For the longest time, I was worried about Bernie’s chances, but he is the best to defeat Trump

Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

I don't think Trump loses, but Trump could falter down the stretch with unforced errors. As an example, today Trump repeated the "in-some-countries-dealers-get-the-death-penalty" bit, and used Taiwan and even China as examples of where this works and there aren't problems in these countries. You can bet that come the general election, the media will all over these issues to paint him as they want. He's not invincible, so he needs to balance his message especially since his opposition is so broad and fierce.

I view this as damaging to the outreach he has worked on, when black voters are viewing him as someone who wants to use common sense with the justice system, not the "lock them up and throw away the key" positions they view GOP as having.

Maybe he thinks doing this places bigger distance between him and the Dem candidates, and, it helps him in the Rustbelt communities impacted by these poisons. From a political standpoint, in my opinion, it's an unnecessary road to go down He doesn't need to present this position to prove he support Rule of Law, everyone assumes he will be moreso than his Dem opponent, so why go further? What demographic are you trying to pick up at the expense of another?

Also, the $100M given to China re: the Coronavirus outbreak seems at least odd, considering the Communist govt. wealth. Again, this could get replayed during the G.E.

There is some cross over with Bernie and Trump supporters. Especially on 2nd Amendment rights and the general role as the outsider. I won't ever count out anyone, but I think Bernie faces a big obstacle with the DNC. If Trump can stay on message and not allow himself to be painted as a traditional GOP but instead, more libertarian (not full libertarian of course), he will win. If he fumbles, anything is possible, even with a great economy.

Yep, Bernie was for 2 amendment before Trump was and he still is very pro.

You used the words "Bernie" and "2nd Amendment" in the same sentence."


Well he said he wants to push the issue down to the states and suggested 99.9% of gun owners are law abiding, so he doesn't want extreme positions.

I guess we will see. He's not about confiscation from what I have heard. I also read he had donations from the NRA, but I am going on memory.

Do you see how badly some of the states are screwing up the Second Amendment? Virginia? Illinois? Colorado? New York? California?

No, I don't want my Second Amendment right in the hands of some state bureaucracy that doesn't understand what "shall not be infringed" means. No way Jose.
As I said, on The Five right now, Greg and others openly admit, Pete is going for the libertarian vote, and it will only work if Trump takes the extreme position.

All these candidates want to do is find where Trump is on a position and take a middle ground position just to take a few votes. The same way Trump has been on Justice Reform to reach out to the black community.
Buttplug seems to have a libertarian lean. He will not get the nomination, so it doesn't matter.

As I said, on The Five right now, Greg and others openly admit, Pete is going for the libertarian vote, and it will only work if Trump takes the extreme position.

All these candidates want to do is find where Trump is on a position and take a middle ground position just to take a few votes. The same way Trump has been on Justice Reform to reach out to the black community.

It seems that right now they are trying to pander to get the black vote...

By telling whites how awful they are. Reparations, white privilege and all that hyper-leftist nonsense.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey
It seems like you post out of frustration because no one takes you seriously enough as a troll.

It's desperation out of knowing that Trump is going to win a second term. Even Michael Moore predicted that Trump is going to win.
Holy crap, talk about contrast. The nutters from both ends would be all fired up, and the rest of the country would be wondering how the fuck we got here.
Those crazy moderate Repub voting extremists against the commie progs and their insane huge multi gazillion dollar agendas. The 5 year plans are not far away. Bernie is an early communist. Everything is peaches and cream. The peoples peaches and cream. To eventually be replaced by an inferior tough tasting fruit and low grade milk. Then it will be sold two days a week at the government stores with long lines waiting for the treat. People calling it a treat because the surveillance state will punish them if they do not look happy about it. People will see less of theor family members as they will be needed to grow the inferior fruit crop and get the milk from any animal on four legs. The products made will be to minimal to support the population and the disgruntled will have to be sent away. Permanently. And with half the population that we have now the glorious state will give us all the good news and we will approve.....or else!
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey
It seems like you post out of frustration because no one takes you seriously enough as a troll.

