Hobby Lobby-funded Jesus Super Bowl ads can't hide the hate that fuels the Christian right

Lol ya have not explained this it is not woke it is in the Bible. Are you a Christian?

I haven’t explained what exactly, you chucklehead.

Jesus taught love and acceptance.

Jesus didn’t advocate for the acceptance of mental illness.

The fact that Jesus wouldn’t denigrate some tranny just because that individual happens to be suffering from a serious mental malady doesn’t mean that He would advocate for gay “rights” or tranny “rights.”

Your inability to grasp the not very subtle nuance of those silly Jesus ads is a you problem.

And my religion (or lack thereof) is none of your business. 👍
To be a Christian you need to live as Christ did, failure to do as such will not make you a Christian.

I haven’t explained what exactly, you chucklehead.

Jesus taught love and acceptance.

Jesus didn’t advocate for the acceptance of mental illness.

The fact that Jesus wouldn’t denigrate some tranny just because that individual happens to be suffering from a serious mental malady doesn’t mean that He would advocate for gay “rights” or tranny “rights.”

Your inability to grasp the not very subtle nuance of those silly Jesus ads is a you problem.

And my religion (or lack thereof) is none of your business. 👍
He would not advocate their mistreatment either.

I haven’t explained what exactly, you chucklehead.

Jesus taught love and acceptance.

Jesus didn’t advocate for the acceptance of mental illness.

The fact that Jesus wouldn’t denigrate some tranny just because that individual happens to be suffering from a serious mental malady doesn’t mean that He would advocate for gay “rights” or tranny “rights.”

Your inability to grasp the not very subtle nuance of those silly Jesus ads is a you problem.

And my religion (or lack thereof) is none of your business. 👍
Lol. So illness is where christ drew the line. You are ilk so you are not saved? So you don't believe christ died for our sins then?
‘Of the many weird, cringeworthy, or confusing ads to run in the Super Bowl on Sunday, one stood out as especially eyeroll-inducing: a foot washing ad from the "He Gets Us" campaign. The commercial flashed a series of images of people washing another person's feet, with most offering an attention-grabbing role reversal of oppressor and oppressed: A cop washing a young Black man's feet, a white woman serving a migrant, and, for the one that made me guffaw the loudest, an anti-abortion protester kneeling before a presumed patient of a family planning clinic. "Jesus didn't teach hate," reads the tagline as an INXS cover plays. "He washed feet."

The funders of the ad were obscure to the audience, leaving open the question: Are the people behind this simply naive? Are they the last remaining liberal Christians, trying to convince Donald Trump-obsessed evangelicals to stop the tidal wave of hate? Or is this ad a bait-and-switch, trying to lure unchurched people in with a phony message of love and acceptance, only to push them into joining up with the MAGA movement?’

The latter, clearly.

The rank hypocrisy of ‘he gets us’ – and of Christianity in general – is illustrated by this bad-faith (pun intended) campaign of dishonesty and lies; Christian dogma may not teach hate, but those on the Christian right certainly practice and promote hate.
Now that the evangelicals have become political extremists who back an extremely unfit and depraved candidate, they are fighting to stay mainstream.
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‘Of the many weird, cringeworthy, or confusing ads to run in the Super Bowl on Sunday, one stood out as especially eyeroll-inducing: a foot washing ad from the "He Gets Us" campaign. The commercial flashed a series of images of people washing another person's feet, with most offering an attention-grabbing role reversal of oppressor and oppressed: A cop washing a young Black man's feet, a white woman serving a migrant, and, for the one that made me guffaw the loudest, an anti-abortion protester kneeling before a presumed patient of a family planning clinic. "Jesus didn't teach hate," reads the tagline as an INXS cover plays. "He washed feet."

The funders of the ad were obscure to the audience, leaving open the question: Are the people behind this simply naive? Are they the last remaining liberal Christians, trying to convince Donald Trump-obsessed evangelicals to stop the tidal wave of hate? Or is this ad a bait-and-switch, trying to lure unchurched people in with a phony message of love and acceptance, only to push them into joining up with the MAGA movement?’

The latter, clearly.

The rank hypocrisy of ‘he gets us’ – and of Christianity in general – is illustrated by this bad-faith (pun intended) campaign of dishonesty and lies; Christian dogma may not teach hate, but those on the Christian right certainly practice and promote hate.
It was an incredibly stupid ad created for stupid people. They do this every year. :rolleyes:

Didn’t say, suggest or imply any such thing. You're rather slow.

