Hmmm...I thought churches didn't have to worry about performing gay marriages...what about this...

Not at all, seawytch.

The change for various reason.

Please don't act like Sil: you are both wrong.

Neither of you (and you a whole lot less) have public opinion on your side.

Oh, by all means Jake, show me where I'm wrong. How have churches changed their policies, through government intervention? No, through public opinion. Churches once said they would NEVER let n words in...but they did. Then they said they'd never marry a white person to an n-word...but they did. The Mormons fought against allowing those with the "mark of Cain" to hold positions of authority in their church. Why did they change? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

Churches need a flock. The flocks are leaving and won't return until churches become more welcoming to their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

I even have numbers on my side, Jake.

Churches becoming more gay-friendly, study shows

A new study out of Duke University shows that more than half of the country's houses of worship are gay-friendly, a 10 percent increase since 2007.

A Shifting Landscape: A Decade of Change in American Attitudes about Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT Issues

Nearly 6-in-10 (58%) Americans agree that religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental on gay and lesbian issues. Seven-in-ten (70%) Millennials believe that religious groups are alienating young adults by being too judgmental on gay and lesbian issues. Only among members of the Silent Generation do less than a majority (43%) believe religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental about gay and lesbian issues.
No churches should not be forced to do that which is against their beliefs, however it's very sad that they cannot accept everybody and feel the need to be exclusive, instead of letting God worry about who will or who will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
it wasn't a church, it's a for profit wedding chapel called the hitching post.
Does an Army Chaplain have to preach about how abortion is great is the Army orders him to?

Does a hospital chaplain have to preach about the wonderfulness of abortion if he works full time in a hospital?

Religion stays with pastors no matter where they practice it.

Sure, but if what the other poster says is true, then it is more like a business (a wedding chapel) than an actual church that performs sermons, etc. I'm quite sure that one of those marriage chapels does not meet up to the requirements to be considered a "church" and would therefore be a business for the public.

Scientology is a church which sells it services like a business sells knick-knacks, yet Scientologists believe that they are part of a religion.
Not the same thing. These people provide a service for profit. They aren't a church.
You are a fool. It was that "gay plague" that got us the advances we have today. If not for AIDS, we would not be where we are in marriage equality.

Yeah, "Advances" uhuh, and I suppose Ebola is an advance too and same with bankruptcy and dementia, people just love "Advances" when they appear.
No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

Could have sworn we just has a thread a month or two back, of a gay guy going to a Christian church that taught being gay was a sin, and you specifically attack that church for not performing the funeral.

I didn't "attack" anyone, weirdo.

Yes, I can see that people like you don't even see homosexuals as being human and seem to think they are not worthy of a funeral. God is also going to judge YOU.

You attacked me, after saying you didn't attack anyone. That's funny.
I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

Could have sworn we just has a thread a month or two back, of a gay guy going to a Christian church that taught being gay was a sin, and you specifically attack that church for not performing the funeral.

I didn't "attack" anyone, weirdo.

Yes, I can see that people like you don't even see homosexuals as being human and seem to think they are not worthy of a funeral. God is also going to judge YOU.

You attacked me, after saying you didn't attack anyone. That's funny.

I "attacked" you? :lol: I'm just a tiny girl! You must be a super wimp!
Uh-oh! I think I made Androw cry! :itsok: Sorry Androw, I had no idea you were SO sensitive. Lol!
No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.
No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.

Homosexuality expresses as a mental illness, society never adapts to mental illness, never incorporates it into the definition of normal. What you're seeing is issue fatigue from most people, like a mother giving into the wishes of her child who is in the midst of a tantrum - "here's the candy, not just shut up will you." The mother doesn't actually believe that giving the candy to her kid is a normal substitute for a balanced meal.
No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.

Homosexuality expresses as a mental illness, society never adapts to mental illness, never incorporates it into the definition of normal. What you're seeing is issue fatigue from most people, like a mother giving into the wishes of her child who is in the midst of a tantrum - "here's the candy, not just shut up will you." The mother doesn't actually believe that giving the candy to her kid is a normal substitute for a balanced meal.

:lol: Right...go with that...gays are just "wearing people down". :lol:

More likely? People are finding it difficult to say to loved ones who have come out "I love you but I don't think you deserve the same rights as I enjoy".
No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.

