that you neighbor can't find a decent job????

Deciding what is good or bad is above the pay grade of REAL HISTORY, Freewill.

Real history will document the facts and leave the commentary to its readers.

The ONLY judgement a true historian makes is to judge what facts must to be included to describe the history in a coherent way.

Do I think those judging a true history of our time will hate Obama?

Maybe, but that will depend, not on the history, but how the readers feel about that history.

I'll just keep saying it until you understand what history is and what it it not.

History documents the past..that is what history is.

What it is NOT is the judge of what happened.

That job is left to the reader of history.
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Historians frequently use the words written or spoken by the President.
Here are some statements made by Obama that will be used and compared to the reality.

Obama said:
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan."

"The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
US employer healthcare survey | McKinsey & Company

Observation: Obama said "you keep your plan"

Reality: at least 30% companies are dropping health coverage, thus forcing employees to leave their plan.

Obama told a joint-session of Congress in September 2009: “I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.”

Reality: GAO confirms Obama care will add $6.2 trillion to federal deficit
The alternative scenario, which incorporates the more realistic “alternative projections” suggested by CBO, the CMS trustees, and the chief Medicare actuary, is even more dire. Under this scenario, the “primary deficit” increases by 0.7 percent of GDP over the 75-year period. The GAO does not put a dollar value on that figure, but Senate Budget Committee staff has calculated, and GAO has confirmed, that it would amount to a $6.2 trillion increase in the federal deficit.
GAO: Obamacare will add at least $6.2 trillion to the national debt | Conservatives4Palin

Obama said "not sign it if it adds one dime,not now or in the future,period."
Reality: GAO confirms will add $6.2 trillion

Obama said on July 3, 2008, at a campaign event in Fargo, N.D.
"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic."
Flashback: Obama Says Adding $4 Trillion to National Debt 'Unpatriotic' | President Obama | Fox Nation
In a detailed analysis of fiscal year 2009, we found that Obama was responsible for adding at most $203 billion to the deficit,
which in the end topped $1.4 trillion that year.
The last three budgets fall squarely under Obama. And, during that time, the federal government ran up deficits of
$1.3 trillion in 2010,
$1.3 trillion in 2011, and about
$1.2 trillion in the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30 — for a total of nearly $5.2 trillion in deficit spending.
FactCheck.org : Obama?s Deficit Dodge

Observation: Obama called Bush "irresponsible, unpatriotic" for adding in 8 years $4 trillion.
Reality:Obama has added $5.2 trillion in 3 years.

At the rate Obama has added to the deficit of $1.7 trillion per year, for Obama's 8 years that
will be $13.8 trillion added if he keeps the same pace.
At that rate by 2016, the current national debt will be $23.3 trillion.
At current interest paid on the debt in 2012 or $359,796,008,919.49
Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
The national debt at the end of 2012 was $16.9 trillion
U.S. Debt Hits $16 Trillion | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
Thus the interest rate at 2012 was 2.1%
In 2016 if the rate stays the same and the national deb is $23.3 trillion the interest alone will be $510 billion or approximately 17% of government expenses.
But if the interest rate climbs between now and then to 3%??
It will be $700 billion or 23% of the government expenses the last year of Obama's reign.
Is that immoral, unpatriotic???
history will show

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnoPpWdlG3A]Rachel Maddow (1) 111th Congress put policy before politics - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBHK7zsz7xU]Rachel Maddow (2) 111th Congress put policy before politics - YouTube[/ame]




The real historical record will put BHO in the upper third of presidents, and put paid to the hatred of race in this country.
you will be so sad when you read the real historical record being reflected in the history books.

I guess that is why you like to try and rewrite history so frequently.

facts just have a liberal bias huh

And just what facts about this adminstration are worthy of anything but a disaster rating? Have you seen the jobs market? Did you see that Jan 2013 had the biggest drop of family income? Have you seen gas prices? Do you know what Obamacare will do to the economy and top quality healthcare in this country? Have you noticed an increase of 6 trillion in debt? Or are you just drinking the kool-aid?
If history shows anything but Obama being near the bottom of the barrel, it will be due to political correctness.
you will be so sad when you read the real historical record being reflected in the history books.

I guess that is why you like to try and rewrite history so frequently.

facts just have a liberal bias huh

And just what facts about this adminstration are worthy of anything but a disaster rating? Have you seen the jobs market? Did you see that Jan 2013 had the biggest drop of family income? Have you seen gas prices? Do you know what Obamacare will do to the economy and top quality healthcare in this country? Have you noticed an increase of 6 trillion in debt? Or are you just drinking the kool-aid?

