Hitler question


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?


You should believe your own logic. Like the republican party the Peoples socialist party is just a name. It does not require the regime operating under that name to what it claims. So as Adolf was facist in fact and tRump is acting fascist their in lies the equality.
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?


Anyone who compares any current politician to Adolf Hitler just exposes the fact that they are beyond STUPID, have no knowledge of Adolf Hitler and the atrocities against humanity he committed in an attempt to take over the world.

Such an act DOES expose the level of extreme hatred that person holds in their heart against the person they have claimed 'is Adolf Hitler'.

There are often times many similarities and comparisons that can be made between people / governments / parties, but there have only been a small number of truly 'demonic' people in the world throughout history capable of committing such evil. Pol Pot, for example, comes to mind as one who ranks right up there with Hitler.

Those who call someone else 'Hitler' is actually adopting one of Hitler's tactics - dividing the nation while vilifying an entire group.

Hitler split his nation in two, divided his countrymen so by manipulation of emotions (like hate) that he turned family members against family members, that he convinced an entire nation that rounding up an entire group of people and slaughtering them would make themselves great and would make themselves better.


Years ago a high school teacher conducted a study in which he divided up his class, making the blonde kids the 'elites' and everyone else a 'lesser class'. The blondes didn't get homework, got time off, were treated better, and the others 'dumped on'. After 4 weeks the kids had been 'indoctrinated' into this study so much that they were having fights, kids were getting depressed, it started to spread within the school. The teacher and principal finally held a meeting in the gymnasium with all the kids. Before they told them what had been going on he showed them a video about Nazi Germany...and the kids began catching on what the teacher had been doing. Kids were in tears. the could not believe they had been so easily manipulated......

YOU are 'special' - everyone wants to hear that, even at the expense of vilifying others and $hit!ng on THEM.

Calling someone 'Hitler' - the man responsible for the l
holocaust - because of political anger and disagreements in ideas - is just idiotic.
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?



You got it all wrong Votto: Obama was Mao ZeDong and Trump is the Terminix bug man stomping out cockroaches with a boot on each hand.
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?


Anyone who compares any current politician to Adolf Hitler just exposes the fact that they are beyond STUPID, have no knowledge of Adolf Hitler and the atrocities against humanity he committed in an attempt to take over the world.

Such an act DOES expose the level of extreme hatred that person holds in their heart against the person they have claimed 'is Adolf Hitler'.

There are often times many similarities and comparisons that can be made between people / governments / parties, but there have only been a small number of truly 'demonic' people in the world throughout history capable of committing such evil. Pol Pot, for example, comes to mind as one who ranks right up there with Hitler.

Those who call someone else 'Hitler' is actually adopting one of Hitler's tactics - dividing the nation while vilifying an entire group.

Hitler split his nation in two, divided his countrymen so by manipulation of emotions (like hate) that he turned family members against family members, that he convinced an entire nation that rounding up an entire group of people and slaughtering them would make themselves great and would make themselves better.


Years ago a high school teacher conducted a study in which he divided up his class, making the blonde kids the 'elites' and everyone else a 'lesser class'. The blondes didn't get homework, got time off, were treated better, and the others 'dumped on'. After 4 weeks the kids had been 'indoctrinated' into this study so much that they were having fights, kids were getting depressed, it started to spread within the school. The teacher and principal finally held a meeting in the gymnasium with all the kids. Before they told them what had been going on he showed them a video about Nazi Germany...and the kids began catching on what the teacher had been doing. Kids were in tears. the could not believe they had been so easily manipulated......

YOU are 'special' - everyone wants to hear that, even at the expense of vilifying others and $hit!ng on THEM.

Calling someone 'Hitler' - the man responsible for the l
holocaust - because of political anger and disagreements in ideas - is just idiotic.
And what does tRump say to everyone who agrees with him? They are the greatest and he is even greater. This tactic and others are very reminiscent of Adolf. If you did not live through that period of time or have a father or mother who did you really can not understand the parallels.
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?


Anyone who compares any current politician to Adolf Hitler just exposes the fact that they are beyond STUPID, have no knowledge of Adolf Hitler and the atrocities against humanity he committed in an attempt to take over the world.

Such an act DOES expose the level of extreme hatred that person holds in their heart against the person they have claimed 'is Adolf Hitler'.

There are often times many similarities and comparisons that can be made between people / governments / parties, but there have only been a small number of truly 'demonic' people in the world throughout history capable of committing such evil. Pol Pot, for example, comes to mind as one who ranks right up there with Hitler.

Those who call someone else 'Hitler' is actually adopting one of Hitler's tactics - dividing the nation while vilifying an entire group.

