Hmm, Rand Paul's Filibuster exposed the two Party system


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
In my opinion today, Rand Paul's Filibuster exposed the Leadership of both Parties to be working towards the same thing, Authoritarianism. However, this shouldn't be unexpected, since the extremes that lead both parties would requires some sort of Communo-Fascism system to rule over us with their Corporate Agendas.

So, do we honestly have a choice when we vote between Democrats and Republicans?

I think we should start identifying politicians on this criteria:

Authoritarian or Libertarian or Clueless Puppets (examples)

Authoritarians: John McCain and Dianne Feinstein

Libertarians: Rand Paul and Ron Wyden

Clueless Puppets: George W. Bush and Barack Obama
"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people.

I hope you do not mind, as I have some expertise in this area. The actual quote from Mason is:

Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers

3 Elliots Debates 425. June 16, 1788

To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them

Actual quote:

Forty years ago, when the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia.

3 Elliots Debates 380 June 14, 1788 (the person Mason was referring to was Sir William Keith)

Co-author of the Second Amendment

Some would consider him the primary author and Madison as little better than a plagerist. I assume you were giving Madison credit as co-author?
Too bad he didn't use it on something that wasn't as stupid as fuck. Then he said it was to humiliate the president? Really?

The guy is such a tard, he didn't even understand that it was he that should have been humiliated. I guess brain damage is bliss. What else could explain it?
The 2 parties are very similar in many ways. It's still better than a 1 party system. In 2 party you've always got someone playing devil's advocate and that's a good thing most of the time.

OK, I'll bite. How are they similar?

They are both in the United States.

What else?
The 2 parties are very similar in many ways. It's still better than a 1 party system. In 2 party you've always got someone playing devil's advocate and that's a good thing most of the time.

OK, I'll bite. How are they similar?

They are both in the United States.

What else?

They typically don't support anything majorly different from the other party. For example Republicans call Democrats anti military because they cut the budget by like 2% which is barely anything. Or they call Democrats the party of big government but then pass the Patriot act, Dept. of Homeland Security, etc.

They all walk along the same middle ground and yell at each other about mostly minor details.
The 2 parties are very similar in many ways. It's still better than a 1 party system. In 2 party you've always got someone playing devil's advocate and that's a good thing most of the time.

OK, I'll bite. How are they similar?

They are both in the United States.

What else?

They both are out to lunch fiscally. When we were merely hundreds of billions in debt it would have been comical to believe that either party had a clue. Now that we are trillions in the's comical to think that either care about the future of the country. I love PBS and can match anyone in NPR's almost all I listen to when I listen to news radio. But if you still pump money into a radio station, calligraphers, foreign aid to Egypt, etc... and you're trillions in debt it shows nothing but disdain for either logic or those paying the bills.

Both parties strive to keep it a two party system as well.
Only problem: One cannot simply dismantle the Two Party System.

Sure they can! I think we should outlaw political parties. It would at the very least force each candidate to enunciate those things he believes in, and would concomitantly force the idiotic American voter to EDUCATE him/herself.

The way it is right now you flip a coin, heads = Dems, tails = Reps, and while all the idiots are looking to see which 'side' came up, the corporate paymasters are laughing behind their sleeves knowing that IT'S THE SAME COIN, AND IT'S GOING INTO THEIR POCKET!
Sure they can! I think we should outlaw political parties. It would at the very least force each candidate to enunciate those things he believes in, and would concomitantly force the idiotic American voter to EDUCATE him/herself.

How do you get the two major political parties to outlaw themselves? I can only think of one way, and it involves my screen name, and that option is not a justifiable remedy for this problem ... yet.
Sure they can! I think we should outlaw political parties. It would at the very least force each candidate to enunciate those things he believes in, and would concomitantly force the idiotic American voter to EDUCATE him/herself.

How do you get the two major political parties to outlaw themselves? I can only think of one way, and it involves my screen name, and that option is not a justifiable remedy for this problem ... yet.

Point taken... The problem does seem a bit complicated, but I think it is the ONLY solution.
Too bad he didn't use it on something that wasn't as stupid as fuck. Then he said it was to humiliate the president? Really?

The guy is such a tard, he didn't even understand that it was he that should have been humiliated. I guess brain damage is bliss. What else could explain it?

Rand Paul owns socks that are smarter than you.
Too bad he didn't use it on something that wasn't as stupid as fuck. Then he said it was to humiliate the president? Really?

The guy is such a tard, he didn't even understand that it was he that should have been humiliated. I guess brain damage is bliss. What else could explain it?

Rand Paul owns socks that are smarter than you.

Rand Paul has navel lint smarter than deanie.
In my opinion today, Rand Paul's Filibuster exposed the Leadership of both Parties to be working towards the same thing, Authoritarianism. However, this shouldn't be unexpected, since the extremes that lead both parties would requires some sort of Communo-Fascism system to rule over us with their Corporate Agendas.

So, do we honestly have a choice when we vote between Democrats and Republicans?

I think we should start identifying politicians on this criteria:

Authoritarian or Libertarian or Clueless Puppets (examples)

Authoritarians: John McCain and Dianne Feinstein

Libertarians: Rand Paul and Ron Wyden

Clueless Puppets: George W. Bush and Barack Obama

Ron Wyden is NOT a libertarian; he just happened to be with us on this issue.

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