Compared to where my GOP neo-con party had the country at the end of 2008 with a devastated economy, losing wars, a busted budget, and employers shedding 700,000 jobs a month?

That is the baseline against which Obama will be judged, HomeInspect, by the historians, nothing else.
you will be so sad when you read the real historical record being reflected in the history books.

I guess that is why you like to try and rewrite history so frequently.

facts just have a liberal bias huh

And just what facts about this adminstration are worthy of anything but a disaster rating? Have you seen the jobs market? Did you see that Jan 2013 had the biggest drop of family income? Have you seen gas prices? Do you know what Obamacare will do to the economy and top quality healthcare in this country? Have you noticed an increase of 6 trillion in debt? Or are you just drinking the kool-aid?

Compared to where my GOP neo-con party had the country at the end of 2008 with a devastated economy, losing wars, a busted budget, and employers shedding 700,000 jobs a month?

That is the baseline against which Obama will be judged, HomeInspect, by the historians, nothing else.

So historians won't recognize 6 trillion more in debt? Double fuel prices? High unemployment? Our economy tanking? The state of government dependency, such as food stamps? If the next guy gets in and cleans up the Bush/Obama mess, it can't look good for either.
6 million more in debt is laid on both parties, Congress, and the president.

Fuel prices respond to market, so, no, historians, will laugh at this as any sort of negative marker.

Unemployment caused by a neo-con GOP's policies? Obama could do better, I agree.

Our economy is not tanking. Silly statement.

Govt dependency because of failed neo-con GOP policies that damaged the economy severely.

I agree with the final comment, other than Obama will still be in the top third and Bush in the lower third.
6 million more in debt is laid on both parties, Congress, and the president.

Fuel prices respond to market, so, no, historians, will laugh at this as any sort of negative marker.

Unemployment caused by a neo-con GOP's policies? Obama could do better, I agree.

Our economy is not tanking. Silly statement.

Govt dependency because of failed neo-con GOP policies that damaged the economy severely.

I agree with the final comment, other than Obama will still be in the top third and Bush in the lower third.

Did you see Jan 2013 stats on family income? I'd call that tanking.
GOP failed policies? I guess Bush's history will show the Dem's failed policies.. Fat Chance. Will Bush's debt be blamed on the Dems, any more or less than Obama's on the Pub's? Look at the increase of food stamps and other government dependency programs. How can anyone twist this into a positive?
Odd how people who clearly have no grasp of history think they can write it before its time, isn't it?

History, that is to say real history, not some fantasy partisan version of history, will document what this POTUS and his administration did.

History will document events, but refrain from commentary on them.

Real History is NOT a judge of events, so much as it is a record of events put together based on some future historians opinion about what belongs in that specific account of history.

Real history leaves the judgements to the readers of that history.

History strives to ONLY to accurately give its reader an account of pertainent facts.

What utter nonsense! History is mostly fiction, based on subjective perceptions of what may, or may not be real facts. You cannot find ten people who witnessed the same event, and get less than ten versions of what happened ten minutes ago. As as been said mny times before, history is writen by the victors, for the victors perceptions of themselves.
Despite all the wailing here, Obama will be in the top third and Bush in the bottom third and all the naysayers' naysaying mean absolutely nothing.
you will be so sad when you read the real historical record being reflected in the history books.

I guess that is why you like to try and rewrite history so frequently.

facts just have a liberal bias huh

And just what facts about this adminstration are worthy of anything but a disaster rating? Have you seen the jobs market? Did you see that Jan 2013 had the biggest drop of family income? Have you seen gas prices? Do you know what Obamacare will do to the economy and top quality healthcare in this country? Have you noticed an increase of 6 trillion in debt? Or are you just drinking the kool-aid?

Compared to where my GOP neo-con party had the country at the end of 2008 with a devastated economy, losing wars, a busted budget, and employers shedding 700,000 jobs a month?

That is the baseline against which Obama will be judged, HomeInspect, by the historians, nothing else.

Nothing demonstrates the division of the United States better than the way Americans - mainly the press - treated George W. Bush since about 2007 - and the way they adulated Obama since 2004, for his empty sloganish nonsense speech. His "no red state or blue state" speech was designed to corral the simpletons who bought "if the glove don't fit you must acquit". Or the slime spewed by Jesse Jackson: "Don't end it, mend it".

The "losing war" was supported by Democrats.

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