Hold on: Wait a cotton picken second - Obama that weak on national security?

Why not just invade and occupy Cuba and be done with it?

Nows the perfect time too. Lefties won't care because their guy did it and righties are all warmongers who are hell bent on the destruction of the world.
Obama secretly promises Putin that he'll take our missiles out of Poland (a move he never explained to the American people even after it was caught, unless you're a nitwit that accepts 'it's complicated' as an answer); and now to reward that alleged act of goodwill, Putin is looking at making a naval base in Cuba 90 miles from our border?

Well, I guess Billy didn't call him "the amateur" for nothing.

Russia wants naval bases abroad: report - Yahoo! News

Why do we need missiles in Poland?

Obama cancelled the ABM shit because the science doesn't work. It's another example of a lot of contractors sucking a lot of money out of the government, which if you were conservative, you'd be against.

A strong and stable Russia is in our interest, as they are better situated to act in that region where all the crazy is going on than we are.

LOL, liberalism is a mental disease! Russia has been on the opposite side of US on every military activity since WW II and even in WW II they would have been our enemy if Hitler didn't turn on Russia!

The Russian Bear is not a friend of American Freedom!
It doesn't work, eh?

So your expertise working in a factory gives you this knowledge.

FYI...I worked the plan for Missile Defense of Europe, I know it better than an idiot like you.

Oh, the missiles you claim don't work did shoot down a classified US satellite a couple years ago when we feared it would re-enter with its poisonous gas onboard....but of course you know we can't shoot down missiles with the system.:eusa_whistle:

Obama secretly promises Putin that he'll take our missiles out of Poland (a move he never explained to the American people even after it was caught, unless you're a nitwit that accepts 'it's complicated' as an answer); and now to reward that alleged act of goodwill, Putin is looking at making a naval base in Cuba 90 miles from our border?

Well, I guess Billy didn't call him "the amateur" for nothing.

Russia wants naval bases abroad: report - Yahoo! News

Why do we need missiles in Poland?

Obama cancelled the ABM shit because the science doesn't work. It's another example of a lot of contractors sucking a lot of money out of the government, which if you were conservative, you'd be against.

A strong and stable Russia is in our interest, as they are better situated to act in that region where all the crazy is going on than we are.
Ok dumbfuck, tell us how you think the ABM system works or how we try to shoot down a missile with it....since you know it doesn't work.:eusa_whistle:

Given my experience with it, I love running into idiots like you. Is it Star Wars?

Please expand on how ABM missiles preclude a strong and stable Russia, and how a naval base in Cuba will help them control the crazies in Eurasia?

Well, let's start with the ABM thing.

The problem with ABM is that IT DOESN'T WORK. IT NEVER WILL WORK. It's really trying to hit a bullet with a bullet.

It's as reliable as a leaky condom, it gives you a false sense of security while being screwed.

But if we deploy one, Russia instead of building infrastructure, will just pour more resources into military things to counter. We spend money on a ABM, they'll buy three dummy missiles to confuse it.

Same thing with a base in Cuba. It underscores Russia's place as a world power. It says, "We look out for our friends." It means Uzbekistand and Tajikistan realize that if they will back Castro, they'll back them.

That's why I kind of think this crap in Syria is kind of stupid. Bashir is a stabalizing force. I wouldn't want to live there, but what's going to follow him will be worse.
One has to wonder why Russia thinks they have the right to tell Europeans and the USA that we don't have the right to put up a missile defense shield in Europe when they have one for Moscow going back a couple decades.

It's like some felon neighbor telling you that the neighborhood can't put locks on their doors and fences in their yards to keep him out......
Please expand on how ABM missiles preclude a strong and stable Russia, and how a naval base in Cuba will help them control the crazies in Eurasia?

Well, let's start with the ABM thing.

The problem with ABM is that IT DOESN'T WORK. IT NEVER WILL WORK. It's really trying to hit a bullet with a bullet.

It's as reliable as a leaky condom, it gives you a false sense of security while being screwed.

But if we deploy one, Russia instead of building infrastructure, will just pour more resources into military things to counter. We spend money on a ABM, they'll buy three dummy missiles to confuse it.

Same thing with a base in Cuba. It underscores Russia's place as a world power. It says, "We look out for our friends." It means Uzbekistand and Tajikistan realize that if they will back Castro, they'll back them.

That's why I kind of think this crap in Syria is kind of stupid. Bashir is a stabalizing force. I wouldn't want to live there, but what's going to follow him will be worse.

Posts like this is why there needs to be a bitch slap function (to contrast the thanks function). You're such a fucking worthless know it all joeb. Israel is already shooting down missiles with their dome defense. And we know technology is constantly improving in that direction.
Obama secretly promises Putin that he'll take our missiles out of Poland (a move he never explained to the American people even after it was caught, unless you're a nitwit that accepts 'it's complicated' as an answer); and now to reward that alleged act of goodwill, Putin is looking at making a naval base in Cuba 90 miles from our border?

Well, I guess Billy didn't call him "the amateur" for nothing.

Russia wants naval bases abroad: report - Yahoo! News

I didn't see anything about Obama giving Putin permission. Dumb ass.

Yea b/c that's exactly what I meant. Do you not get the concept of diplomatic negotiations? That's okay, neither does "the amateur."

And what pray tell has been negotiated?
Obama secretly promises Putin that he'll take our missiles out of Poland (a move he never explained to the American people even after it was caught, unless you're a nitwit that accepts 'it's complicated' as an answer); and now to reward that alleged act of goodwill, Putin is looking at making a naval base in Cuba 90 miles from our border?

