Hmmmm.........the SUPREME HYPOCRISY continues..........

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
During the past few months, people have been talking about the media and their ways of seemingly turning their backs on their savior puppet Biden, as it would seem that they are attacking him from all angles.

In reality, they had just ran out of lies and name calling tactics for Trump. You can only scream "Trumps fault" and call him names so many times before the public just starts yawning and falling asleep every time they spew it.

But, after Trumps speech last night (11/15/22), it seems the media hypocrisy, slander, deception, and disinformation media machinery is back in full swing!!

Flipping through the online articles this morning, all the media mongrels are back to slandering, harassing, blaming, and constructing frauds and lies against Trump!!

Like the rabid lunatics they truly are, all they needed was another speach from Trump to set of their never ending Travelling Trump Derangement Syndrome, and have them foaming at their mouths again, spewing venom and bile.


During the past few months, people have been talking about the media and their ways of seemingly turning their backs on their savior puppet Biden, as it would seem that they are attacking him from all angles.

In reality, they had just ran out of lies and name calling tactics for Trump. You can only scream "Trumps fault" and call him names so many times before the public just starts yawning and falling asleep every time they spew it.

But, after Trumps speech last night (11/15/22), it seems the media hypocrisy, slander, deception, and disinformation media machinery is back in full swing!!

Flipping through the online articles this morning, all the media mongrels are back to slandering, harassing, blaming, and constructing frauds and lies against Trump!!

Like the rabid lunatics they truly are, all they needed was another speach from Trump to set of their never ending Travelling Trump Derangement Syndrome, and have them foaming at their mouths again, spewing venom and bile.

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If it works, why stop?
Behavior that is rewarded gets repeated.
During the past few months, people have been talking about the media and their ways of seemingly turning their backs on their savior puppet Biden, as it would seem that they are attacking him from all angles.

In reality, they had just ran out of lies and name calling tactics for Trump. You can only scream "Trumps fault" and call him names so many times before the public just starts yawning and falling asleep every time they spew it.

But, after Trumps speech last night (11/15/22), it seems the media hypocrisy, slander, deception, and disinformation media machinery is back in full swing!!

Flipping through the online articles this morning, all the media mongrels are back to slandering, harassing, blaming, and constructing frauds and lies against Trump!!

Like the rabid lunatics they truly are, all they needed was another speach from Trump to set of their never ending Travelling Trump Derangement Syndrome, and have them foaming at their mouths again, spewing venom and bile.

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Because he may likely run in spite of all their phony "arrest for treason" narrative to lower his approval points. So now they're at the next level of desperation. It NEVER stops, yet ALWAYS turns out the same....just like Democrats promising to help liberate blacks to take care of themselves...while actually being the ones to put and KEEP them on welfare. See, after 1865, that was the game you had to play to keep your slaves and nothing has changed. As they perpetually, yet inconsequentially accuse Trump, they themselves are the guilty ones. Dems play the narrative to the near exact opposite of how things really are. It's a dead giveaway, and the more people realize that the less power Dems will have. The less people play the "preferred" role of sheep, the weaker the Democratic party gets. Their whole game is pretending to be the Shepherd that protects the sheep from the Big Bad Wolf. That is 99% all their platform has EVER been since 1865. It is a Big Lie that rivals that of the Nazi Party and actually predates it by quite a few decades. Remember, when. The world began to become suspicious of the Nazis the Nazis actually invited the Red Cross to come unto German soil and see the phony welfare camps which were set up to help the poor Jews. They actually did that. So what do you think the Dems use their media for???
The biggest hypocrisy is Republicans not honoring Ronald Reagan's honesty ... when was the last time an American President looked straight into the cameras and said:

"First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities. As disappointed as I may be in some who served me, I'm still the one who must answer to the American people for this behavior. And as personally distasteful as I find secret bank accounts and diverted funds - well, as the Navy would say, this happened on my watch." ... [Too lazy to edit out hyperlinks]

Here the text of the full speech ... March 1987 Oval Office Speech on Iran/Contra Affair ...

As far as I'm concerned, we've elected liars and cheaters ever since ... that's our fault ... "The power of the Presidency is often thought to reside within this Oval Office. Yet it doesn't rest here; it rests in you, the American people, and in your trust." ... [wipes tears from eyes] ...

We elect crooks then hypocritically complain about being ripped off ...
Because he may likely run in spite of all their phony "arrest for treason" narrative to lower his approval points. So now they're at the next level of desperation. It NEVER stops, yet ALWAYS turns out the same....just like Democrats promising to help liberate blacks to take care of themselves...while actually being the ones to put and KEEP them on welfare. See, after 1865, that was the game you had to play to keep your slaves and nothing has changed. As they perpetually, yet inconsequentially accuse Trump, they themselves are the guilty ones. Dems play the narrative to the near exact opposite of how things really are. It's a dead giveaway, and the more people realize that the less power Dems will have. The less people play the "preferred" role of sheep, the weaker the Democratic party gets. Their whole game is pretending to be the Shepherd that protects the sheep from the Big Bad Wolf. That is 99% all their platform has EVER been since 1865. It is a Big Lie that rivals that of the Nazi Party and actually predates it by quite a few decades. Remember, when. The world began to become suspicious of the Nazis the Nazis actually invited the Red Cross to come unto German soil and see the phony welfare camps which were set up to help the poor Jews. They actually did that. So what do you think the Dems use their media for???
I'm sure Trump has done things in the past that are illegal, but the thing that irks me is, the Left just makes up crap like the Putin conspiracy. They actually got caught making up the whole story. Why? It was never to throw him in jail, just to smear him

Just keep that in mind, there goal is never justice, rather, just political power. There only interest is to assassinate his character 24/7 with a whole vast array of the media to do it free of charge for the DNC.

