For the longest time, I was worried about Bernie’s chances, but he is the best to defeat Trump

Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

Okay... That's great... the question should be... Is Bernie what's best for this country? Are his policies? Personally, I don't think he'd be any better for this country, in the long run, that Trump is... If Bernie is the best the Democrats can offer up, we're screwed again.
He can't possibly be as bad as tRump.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

When Bernie starts killing those that are not productive to the state, who will be there to save your sorry dumb ass?

That is incredibly silly since Stalinism is not at all Socialism, and no one even begins to question the obvious fact Hitler was as anti socialist as anyone could ever get. Fascism of Hitler and Mussolini was coalition of the aristocracy, military, and industrialists, about as capitalist as one could ever possibly get.
A National Socialist is not a Socialist. National Socialism is the opposite of Socialism.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

When Bernie starts killing those that are not productive to the state, who will be there to save your sorry dumb ass?

That is incredibly silly since Stalinism is not at all Socialism, and no one even begins to question the obvious fact Hitler was as anti socialist as anyone could ever get. Fascism of Hitler and Mussolini was coalition of the aristocracy, military, and industrialists, about as capitalist as one could ever possibly get.
A National Socialist is not a Socialist. National Socialism is the opposite of Socialism.
Marx said the first step toward communism is "socialism." Communist ideology, and hence socialist ideology, killed millions.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey
Sanders can't beat Trump. The best chance the Democrat Party has to win the Presidency is to regroup and try to field a decent candidate in 2040
Bernie Sanders is an old kook. Pete Buttegieg is an inexperienced mayor who passed "pooper scooper" ordinances for walking your dog in a public park, Warren can't figure out who she is, and Biden is senile and creepy. Klobucher is rising and she is about as exciting as a fast food restaurant dumpster.
Because he’s a self-identified socialist? Nah. That’s old news is my point.
Nobody in his/her right mind votes for a fucking commie. That's why you commies try to hide your goose-stepping agenda.

No open commie will ever do much.

What, specifically, in Bernie’s platform is communist?

Free Shit Platform.
Does that mean you don’t drive on highways or any public roads for that matter?
Because he’s a self-identified socialist? Nah. That’s old news is my point.
Nobody in his/her right mind votes for a fucking commie. That's why you commies try to hide your goose-stepping agenda.

No open commie will ever do much.

What, specifically, in Bernie’s platform is communist?

Free Shit Platform.
Does that mean you don’t drive on highways or any public roads for that matter?
Only the ones that have tolls. The hiways and public roads use my taxes.
Because he’s a self-identified socialist? Nah. That’s old news is my point.
Nobody in his/her right mind votes for a fucking commie. That's why you commies try to hide your goose-stepping agenda.

No open commie will ever do much.

What, specifically, in Bernie’s platform is communist?

Free Shit Platform.
Does that mean you don’t drive on highways or any public roads for that matter?
He does drive on them because he pays taxes, asshole.
Because he’s a self-identified socialist? Nah. That’s old news is my point.
Nobody in his/her right mind votes for a fucking commie. That's why you commies try to hide your goose-stepping agenda.

No open commie will ever do much.

What, specifically, in Bernie’s platform is communist?

Free Shit Platform.
Does that mean you don’t drive on highways or any public roads for that matter?
He does drive on them because he pays taxes, asshole.
Uh yeah which is the same for any of Bernie’s proposals.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

Yep. Our choice will be between fascism and socialism. I probably won't bother voting.
Marx said the first step toward communism is "socialism." Communist ideology, and hence socialist ideology, killed millions.
He did say that, which proves he was a fucking idiot.

The first step towards socialism is communism. Communism is a stateless form of existence. It is anarchy. After the revolutionaries murder everybody and gain their communism, they will want someone to administer the means of production and distribution. They will not want to do it their lazy-ass selves. They will form a government to do so and, BOOOM! Socialism.

socialists are worse than communists but they're all the same, classified under one general pejorative: commies

Kill a commie for mommy.

It doesn't sound like a strong endorsement to me. In fact it sounds pathetic.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey
No, Billy. Don't let the spin get to you. Bernie can't win.

If Bernie is nominated I am going to work suicide hotline when he loses in November because so many will be suicidal after realizing Bernie was the second worst choice behind Warren!
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

When Bernie starts killing those that are not productive to the state, who will be there to save your sorry dumb ass?

That is incredibly silly since Stalinism is not at all Socialism, and no one even begins to question the obvious fact Hitler was as anti socialist as anyone could ever get. Fascism of Hitler and Mussolini was coalition of the aristocracy, military, and industrialists, about as capitalist as one could ever possibly get.
A National Socialist is not a Socialist. National Socialism is the opposite of Socialism.
I used to find people like you as just being uninformed, then I realized that you have been intentionally dumbed down, because the children of the liberal elites are stupid like Hunter Biden, so the elites dumb you fucks down so their children have a chance in life. But here, let me entertain you on some real information. Because you have been duped by the left.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
In the book, Hayek "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[6] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the view among British Marxists that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey
No, Billy. Don't let the spin get to you. Bernie can't win.

If Bernie is nominated I am going to work suicide hotline when he loses in November because so many will be suicidal after realizing Bernie was the second worst choice behind Warren!
Well that will be a good thing, as those liberals who would "actually" kill themselves would make the world a better place, because there would be less welfare, less poverty, and the best thing for the world, less CO2 that comes from their bloviations...

Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

Yep. Our choice will be between fascism and socialism. I probably won't bother voting.
Thank you for not participating as you not voting means there wont be a vote against the President..But since you arent participating then you need to shut the fuck up because you wont have skin in the game.
Nobody in his/her right mind votes for a fucking commie. That's why you commies try to hide your goose-stepping agenda.

No open commie will ever do much.

What, specifically, in Bernie’s platform is communist?

Free Shit Platform.
Does that mean you don’t drive on highways or any public roads for that matter?
He does drive on them because he pays taxes, asshole.
Uh yeah which is the same for any of Bernie’s proposals.
Perhaps a more moderate democrat is needed in the race, but Biden is old news and Pete just doesn’t have the star power Bernie has. Like Trump, he has an army of enthusiastic supporters.

It’s already been well established that he is a socialist so the thinking that alone will kill his chances is overblown. All Americans already know who he is and what he stands for. Despite this, he beats Trump In hypothetical match up polls and is the most popular politician in the country.

I’m not saying I have total confidence he will win, but I do think he has the best chance out of all the other dem candidates.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has topped Democrats' list of most-liked 2020 candidates, according to new survey

Yep. Our choice will be between fascism and socialism. I probably won't bother voting.
Thank you for not participating as you not voting means there wont be a vote against the President..But since you arent participating then you need to shut the fuck up because you wont have skin in the game.

Hah.... no, you won't get that. I won't shut the fuck up. I'll point out every asinine, moronic, evil thing you dumb motherfuckers do. Loudly.

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