Hmm, Some interesting Things About the Michigan Primary Results


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So here are the vote totals so far, and note that this primary in MI is not yet done;

Popular vote ..Biden MP20 .....Sanders ..|..Sanders MP16.....Hillary
.........................826,640 ..........571,970 ...|....598,943 ............581,775

So a brain damaged near Octagenarian pulled 245,000 votes more than She Who Must Reign?

I do hope Trumps people are watching the machinations going on in Detroit, which was cold hand caught cheating in 2016.

They should work a deal with a third party to challenge the vote in this years election to get a recount, no matter what and put these cheating fuckers in jail.

Wait, who am I kidding? Republicans dont have the balls to enforce the law on Democrats.

Meanwhile Trump has better favorable numbers than his three rivals in DC, Pelosi, Schmucker and The Turtle.
RealClearPolitics - Favorability Ratings: Political Leaders

The Democrats dont care that Joe Biden is going to be humiliated in this election.
The dems can really tell their thralls what to do and they do it, no matter what.

Jill Stein: Democrats Can't Hide Issue of Biden's 'Cognitive Decline'

2016 Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein on Monday warned Democrats will lose to President Donald Trump in November if they try hiding what she described as former Vice President Joe Biden’s “cognitive decline.”

“Biden’s team won’t let him do interviews. He made 2 short teleprompter speeches in Missouri this weekend & both generated massive gaffes that went viral,” Stein, Harvard Medical School graduate, tweeted. “You can’t beat Trump by trying to hide to avoid the issue of #BidensCognitiveDecline. How is this not a massive red flag?”

On Saturday, Biden touted himself as “an O’Biden Bama Democrat” in a short speech in St. Louis.

“To all of Amy’s folks, to all of Pete’s folks, to all of Kamala’s folks… Beto’s folks, I tell you what. What a gigantic difference it’s made. We’re going to unite this party and unite this country,” said the 77-year-old. “If you want to nominate a proud Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, an O’Biden Bama Democrat, join us.”

In a Saturday tweet, Stein predicted that Democrats are in for an “agonizing 8 months” if Biden is their nominee. “Biden’s lies & record are bad enough, but the biggest risk is his obvious cognitive decline,” she wrote. “He said he’s running for Senate, confused wife & sister, forgot Obama’s name etc. This isn’t going away. If Dems close their eyes & keep pushing Joe, it’ll be an agonizing 8 months ahead.”​

The Democrats dont care that Joe Biden is going to be humiliated in this election.

Trump lost all his Republicans in Lansing Michigan in 2018 with the Blue Wave that cleaned much of the deplorables out of the House.

All those New Democrats; And TrumpO’s Justice Dept can find NOT one single election fraud In Michigan and the Pelosi uprising.

Putin needs to dream to a new line of attack for you Russian Republicans.

Trump fears Biden. Michigan tells you exactly why?

The Michigan Board of Canvassers certified Trump's lead of 10,704 votes over Clinton, a 0.23% margin, on November 28.​

Hell I just saw a report where Michigan same day registration brought in more than 10,000 new young voters yesterday in time to vote.

You must know TrumpO won’t wIn Michigan again.
So here are the vote totals so far, and note that this primary in MI is not yet done;

Popular vote ..Biden MP20 .....Sanders ..|..Sanders MP16.....Hillary
.........................826,640 ..........571,970 ...|....598,943 ............581,775

So a brain damaged near Octagenarian pulled 245,000 votes more than She Who Must Reign?

I do hope Trumps people are watching the machinations going on in Detroit, which was cold hand caught cheating in 2016.

They should work a deal with a third party to challenge the vote in this years election to get a recount, no matter what and put these cheating fuckers in jail.

Wait, who am I kidding? Republicans dont have the balls to enforce the law on Democrats.

Meanwhile Trump has better favorable numbers than his three rivals in DC, Pelosi, Schmucker and The Turtle.
RealClearPolitics - Favorability Ratings: Political Leaders

The Democrats dont care that Joe Biden is going to be humiliated in this election.
The Dems are going to rig this election. They using the primary to make it seem as if they has many democrat voters. But actually, these voters are being paid to go around to each state and vote for their candidate. They knows that the Dems are not going to complain. Because they all are in cahoots, except for Tulsi. And which they are trying their best to get rid of her.

Rep. Gabbard sees an even bigger problem, one that President Trump warned about in 2016. Like then candidate Donald Trump experienced early on with Republican insiders, Gabbard has come against, “a small group of really powerful political elites, the establishment, making decisions that serve their interests, and maintaining that power, while the rest of us are left outside.” 2020 Hopeful Tulsi Gabbard Accuses the DNC and Mainstream Media of Trying to Rig the 2020 primary - American Liberty Report

You must know TrumpO won’t wIn Michigan again.
Trump will win Michigan, dude.

He is running unopposed and got 637,000 primary votes yesterday while Biden got a measly 820,000 in a closely competitive primary

By early November most Americans will realize that Biden is a brain damaged puppet, not a real Presidential option.

And we will once again laugh at you losers as you scream at the clouds, 'NNNOOOOO!!!!!!!'
Here's the thing. With Poison Water Snyder gone, the GOP can't engage in voter suppression in Michigan anymore.

Michigan is lost to you guys. Deal with it.
The Dems are going to rig this election. They using the primary to make it seem as if they has many democrat voters. But actually, these voters are being paid to go around to each state and vote for their candidate.