Well, I guess Billy didn't call him "the amateur" for nothing.

Russia wants naval bases abroad: report - Yahoo! News

Jack Kennedy is rolling over in his grave.

How so? He removed missiles from Turkey in return for getting missiles out of Cuba.
A strong Russia is in our interest? They're in KGB mode dude. They're probably the biggest human rights violators in the industrialized world.

When did we start caring about that? Human rights are only things we pretend to care about when people we don't like abuse them.

If you accept that the biggest threat to America today is Jihadism (I personally don't, but let's play pretend and say it is) then a strong, anti-Islamic Russian Federation really does help hem them in to the north, doesn't it. And a strong Russia that can intervene in all the places that end in "-stan" is in our best interest.

Of course, the real threats to America are corporatism and globalism... but don't let that stop you guys, you all think that's really kewl.

Oh, your theory about Russia is ridiculous. Russia's interests are not ours. That they would be strong doesn't mean they'll do jack shit for us against terrorism. It will work against us because it is in their interests to limit our involvement in the stans, which will limit our ability to deal with Islamists.

You bet. Russia wants to be a big dog again. Their interests are not ours.

Russia can be counted on to try to block anything pertaining to Iran. They have done so in the past and will continue to do so. They do business with Iran and could care less about Irans status on any subject.

The only terrorism they will respond to is what happens within their own borders.

Anyone who thinks they give a shit about terrorism outside Russia ain't thinking to clearly. +

Believe me. They could give shit one.
Obama secretly promises Putin that he'll take our missiles out of Poland (a move he never explained to the American people even after it was caught, unless you're a nitwit that accepts 'it's complicated' as an answer); and now to reward that alleged act of goodwill, Putin is looking at making a naval base in Cuba 90 miles from our border?

Well, I guess Billy didn't call him "the amateur" for nothing.

Russia wants naval bases abroad: report - Yahoo! News

Why do we need missiles in Poland?

Obama cancelled the ABM shit because the science doesn't work. It's another example of a lot of contractors sucking a lot of money out of the government, which if you were conservative, you'd be against.

A strong and stable Russia is in our interest, as they are better situated to act in that region where all the crazy is going on than we are.

A stable Russia is in our interests but a strong one is not. Russia was a global rival which wants to be again. If it can't, it definitely wants to be a regional one, and is using energy to influence it's neighbors.

On the other side of the planet where we shouldn't be screwing around, anyway.

A strong russia IS in our best interest. Come on, guy, their isn't a commie under your bed anymore trying to give Granny her money back.
Why do we need missiles in Poland?

Obama cancelled the ABM shit because the science doesn't work. It's another example of a lot of contractors sucking a lot of money out of the government, which if you were conservative, you'd be against.

A strong and stable Russia is in our interest, as they are better situated to act in that region where all the crazy is going on than we are.

A stable Russia is in our interests but a strong one is not. Russia was a global rival which wants to be again. If it can't, it definitely wants to be a regional one, and is using energy to influence it's neighbors.

On the other side of the planet where we shouldn't be screwing around, anyway.

A strong russia IS in our best interest. Come on, guy, their isn't a commie under your bed anymore trying to give Granny her money back.

Why would a strong Russia be in our interest? It is a geopolitical rival for resources, wealth and allies. If Russia were Britain or France you'd have a point, but Russia is not a Western country. They don't share our culture, history nor ideals. We want Russia to be stable, and its in our interest for Russia to be reasonably wealthy and integrated into the global economic system, but a Russia that has the power to stop it's neighbors helping the US in our military campaigns is absolutely not in our interests.
I'm still wrapping my mine around the reasons why we shouldn't be in Poland and why Russia should be in Cuba? :confused:
I'm still wrapping my mine around the reasons why we shouldn't be in Poland and why Russia should be in Cuba? :confused:

Who says we're not in Poland? You're conflating two different things. I'm confused that you think we're being kicked out of Poland. We could be in Cuba, too. Just stop the embargo and normalize relations. We've done it with Viet Nam and we really fought a war over there.
I'm still wrapping my mine around the reasons why we shouldn't be in Poland and why Russia should be in Cuba? :confused:

Who says we're not in Poland? You're conflating two different things. I'm confused that you think we're being kicked out of Poland. We could be in Cuba, too. Just stop the embargo and normalize relations. We've done it with Viet Nam and we really fought a war over there.

I love how you gloss over glaring details. Are you that dense or just purposely truculent?
I'm still wrapping my mine around the reasons why we shouldn't be in Poland and why Russia should be in Cuba? :confused:

Who says we're not in Poland? You're conflating two different things. I'm confused that you think we're being kicked out of Poland. We could be in Cuba, too. Just stop the embargo and normalize relations. We've done it with Viet Nam and we really fought a war over there.

I love how you gloss over glaring details. Are you that dense or just purposely truculent?

Glaring details? What would those be? Is Putin putting missiles in Cuba?
Obama has a drone with Putin's name on it.

If ONLY we could get the Russians to believe it! I"ve often thought of the effect of a founded or unfounded leak that obama intends to take out the head of Russia like he was just another American citizen.
I'm still wrapping my mine around the reasons why we shouldn't be in Poland and why Russia should be in Cuba? :confused:

Who says we're not in Poland? You're conflating two different things. I'm confused that you think we're being kicked out of Poland. We could be in Cuba, too. Just stop the embargo and normalize relations. We've done it with Viet Nam and we really fought a war over there.

As long as you are parsing, the Viet Nam conflict wasn't a war but was "police action". :eusa_eh:

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