Make no mistake, the DNC wants Trump to run. They have invested a great deal in TDS.

Really, it is all they have.
The biggest hypocrisy is Republicans not honoring Ronald Reagan's honesty ... when was the last time an American President looked straight into the cameras and said:

"First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities. As disappointed as I may be in some who served me, I'm still the one who must answer to the American people for this behavior. And as personally distasteful as I find secret bank accounts and diverted funds - well, as the Navy would say, this happened on my watch." ... [Too lazy to edit out hyperlinks]

Here the text of the full speech ... March 1987 Oval Office Speech on Iran/Contra Affair ...

As far as I'm concerned, we've elected liars and cheaters ever since ... that's our fault ... "The power of the Presidency is often thought to reside within this Oval Office. Yet it doesn't rest here; it rests in you, the American people, and in your trust." ... [wipes tears from eyes] ...

We elect crooks then hypocritically complain about being ripped off ...
Why did the democrats want to help spread marxist oppression in latin america?
Obama makes Nixon look like a cub scout and he has never apologized.
Biden is the most corrupt president of all time and he is protected by the yellow press.
During the past few months, people have been talking about the media and their ways of seemingly turning their backs on their savior puppet Biden, as it would seem that they are attacking him from all angles.

In reality, they had just ran out of lies and name calling tactics for Trump. You can only scream "Trumps fault" and call him names so many times before the public just starts yawning and falling asleep every time they spew it.

But, after Trumps speech last night (11/15/22), it seems the media hypocrisy, slander, deception, and disinformation media machinery is back in full swing!!

Flipping through the online articles this morning, all the media mongrels are back to slandering, harassing, blaming, and constructing frauds and lies against Trump!!

Like the rabid lunatics they truly are, all they needed was another speach from Trump to set of their never ending Travelling Trump Derangement Syndrome, and have them foaming at their mouths again, spewing venom and bile.

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The media is mean to me!!!

Trump can't win again.
He his negative poll numbers are too high.
Trump will make a spectacle of the GOP primary race.
It's time to let go of Trump.
DeSantis has a good chance to win.
Why did the democrats want to help spread marxist oppression in latin america?
Obama makes Nixon look like a cub scout and he has never apologized.
Biden is the most corrupt president of all time and he is protected by the yellow press.
Actually Biden is a moron-puppet for corrupt people, and never could have won if not being perched on Obama's right hand for 8 years. Obama was a very intelligent smoothe-talking lawyer/salesman, and corrupt as hell. Still a puppet of globalists himself, but an intelligent one who had a price for his services. ALL presidents who endorsed the New World Order by name are corrupt as hell. Every single president since George H.W. Bush has mentioned and endorsed the New World Order except for one: Donald J. Trump. There is recorded proof of that spanning decades.

The Democrats do what they do to small countries because they are paving the way and creating potential bases for western corporate landlords and virtual slave owners. They have a similar interest in China, except the Chinese government is in charge of things on Chinese soil.... So it is by mutual agreement that Western Corporate scumbags and Chinese Communist scumbags shake hands and agree on this mutually beneficial feudal-like system. Under Trump this virtual slavery institution was under direct threat by new policies that Trump wanted to sign into action. So basically what we saw from the Democrats and other globalist supporters was a rebellion very similar to the slave owning classes during the civil War.... Except instead of firing cannons they fling bullshit and mud back and forth on their media platforms. Unfortunately like the real Confederacy of over 100 years ago, American Democrats and their globalist counterparts are actually quite powerful and frequently have the upper hand because of their investments, investors and global networking. The balance of power is different than what we saw during the American civil War but what they are fighting for is very much the same. It is the new slavery. Instead of using whips and chains and lynchings to control people they use financial policy, social legislation, control of education systems, medicine, energy and pharmaceuticals to attain the same end: Global Corporate success. And people of any race could find themselves oppressed by this. Granted some more than others just because of what is easier to do based on how things are....but ultimately they would like to see all people used like that.
It's SUCH a mistake to keep referring to this as socialism. What it is, is globalist corporate capitalists forming a cooperative confederacy and literally buying governments out from under the feet of the people in any country they can get away with it. The most important thing to remember is that once they have control of countries like America they can use countries like that to do this all over the to Ukraine for instance. And now many of those with half a brain can understand why the Russians want that illegally installed surrogate government OUT of there.
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