Absolutely, and they will do the same in the General election. They don't care about Joe, since his numbers come closer to beating Trump than the others,it's about getting him into office, and then resigning and giving it over to the VP the DNC selects for him. The VP doesn't have to be popular with the nutjob base, since their base will vote for anybody they're told to, except blacks and latinos won't vote for faggots or anybody who doesn't support their ethnic cleansing campaign and class war against working class whites to appease their 'globalist' Wall Street masters.
Jill Stein: Democrats Can't Hide Issue of Biden's 'Cognitive Decline'

2016 Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein on Monday warned Democrats will lose to President Donald Trump in November if they try hiding what she described as former Vice President Joe Biden’s “cognitive decline.”

“Biden’s team won’t let him do interviews. He made 2 short teleprompter speeches in Missouri this weekend & both generated massive gaffes that went viral,” Stein, Harvard Medical School graduate, tweeted. “You can’t beat Trump by trying to hide to avoid the issue of #BidensCognitiveDecline. How is this not a massive red flag?”

On Saturday, Biden touted himself as “an O’Biden Bama Democrat” in a short speech in St. Louis.

“To all of Amy’s folks, to all of Pete’s folks, to all of Kamala’s folks… Beto’s folks, I tell you what. What a gigantic difference it’s made. We’re going to unite this party and unite this country,” said the 77-year-old. “If you want to nominate a proud Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, an O’Biden Bama Democrat, join us.”

In a Saturday tweet, Stein predicted that Democrats are in for an “agonizing 8 months” if Biden is their nominee. “Biden’s lies & record are bad enough, but the biggest risk is his obvious cognitive decline,” she wrote. “He said he’s running for Senate, confused wife & sister, forgot Obama’s name etc. This isn’t going away. If Dems close their eyes & keep pushing Joe, it’ll be an agonizing 8 months ahead.”​


Your sounding as nervous as tramp, so scared that he is going to run against Biden, that is what he was impeached over.
Here's the thing. With Poison Water Snyder gone, the GOP can't engage in voter suppression in Michigan anymore.

Michigan is lost to you guys. Deal with it.

lol Michigan, that state where many Democratic precincts had 2 or 3 times the number of votes counted than they had actual residents ... lol that's why Hillary and her pet scumbag whats-her-name suddenly had the Big Giant Recount called off. The were safe in California, though, so they can stuff millions of ballots out there with no chance of being investigated by their state's politicians and police. Yes, we know you're proud and approve wholeheartedly.
Trump will win Michigan, dude.

He is running unopposed and got 637,000 primary votes yesterday while Biden got a measly 820,000 in a closely competitive primary
I went and voted BECAUSE OF TRUMP.

He wasn't really unopposed. My only choice was Trump and Bill Weld.

I voted because I want to put the fear of the Orange god in the Demomrats
I don't vote in Primaries; I'm not a member of either Party, nor a fan of either of them, and there is no 'Third Party' worth considering, they're all weird sick little nutjobs like most Democrats are.
Trump will win Michigan, dude.

TrumpO lost Michigan in 2018.

Right... Michigan Senators have been Democrats for ages. John James came really close to that hippo Stabenaw in 2018. Michigan reps in US Congress are split, half & half, with Amash going independent.

As for State Senate, there are 22 Rs and 17 Ds, and State House has 58 Rs and 53 Ds.

Three years ago, you couldn't have MAGA hat without being harnessed. Now you can walk in GM union plant, and see them everywhere. What changed?
Jill Stein: Democrats Can't Hide Issue of Biden's 'Cognitive Decline'

2016 Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein on Monday warned Democrats will lose to President Donald Trump in November if they try hiding what she described as former Vice President Joe Biden’s “cognitive decline.”

“Biden’s team won’t let him do interviews. He made 2 short teleprompter speeches in Missouri this weekend & both generated massive gaffes that went viral,” Stein, Harvard Medical School graduate, tweeted. “You can’t beat Trump by trying to hide to avoid the issue of #BidensCognitiveDecline. How is this not a massive red flag?”

On Saturday, Biden touted himself as “an O’Biden Bama Democrat” in a short speech in St. Louis.

“To all of Amy’s folks, to all of Pete’s folks, to all of Kamala’s folks… Beto’s folks, I tell you what. What a gigantic difference it’s made. We’re going to unite this party and unite this country,” said the 77-year-old. “If you want to nominate a proud Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, an O’Biden Bama Democrat, join us.”

In a Saturday tweet, Stein predicted that Democrats are in for an “agonizing 8 months” if Biden is their nominee. “Biden’s lies & record are bad enough, but the biggest risk is his obvious cognitive decline,” she wrote. “He said he’s running for Senate, confused wife & sister, forgot Obama’s name etc. This isn’t going away. If Dems close their eyes & keep pushing Joe, it’ll be an agonizing 8 months ahead.”​


Your sounding as nervous as tramp, so scared that he is going to run against Biden, that is what he was impeached over.
I did not say a word. It was all Jill Stein.

Take a reading comprehension course sometime, Penny.

You're starting to sound like Biden.
Trump will win Michigan, dude.

TrumpO lost Michigan in 2018.

Right... Michigan Senators have been Democrats for ages. John James came really close to that hippo Stabenaw in 2018. Michigan reps in US Congress are split, half & half, with Amash going independent.

As for State Senate, there are 22 Rs and 17 Ds, and State House has 58 Rs and 53 Ds.

Three years ago, you couldn't have MAGA hat without being harnessed. Now you can walk in GM union plant, and see them everywhere. What changed?
Not a peep from James yet. He acts like he really doesnt want the job. I think it's his to lose.
Bet that UAW worker gets the usual death threats from Democrats, same as that waitress in Iowa who said Hillary had her girlfriends didn't leave a tip, after all their noises about 'helping the working people and felling their pain n stuff'. She was harassed for months after that NPR interview. The same 'journalist' interviewed her this time around, too, and felt he had to apologize for the scummy bitch and her crew of sociopaths.

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