It's desperation out of knowing that Trump is going to win a second term. Even Michael Moore predicted that Trump is going to win.

If I get better odds, I am going to lay cash down on Trump winning. He still needs to think about how he is viewed and make sure it is entirely different than what those in 2016 tried to paint him as. Anytime he makes statements that are reflexive in nature, even if he is just throwing darts, it can make its way into an attack ad and hurt him drastically.

He just needs to stay the course, keep his promises, don't let others define him.
Lol. Roll ol Bernie out there. Nobody but socialist liberal idiots would vote for that buffoon.

I take this sudden Bernie love as a tacit admission by the Democrats, that Biden is toast. How desperate they are to go from retarded to full-retard.

Never go full retard.
When the dust settles - we may realize that Bloomberg has the best chance of defeating Trump*.
It's desperation out of knowing that Trump is going to win a second term. Even Michael Moore predicted that Trump is going to win.
I'd be careful with that though, remember the hillary crowd? they were out partying the night before the anointing of the queen, now look at em... they deserve it so don't let that happen to you.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

Could very well be a possibility and with trump coming out today and announcing he may do away with student loan forgiveness maybe the younger voters will vote this election.
Everyone who paid off their student loans is against student loan forgiveness. That includes me.
Forget the propaganda that the Dems are out to get Bernie, that's how they kept you Bernie people from voting for Hillary last time. Both political party's are a mess, DONT vote for personality's or pie in the sky plans.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey
It seems like you post out of frustration because no one takes you seriously enough as a troll.

It's desperation out of knowing that Trump is going to win a second term. Even Michael Moore predicted that Trump is going to win.

If I get better odds, I am going to lay cash down on Trump winning. He still needs to think about how he is viewed and make sure it is entirely different than what those in 2016 tried to paint him as. Anytime he makes statements that are reflexive in nature, even if he is just throwing darts, it can make its way into an attack ad and hurt him drastically.

He just needs to stay the course, keep his promises, don't let others define him.

That exactly what Trump has done, in spite of constant and brutal harassment from the Democrats: He has stayed the course, kept his promises, and hasn't let others define him. He has thrived and excelled, even without the support of the Democrats.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

When Bernie starts killing those that are not productive to the state, who will be there to save your sorry dumb ass?
When the dust settles - we may realize that Bloomberg has the best chance of defeating Trump*.

You think the Bolshevik radicals are going to elect a billionaire? He belongs in the gulag, or was it guillotine...
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey
actually Bernie is a full fledged communist ! and i assume that you are going to vote for a communist for POTUS !proof that TDS has reached new levels of stupidity and insanity ! unless i missed it Sanders has said nothing to dispute or condemn the statements made by these campaign workers .
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WHAT the heck do a bunch of dictators have to do with social programs? even the over the top ones beat a dictator. Not a realistic comparison between Hitler & any Democrat.
Nobody in his/her right mind votes for a fucking commie. That's why you commies try to hide your goose-stepping agenda.

No open commie will ever do much.

What, specifically, in Bernie’s platform is communist?
Socialism is the Economic wing of communism..
answer this, when most businesses close, and people are laid off and welfare expands, you build housing. Your country needs to produce, how will you get people to work? Slavery?
So you think if someone other than Trump is president that all will revert, as in employment. Give me a clue that it will.
Answer my question, if you lay me off, give me house and a check, how will you get me to produce?
You don't work, so why should I answer to you?
Lol you can’t explain your socialism
Every shit hole in America is run by democrats

the college debt was created by democrats

The health care mess was created by democrats

Democrats hate Walmart. But create tiny Walmart’s all around Boston kicking the ordinary entrepreneurs out.

democrats are dine! I want to be a campaign manager!
Why do you live in Boston if you don't like it being run by Dems. Are the Waltons Democrats? Who offers student loans, Banks?
I live living in Boston, I won’t leave until I’m done

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