Was that supposed to be an intelligible sentence? You failed massively.

What I believe or don’t believe is not your concern.
Lol, it does not fit your narrative of hate so your retarded ass does not wanna discuss. I get it. You fell you are higher than the highest of high. You are above washing feet. Jesus only died for the sins of those who are not ill in your mind. Lol don't be a little bitch. Tell me how washing feet is woke. Evil woke as you say pretty often. The woke are evil and ruining your country. According to you. Yet the highest of high washed feet. You hold yourself above the highest of high and call your self a Christian?
Lol, it does not fit your narrative of hate

lol. I have no narrative of hate. You are merely a liar. That’s rather unChristian of you.
so your retarded ass does not wanna discuss.

I don’t suffer you lying shits gladly.
I get it. You fell you are higher than the highest of high
You don’t get shit. Did you mean “feel?” You asshole.
You are above washing feet.
Nope. I’m not talking about the washing of feet. I’m talking about woke messaging, you dipshit.

The balance of your board is babbling bullshit from a fake Christian.

Go forth, and sin no more, you asshole. 👍
lol. I have no narrative of hate. You are merely a liar. That’s rather unChristian of you.

I don’t suffer you lying shits gladly.

You don’t get shit. Did you mean “feel?” You asshole.

Nope. I’m not talking about the washing of feet. I’m talking about woke messaging, you dipshit.

The balance of your board is babbling bullshit from a fake Christian.

Go forth, and sin no more, you asshole. 👍
Lol, more retard stories please they are entertaining. What is woke about washing feet? Jesus washed feet. Explain how this is woke retard. Did Jesus not wash feet? Where is my lie?
Lol, more retard stories please they are entertaining. What is woke about washing feet? Jesus washed feet. Explain how this is woke retard. Did Jesus not wash feet? Where is my lie?
Evenflow was a brand name for a baby formula bottle’s nipple.

Just sayin’

You’re too retarded to grasp the inherent and ploddingly obvious woke symbolism in those Jesus ads.

Washing feet is all well and good, you odious asshole. But that was never the point of the woke shit inserted into the ads.

Why are you so unChristian? Do you secretly worship Baal?
Evenflow was a brand name for a baby formula bottle’s nipple.

Just sayin’

You’re too retarded to grasp the inherent and ploddingly obvious woke symbolism in those Jesus ads.

Washing feet is all well and good, you odious asshole. But that was never the point of the woke shit inserted into the ads.

Why are you so unChristian? Do you secretly worship Baal?
Lol, ya still have not explained how washing feet is woke. Because you can not. So Christ is woke in your eyes? People acting as Jesus did is woke?
Lol, ya still have not explained how washing feet is woke

Because I never said it was, you fucking unChristian lying retard. 🤣
Because you can not.
Nor did I ever say so. You retard.
So Christ is woke in your eyes?
Also nothing I ever said.
People acting as Jesus did is woke?
You persist in missing the point. You fucking dishonest retard.

Why are you so unChristian?
‘Of the many weird, cringeworthy, or confusing ads to run in the Super Bowl on Sunday, one stood out as especially eyeroll-inducing: a foot washing ad from the "He Gets Us" campaign. The commercial flashed a series of images of people washing another person's feet, with most offering an attention-grabbing role reversal of oppressor and oppressed: A cop washing a young Black man's feet, a white woman serving a migrant, and, for the one that made me guffaw the loudest, an anti-abortion protester kneeling before a presumed patient of a family planning clinic. "Jesus didn't teach hate," reads the tagline as an INXS cover plays. "He washed feet."

The funders of the ad were obscure to the audience, leaving open the question: Are the people behind this simply naive? Are they the last remaining liberal Christians, trying to convince Donald Trump-obsessed evangelicals to stop the tidal wave of hate? Or is this ad a bait-and-switch, trying to lure unchurched people in with a phony message of love and acceptance, only to push them into joining up with the MAGA movement?’

The latter, clearly.

The rank hypocrisy of ‘he gets us’ – and of Christianity in general – is illustrated by this bad-faith (pun intended) campaign of dishonesty and lies; Christian dogma may not teach hate, but those on the Christian right certainly practice and promote hate.
The WTF post of the day.....Your post is bad and you should feel bad OP.....And I'm a agnostic!

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