Homosexuality expresses as a mental illness, society never adapts to mental illness, never incorporates it into the definition of normal. What you're seeing is issue fatigue from most people, like a mother giving into the wishes of her child who is in the midst of a tantrum - "here's the candy, not just shut up will you." The mother doesn't actually believe that giving the candy to her kid is a normal substitute for a balanced meal.

:lol: Right...go with that...gays are just "wearing people down". :lol:

More likely? People are finding it difficult to say to loved ones who have come out "I love you but I don't think you deserve the same rights as I enjoy".

With homosexuals being only 1%-2% of the population, the odds of personal family dynamics being the driver here are nonsensical. Besides, homosexuals have existed for a long time, so why weren't those family dynamics in play in 1776?
No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.

Homosexuality expresses as a mental illness, society never adapts to mental illness, never incorporates it into the definition of normal. What you're seeing is issue fatigue from most people, like a mother giving into the wishes of her child who is in the midst of a tantrum - "here's the candy, not just shut up will you." The mother doesn't actually believe that giving the candy to her kid is a normal substitute for a balanced meal.

:lol: Right...go with that...gays are just "wearing people down". :lol:

More likely? People are finding it difficult to say to loved ones who have come out "I love you but I don't think you deserve the same rights as I enjoy".

With homosexuals being only 1%-2% of the population, the odds of personal family dynamics being the driver here are nonsensical. Besides, homosexuals have existed for a long time, so why weren't those family dynamics in play in 1776?

Family dynamics are absolutely the driver. In 1776 nobody came out as gay. In 1970, few came out as gay. In 2014...most come out.

Knowing Someone Gay Lesbian Affects Views of Gay Issues
Not surprising. The US Government at every level and in almost every location no longer has any idea what morals or values are.

What's next.... A law to force me to ATTEND a same - sex wedding if invited to one?

it is not government's job to teach you morals.

that said, I don't believe any effort to force a religious institution to perform marriages would prevail. the question I have, is this a church? I don't think it is... it is a wedding chapel which is, presumably, non-denominational. it isn't a church.

That is what I have concluded from the remarks on this board. I think that federal government could legally and would force a for profit wedding chapel to perform the ceremony or face stiff penalties and/or fines.

If I owned it, the only time available to have the wedding would be between the hours of 3 and 3:30 AM on Tuesday, Jan 15, 2016. All other times would be filled with reservations. And, an illness in the persons family who performs the ceremony might cause a rather lengthy postponement.

Once this got known to the public it would be just like Hobby Lobby. A full chapel every day.
Not at all, seawytch.

The change for various reason.

Please don't act like Sil: you are both wrong.

Neither of you (and you a whole lot less) have public opinion on your side.

Oh, by all means Jake, show me where I'm wrong. How have churches changed their policies, through government intervention? No, through public opinion. Churches once said they would NEVER let n words in...but they did. Then they said they'd never marry a white person to an n-word...but they did. The Mormons fought against allowing those with the "mark of Cain" to hold positions of authority in their church. Why did they change? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

Churches need a flock. The flocks are leaving and won't return until churches become more welcoming to their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

I even have numbers on my side, Jake.

Churches becoming more gay-friendly, study shows

A new study out of Duke University shows that more than half of the country's houses of worship are gay-friendly, a 10 percent increase since 2007.

A Shifting Landscape: A Decade of Change in American Attitudes about Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT Issues

Nearly 6-in-10 (58%) Americans agree that religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental on gay and lesbian issues. Seven-in-ten (70%) Millennials believe that religious groups are alienating young adults by being too judgmental on gay and lesbian issues. Only among members of the Silent Generation do less than a majority (43%) believe religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental about gay and lesbian issues.

Your continued attempts to equate faggot with color are just stupid. Whites and blacks had separate churches for years (and let's be clear the blacks were just as adamant about having their "black" churches as the white were about having their "white" churches) for a myriad of reasons, and not ONE of them was because they believed having a certain skin color was a mortal sin as being a faggot is.

No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.

Homosexuality expresses as a mental illness, society never adapts to mental illness, never incorporates it into the definition of normal. What you're seeing is issue fatigue from most people, like a mother giving into the wishes of her child who is in the midst of a tantrum - "here's the candy, not just shut up will you." The mother doesn't actually believe that giving the candy to her kid is a normal substitute for a balanced meal.

