Hollywood Experiencing It's Worst Box Office Attendance in 25 Years

For me, there is nothing like going to the movies with the kid and having that big bucket of popcorn, a huge box of candy and a huge cup of Lemonade. It's a special Saturday treat for us. Been doing it since she was four and she is eight years old now. Probably only have a few years left, but as long as they are making cartoon movies we will keep the tradition and memory builder up.

I like the movies too, but I stay away from the empty calories. The stuff at movies is probably the worst stuff you can eat, and price is astronomical
Sometimes we skip the movie snacks and just get sugar free lemonade. Instead of the snacks, we go to the frozen yogurt bar down the street from the movie theater after the movie. It's like a yogurt buffet of flavors and toppings and you pay by the weight of your selections. Kind of depends on how many flavors and scoops you choose. I let the kid decide. Depends on her mood or maybe a suggestion from mom. I cheat and get the popcorn for her anyhow. It is our "secret" but she can't keep a secret from mom.
Movies are force feeding political correctness and so is television. Stick in the black hero and the gay love scene. Make people like it.

Failure is the option.

Notice how just about every TV show has gay men in them. One would think gays are everywhere.
It's because of the Russians, or Confederate statues. Or Trump. Pick one, or add your own.
Remember the days of renting the VCR along with the movies? I can remember buying my first VCR - about $200 and about as heavy as a washing machine. We had that thing for years - until the guy said he could no longer get parts. Everything is throw-away now, fill up the landfills and oceans with more plastic.

For a lot of reasons, I hate theaters. I would much rather sit in my easy chair with a cat on my lap, turning it on and off as I wish.

I can't count the number of times I've thought or said "glad we didn't pay $15 each for that". Even movies that are touted as being the best thing since buttered popcorn are usually a disappointment.

More times than not, at least in my opinion, the bigger the hype, the worse the movie.

Yes. And I often think the trailer is the best part.
Movies are force feeding political correctness and so is television. Stick in the black hero and the gay love scene. Make people like it.

Failure is the option.

Notice how just about every TV show has gay men in them. One would think gays are everywhere.

That's a good thing. Same with mixed couples, handicapped and so on. We've excluded people for far too long.
it doesn't help you have rejects who claim everything is racist. or the PC isn't good enough.
Movies are force feeding political correctness and so is television. Stick in the black hero and the gay love scene. Make people like it.

Failure is the option.

Notice how just about every TV show has gay men in them. One would think gays are everywhere.

That's a good thing. Same with mixed couples, handicapped and so on. We've excluded people for far too long.
I don't know about you, but I do not wish to see men doing men in every TV show I watch. I'd prefer not to see it at all.
Most movies are crap. The celebrities are too busy preaching their ideological views. The theaters charge too much. Some a-hole never shuts up.
And even with an empty theater some 6 foot goon inevitably sits directly in front of you.
I second this.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I haven't been to a theater since December 30, 2012. Parental Guidance was the movie I saw. It was pretty good.
Movies are force feeding political correctness and so is television. Stick in the black hero and the gay love scene. Make people like it.

Failure is the option.

Notice how just about every TV show has gay men in them. One would think gays are everywhere.

That's a good thing. Same with mixed couples, handicapped and so on. We've excluded people for far too long.

You might think it's a good thing. In reality, this is failure. Remake Ghostbusters with all women. Bomb. Reboot the exceedingly popular 24 with a black guy. Bomb. It was pulled midseason. The politically incorrect all white guy Dunkirk, was the biggest hit of the year.

The entertainment industry has made a conscious decision to fail. And they will.

Instead of accepting the recycled entertainment with a gay or racial bent, people are just watching old shows in syndication.
Movies are force feeding political correctness and so is television. Stick in the black hero and the gay love scene. Make people like it.

Failure is the option.

Notice how just about every TV show has gay men in them. One would think gays are everywhere.

That's a good thing. Same with mixed couples, handicapped and so on. We've excluded people for far too long.
Please don't be stupid. I don't mind gays on TV or movies, just not every one. Clearly I stated this in my post, which you dishonestly chose to distort.
I make a conscious decision. I don't watch gay shows or black shows. They have nothing to say that I want to hear. Fortunately, I spent so many years in school or working nights that there are dozens of shows I've never seen. Then there are the shows from BBC, Doc Martin is a favorite.

If the entertainment industry wants to make money they will have to stop forced integration. Leave the niches to themselves.

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