Holding a campaign rally after only 7 months in office shows.......

.......well, shows a very high degree of insecurities, megalomania and child-like behavior.

Fully realizing that for Trump "campaigning" is a hell of a lot better than "governing", his followers SHOULD begin to realize that this charlatan is in it for his own ego and using a campaign platform to draw his acolytes together, simply means that he needs to be applauded and feel relevant.

Trump Phoenix rally was just a venue to blame virtually anyone and everyone who has figured out that indeed, "the emperor is stark naked."

(which is a pretty disgusting mental image, I may add.)
How long did it take Obama to hold a campaign rally after he was elected?
He's turned you libtardos into a basket cases, why not keep at it? He does it just to trigger you. Works every time.

Stupid retort (but expected from a nitwit).......I am having a GREAT time bashing the orange clown since he gives me plenty of reason to ridicule him on a daily basis.

Pretty much this, I have said it before I want Bone Spurs made emperor for life. MFer is comedy central every freaking day!
Trump NEEDS campaign rallies like a crack head needs his daily share of abuse.
.......well, shows a very high degree of insecurities, megalomania and child-like behavior.

Fully realizing that for Trump "campaigning" is a hell of a lot better than "governing", his followers SHOULD begin to realize that this charlatan is in it for his own ego and using a campaign platform to draw his acolytes together, simply means that he needs to be applauded and feel relevant.

Trump Phoenix rally was just a venue to blame virtually anyone and everyone who has figured out that indeed, "the emperor is stark naked."

(which is a pretty disgusting mental image, I might add.)

Our president has narcissistic personality disorder.
This is a complex post?

Trump NEEDS campaign rallies like a crack head needs his daily share of abuse.

NO, you're correct....that is not a complex post and its fucking amazing that you can't understand even the simple ones........LOL

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