Hollywood Hogan's/Kevin Nash's NWO Sidekick Scott Hall on life support after suffering 3 heart attacks

Scott Hall, wrestling as Starship Coyote in the NWA back in 1984. Scott wrestled in a tag team known as American Starship with his partner, Starship Eagle(Dan Spivey)...Dusty Rhodes thought they would be a great modern day babyface tag team, didn't work out


"More handsome than ten movie stars

Been listening to a lot of retrospectives for Hall, and I’m glad that DDP helped him get things in his life sorted so that he continued on another decade. His life was full of ups and downs but seeing all the stories about what he meant to others and things he did when the cameras weren’t there really help showcase the positive influence he had."


During the early 1990's I believe the Intercontinental Belt had several top shelf wrestlers competing with The Honkytonk Man, Ricky Steamboat, Macho Man, Shawn Michaels, Razor..all off and on. It was competitive and the matches good.
"Talked with Kev on the phone for 5 hours last night. It was so crazy how fast the time flew as we reminisced. What only seemed like every few minutes, Kev would look at the time & tell me another hour had passed,in what seemed like the blink of an eye" - X- Pac

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