HOLD YOUR NOSE: Hispanic population tops 50 million in U.S.


Feb 20, 2011
The U.S. Census Bureau reports the Hispanic population has surpassed 50 million and accounted for more than half of the 27.3-million population increase in the last decade

The Hispanic population in the United States grew by 43% in the last decade, surpassing 50 million and accounting for about 1 out of 6 Americans, the Census Bureau reported Thursday.​

Analysts seized on data showing that the growth was propelled by a surge in births in the U.S., rather than immigration, pointing to a growing generational shift in which Hispanics continue to gain political clout and, by 2050, could make up a third of the U.S. population.​

"In the adult population, many immigrants helped the increase, but the child population is increasingly more Hispanic," said D'Vera Cohn, a senior writer at the Pew Research Center.​


the term Hispanic refers to people who trace the origin of their parents or ancestors to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spanish-speaking Central and South America countries and other Spanish cultures.

But why do people from Spain want no association to the people from Latin America?

Does that mean Brazilians are spared the indignity of being linked with the world's biggest deadbeats and hypocrites?​

Love that Bossa Nova!​
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What is the reference to holding my nose all about? Closing thing I can figure is the white guy laying back eating burgers raising his cholesterol and doing nothing but spending the fortune he inherited, smells better at 5:00PM than the Mexican fella making the United States better by working hard re-roofing slacker's home?

I want more Mexicans around me! Folks who tried hard to get here and are willing to work. By all means, make them citizens so they have AMERICAN children and fund my social security. Thanks for the good news.
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Go back 100 years and substitute Irish for Hispanic and it was the same hysteria.
What is the reference to holding my nose all about? Closing thing I can figure is the white guy laying back eating burgers raising his cholesterol and doing nothing but spending the fortune he inherited, smells better at 5:00PM than the Mexican fella making the United States better by working hard re-roofing slacker's home?

I want more Mexicans around me! Folks who tried hard to get here and are willing to work. By all means, make them citizens so they have AMERICAN children and fund my social security. Thanks for the good news.

I wanna see you get Latino gangbangers to mow your lawn and roof your house.:lol:
What is the reference to holding my nose all about? Closing thing I can figure is the white guy laying back eating burgers raising his cholesterol and doing nothing but spending the fortune he inherited, smells better at 5:00PM than the Mexican fella making the United States better by working hard re-roofing slacker's home?

I want more Mexicans around me! Folks who tried hard to get here and are willing to work. By all means, make them citizens so they have AMERICAN children and fund my social security. Thanks for the good news.

I wanna see you get Latino gangbangers to mow your lawn and roof your house.:lol:

That's right.

Because of those 50 million Latinos, at least half are gangbangers.

Outstanding. :thup:
What is the reference to holding my nose all about? Closing thing I can figure is the white guy laying back eating burgers raising his cholesterol and doing nothing but spending the fortune he inherited, smells better at 5:00PM than the Mexican fella making the United States better by working hard re-roofing slacker's home?

I want more Mexicans around me! Folks who tried hard to get here and are willing to work. By all means, make them citizens so they have AMERICAN children and fund my social security. Thanks for the good news.

I wanna see you get Latino gangbangers to mow your lawn and roof your house.:lol:

That's right.

Because of those 50 million Latinos, at least half are gangbangers.

Outstanding. :thup:

Depends on how many mommasita will squat and drop on the US side. There might be more. And look at all of those that sneak in.

ILW.COM - immigration news: Taking Back The Streets: ICE And Local Law Enforcement Target Immigrant Gangs
What is the reference to holding my nose all about? Closing thing I can figure is the white guy laying back eating burgers raising his cholesterol and doing nothing but spending the fortune he inherited, smells better at 5:00PM than the Mexican fella making the United States better by working hard re-roofing slacker's home?

I want more Mexicans around me! Folks who tried hard to get here and are willing to work. By all means, make them citizens so they have AMERICAN children and fund my social security. Thanks for the good news.

I wanna see you get Latino gangbangers to mow your lawn and roof your house.:lol:

If you are serious:
This has all happened before. My Italian ancestors came over, lived in largely Italian ghettos and barely spoke English. They formed gangs so legendary we are still making movies about them.

Now they are assimilated. Our black brothers would likely be assimilated by now if not for racism seperating them from "our" society. Lets not do that to our new hispanic blood.

Were you serious?
What is the reference to holding my nose all about? Closing thing I can figure is the white guy laying back eating burgers raising his cholesterol and doing nothing but spending the fortune he inherited, smells better at 5:00PM than the Mexican fella making the United States better by working hard re-roofing slacker's home?

I want more Mexicans around me! Folks who tried hard to get here and are willing to work. By all means, make them citizens so they have AMERICAN children and fund my social security. Thanks for the good news.

I wanna see you get Latino gangbangers to mow your lawn and roof your house.:lol:

If you are serious:
This has all happened before. My Italian ancestors came over, lived in largely Italian ghettos and barely spoke English. They formed gangs so legendary we are still making movies about them.

Now they are assimilated. Our black brothers would likely be assimilated by now if not for racism seperating them from "our" society. Lets not do that to our new hispanic blood.

Were you serious?

I'm not doing a thing. Did Italians FORCE everyone to listen to their drivel about how this land belonged to Columbus, an Italian first and Americans are the aliens?
But that is LA RAZA. The hispanic eqivalent to the Third Reich. If you side with the Latinos and think they are just another immigrant group trying to be Americans, you're crazy. Why are they forcing Spanish on everyone? No other immigrant group ever tried that one.

And about those Italians, what about New York Police Lieutenant Joe Petrosino who said it was up to Italians to clean up their act before Americans would accept them? Are Latinos different?
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Go back 100 years and substitute Irish for Hispanic and it was the same hysteria.

Somewhat, however, the Irish spoke the language, not thought the American Southwest is rightfully part of Ireland, they assimulated and they are not our next door neighbor seeking to be the majority. They are seeking to change our country or culture, they adopted our country and culture.

There is a danger in demonizing Latino, esp Mexicans, but there is also a danger in giving them too much credit and not taking stemming illegal immigration seriously!
The U.S. Census Bureau reports the Hispanic population has surpassed 50 million and accounted for more than half of the 27.3-million population increase in the last decade

The Hispanic population in the United States grew by 43% in the last decade, surpassing 50 million and accounting for about 1 out of 6 Americans, the Census Bureau reported Thursday.​

Analysts seized on data showing that the growth was propelled by a surge in births in the U.S., rather than immigration, pointing to a growing generational shift in which Hispanics continue to gain political clout and, by 2050, could make up a third of the U.S. population.​

"In the adult population, many immigrants helped the increase, but the child population is increasingly more Hispanic," said D'Vera Cohn, a senior writer at the Pew Research Center.​


the term Hispanic refers to people who trace the origin of their parents or ancestors to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spanish-speaking Central and South America countries and other Spanish cultures.

But why do people from Spain want no association to the people from Latin America?

Does that mean Brazilians are spared the indignity of being linked with the world's biggest deadbeats and hypocrites?​

Love that Bossa Nova!​

Many of these stormfront racists on this forum don't realize that the real threat in America to the White race is the growing Hispanic population. The Hispanic community is growing larger and larger at the end of each and every decade for the past 30 years now!
But all I see on this forum is "Blacks this ,and Blacks that".
Focus on the real threat to you mighty whitey racists, they are called Hispanics!!.
Many have AK 47's locked and loaded for ya White master race ass.!!
HaHa Ha Haaa!!:razz:

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