Ho Ho Ho...HOLY WAR! FBI Bracing for Potential Deadly Holiday


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In the wee hours of July 4, FBI counterterrorism agents in the Boston area scrambled to thwart the last of a string of Islamic State terror plots they feared could be conducted during the patriotic holiday or soon after. Just weeks earlier, an agent and Boston officers had shot and killed an ISIS sympathizer on the same streets, right before he boarded a bus armed with a military-style knife and plans to attack cops and behead a woman. Now, an undercover operative set up a weapons buy on the streets with a young Massachusetts man, the son of a respected cop but now someone who had been radicalized by the Islamic State. Agents believed he was plotting to shoot or blow up students at an out-of-state campus with bombs laced with Styrofoam, which sticks to skin and worsens the burns.

With another round of holidays fast approaching in the shadows of last Friday’s Paris attacks, FBI officials on the front lines of the war on terrorism see a new round of threats rising and worry they don’t have all the tools to cope, according to interviews with The Washington Times.

Officials familiar with the bureau’s preparations, speaking only on condition of anonymity, said Director James Comey has put a brave public face on the bureau’s fight against ISIS that masks significant tensions behind the scenes with the Obama administration.

“They’re basically lying to you saying, ‘oh we’ve got this vetting process to make sure that they’re safe.’ But you had the FBI director testify before Congress, under oath saying that if they have no information on someone they have nothing to vet them against,” Mr. Farenthold said on the “Capitol Hill Show” with Tim Constantine. “We have testimony saying, and I think common sense also dictates that in a failed state like Syria you don’t have any government information, police reports to rely on to vet somebody.

”We have suspects we’ve been tracking that have gone dark, because we can no longer follow their encrypted activities. Physical surveillance can only take us so far and the urgency to solve that gap in the political realm isn’t there.”

The administration has a calming public storyline that we have this all under control and life can go on as normal. But we’re one crack in the sidewalk away from a tragedy, and that crack could be an encrypted message we can’t follow, a lead we couldn’t resource or a refugee who slips in like we saw in Paris.”


link: FBI braces for ISIS holiday terror attacks - Washington Times
All the targets I'd pick aren't what ISIS picks. I do not envy counterterrorism agencies efforts. It's impossible to pick where to put your very limited resources for greater protection when the targets aren't the obvious ones.
Could always stop the foreign meddling and secure our border? Just a thought anyway.
We're not supposed to worry about this stuff, and if you bring it up, you're a hateful fear-monger.
It would be huge symbolically.

Right at the time of year that Americans, well despite liberals, a majority of Americans are celebrating the giving season, a major terrorist attack would completely change the mood of this country and forever taint this time of year.
Could always stop the foreign meddling and secure our border? Just a thought anyway.
Obama doesn't want to close the borders....Obama and liberals can't bring in un-vetted illegals fast enough...
It would be huge symbolically.

Right at the time of year that Americans, well despite liberals, a majority of Americans are celebrating the giving season, a major terrorist attack would completely change the mood of this country and forever taint this time of year.
Nice thought...but I doubt it. Obama has already allowed 3 - 4 terrorist attacks happen on US soil, tried to excuse / justify away a couple, yet nothing has changed. He still can't bring illegals / potential terrorists in fast enough.

People are saying now 'we don't want these threats in the US', and Obama has already quietly been distributing them around the country without notifying local / state agencies. Basically ,despite what the US citizens want, Obama is telling them all

Could always stop the foreign meddling and secure our border? Just a thought anyway.
Obama doesn't want to close the borders....Obama and liberals can't bring in un-vetted illegals fast enough...

Sadly true. If our Government is gonna do all the foreign meddling and constant War, the least it could do is secure our border. We are not safe. The more countries our Government bombs, the less safe we become. And the closer we move to becoming a miserable Police State. I'm shocked so few Americans have figured that out.
Obama isn't just leaving the door open so they can come in on their own (by not securing the border), just like he has done with illegals, he is IMPORTING them and secretly distributing them around the country so no one knows who they are, where they are, and can't track them!

THAT is 'treason'. If any of these Syrians end up perpetrating terrorist attacks, the Liberals will bend over backwards defending Obama , blaming someone - ANYONE - else.
Liberals love this shit giving away OUR money to foreigners so they can strut around like peacocks showing off.
You mean like these children in Mosul. WARNING FOR SECOND IMAGE


Warning!!!!!!!!! Below


Meh... dead Christians.. the disease-minded lefties will say we deserve it.
Meh...shot school children....nothing to see here.

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