:lol: Right...go with that...gays are just "wearing people down". :lol:

More likely? People are finding it difficult to say to loved ones who have come out "I love you but I don't think you deserve the same rights as I enjoy".

No , actually Rik is right. People like me , who when this issue came up said "hey whatever let the faggots marry" are SICK of your bullshit. Frankly, I'm to the point now where I just want you to shut up, whether that means you have the right to marry, or you don't isn't even important to me any more. I just want you to shut up.

If al you cared about was the "right to marry" SeaBytch, there is no way you would be on here talking about pubic opinion forcing some church to do that which they don't want to do. But that is not all you want SeaBytch, you want people to be FORCED to "accept" you, you can deny it all you want, but your posts prove I'm right. No one here believes you wouldn't love anything more than a court ruling forcing a Christian church to perform a faggot wedding.

Yes, you've work people down alright, the problem is you don't know when to shut up. Hell even Jake is having a hard time reconciling what you are saying in this thread, and that son of a bitch is as liberal as they come (sorry Jake, you know it's true man)
Not surprising. The US Government at every level and in almost every location no longer has any idea what morals or values are.

What's next.... A law to force me to ATTEND a same - sex wedding if invited to one?

it is not government's job to teach you morals.

that said, I don't believe any effort to force a religious institution to perform marriages would prevail. the question I have, is this a church? I don't think it is... it is a wedding chapel which is, presumably, non-denominational. it isn't a church.

That is what I have concluded from the remarks on this board. I think that federal government could legally and would force a for profit wedding chapel to perform the ceremony or face stiff penalties and/or fines.

If I owned it, the only time available to have the wedding would be between the hours of 3 and 3:30 AM on Tuesday, Jan 15, 2016. All other times would be filled with reservations. And, an illness in the persons family who performs the ceremony might cause a rather lengthy postponement.
Once this got known to the public it would be just like Hobby Lobby. A full chapel every day.

Yep, these people getting caught by these laws are STUPID. Just say 'oh, sorry , we're booked until 2017, see right here it says must schedule in advance"
Sounds like another rightwing load of bullshit

Someone let me know what the REAL story is

The real story was covered, at length, in previous threads on this stupidity.

They are NOT "ministers", they're business men, running a for-profit business.

They broke the law. It has nothing at all to do with being "liberal" except that RWs are in favor of breaking equality laws.

The government doesn't get to decide who is a minister or not, that pesky first amendment again.

and the religious parasites get a tax free ride

What do you think the Churches do with the money they don't have to give to the government to fund planned parenthood and other organizations that performs functions that are diametrically opposed by the Church?
I could tell you, but it would not really serve any purpose. A bigot by any other name is still a bigot.
No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.

Homosexuality expresses as a mental illnessl.

I think homophobia and bigotry expresses as a mental illness.
Not at all, seawytch.

The change for various reason.

Please don't act like Sil: you are both wrong.

Neither of you (and you a whole lot less) have public opinion on your side.

Oh, by all means Jake, show me where I'm wrong. How have churches changed their policies, through government intervention? No, through public opinion. Churches once said they would NEVER let n words in...but they did. Then they said they'd never marry a white person to an n-word...but they did. The Mormons fought against allowing those with the "mark of Cain" to hold positions of authority in their church. Why did they change? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

Churches need a flock. The flocks are leaving and won't return until churches become more welcoming to their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

I even have numbers on my side, Jake.

Churches becoming more gay-friendly, study shows

A new study out of Duke University shows that more than half of the country's houses of worship are gay-friendly, a 10 percent increase since 2007.

A Shifting Landscape: A Decade of Change in American Attitudes about Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT Issues

Nearly 6-in-10 (58%) Americans agree that religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental on gay and lesbian issues. Seven-in-ten (70%) Millennials believe that religious groups are alienating young adults by being too judgmental on gay and lesbian issues. Only among members of the Silent Generation do less than a majority (43%) believe religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental about gay and lesbian issues.

Your continued attempts to equate faggot with color are just stupid. Whites and blacks had separate churches for years (and let's be clear the blacks were just as adamant about having their "black" churches as the white were about having their "white" churches) for a myriad of reasons, and not ONE of them was because they believed having a certain skin color was a mortal sin as being a faggot is.