Hitler split his nation in two, divided his countrymen so by manipulation of emotions (like hate) that he turned family members against family members, that he convinced an entire nation that rounding up an entire group of people and slaughtering them would make themselves great and would make themselves better.


Years ago a high school teacher conducted a study in which he divided up his class, making the blonde kids the 'elites' and everyone else a 'lesser class'. The blondes didn't get homework, got time off, were treated better, and the others 'dumped on'. After 4 weeks the kids had been 'indoctrinated' into this study so much that they were having fights, kids were getting depressed, it started to spread within the school. The teacher and principal finally held a meeting in the gymnasium with all the kids. Before they told them what had been going on he showed them a video about Nazi Germany...and the kids began catching on what the teacher had been doing. Kids were in tears. the could not believe they had been so easily manipulated......

YOU are 'special' - everyone wants to hear that, even at the expense of vilifying others and $hit!ng on THEM.

Calling someone 'Hitler' - the man responsible for the l
holocaust - because of political anger and disagreements in ideas - is just idiotic.
And what does tRump say to everyone who agrees with him? They are the greatest and he is even greater. This tactic and others are very reminiscent of Adolf. If you did not live through that period of time or have a father or mother who did you really can not understand the parallels.
Every person with an ego is hitler!!! :lol:
Both are pretty poor at emulating Hitler. Hitler forced the fledgling German Democracy to it's knee's within a few months of being appointed Chancellor. For 8 years Obama did nothing of the sort. And Trumpybear? Sure he talks a great Nazi game but he can't control Congress or the Judiciary, much less outlaw all opposition like Hitler did in the first 6 months.
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?


Trump is more like the party leaders that made Hitler’s rise possible, moreso than he is like Hitler himself.
The people who compare any current day politician to Hitler only proves they have a weak and lazy mind and know nothing of the history of Hitler and the Nazi party. That is what people do when they have no valid point or argument to make.
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?



You got it all wrong Votto: Obama was Mao ZeDong and Trump is the Terminix bug man stomping out cockroaches with a boot on each hand.

Damn it!

I can't keep up!
And what does tRump say to everyone who agrees with him? They are the greatest and he is even greater. This tactic and others are very reminiscent of Adolf.
So you are saying just because the President praises those who agree with him and supports him he is like the man who attempted to commit genocide in an effort to rally his people to conquer the world?


[If you did not live through that period of time or have a father or mother who did you really can not understand the parallels.
Oh I sincerely beg to differ. It used to be taught in schools. There are a HUGE number of great documentaries, books, etc on Hitler, his rise to power, his use of the Jews to rally the 'pure blood' Germans - whom HE was NOT one of, the atrocities, how children were brainwashed so that they turned in their own parents.....

'Barak Hussein Obama
Mmm, Mmm, Mmmm'

Ring a bell? You see, anyone can make such stupid accusations, that so-and-so is just like Hitler. Hitler was pure evil the likes people have only seen a few times on this earth.

Extremists just like to make these insane accusations from time to time in an attempt to make those they ideologically disagree with sound / seem like 'pure evil'.
I'm just sick of these horrid comparisons.

After all, neither have the legs for the job.

Trump is more like Goebbels than Hitler, but in fairness many modern day branders and marketing experts of today learned their trade by studying techniques designed by Hitler's propaganda minister, even if his name was redacted from the text books.
Obama warned us as he compared Trump to Hitler

Obama Compares Trump to Hitler

Speaking at the Economic Club of Chicago, Obama noted that the U.S. has survived tough times before and will again, offering as an example of tough times the days of communist fighter Joseph McCarthy.

“The danger is grow[ing] complacent,” Obama said. “We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly.”

“That's what happened in Germany in the 1930s,” Obama opined. “Sixty million people died. So, you've got to pay attention. And vote.”
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?


Gary Gulman does an excellent standup routine about pseudocons comparing Obama to Hitler because of ObamCare: ""Yeah...health care wasn't our big gripe with Hitler".
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?



That mustache seems like it could have been Obama's.

Where is Trump's mustache? Even the hair is wrong color...

I see one impostor and one real literally Hitler.
The Left tells me that Trump is Hitler and the right tells me that Obama was Hitler, so if that is the case, why don't they get along better?


Gary Gulman does an excellent standup routine about pseudocons comparing Obama to Hitler because of ObamCare: ""Yeah...health care wasn't our big gripe with Hitler".

Well I see people here say that such comparisons of either Obama or Trump to Hitler are insane, yet Obama did it.

Did Trump ever compare Obama to Hitler?

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