Hmmm...I thought churches didn't have to worry about performing gay marriages...what about this...

1. They run a for-profit business so that business doesn't get exemption;

2. They are in Idaho so they are looking for attention or else they could pay a couple hundred bucks, start a non-profit business, and gift their property to the church. instead they sued for something they have not been prosecuted for.

3. you would have a hard time convincing me that the "hitching post" is a religious enterprise

4. While I generally oppose public accommodation laws, they do exist and this place is subject to them like Walmart
City threatens to arrest ministers who refuse to perform same-sex weddings Fox News

I'm no true believer but this is complete bullshit & goes against our founding principles.

you're no true believer ?

sure you are, you believe everything Fox feeds you.
Right, because Fox News totally made up the lawsuit that is being filed....

stfu Fox fan ... don't talk with your mouth full ... grunt and nod your head.

For all the tolerance the left claims to have, some of you are very hateful towards others opinions.
Where do they advertise secular weddings? I'm skeptical, why not go to a JP?

I have nothing to get over. I didn't say it was a church and it isn't my business. The point was that it isn't yours either, most folks find a company that provides the service they want but the fags are too deranged apparently. You, on the other hand, are a slave to your orientation. You live in the gay threads, it's your life. Maybe you need to get over it?

You don't have to be a member of any church nor profess a religion to get married there. Anyone (except the "fags") can get a license and make an appointment. Secular, religious, whatever (except the "fags"). That violates the business laws of the locality apparently.

Know what they have the option of doing? Stop being a for profit business and declare themselves a tax exempt church. Oh, but then they couldn't worship the all mighty dollar that seems to be more important than their actual faith.

You're so blinded by your tyrannical, leftist, ideology you can even see that stuff like this will hurt your cause:eusa_eh:...Go somewhere else
That's what they said in Nashville about the Woolworths Lunch Counter.

Blacs who fought for their civil rights would roll over in their graves if they knew the way you faggots have perverted their cause.

The same people who thought Blacks shouldn't have equal rights with Whites, also oppose equal rights for 'faggots'.

Matter of fact- the same people who use the word 'faggot' are pretty much the same people who use the word 'N****r'- and for the same reason.
Some in the black civil rights movement couldn't see that women's rights were just as important and whined about that too. Civil Rights are civil rights, regardless of race, gender, orientation, handicap, etc.
The claim was made:

They are still ordained ministers and cannot be compelled to act against their morals.

My question stands- can they be compelled to pay income taxes if they claim it would be against their morals?

The issue is exactly the same. Can anyone who claims to be a religious professional be forced by government to do anything that he or she claims is against his or her religious teachings?
That's quite a stretch no where near the same. Can they be tried for murder if they claim murder was moral? Of course.

There's no provision in the constitution that allows for you not paying taxes but there is something about religious freedom. The ministers are not imposing their beliefs on anyone, it's the other way around. That said, I don't agree with PA laws, especially now that we are on the slippery slope for any special interest group to force their will on society.
Some in the black civil rights movement couldn't see that women's rights were just as important and whined about that too. Civil Rights are civil rights, regardless of race, gender, orientation, handicap, etc.
You forgot to support the assertion. And where is sexual orientation mention in the Constitution?
The claim was made:

They are still ordained ministers and cannot be compelled to act against their morals.

My question stands- can they be compelled to pay income taxes if they claim it would be against their morals?

The issue is exactly the same. Can anyone who claims to be a religious professional be forced by government to do anything that he or she claims is against his or her religious teachings?
That's quite a stretch no where near the same. Can they be tried for murder if they claim murder was moral? Of course.

There's no provision in the constitution that allows for you not paying taxes but there is something about religious freedom. The ministers are not imposing their beliefs on anyone, it's the other way around. That said, I don't agree with PA laws, especially now that we are on the slippery slope for any special interest group to force their will on society.
Murder OBVIOUSLY takes away the life of another. OBVIOUSLY ( most of us)
Some in the black civil rights movement couldn't see that women's rights were just as important and whined about that too. Civil Rights are civil rights, regardless of race, gender, orientation, handicap, etc.
You forgot to support the assertion. And where is sexual orientation mention in the Constitution?
In the same place that gender is.
It's not like a LOT of the people didn't see this coming.

But remember, it was all about they just wanted to get hitched to each other

gawd people wake up..aren't you tired of being duped by these progressives/Democrats/militant HOMOSEXUALS?
Some in the black civil rights movement couldn't see that women's rights were just as important and whined about that too. Civil Rights are civil rights, regardless of race, gender, orientation, handicap, etc.
You forgot to support the assertion. And where is sexual orientation mention in the Constitution?
In the same place that gender is.

The 19th Amendment mentions sexual orientation? Because it certainly mentions gender

bodecea where did you go Petecea? Oh,did you not realize the 19th was part of the COTUS? oops
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But the chapel is also registered as a for-profit business...

And that's the end of the discussion, right there. It's a business, not a non-profit church.
It's not like a LOT of the people didn't see this coming.

But remember, it was all about they just wanted to get hitched to each other

gawd people wake up..aren't you tired of being duped by these progressives/Democrats/militant HOMOSEXUALS?
why cant you get ebola or something?
But the chapel is also registered as a for-profit business...

And that's the end of the discussion, right there. It's a business, not a non-profit church.

My question is why the OP feels the need to lie out the gate in order to whip up phony outrage? I'm sure he read the article befo....nevermind I think I answered my own question
Sounds like another rightwing load of bullshit

Someone let me know what the REAL story is

The real story was covered, at length, in previous threads on this stupidity.

They are NOT "ministers", they're business men, running a for-profit business.

They broke the law. It has nothing at all to do with being "liberal" except that RWs are in favor of breaking equality laws.

If they did not charge for their services, then there is a violation of the government intruding on their religion.

Since they do charge, then they are subject to different laws.

The last thing is, that I would not go to a minister and ask them to preform a wedding for me, if his beliefs were not in align with mine. The homosexuals are being petty.
The wedding chapel charges for renting the premises. The minister does not charge for his services. A gratuity is suggested. Gays are going to lose this one.
But the chapel is also registered as a for-profit business...

And that's the end of the discussion, right there. It's a business, not a non-profit church.

Where in the 1st amendment is the tax code given as the decider on who or what is a religion? Why is the building the concern when it comes to 1st amendment rights?

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