No actually I'm not. Do you know why young people are turning away from organized religion?

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.

Homosexuality expresses as a mental illness, society never adapts to mental illness, never incorporates it into the definition of normal. What you're seeing is issue fatigue from most people, like a mother giving into the wishes of her child who is in the midst of a tantrum - "here's the candy, not just shut up will you." The mother doesn't actually believe that giving the candy to her kid is a normal substitute for a balanced meal.

:lol: Right...go with that...gays are just "wearing people down". :lol:

More likely? People are finding it difficult to say to loved ones who have come out "I love you but I don't think you deserve the same rights as I enjoy".

"hey whatever let the faggots marry" are SICK of your bullshit. m a faggot wedding.)

Just like the people used to say 'N*gger' wedding, or Jew wedding, or **** wedding.....

Same words.

Used by the same people- for the same reason.
Not at all, seawytch.

The change for various reason.

Please don't act like Sil: you are both wrong.

Neither of you (and you a whole lot less) have public opinion on your side.

Oh, by all means Jake, show me where I'm wrong. How have churches changed their policies, through government intervention? No, through public opinion. Churches once said they would NEVER let n words in...but they did. Then they said they'd never marry a white person to an n-word...but they did. The Mormons fought against allowing those with the "mark of Cain" to hold positions of authority in their church. Why did they change? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

Churches need a flock. The flocks are leaving and won't return until churches become more welcoming to their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

I even have numbers on my side, Jake.

Churches becoming more gay-friendly, study shows

A new study out of Duke University shows that more than half of the country's houses of worship are gay-friendly, a 10 percent increase since 2007.

A Shifting Landscape: A Decade of Change in American Attitudes about Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT Issues

Nearly 6-in-10 (58%) Americans agree that religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental on gay and lesbian issues. Seven-in-ten (70%) Millennials believe that religious groups are alienating young adults by being too judgmental on gay and lesbian issues. Only among members of the Silent Generation do less than a majority (43%) believe religious groups are alienating young people by being too judgmental about gay and lesbian issues.

Your continued attempts to equate faggot with color are just stupid. Whites and blacks had separate churches for years (and let's be clear the blacks were just as adamant about having their "black" churches as the white were about having their "white" churches) for a myriad of reasons, and not ONE of them was because they believed having a certain skin color was a mortal sin as being a faggot is.

Is that a trick question or something? Because they're young and they're doing what you people have always done, turn away from religion.

Then they mature and turn back to religion. You think hippies in 1968 got dressed up in their Sunday best every Sunday morning and went to church and then went home and baked themselves a fresh batch of hash brownies and dropped some Quaaludes? No, they were godless freaks. Look at what happened to that generation as they grew up. That 22 year old hippie in 1968 is 68 this year, part of the most religious age demographic in the nation.

Then, of course there is this:

There is one life event, though, that greatly accelerates a person’s shift to the right, and it often occurs in the 30s: parenthood. Its political impact is easy to see among a cohort of Canadian college students studied by psychologist Robert Altemeyer. Their scores on an ideology test at age 22 grew more conservative by an average of 5.4 percent when they were retested at 30. But among those 30-year-olds who’d had children, conservatism increased by 9.4 percent.
As with conservatism, religion also comes back into people's lives when they become parents. Hedonism is fun when you're single, but few parents want to ground their kids' lives in hedonism and religion becomes a valuable tool in helping to raise children.

Conservatism doesn't not equal homophobic bigot. The only religious group still being haters are the they'll be the last to adapt, but adapt they will.

Homosexuality expresses as a mental illness, society never adapts to mental illness, never incorporates it into the definition of normal. What you're seeing is issue fatigue from most people, like a mother giving into the wishes of her child who is in the midst of a tantrum - "here's the candy, not just shut up will you." The mother doesn't actually believe that giving the candy to her kid is a normal substitute for a balanced meal.

:lol: Right...go with that...gays are just "wearing people down". :lol:

More likely? People are finding it difficult to say to loved ones who have come out "I love you but I don't think you deserve the same rights as I enjoy".

"hey whatever let the faggots marry" are SICK of your bullshit. m a faggot wedding.)

Just like the people used to say 'N*gger' wedding, or Jew wedding, or **** wedding.....

Same words.

Used by the same people- for the same reason.

The animus and discrimination are exactly the same.

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