Hofstra University Frat suspended after video shows puppy being forced to drink beer

College kids do stupid stuff. We used to put a cat n a paper bag, and blow pot smoke in it. Nothing funnier than a buzzed cat chasing a wind up mouse. We should have had our asses kicked too.
College kids do stupid stuff. We used to put a cat n a paper bag, and blow pot smoke in it. Nothing funnier than a buzzed cat chasing a wind up mouse. We should have had our asses kicked too.
If you’re over 21 and still think that’s cute, there’s a special place in hell for you.
College kids do stupid stuff. We used to put a cat n a paper bag, and blow pot smoke in it. Nothing funnier than a buzzed cat chasing a wind up mouse. We should have had our asses kicked too.
If you’re over 21 and still think that’s cute, there’s a special place in hell for you.

You did catch the part where I said it was when I was in college, didn't you?
College kids do stupid stuff. We used to put a cat n a paper bag, and blow pot smoke in it. Nothing funnier than a buzzed cat chasing a wind up mouse. We should have had our asses kicked too.
If you’re over 21 and still think that’s cute, there’s a special place in hell for you.

You did catch the part where I said it was when I was in college, didn't you?
Yes. But you still think it’s amusing.
College kids do stupid stuff. We used to put a cat n a paper bag, and blow pot smoke in it. Nothing funnier than a buzzed cat chasing a wind up mouse. We should have had our asses kicked too.
If you’re over 21 and still think that’s cute, there’s a special place in hell for you.

You did catch the part where I said it was when I was in college, didn't you?
Yes. But you still think it’s amusing.

Yes, it was amusing. Lots of dumb stuff is amusing. That doesn't mean I think it should be done.

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